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[✗] Hurthflur Vaskr [Magic]


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Dokument link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ODe_qbDtu3SAuAeQDpVhR3JYBov6P1hhO07tS4eEHfg/edit?usp=sharing

Yo, you better bare with me because we are in here for a longer time. I kid you not...


Hurthflur Vaskr
(Tattoo God)


Origin idea:



Gorundyr and their faith are fading. They begin to perish, as canonism takes over more and more each day, and that is just how the world goes. Not everything can last forever, not everything can withstand trial of time. And with last remaining representatives trying to find any remarks on their lost kin, many new things were found, passed from mouth to mouth, or forever chiseled in weapons, stones, any remaining things left of their culture.


“Lost Knowledge”

Even in main stories, diaries, in any mentions of Gorundyr kin this one thing doesn’t come up. It seems as if it never existed, or was not talked about during prime of this harsh culture. As if it was so hidden away form world, that even most curious and shrewd people would not find out about it. It was attributed mostly to the fact, that Hurthflur itself was meant to be used only as last line of defense, usually at deathbed. And Hurthflur Vaskr were sworn to never let this knowledge out into wide world, as seers would implement in their ritual tattoos runes that would cause unbearable pain if they even tried to let anyone know about those secrets.

Yet amongst all the seers, one left behind a tribute to this knowledge. He wrote down everything he knew about it, everything that connected him with it, everything that could be used in future, if Hurthflur Vaskr were to perish. “Sons of Gorundyr”.


“War amongst clans grew stronger, as none found compassion to each other. They did not care for good of all, they cared only for their own power. And so, bloodshed continued, taking more and more lives of Gorundyrs children. And gods watched, some in terror, some in awe, as brave warriors quenched blades in each others blood, just to be lifted to Halvagen. Yet anger grew in some of divine beings. They saw demise of faith coming, and did not agree for this reckless onslaught to continue.

Beira was the first to do something. She went to Oknar, and spoke with him openly about her worries. Den Mother didn’t want to see her children waste gift of life so easily, as great realm of Gorundyr kin was falling. Her request was simple. ‘Offer me a way to help them. Find something, anything, that will allows me to stop this senseless war.’ And so he did. He grabbed heart of stone dragon, and squeezed it till all blood poured into a wooden bowl. ‘Infuse it with your powers Beira. Let bit of your strength into it, and anyone who will touch Fafnirs blood will be granted with your gift’. Thankful to him, she was to wander off, to find a worthy champion, but instead Oknar stopped her for a while longer. ‘I grow tired of death as well. I can not create life, but I can at least save it now. I will join you and grant mortals my gift as well.’


But it was not enough. Dragon blood was too dangerous. Too reckless. If wrong person was to touch it, to drink it, to gain all that power, bloodshed would not end, instead turning into demise of all Gorundyr men. And so Beira with Oknar wandered amongst godly realms to find answer. And so they found Andarta, goddess of forests.

‘This war has killed so many of my children. Forests are burning, animals are slaughtered far and wide. I can not stand idle as it happens. I’ll help you Beira and Oknar.’ And so she took pine tree needle. She walked over to Aife, the spirit of oak. Whispered into her children ear, and so squirrel ran off to Tra’Viik’Jar, the spirit tree. Gone for five nights, and five days, she returned with a single leaf, yet not any normal leaf. One that was gifted by the spirit tree itself, holding deep connection between itself and the leaf.
With that gift, Andarta took pine needle, quenched it in Fafnirs blood and begin to tattoo runes onto the leaf. Once it was done, Tra’Viik’Jar acknowledged dragon blood, and began filling it with its power.
‘No longer has the chosen one just touch the blood to gain your powers brother, sister. They have to bring the blood into their own bodies, form bond with spirit tree, and even then, it’ll take long before Tra’Viik’Jar will deem them worthy. Only then will your power be granted onto them.’ And so with those words, Andarta passed the leaf to Beira, and needle to Oknar. Yet she was not one to stand back as well. Instead, she agreed to join them, and offer her power to champion of her own.

But they all knew, that if anyone will be able to take blood into their body, it’ll still bring risk of wrong choosing. And so, they wandered further, feeling so close to find success, but yet so far from it. And so… they came by Maratsu, imprisoned deep beneath the spirit tree.

Andarta did not trust him, nor did Oknar, but all knew that he is wise, even if deeply corrupted. And so, they decided to speak with him.
‘Brother. I will never forgive for your deeds, nor will I ever let you escape this chain, but we need your help. Even you do not wish for Gorundyr kin to perish, so please, aid us to save them from their own stupidity.’ So spoke Beira. And Maratsu did not respond, but his hand extended. Den Mother hesitantly placed the leaf in his hand, as she was fully aware he’ll not be able to corrupt the Spirit Tree. His dead gaze focused on runes, and soon he brought it closer to himself, whispering in unknown language. Once he was done, he passed it back to Beira, tilting his head.
‘Only those who gave their sight for us will have power to bring gifts upon your champions. Only those who devoted their entire life for us will know how to perform the deed. None other in this world, none other in this realm. And if champion will turn away from us, leave us, forget about us, he’ll face wrath and pain.’ So spoke Maratsu. Despite doubts from Andarta, they all agreed that it was for the best. ‘But… I want to have champion of my own. One whom I can gift my power onto.’ They heard, just as they turned away to seek champions. And this time Andarta spoke out. ‘Your request will be granted. But one to be your champion will have to be able to withstand and resist your corruption. If not, Tra’Viik’Jar will take away his gift and ruin his body.’ And despite this condition, Maratsu was content, letting out only a chuckle as they left him in his eternal prison.


Soon after first champion came to be. Gift from gods took time to be used, but his devotion brought great yields, as more of brethren clans joined under his banner and began dropping their quarrels for better good.

Ten years after all Gorundyr clans were merged into single realm where four champions stood on guard of it. They protected their kin, as well, as ensured that one to rule was able to maintain clan joined. And if any of champions was to turn wicked, gods wrath upon his was unimaginable. And so, that is how Hurthflur Vaskr came to be. They turned the fate of dying kin, and from that day seers were to chose champions and their heirs to keep our culture united.

Ullraf the Wicked”



Power Source:



Deity based magic. Power of four gods being passed onto gift on Marked One back.

Gorundyr group as other deities, not Aenglus nor Daemons. (If needed be, I can prepare their deity sheet)

Requires faith of Gorundyr, or brethren norse-alike faith, yet, only Gorundyr seer can perform the required ceremony. Any race except for Orc, Olog, Goblin, Kha, undead and non-sentient being, can learn this form of magic, as long as they are devoted to any norse-based faith.

If other faith than Gorundyr is used, please contact Wulfery or LT to confirm if it’ll apply.

If you will turn faith officially and unofficially, stopping to believe in any connected to this magic faith, tattoos will begin burning away, and in the end they’ll leave massive scars in shapes of missing tattoos, removing all powers as well.






4 gods tattoo - Beira, Oknar, Andarta, Maratsu

Beira 2 sub tattoos - Rahdonir, Korrigan

Oknars 2 sub tattoos - Mahmul, Golhil

Andartas 2 sub tattoo - Belanus, Aife

Maratsu 2 sub tattoo - Otrus, Ankou





2’nd branding

Beiras gift works only on Marked One. Upon activation, her tattoo will move along the skin to reach chest area of Marked person. Since it’s in shape of a massive and yet calm wolf, it would seem as if the beast was simply walking through Marked One skin. Once fully activated, it’ll improve significantly his senses, effectively shortening reaction time. During its activation, person gifted will also have higher stamina, allowing for short-term full spurt of strength.
OOC wise: To activate it you require (2) two turns. One to begin activation, second to allow for tattoo to move to its key spot. Once it is activated, for (4) four turns your senses are going to be highly improved. Amidst of fight time will feel slightly slowed down, and even if your body speed will be the same, reaction time will be highly decreased. On the same note, you can use 100% of your strength for anything, and amount of stamina drained will be barely felt. For (4) turns after effect wears off your senses will feel dulled out, weakened. Once the effect wears off, you will not be able to use it again for (24 Hours) one full irl day.

