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Legion of Urguan -Reformation-


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Belgor Ireheart assists two Grandaxes in felling horrors

from the South who had wandered north..


“In an age when war among kin is so common,  I relish in the thought of people such as yer own existing tuh uphold the true path of the Brathmordakin.  Truly yer people are a friend of Dungrimm’s Folk…” (2nd of Sun’s Smile, 1680)




Long ago in a land known as Axios, Belgor Ireheart once stood proudly among his kinsmen as their Marshal.  Rallying the hordes of proud Urguanite legionnaires to the banner of orange and black, his green cloak dragging against the coarse stones that dotted the Kingdom of Urguan.

“Prepare  yourselves men!  THEY COME!”


Belgor would draw the bronze Shield of Ireheart and hold it upward as his men followed suit, raising tall and proud The Wall of Urguan. There they stood  facing down a horde of insects and beasts of nightmare that came from the deep roads to siege their beloved cavern city...




Hard fought was the battle to follow… but victorious the Sons of Urguan would emerge, their legion unfaltering and defiant against the sheer overwhelming numbers that came across the bridge into their home, the Broodmother N’hara being brutally wounded and escaping back to her lair in the Darkways..


Belgor Ireheart beamed with pride in his kin, their fight was one well fought and rest was deserved to his men.. Upon his hand dangled the shield of his forefathers.. In his right-hand a warhammer acquired from the Legion Barracks..




Belgor Ireheart stood on the shores of Atlas, hefting onto his shoulders an old oak shield and a warhammer taken from the Legion Barracks in Axios.. All he had on his mortal possession he could carry on his back.  The warm crisp air of Sun’s Smile entered his hairy nostrils as he strode along the path towards the Kal’Bogrin, there he would meet a life-long friend.


After a battle ensued shortly after his arrival, he would find the descendants of the Grandaxe clan all in good spirits and faith as they stood brother and brother, arm and arm, against the evils that seemed to plague these lands. He had heard of another group of dwed who held hatred in their hearts for their fellow dwarf…  Inspired by his fellow kin’s example, Belgor took it upon himself to remake this image of comradery and faith in one’s own people. From his bag he pulled forth an old furreled banner.


  Word would spread quickly across Atlas of like-minded dwed to rally to the banner of Belgor Ireheart, former marshal of the fallen Kingdom of Urguan.

The Legion of Urguan stood once more.

(This page will be updated with RP & Application/Information as Role-Play is performed.)


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(looks great!!!)

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Gror Ireheart packs his things after hearing news of Belgor's return.

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Thorrak Ireheart adjusts his old Legion Commander armor, scratching his chin in thought.

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11 minutes ago, MCPancakes said:

Gror Ireheart packs his things after hearing news of Belgor's return.


10 minutes ago, Aeldrin said:

Thorrak Ireheart adjusts his old Legion Commander armor, scratching his chin in thought.


Belgor Ireheart would wrap his arms around his forefathers a reunion of the century and a smile across his face.

"Dis will beh guud o'im sure."

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“My Legionary armor is still polished an’ strong, even if it’s a little tighter around deh waist” Remarks Fili “If you ‘ave need of an old veteran, yeh have my blade!”

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"Holeh fock! Tae legion's back?! Tis is a ting tae wotch, but first? BAHTENDEH! ANOTHA' MEAD!" An excitable and quite drunk Doomforged cheers to the news. 

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14 minutes ago, Cpt_Noobman said:

“My Legionary armor is still polished an’ strong, even if it’s a little tighter around deh waist” Remarks Fili “If you ‘ave need of an old veteran, yeh have my blade!”


A return letter is penned to Fili Grandaxe's residence:


Tuh Fili Grandaxe,


     Ah would beh honored tuh foite alongside 'un of me ilk, through flesh and faith weh beh reunited in ah pivituhl moment fer Urguan's history.  Would yeh please pen me ah location tuh meet ye, tales of yer valor and dedication tuh Urguan are well-known and highly praised by Gror and Thorrak alike.  Blessed beh dis day!


