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[✗] Hurthflur Vaskr [Magic]


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Ah finally, i love this. I remember seeing the early draft, and now how far it's come. I really feel like it does contribute something to the server, and it's very unique to LotC. A most definite +1from me Wulf!

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Good lore, gives options for deities that aren't entirely nice boys. +1!

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+1 from me. Really like the idea of being restricted to certain trees/gods, but also given sub classes that reinforce why there are separate trees to begin with.

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Pretty inventive lore with different mechanics and a pantheon of peculiar deities, alongside tying nicely to a culture that has great potential for RP, and seemingly adjusted with proper balance. +1

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I have a soft spot for the Gorundyr and Norse-based lore, so this really makes me happy. It's well written and in-depth, and I believe it adds something new to the server. Overall, I think implementing this would only be a positive thing and open up lots of interesting RP.


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@Wulfery You need lore for the deities first if you intend to use them as a powersource, as the Gorundyr faith is not canon lore-wise and is only a culture thing at the moment (e.g. Tahariae is an accepted Aengudaemon, but from my understanding this faith has no deities that are lore approved). If I am mistaken and you are using deities that are already lore approved, please make it more clear in the lore piece.

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Thank you for submitting your piece, it will be put under review in the second wave (the loremag after the current one).


Thread is being locked to prevent edits to the lore while voting occurs (if you need to make edits, contact me). Also, if you have feedback regarding the lore that you wish to pass to the LT, feel free to toss me a PM.


Edit: Due to the fact that Thanksgiving break was occurring for many, which resulted in hiatuses, the verdict for this lore should be expected to be given on the 5th or 6th of December).

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This Lore has been denied. The issues with the origin are still present as the Aengudaemon was not accepted. On top of that, the magic is seen as something that dabbles in too many areas (it has effective healing/cursing/physical empowerment/etc). Not a bad first attempt by any means though (in my opinion).

Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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