  • Activation takes (2) turns.

  • For (4) turns your stamina loss is lowered, your senses are significantly stronger

  • (24 Hours) to regain cooldown on it.

  • For (4) turns after use, your senses will be feeling dulled out.


3’rd/4’th branding

Rahdonirs gift. Tattoo shaped in form of a frenzied wolf would be made right next to Beiras gift. Upon activation, tattoo will move along skin to side of head, sometimes even overtaking half of Marked Ones face. Once fully activated, it will cause frenzy upon the user, bringing his strength and speed over limits and dulling all pain felt. As bad side of it, Marked One will lose control over his actions, being solely focused on one target or task taken. Once it’s over, or something else occurs his attention may shift suddenly, leading not once to harm done to his allies or bystanders.
OOC wise: To activate it you require (2) two turns. One to begin activation, and second to allow for tattoo to take its proper place, along with forcing frenzy on user. Once it is activated, it lasts for (4) four turns. During this time, user will be able to extend his physical abilities to about 150% of strength, or in case of powerful Tra’Viik’Jar up to 200% of his normal strength, nullifying all pain to a strong degree too. As bad side of it, Marked One will have to emote being in frenzy, focused on one target that he/she decided, and if agitated by something else he may suddenly turn, not caring whether it’s an ally, foe, or all bystander.
Once frenzy ends, Marked One will be drained from his energy, essentially leaving him far weaker than before activating it. Effect of exhaustion lasts for (3H) three hours. To reactivate this gift, you need (48 Hours) two irl days.

  • Requires (2) turns to activate.

  • Lasts for (4) turns, during which your strength is improved up to 200%.

  • During activation time you will not feel pain, but also you will be in uncontrollable frenzy.

  • Cooldown is (48H).

  • Post use effect - User will be weaker than before using this ability for (6) turns.


Korrigan gift. Striving to be far from her mother and brothers, Korrigan is tattooed as lone wolf standing far off from rest of pack. Upon activation, she would take same spot as Rahdonir, just on the opposite side of face. Her gift provides dulls out all emotions from Marked One, essentially being the opposite of Rahdonirs gift. She allows with that for the user to stop emotions from getting in the way, bringing feeling of calmness and control over situation. Along with that, this gift allows to make the effect of improved senses from Beiras gift to last longer.
OOC wise: To activate it you require (1) turn only. That’s how much it takes for it to be activated, and moved to its spot. Once it comes to be, it lasts for (4) turns. During this period of time, user will not be affected by any emotions in situation, focusing solely on calm and logical way of dealing with it. Along with that, if this gift is activated during Beiras gift being active, it’ll extend time of senses being improved to (6) turns in total, instead of (4). Once it runs out, for (1H) your behaviour can be shifting drastically, and you cannot activate it for (48 Hours) two irl days.

  • Activation takes (1) turn

  • Lasts (4) turns, during which you are able to silence out all emotions and pay full focus.

  • If activated with Beiras gift, Beiras gift will last (6) turns.

  • For (1H) after use you’ll be experiencing emotional sudden shifts.

  • Cooldown is (48H)


5’th branding

Fifth branding does not provide any new abilities, instead improving on already existing ones. It’s a form of perfecting all the gained abilities.

OOC wise:
Beiras gift - Time of casting is shortened to (1) turn. Duration of improved senses and improved stamina lasts now for (6) turns, decreasing time from (24H) to (12H) of cooldown.

  • Lasts (6) turns instead of (4)

  • Cooldown changes to (12H) instead of (24H)

Rahdonirs gift - Strength overgrowth is improved. It’ll be on the same level as Ologs, able to use it for same duration (4) turns. Side-effect. Once your frenzy is over, you have to roll /20. Rolls below 5 will cause bleeding from eyes, nose, mouth, also rendering your character unable to move for (4) following turns. Roll 19 and higher to not lose your stamina completely, allowing to continue fight. In any other case, normal post-use effect applies. Cooldown stays the same (48H).

  • Strength improved for normal human beings to the one of Olog level.

  • You have to roll once frenzy ends, different effects happening.

Korrigan gift - Duration of emotions dulling will be changed to (6) turns. Combined with Beiras gift, senses improvement will last for up to (8) turns. Once it’ll wear off, perception will be deeply weakend, causing feeling of nausea or intoxication for (8) turns afterwards. Cooldown stays at (48H).

  • Lasts (6) turns instead of (4)

  • Expands Beira effect to (8) turns

  • Causes side effects lasting (8) turns, once it passes.


  • Rahdonirs gift can not be used with Korrigans gift, nor the other way around.

  • They are meant to negate each other. If both were to activate, Marked one will instantly fall unconscious, severe bleeding from mouth, eyes, nose and ears occurring if damage roll /20 will be 5 and lower.

  • Beiras gift does not allow you to perform super-speed actions, nor does any other from this tree. The only difference is that your reaction time is drastically improved as senses are more keen and focused.

  • Beiras gift can be used with Rahdonirs. It has to be activated first, and then Rahdonirs gift following it, thus making it last max four turns or tier 5. Even then, senses are dulled out, having barely any true effect on Marked One in the end. Stamina control will work for time of Rahdonirs gift lasting, yet as it’s over, it’ll cause the exhaustion just as normally.

  • Too frequent use of Rahdonirs and Korrigans gift may begin inflicting changes on users behaviour. Rahdonirs gift making him more prone to anger, whilst Korrigans causing different perceptions of emotions, making person less balanced and more prone to sudden bursts of emotions, followed by complete lack of them.




2’nd branding

Oknars gift - Similarly to Beiras gift, it can work only on Marked One. As opposed to hers though, Oknar causes physical changes in body, using devoted tattooes to change them.
His gift passively changes durability of skin exactly where tattoo is currently placed at. Same as with Beiras case, tattoo is ‘alive’, capable of moving around body to certain areas.
Strengthened skin allows for user to block hits with blunts weapons like wooden staffs, or rocks, of course punches included from up to strong orc-like force. Of course given part of body has to be covered with Oknars tattoo. It can be used both as way to make your punches or kicks stronger, or used to defend yourself.

OOC wise: Moving tattoo to a different part of body takes (1) turn. You can change its location every (2H). Skin still can be cut, but it’s harder to go through it - gives feeling of chopping into thick layer of hardened leather.

  • Takes (1) turn to shift position of tattoo

  • Cooldown is (2H)

  • It makes skin harder to cut, and lowers effects of blunt strikes

3’rd/4’th branding

Mahmuls gift - Ice giants trait allows for user to cover both Oknars and Mahmuls tattoo in packed ice, creating either a really tough to slice armor, or more offensively allowing to create sharp weapon out of your hands, capable of inflicting freezing damage upon longer contact. It simply creates a layer of ice, its shape depending solely on how and where is the tattoo placed.

OOC wise: Activation takes (2) turns. (1) to begin, (1) to allow ice to form. It can last then up to (6) turns. Packed ice is not as crumbly, and is able to withstand most sword hits. Blunt or semi-blunt weapons can inflict still damage on the user, but it’ll be less dangerous. As it can be expected, cold temperature of tattoo will not influence the user. Gift itself is weaker in hot areas (i.e desert), making it last shorter too (4) turns. Once the ability has been activated, you can not move the tattoo. It’s bounded with Oknars gift, forcing it to be exactly where is gift is, so same cooldown applies
Cooldown for use is (24H).

  • Activation takes (2) turns.

  • Lasts (6) turns, during which tattooed area is covered with packed ice

  • Used in hot area lasts only (4) turns

  • Co-operates with Oknars gift, can’t use Oknar gift when this one is active.

  • Cooldown is (24H)

Golhils gift - Taking on the stone giants gift is more troublesome than Mahmuls. Whilst Mahmul covered the tattoo in ice, Golhil instead forces skin above tattoo to turn into steel. To even achieve activation it’ll take way longer, forcing more focus on the Marked one.
As mark begins to slowly form its steel form, there is strong pain involved with it, similar to skin being peeled off. And once it’ll be finalised, any joints on which the tattoo was will suddenly come to halt, unable to be moved even an inch. Marked one can force slight deformations to the steel, creating blade like edges, or merging fingers covered by tattoos.

OOC wise: To activate this gift you need (4) turns. (1) turn activation, (2) turns of forming steel, (4’th) turn to add any deformations. It’ll last for (6) turns in exchange, able to be forced off faster. Once the effect wears off, part of body changed would be feeling very numb for (4) turns, if arm or leg, it will have strong issues with using it, including strong pain in joints. If it’ll be created round torso, it’ll inflict the spine, restricting most of its movement at any used part.
Steel is as strong as the most typical one. If edge will be formed, it’ll be similarly sharp to a normal mass made sword. If tattoo will be more widely spread to create more ‘armor’, it’ll be significantly weaker and thinner. If steel will cover any perception organs (i.e. eyes, ears, mouth, nose), senses involved will be lost for time of gift lasting, afterwards taking (6) turns to come back to normal.
Cooldown for use is (24H)

  • Activation takes (4) turns

  • Lasts (6) turns, during which tattooed area is covered by steel, that can be slightly deformed

  • Its normal steel, far away from any amazing one

  • Any area covered by steel is immobilized, senses can be removed if it covers eyes, ears, etc.

  • Cooldown is (24H)


5’th branding

OOC wise:

Oknars gift - After (1) turn of activating his gift, tattooed area will be covered by rocks, creating Marked Ones a form of mobile and sturdy armor. It won’t affect his mobility or senses. It will last (3) turns, after which rocks will simply fall off from body.
Self-explaining, this form of armor is resistant to cuts, but it’s going to be very vulnerable to blunt attacks. Any rocks that will be destroyed, shattered, chipped off will occur in skin being peeled off along with it. It regenerates within (24H) or if healed, leaving no scars behind.

  • Takes (1) more turn to activate fully

  • Lasts (3) turns, during which tattooed area is covered by rocks

  • Can be used as form of armor or fist enhancement

  • If it is chipped off or destroyed, area broken has skin removed causing bleeding. Takes (24H) to regenerate fully skin, or you can heal it. No scars left.

  • Cooldown for special form of this ability is (24H)

Mahmuls gift - Upon forming the ice on his body, Marked One may suddenly send ice shards as projectiles. It’ll instantly remove packed ice from him. He can launch them without preparations, with speed of a tossed rock, or if he’ll cast it for (2) turns, whilst still in durability range, he can send it with power of an arrow. If charged for (4) turns, strength improves to power of a crossbow bolt.
It can launch either one pretty big ice bolt, size of human forearm, or three ice shards, size of arrows. During casting time you can not move, and have to fully focus on preparing to strike the target.

  • You can now use his gift to shoot projectiles made out of packed ice.

  • You can cast is with (0) turns, (2) turns or (4) turns, making it change its strength.

  • Once used, packed ice will no longer be covering tattoo.

  • During casting you can not move at all.

  • Same cooldown as normal.


Golhils gift - Upon reaching fifth branding, Golhils gift will allow the Marked One to extend his deformation of steel ability. He’ll be able now to extend it into more certain shapes, and create more complexe parts, for example axe shape. It’ll also lower time he needs to form it from (4) turns to (2) turns. If he’ll put (4) turns into casting it, he’ll be able to form armor that would actually allow him to move joints, even if more restricted than normally.

  • You can now deform steel into more complex shapes

  • Casting time changes to (2) for weapons or immobilized armor.

  • If casted for (4) turns, armor can be mobile.

  • Cooldown and duration stay the same.



  • Oknars gift does not stop the bearer from bleeding, or his bones from shattering. What more, any blunt attack may have more firm effect on his bones if taken carelessly. It helps mostly in parrying certain attacks.

  • You can not mix Mahmuls and Golhils gifts together.

  • To change where Mahmuls or Golhils gift will be formed at, you first have to use Oknars gift to move the tattoo to proper area, and set it in needed manner.

  • Steel from Golhils gift can heat up and at certain point begin inflicting burn damage to Marked One.

  • Mahmuls gift on 5th tier. The shards are not that easy to shatter, but they are most definitely far weaker than steel. And points and edges won’t be very sharp.




2’nd branding

Andartas gift - Andartas as known goddess of nature, she uses the Tra’viik’Jar way more than any other of patron gods, second only to Lagara, yet she does not pass her gifts upon mortals. Natures goddess tattoo is wrapping around the Tra’Viik’Jar tattoo, binding with it fully. Andartas main gift does not work on the marked one himself, instead offering him ability to aid others. Her gift upon activation and successful binding would create an invisible connection between Spirit Tree on Marked Ones back roots, extending them outside of his body, and person affected. After that, affected target would begin to feel revitalization to occur upon them, restoring their stamina slowly, lowering effects of weaker dull strikes, and stopping for time of connection major bleedings. Yet it comes at prize of taking life energy off the Marked One.

OOC wise: To even activate the gift Marked One needs (2) turns, causing 1’st branding to begin moving as if being affected by wind. After (1) turn of casting, Marked One has to touch person he aims to support within (4) emotes max, causing a tattoo of leaf to appear in touched area. The closer to heart it is, the more effect it can cause. It will last after that for (6) turns.
Upon leaf appearing, invisible connection is made between Marked One and target, using roots of spirit tree. For duration of (6) turns, Marked One has to focus on the target, and maintain himself within ten meters radius of leaf. If that is broken, leaf will perish.
Target will begin restoring stamina faster than usual, strikes landed with fists, dull objects or caused by all damage will be weakened out, allowing to regain focus faster. Any major bleeding will be stopped, yet all minor ones will still flow.
Once the magic connection is broken, depending how much of his personal gathered power and lifeforce the Marked One used he’ll have different effects. If it was just to restore stamina, he’ll feel barely affected. If to restore stamina and dull out blunt strikes, it’ll cause the person to feel as if they were affected by strong common flu. If all above and used to stop major bleeding, he’ll fall unconscious instantly, having strong common flu symptoms for (12H).
Cooldown for ability - If weaker use (6H), If stronger use (24H), if full use (48H).

  • Upon casting and touch of target you leave a leaf mark on given person.

  • If he won’t touch person within (4) turns after activating this skill for (2) turns, ability will be wasted.

  • It lasts for (6) turns, during which you can restore stamina, lower blunt hit effects, or stop major bleedings.

  • During all use time user has to be focused on his target fully.

  • If used for two reasons, common flu symptoms will apply, if for all three, strong flu symptoms apply and user is knocked out.

  • User is sparing his life force in this way to the target, taking it away from himself.

  • If distracted strong enough, user will lose connection with target.

  • Cooldown is (6H) for one use, (24H) for two reasons, (48H) for three.


3’rd/4’th branding

Belanus gift - Beloved of Andarta, he is the one to show true strength of nature, as he takes on form of giant elk. His tattoo is placed closer to bottom of Tra’Viik’Jar, extending Andartas one further. As such, to activate his power, Marked One has first to activate Andartas gift. Belanus gift allows to choose one of animal aspect, being able to support target by improving certain aspects of their physicality.
Bear - Improves strength by half of Marked Ones.
Fox - Improves agility by half of Marked Ones.
Owl - Improves senses by half of Marked Ones.
Elk - Improves stamina by half of Marked Ones.

OOC Wise: Activation of this gift takes (1) turn, giving the person using it almost instant effect (His follow up emote will already have the effect present). Every one of the gifts lasts (2) turns only.
Andartas gift has to be active, and can’t be ending within those (3) turns.
You can activate only one animal aspect of it at a time.
During activation, Marked One has to pay full attention on target. He is borrowing the person his physical abilities, taking them away from himself for those (3) turns.
If Marked One is interrupted, he’ll disconnect from target, and his borrowed abilities won’t return for (4) turns.
Cooldown of this power is (6H).

  • To activate it, you have to have Andartas gift active at the same time.

  • Activation takes (1) turn for user, target feels it instantly.

  • Effects last for (2) turns, spreading into 4 types of effects.

  • Andarta gift can not be ending within (3) turns that take to activate and maintain this ability.

  • If user is interrupted and breaks connection, he won’t regain his borrowed abilities for (4) turns.

  • User shares his own abilities to the target. His physical condition will matter the most on how strong this ability is.

  • Cooldown is (6H)


Aifes gift -  The tree spirit is everlasting. It is in every forest, every tree, every leaf. Her tattoo sits in crown of Tra’viik’Jar, in her real form of squirrel. Despite being recognized for pride and strength, her gift offers life, as she is able to mend wounds of the chosen target.

OOC Wise: To activate this gift you need (2) turns. It cannot be activated on targets that are in combat. Once activated it’ll take (3) turns to fully heal the target. If interrupted, roll /20. If roll below 5, wound will fully reopen and become deeper. If 19 and higher, Marked One will maintain connection.
This will not be able to heal lethal wounds, or those that are too long left unattended. It can heal even deep wounds, as long as they don’t destroy any vital organs.
Upon finishing successful or failed use, Marked One will be drained of life force for one full saint day (24H). During this time, he’ll be barely able to fight, any long journeys on foot will not be possible.
Cooldown of this power is (48H)

  • You can heal marked person from minor to major and almost lethal wounds.

  • Target has to be marked by Andartas gift.

  • Activation takes (2) turns.

  • You can’t use this on fighting targets.

  • User has to be strongly focused on the target.

  • Interruption requires roll to determine what effect will apply.

  • It can not heal fatal wounds that will take life within (4) turns.

  • It drains life force of user, taking it away from him for (24H), making him unable to fight, or take any long journeys.

  • Cooldown is (48H)


5’th branding

Andartas branding does not provide any special abilities once it comes to master rank. It only improves on already existing ones.

OOC Wise:

Andartas gift: Duration changes to (8) turns total. Marked One can from now on mark two targets in total, splitting amount of given life power. His life force is also increased to 1,5 time more of what it was before. Amount of given power does not change.
If interrupted, same effects occur as normal, they instead last (6H).
Cooldown changes to for stamina regeneration (3H), stamina and blunt decrease (6H), full use (24H).

  • Duration changes to (8) turns.

  • You can now mark two targets.

  • Life force of user is increased to 1,5 times more of his/hers base one.

  • Interruption still causes same effects, that last instead (6H)

  • Cooldown changes to (3H) for 1, (6H) for two, (24H) for three.

Belanus Gift: Able to be used on two targets, if Andartas gift has marked two. In this case, targets have to stay close to each other, as to allow both of them to maintain the connection.

Marked one has to use two different gifts in this case, elseway he would give out all of his certain aspect. He’ll be also immobilized during the gifting part, having to stand in that one certain point.

If gift is used on one person, duration is extended to (4) turns. If it is used on two targets, it stays as (2) turns.
Cooldown remains the same, casting time as well.

  • You can now activate two marks at same time.

  • Requires two Beira marks to be placed on two different people.

  • Can’t use two gifts on one person.

  • Can’t use two same marks at the same time.

  • If used on one person, duration extended to (4) turns, if on two stays (2) turns.

  • Cooldown is the same as with normal, same as casting.

Aifes Gift: From now on this gift can heal and purify infections and illnesses. I still won’t be able to save those who are only minutes from death, but it can now get rid of sickness caused both by normal stuff, as well as magic on lower level than Tier 5. In case of Tier 5 magic, it can only lower and weaken the effects for one year.

Process of curing the sickness can exceed the duration of leaf mark. Skin contact has to be maintained at all time, causing roots of Tra’viik’Jar tattoo to expand onto targets body and burrow under skin as it finds its way to heart.

Process of curing lasts for (10) turns. It can be interrupted mildly, but if stopped and skin contact is broken, illness will become worse, and Marked One will take small portion of it onto himself for (24H).

If used against sickness, cooldown is (72H).

  • You can now heal and purify infections and illnesses, along with mild corruption.

  • Still can’t save those who will be within (2) turns from death.

  • Can remove up to Tier4 magic based illnesses.

  • Tier 5 can not be removed, but can be slowed and weakend.

  • Process of curing takes (10) turns now, still you can’t be interrupted.

  • If interrupted and skin contact breaks, illness will become significantly worse, and user will take part of it on himself.

  • If this ability is used against sickness, cooldown is (72H).


  • For any sub-brandings (3’rd/4’th) to be used, you have to use Andartas gift first.

  • Belanus gift is mostly dependant on Marked Ones ability. If he lacks in strength, he’ll not be able to give a lot of it off.

  • Aifes gift on master level may require herbs and additional healing items to be effective. Depends on type of illness.

  • Pain connected with disrupting the connection is similar to feeling your limbs being ripped out. Only Marked One feels it.




2’nd branding

Maratsu gift - Even if considered as evil being, with his own cult that aims to ruin the world, he is still renowned and respected amongst Gorundyr kin, even if out of fear. Those that step Maratsu Path will be put into biggest danger, as not only their physical form will be tested, nor only devotion, but their ability to withstand his corrupt and not fall into insanity.

His tattoo is not a separate one. It instead turns Tra’Viik’Jar on Marked Ones back into more wicked version of itself, corrupting it with each branding more.

Withstanding constant whispers, chanting, screams and sudden laughters, with different intensity, if one is to withstand all of this, he’ll be able acknowledged by seers as worth of baring Maratsus gift.

His gift works only on Marked One, yet as it develops into next brandings it can affect both the Marked One, as well as outer beings.
Marked one begins to understand the odd language slowly, as new tattoo is placed upon his body. It feels almost as if another being was inside of him, with it’s own personality and consciousness. It can aid the Marked One in fight, but it always ends up in a gamble.

OOC Wise: This gift doesn’t require casting. Instead, you can use it 3 times within one fight, with cooldown of (24H). If it will be unfinished, uses perish, coming back only after gift is fully regained.

Outside of fight during events it can be used to try and be given clues as to what to do. Once for (24H). If it was used in the fight, it is on cooldown.

It can work as warning system, giving the Marked One ability to be aware of his surroundings even if he’s not looking in their direction, or able to predict sudden or simply almost impossible to expect strikes.

In any form of use, Marked One has to roll /20. If he rolls 11 and above, it is a success. If he rolls 10 and below, it is a failure. 20-19 will result in perfect success, giving full perception of situation, or direct clue. 1-2 will result in critical failure that will work for disadvantage of the Marked One.

Normal success provides ability to respond to things that would in normal case be impossible or unlikely to defend.
Normal failure will result in the whispers to be too complicated to be understood, so in the end not allowing for Marked One to respond to danger.
Critical victory allows for full response, as if he was watching situation in slow motion, from 3’rd person view.
Critical failure will result in Marked One misunderstanding whispers, making him open up his defense, or to be misled by clue to danger.

  • Whispers give idea of sentient being placed inside user's head.

  • He can understand sometimes whispers, either in combat situation or event clue.

  • Doesn’t require any casting time.

  • In combat you can use it 3 times, in event 1 time.

  • Rolls determine effect of those whispers, they can bring bad luck as well.

  • If one of three rolls is used during combat, once it ends rest will perish and cooldown applies.

  • Cooldown is (24H).


3’rd/4’th branding

Otrus gift - The corrupted god, one who have turned from righteous way into chaos. He is responsible for corruption in its most true form. His gift allows for Marked One to leave a tattoo mark on his target, if he maintains physical contact long enough and activates it.

Corruption mark would begin to inflict hallucinations on infected person, after three days beginning to create them strong enough to begin inflicting physical damage on the person affected. It requires either holy magic, holy ritual, or strong enough healing magic.

OOC Wise: To cause this branding on the other person, Marked One has to maintain physical contact with a person involved for (3) turns. In this time, person affected will feel the mark being made, making it impossible to disguise, or make it suddenly.

Once branding is made, person affected will begin to see weak hallucinations. After (24H) they will become stronger and more realistic. Within (72H) if the mark is left untreated it’ll make hallucinations inflict real damage on ill person, able to cut him, bruise him, but not kill. It’ll gradually become worse. If left untreated for (10 days), affected one will be most likely to die. ((PK NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT PERMISSION!))

There can be only one marking present in the world. If one is present, it’s impossible to create more. After (10 days) if person affected will not inform Marked One about it’s state, he can use it again.

To heal this mark, person affected will have to be treated by one of the following:

  • Tier 3 holy magic ment for curing

  • Holy ritual performed by priest, seer

  • Tier 5 healing magic

Once heald, no after effects will be present.

  • You can leave a mark similar to Andartas gift on target.

  • You have to maintain skin contact for (3) turns with target.

  • Target will feel what is happening during casting.

  • If placed on target, it’ll begin creating hallucinations.

  • From start weak hallucinations, after (24H) stronger, after (72H) those that can begin causing physical harm, after (10 Days) death occurs.

  • It can be healed with holy magic, holy ritual, or tier 5 healing magic.

Ankous gift - Gatherer of souls, he is affected by Maratsus corruption, but in overall situation doesn’t attach himself that much to him. His gift allows for user to steal life essence of opponents, or innocent beings.

It has its strong limitations, and if interrupted, it can have near deadly effects on the user, overused it will also begin changing physical appearance of the Marked One.

OOC Wise: This effect requires to be used on a living being that is fully conscious. To activate it, person affected has to be marked by Otrus gift, rendering this ability useless if the Otrus gift has not been taught.

When Otrus gift is present, to activate Ankous gift Marked One has to draw blood off from victim. It has to be then gathered in any form of vessel, and then poured over the Maratsu tattoo. After that, it requires (4) turns of ritual to activate.

Once activated, it’ll last for (4) turns in which Marked One can not move at all, being put into deep state of prayer. As he gathers the life essence over the victim, his illnesses and wounds would begin to cure and seal. Through the entire process, victim has to be conscious.

If interrupted, victims loses consciousness (SUDDEN UNREASONABLE LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS IS NOT ALLOWED!), or something goes wrong, Marked One has to roll /20.

If he rolls 20 or 19, he’ll begin bleeding out of his eyes, with massive pain in head.
18-11, he’ll have above effects and deafening ringing in his ears.
10-3, he’ll have all above effects. He’ll have to roll /10. Amount given will inflict amount of fingers on his hand that will break as the are forcefully twisted back.
2-1, all above effects, plus (24H) complete loss of strength.

Victim will feel slightly weakened out for (12H). No side effects occur.

If this ability will be overused (Twice a week and more), Marked One will be becoming more pale, his eyes turning bloody. Fingernails will begin falling off, and his skin will be forming bruises or opening up randomly at places.

Cooldown is (24H).

  • You can drain life essence of enemies to heal minor wounds and major wounds or illnesses.

  • Requires special ritual, target has to be conscious, can not be interrupted.

  • (4) turns to activate ritual, after blood has been drawn.

  • Lasts for (4) turns during which user can’t move and can’t be interrupted.

  • If interrupted roll to see what effects apply.

  • Victim will feel weaker for (12H) after the ritual.

  • Overusing this ability will result in physical changes on user.


5’th branding

 Maratsu case is not simple. It brings a lot of “ifs”, and his path doesn’t offer clear way to gain full potential out of the gifts he leaves for followers. They require one to think out of the box, scheme, to find long planned ways how they can be effective, or rely on luck only. And even one who comes closest to corrupted god will not find peace in his ways.

OOC Wise:

Maratsu gift - Those that only begin their path with Maratsu, do not find their gift as more than simple combination of spirits that offer them aid. But the one who was lifted above others, who spoke with Maratsu will find more in his gift.

Gift changes from random and sudden whispers into simply saying another creature stuck in Marked Ones head, being able to communicate with him, scheme, say his opinions on things happening. It’s only thanks to mastered knowledge about language used by it, as to why Marked One can communicate with him. But even then, the spirit creature doesn’t have to help.

Creatures persona is solely dependant on how Marked One wants to play it out, but seers during 5’th branding should in OOC give suggested way he should aim for. Each creature should be in some way unique, aiming for other types of corruption or chaos.

You can now choose in battle between 3 rolls with same chances as above, or one roll that will be more guaranteed to success.

Single roll: Critical failure is removed. Failure ranged from 1 to 6. Success from 7 to 15. Critical success from 16 to 20.

During events as clue-wise, your roll will not be able to critically fail. New roll scoring will apply for event clue gain.

Cooldown stays the same.

  • From now on the whispers turn into full sentient being in users head.

  • He can use this new creature RP wise for everyday RP.

  • You can now choose in combat between 3 risky rolls or 1 more certain one without critical loss.

  • During events same roll as for 1 roll in combat applies.

  • Creature can affect users personality.

Otrus Gift - Minor to bigger hallucinations begin occurring right away, instead of after (24H), making it possible to affect targets current fight, making it significantly harder to see what is real and what is not. Physically harming one’s begin happening after (24H). Person affected doesn’t have to emote being harmed, but his body condition should be changing, showing more and more bruises, cuts, breaks in skin. Death still occurs after around (10 days). Rest remains the same.

  • Hallucinations begin on strong level.

  • After (24H) can begin causing harm.

  • Death still occurs after (10 days)

  • This entire ability is solely dependant on what the target will RP out, but if he’ll negate all effects without follow up RP to it, it can be reported.

Ankous gift - You are now able to steal small amount of life essence even mid-fight, sealing your minor wounds and regenerating a small chunk of stamina.

To cast it, first there has to be bleeding inflicted on target. After it, Marked One has to force physical contact onto him, and maintain it for (2) turns. During this time it’s important to emote draining the life essence that can be seen by tattoos crawling onto hand of Marked One, clearly pulsing like veins with purple-ish glow to it.

Victim will feel weakened after it. It’ll not be that massive to gain significant advantage over enemy, but it’ll be strong enough to turn around close matchups.

  • You can steal small amounts of life essence during fight, sealing minor wounds and regaining stamina.

  • To cast it, target has to bleed. He has to maintain physical contact for (2) turns after.

  • It won’t affect fight significantly, but can change close match ups.



  • Otrus gift is solely based on how much the victim is willing to roleplay it, as we can’t control him/her usually all the time.

  • It’s worth mentioning that Ankous gift at 3’rd branding doesn’t allow to cure lethal wounds, deadly strong illnesses, or anything else. It can only slow down the effects, giving more time to find cure.

  • Maratsu gift on 5th tier allows to RP out having conversations with the spirit creature, allowing to use him IRP’ly during everyday situations and so on.




Hurthflur depth



1’st Branding
One to be marked by gods gift has to uptake first branding. It’s to determine whether he’ll be even able to bear the burden and withstand what is to come.
It has to be taken in shrine, groove, or any other place that is deeply entwined with Gorundyr or any brethren gods. Full Moon with clear sky, with only torchlight providing any more firm form of light. Circle drawn in sacrificed blood, consisting of runes and ceremonial knots has to be surrounding seer and marked person.


Seer then proceeds to make the tattoo on marked ones center back. Its size, and detailing will determine how strong the burden bestowed upon person will be.

Tattoo has to depict Tra’viik’jar, the spirit tree. One upon which the entire world is held on, one which is home to all living beings.


Tra’viik’jar tattoo works as main vessel for magic power. It brings connection between this world, and the deity world, entwining spiritual roots into body of a marked person, just to move themselves into his veins, using blood as means of transfusing deity power into living being.

1’st branding does not provide any magical ability. It does not hold any power, nor does it change physical traits, appearance, senses, nothing. It’s meant to be a form of test, as well sa preparing the body for future brandings.

Ritual itself is extremely draining, painful, and can be highly dangerous. Marked one has to be strong willed and be certain about his devotion to ancestors or gods. He should be perfectly healed before it, and in peak condition for his own health. Those that are physically weaker are more prone to death from the ritual, whilst those that are too bulky have bad tendency to sustain changes to their behaviour, becoming more feral or prone to losing control in moments of anger.

Tra’viik’jar tattoo from the day of the ritual shall cause physical pain. Dull, distant, and not too intense. It can affect those of weaker will or pain tolerance to be more agitated on daily basis. It can also be bringing night terrors, spontaneous and very rare hallucination, both visual and audial.
The bigger the tattoo, the stronger are effects, yet in future if branded person will manage to survive through testing phase, it’ll bring more power to the marked one.
Intensity may vary also by how strong gods will be trying to test resolve of marked one. If he’s considered worthy of the gift, and has interest of one of the deities, they may force more gruesome hallucinations, increase intensity of constant pain, or even go as far to cause spontaneous burst of anger.


If affected by Beira, they will begin to feel more feral especially in any natural habitat. It will be slightly forcing them to act more with instincts or gained habits, dropping thoughts behind.
If affected by Oknar, they will be witnessing weight being put on their entire body, draining their durability faster than usual, dulling out emotions as well.
If affected by Andartas, they will begin witnessing visual hallucinations around natural habitats. Beast like shapes, unnaturally twisted trees, and so on, usually in corner of their eye, disappearing just as fast as they appear.
If affected by Maratsu, they can begin hearing constant whispers in an unknown language, during daytime barely hearable, during nighttime increasing drastically.


2’nd Branding

After four years of bearing mark of Tra’viik’jar, if marked one will manage to maintain mental sanity and keep in favour of gods, seer shall offer him second branding, one to finally begin utilizing gathered deity power within the marked one. If it will be rushed, done before time given, side effects will be similar to being directly exposed to core of corruption, changing appearance, depriving of humanity, either killing on spot, or deforming into a beast that has nothing to do with sentient being.


Done similarly to the first branding, it has to take place in ritual circle drawn with sacrificed blood, in temple given to Gorundyr or brethren gods, or in groove prepared with runic stones. Same like with last one, it’s very important for seer to be fully aware of what he’s doing. Despite blindness, each and every rune, each and every knot, has to be done close to perfection.

Marked one can choose which deity he wishes to devote to, giving seer clear sign as to what form of tattoo has to be done next, including specific materials.
If he’ll choose deity that has been testing his resolve throughout the duration of first branding, ceremony is easier and more likely to work out perfectly to requirements. If not, duration will be significantly extended, bringing more risks to marked one, and further increasing chance of mental scarring.


With second branding different things occur during the ceremony itself.
With Beiras gift being brought upon the marked one, it can be witnessed that any animals in nearby region would be drawn closer to the ritual circle, seemingly observing it with odd form of appreciation.
Oknars gift may cause ground to begin deforming around the circle, even as much to moments of shaking, or creating smaller stone pillars.
Andartas gift brings life even to most deprived areas, sprouting grass, flowers and small bushes around the ritual circle. It’s clearly seen if the ceremony was taking place in desert, high mountains, permafrost regions, or swamps.
Whilst with Maratsu, it can be seen what form of being he is. Ritual blood would begin to boil, whispers heard previously only by marked one, now beginning to be present in real world, bringing shadow entities around ritual circle.


Upon ceremony being finished, previous effects of resolve testing from first branding would pass away, leaving the marked one free from burden held beforehand. Yet with each deity some other forms may begin occurring. (Mention that in tattooing process)





3’rd Branding

Once marked one manages to get closer to his chosen deity, mastering gift given upon him through years of progress and hard work, usually that being five years, in special cases four, he would be offered by seer to take upon continuation of taken branding. This would allow him to further extend his previous abilities, gaining new ones, and becoming more entwined with chosen god, whilst giving himself to one of children or servant of given god.


This ceremony will require long preparations, increasing the power and precision of ritual circle, requiring for this one to be taken strictly in a groove or saint ground filled with runic stones and offerings to deities. Marked one will have to take a cleansing journey with seer, where he will be faced with proper environment in which his chosen deity is most present, including the descendent one.
Once it would be all prepared, with tattoo materials gathered and properly processed, ceremony would be able to occur, strictly under clear sky on full moon. With second branding it was not required.


Depending on how well did Marked One prepare, bonding with his chosen deity, understanding power give on him, as well as how long he took to be granted right of gaining further branding, ceremony can vary in its intensity and possible life threat. If one was too careless about it, taking no effort into it, he’ll be faced with unbearable pain, force and power that may twist his limbs, or even crush internal organs.


Beiras follower

Rahdonir - Terrain upon which it will be taking place has to be a place where battle has taken place. During ceremony, all those present outside of the ritual circle would feel thick atmosphere boiling in the air, whilst Marked One would feel rage filling his entire entity.
Korrigan - Ritual is required to be taken far from any living beings, where it would feel the most isolated from entire world. During ritual all wind ceases, all sounds seem to be muffled out, giving all taking part in ceremony expression of utter loneliness, even if they were to have people standing right next to them.


Oknars follower

Mahmul - To take his mark, you have to do the ceremony amidst of frost lands. In land where snow and ice is everlasting, only there will Mahmul provide you with his gift. During tattooing, area around circle would suddenly begin building up ice dome, by the end covering both seer and Marked one inside of it.
Golhil - Stone golem mark can be gained in high mountains, close to peaks of them. As ceremony progresses, any smaller and medium sized pebbles would begin to crumble and form, soon after creating stone spikes leaning towards area of tattooing.


Andartas follower

Belanus - Take his gift in a holy groove, deep in heart of a massive forest. Upon beginning of the ceremony trees surrounding runic circle would begin to bend in towards the two, not long after moving branches as if they were alive.
Aife - You need to find at least singular massive tree, one to bring in mind Tra’viik’jar, and prepare the ceremony below it. As it progresses, trees roots would begin to slowly come out of ground, entwining, creating seemingly same knots that seer would draw.


Maratsu follower

Otrus - Perform his ceremony in swamps, or land filled with corruption. The moment it will begin, everything in radius of ten meters from the circle will begin losing its true form, turning wicked, corrupted, or if already corrupted - dead. Along, shadow figures from last ceremony come into more physical form, leaving withered marks where they stand.
Ankou - To perform this ceremony you need to find yourself deep under the ground in place where plenty of beings were recently slaughtered and their blood left to dry out. As his ceremony progresses, screams of agony and pain would fill closest area, suddenly disappearing at certain radius.


Tattoo being drawn is a going to be simply extension of main one, adding more details upon, and further improving on it, as descendent is being reconnected with their creator or master.






4’th Branding

To be able and withstand forth branding it may take just as long, as it took to gain third one. The procedure is pretty much the same as with last one, adding yet another tattoo atop of the previous one to form almost finished ceremonial tattoo to one certain deity.

With forth branding being done, Marked One would feel oddly strong bond between him and his patron deity, having more commonly dreams that would seem as if he was contacting the god or goddess, not once not twice receiving tasks from them, or requests.

In case of Maratsu followers, there would be form of wicked presence growing deep inside of Marked One’s head, as if he was sharing his body with another creature.

For Beiras follower, Marked One would more often feel lack of control over himself in dire situation, especially after being injured and pushed into corner without way to escape. In this situation Rahdonirs gift would be able to spontaneously trigger.




5’th Branding

To achieve this tier you would have to devote overall twenty years of your life in learning, training, mastering, and understanding of power granted upon you. Marked One has to be one with his patron, being his champion and closest worshipper, being able to take his own life at any given moment if his deity requires it.


Once time has came, last preparations have to be made.

Cleansing journey, on which resolve, devotion and might will be tested, both by seers and by Marked Ones god. Its target, where it should take place, it all will depend upon dream that Marked One receives over course of many nights, having to understand what they mean.

Gift test. At end of the cleansing journey, Marked One will be tasked with taking on test that will test how powerful his abilities truly are. One whose Tra’Viik’Jar tattoo is too small will not even be able to uptake it, thus forever rendering fifth branding out of reach for that person.

Tattoo ink gathering. For final branding it is required for resource used to be of legendary trait, one that requires truly daring task to be taken. Example of those used in past can be found in old runic stones, showing dragon blood, kraken eye, lich skull, necromancers crystal, beast god blood.


For last ceremony at least two seers are required. They have to be capable of creating massive and most detailed runic circle, including all of known runes in proper combination, within the circle itself drawing the most powerful rune of deity that’s the patron. And once that be done, they will work together on tattoos in perfect synchronization, working weaves of the deity power all together.

Tattoo itself is meant to combine all of the previous one, creating a perfect overlay that would merge them all into one singular, that would show true devotion to given god. Each strand, each rune, each knot and connection has its most important meaning, being capable of joining up all the Tra’Viik’Jar roots together, forming in the end the perfect power flow within body of the Marked One.


As ceremony progresses, area within even to a kilometer of the circle begins to withstand changes according to given deity being brought so close to the mortal realm.


All around animals begin to rush closer to runic circle as if in deep trans, without any sound being made. Doesn’t matter if was injured, in midst of fight or hunt, it’ll instantly turn back and head towards source of feral power. Close to the end of it, beasts closests to circle would begin acting completely wild, just to drop dead a few seconds later. For months after, spot in which circle was drawn will be filled with atmosphere that would be driving any animals that step into it into wild frenzy.


As ceremony begins and air begins to fill, all around the closest terrain to circle would begin to rumble as if amidst of earthquake, whilst circle itself will remain calm and stable. Close to the end, earth closest to circle will start suddenly shooting pillars from the ground in shape of claws, that would soon after surrounding seers and Marked One, and area further would begin to crack and open up. As it ends, all pillars would crumble, yet none would fall into the circle, leaving after in closest terrain deeply bruised ground.


Once it all begins, air begins to fill with strong scents of forests, and roots of trees around behind to move underground, forming gorundyr styled knots, entwining with each other, creating a pretty peculiar form of palisade. Those trees that are too close would begin to lean away, as if trying to move away from the circle. Close to ceremonies end, first rows of trees would begin to drop rapidly leafs, further ones moving branches in odd ways.


Those who dare to get so close to Maratsu are risking all this time to turn wicked, corrupted, changed to truly evil creature. Any sentient beings would start to run away as if chased by death itself, trees dying in mere seconds, beginning to twist, dry out, and turn to ash in closest proximity. As ceremony progresses, previously shadowy forms now take flesh forms, trying to crawl out from ground. Those would be bodies of creatures that passed away in this region, reanimated to life by sheer corrupted power of evil deity. Once it’s over, bodies would drop to the ground lifeless.


Those that will not withstand trial of fifth branding will die instantly. There is no chance to retry, nor is there any possibility to back down once it begins.
If the Marked One is from Beiras patronage or Oknars, he’ll be taken into Helvegen, with burst of light appearing in the circle for close to five minutes, blinding all that would try to look at the body. After this time, once light fades away, body will be gone as well.

With Andartas, body would start growing moss over it rapidly, soon after beginning to be covered by flowers. As last bits of magic come from it, oak tree sapling would break from where chest area of The Marked One was, taking on impressive size soon after, just to calm down afterwards.
With Maratsu, undead that were crawling out of ground, would then proceed to walk through runic circle. As they approach Maratsu chosen one, they would begin falling onto him, beginning to seemingly melt into ground, just to take the body away with them into Maratsu grasps.



Information for Seers






There can be only 4 champions (5’th branding) present in world, each representing different god.

There can be only 4 heirs (3’td branding top) present in world, each being an heir to different champion.

There can be 8 competitors for title of heir (2’nd branding top) present in world. If one  will manage to take over title, he’ll be able to learn 3’rd tier, heir will lose his, returning to second branding and tattoo extension burning itself away.

In total only 16 people in the world can possess this magic at the same time. People who are inactive for 30+ days will be removed from possessing it, unless it was mentioned for why and how long.



There are no teachers in this magic. You can not learn it by information passed from one user to another, you need to have seer perform gift passing onto you.

Seers can be played by player who got confirmed by creator of magic (Or LT responsible mostly for it) to be granted this rank, and then he has to apply on forum further to get agreement from LT team as a ‘teacher’.

They can also in certain situations be played by ET who got confirmation from LT team to perform ritual using one of two ET granted seers. They can not be overused, and situation has to be directly specific.

  • No other seer is present for next 2 weeks

  • No other seer is currently alive

  • Seer requires aid in 5’th branding ritual


Tattoos that you will be making have to be usually in some way specific, yet still allowing for a lot of freedom in their creation for Seers.

Tra’Viik’Jar - Big tree (Yggdrasil)

Beira - Giant wolf
Rahdonir - Frenzied wolf by Beira side
Korrigan - Calm lone wolf

Oknar - Giant with twisted horns, surrounded by norse knots
Mahmul - Ice hammer in Oknar left hand
Golhil - Iron hammer in Oknar right hand


Andarta - Vines that are wrapping themselves around Tra’Viik’Jar, climbing up to the tree roots.
Belanus - Depicts a massive elk at bottom of the tree, with Andarta vines wrapping around him as if caring hands around her lover.
Aife - Squirrel between leafs at the tree crown, holding onto one of the vines.


Maratsu - Runes and bruises on Tra’Viik’Jar. From Runes there is blood on the tree roots.
Otrus - Corruption by tree roots, depicted by runes of death, sickness, as well as wild twisted beast.
Ankou - Skeletal being that digs its right hand into Tra’Viik’Jar bark and deep into wood.




1’st Branding

6 turns of actual ritual

Tattoo: Tra’viik’jar, spirit tree (Similar to yggdrasill tattoos).

Required resources for tattoo: Tattoo ink, bone needle.

Required circle: Animal blood, sacrificed to gods. Circle doesn’t have to be really detailed, not requiring special style of RP preparation for it.

Effects of branding have been mentioned in Depth part.


2’nd Branding

10 turns of actual ritual

Any tattoos now depend on what path Marked One choses.

Required resources for tattoo: Tatto ink, bone needle.

Beira - Wolf blood mixed with ink

Oknar - Needle made out of pure gold

Andarta - Resin from elven tree mixed with ink

Maratsu - Blood of innocent being mixed with ink

Required circle: Animal sacrificed blood, 4 protective rune stones for necklaces. Circle has to be detailed, requiring (4) turns of preparing it. Special places and remarks about it can be found in the Depth.


3’rd and 4’th branding

10 turns of actual ritual both


Same as with 2’nd, Tattoos depend on path taken.


Required resources for tattoo: Tattoo ink, bone needle.

Rahdonir - Blood of dire wolf, carcass of beast slain in frenzy.

Blood used with tattoo ink, Marked One has to bite off chunk of meat from slain beast and eat it raw, remains have to be burned as sacrifice within the circle.

Korrigan - Heart of lone wolf, skull of slain undead

Marked One has to take a bite of the heart, burning remains as sacrifice. Skull shall be held by Marked One as he’s being tattooed.

Mahmul - Heart of polar bear, frost rune necklace

Heart has to be squeezed over the frost rune, pouring remaining blood onto it. Then frost rune has to be activated. Once it freezes, it has to be pressed firmly against Tra’Viik’Jar as new tattoo is being create.

Golhil - Firemountin heart (magma), bits of stone from highest peak in realm

Bits of stone are to be tossed into fire mountain heart. Then, face of Marked One has to be held in semi-safe distance from magma, as he’s being tattooed.

Belanus - Resin of dying tree, stag horns

Resin has to be mixed with ink. Stag horn has to be crushed and turned into powder, mixing it with ink afterwards.

Aife - Leaf gained from crown of elven tree, flower grown in frozen wasteland

Flower from frozen wasteland has to be burned as sacrifice, in the same time using leaf as vessel for ink.

Otrus - Resin from corrupted tree, blood of corrupted being

Resin has to be mixed with ink, same as blood. Before using the corrupted ink, seer has to purify the corrupted effect off from ink by performing cleansing ceremony to Otrus.

Ankou - Living innocent creature, human skull

Human skulls has to be held in one hand by Marked One, as he opens chest of the living creature and grabs onto its heart. As tattooing begins, Marked One has to slowly squeeze onto the heart, soon by end of ritual, taking its life.


Required circle: Animal sacrificed blood, 4 protective rune stones for necklaces, two rune stones chiseled out in the present rocks. Circle has to be more detailed, requiring (8) turns of preparing it. Special places and remarks about it can be found in the Depth.


5’th branding

15 turns actual of ritual

This one does not create a new tattoo. Instead, it works on connecting the sub tattoos and main tattoo into one perfectly designed, where every last bit connects and works with each other.


Required resources for tattoo: Tattoo ink.

Beira - Legendary beast blood, legendary beast trophy. Dire wolf pelt masterfully prepared, needle made from its teeth. Rune necklace connected with frenzy.

Mix beast blood with ink, set trophy ablaze to please Beira. Perform ritual with special needle, keeping rune necklace on Marked One. Once it comes to end, cover him with pelt, letting him release all of his feral anger.


Oknar - Golem core, magic infused gem. Legendary metal ore, needle crafted by mastersmith.

Golem core shall be placed with magic infused gem in center of the blood ring. Once it comes to ceremony, they have to be destroyed, releasing all of the magic into air and ground, letting most primal earth connected powers out. Needle has to be crafted beforehand using this legendary metal ore.


Andarta - Heart of elven tree, infused with tier 5 druidic magic. Gift left specially for Marked One by legendary animal/beast out of gratitude, needle made by masterful druid.

Heart infused with magic will have to be planted in center of circle, where druidic magic is meant to aid it in growth, releasing its seed into ground. Gift shall be held close to heart of Marked One, as needle made by druid is used to create the tattoo.


Maratsu - Blood of Marked Ones beloved one, corruption core in any form, heart of person of noble birth, needle gained from corrupted tree.

Blood shall be poured over corruption core, letting it drip into vessel holding ink. Heart of noble shall be first pierced with needle, before it’ll be used for ritual.


Required circle: Legendary animal sacrificed blood, six protective rune stones for necklaces, four big rune stones chiseled out in the present rocks. Circle has to be perfect and deeply detailed, requiring (12) turns of preparing it, for three days. Each day performing full (12) turns. Special places and remarks about it can be found in the Depth.






Tattoos do power good

Pewpew and fun

Gods spit power on stoopyd living


(FOR ANY MISTAKES IM DEEPLY SORRY. Please mention them below. It was pain in the ass to check through this document once I've finished it.)






    • To learn this magic you need to be an active or hidden follower of Gorundyr faith or any connected with it.

    • You can’t learn it from already existing users of this magic.

    • You require agreement from Seer of gorundyr faith to accept you to trial time of this magic.

    • As new one you’ll be able to achieve only second branding. As heir to champion only third branding.

    • Only champions can achieve forth and fifth branding. There can be only one champion per god.

    • Achieving 5’th branding without any stopovers takes from 16 to 20 IRP years.

    • This magic will not let you dominate opponents just with it. It’s meant for fighters, schemers, or supporters to other groups.

    • Preparations for brandings can take long time, they require a lot of involvement and actual will to get them done.

    • Most of powers have consequences, meant for those that will use them recklessly.

    • You can follow only one god path, restricting you to certain tree of abilities.

    • Turning away from faith will cause you to lose all powers.



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Just now, JuliusAakerlund said:


Pls don't slap me :c

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Sure. But uh. Why’s most of it only worked on Marked Men

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1 minute ago, Slothtastic said:

Sure. But uh. Why’s most of it only worked on Marked Men

Check remarks. It's not ment for mages, but more of utility power for warriors, schemers, and so on. "Marked One" refers to the one who bares tattoos.

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5 minutes ago, Wulfery said:

Check remarks. It's not ment for mages, but more of utility power for warriors, schemers, and so on. "Marked One" refers to the one who bares tattoos.


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1 hour ago, HurferDurfer1 said:

hurthflur is not how you spell my name, its hurfer you ******* dunce355e32c6bbdc58bf27d221c84d195627--ugly-faces-cartoon-network.jpg.4175b9a5485204fe7b03ab681a936bd0.jpg

At least I tried and made something to contribute to you >>

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Didn't know people still cared about Gorundyr stuff.

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1 hour ago, Dunstan said:

Didn't know people still cared about Gorundyr stuff.

I'm slowly recreating it. >:) At least to have some true norse culture around, not the semi-true stuff.

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i like this alot, seems very much balanced, and not to flashy while giving some utility. It also offers great story telling 

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A good way to get the Gorundyr culture active again. It adds more ways for people to rp, and to try out a new culture. +1

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