Dungrimm's Blessings,

Belgor Ireheart, Marshal of the Old Legion of Urguan


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45 minutes ago, Malgonious said:


A return letter is penned to Fili Grandaxe's residence:


Tuh Fili Grandaxe,


     Ah would beh honored tuh foite alongside 'un of me ilk, through flesh and faith weh beh reunited in ah pivituhl moment fer Urguan's history.  Would yeh please pen me ah location tuh meet ye, tales of yer valor and dedication tuh Urguan are well-known and highly praised by Gror and Thorrak alike.  Blessed beh dis day!


Dungrimm's Blessings,

Belgor Ireheart, Marshal of the Old Legion of Urguan


*A letter is sent in reply


"I am glad to hear you are open to my companionship, I am available most often to meet in the cities of Holm and Kal'Bogrin"


~Fili Grandaxe

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The Horn of Hiebenhall will always blow for the Legion of Urguan.

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To the Clanless inhabitants of Ord,


You are given 24 days ((OOC Hours)) to comply with the Peace Treaty of Jornheim and the verdict on the Ordite and Azadarian Dwed.

  • Renounce the name Urguan and surrender any usage or affiliation thereof.
  • Renounce the usage of the clan name Ireheart until judged appropriately by the Council of Clan Fathers.
  • Re-ratify the treaty of Jornheim in order to assure your intentions of working towards the betterment of the Dwedmar.
  • Re-ratify the treaty of Jornheim in order to prove you are not just a boiling kettle of revanchist traitors.

Failure to comply will be considered a denounciation of the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah and will draw consequences.


As ordered by the High Queen of Kaz'Ulrah

Koralon Onyxheart

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12 hours ago, Medvekoma said:

To the Clanless inhabitants of Ord,


You are given 24 days ((OOC Hours)) to comply with the Peace Treaty of Jornheim and the verdict on the Ordite and Azadarian Dwed.

  • Renounce the name Urguan and surrender any usage or affiliation thereof.
  • Renounce the usage of the clan name Ireheart until judged appropriately by the Council of Clan Fathers.
  • Re-ratify the treaty of Jornheim in order to assure your intentions of working towards the betterment of the Dwedmar.
  • Re-ratify the treaty of Jornheim in order to prove you are not just a boiling kettle of revanchist traitors.

Failure to comply will be considered a denounciation of the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah and will draw consequences.


As ordered by the High Queen of Kaz'Ulrah

Koralon Onyxheart

((The "peace treaty of jornheim" was not a signed treaty and if I remember correctly came about before there were even alliance and treaty rules. And even if it were, all terms were met and finished. There is no way it could be used as a casus belli.

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12 minutes ago, Cpt_Noobman said:

((The "peace treaty of jornheim" was not a signed treaty and if I remember correctly came about before there were even alliance and treaty rules. And even if it were, all terms were met and finished. There is no way it could be used as a casus belli.


((This was an IC post, in regards to an IC treaty signed. I'd prefer an IC reply.))

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14 hours ago, Medvekoma said:

To the Clanless inhabitants of Ord,


You are given 24 days ((OOC Hours)) to comply with the Peace Treaty of Jornheim and the verdict on the Ordite and Azadarian Dwed.

  • Renounce the name Urguan and surrender any usage or affiliation thereof.
  • Renounce the usage of the clan name Ireheart until judged appropriately by the Council of Clan Fathers.
  • Re-ratify the treaty of Jornheim in order to assure your intentions of working towards the betterment of the Dwedmar.
  • Re-ratify the treaty of Jornheim in order to prove you are not just a boiling kettle of revanchist traitors.

Failure to comply will be considered a denounciation of the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah and will draw consequences.


As ordered by the High Queen of Kaz'Ulrah

Koralon Onyxheart


To the Usurper-Queen of Kaz'Ulrah,

You are given 24 days ((OOC Hours)) to comply with the follow demands upon your false Kingdom.

  • Renounce all claim to the name Urguan and surrender any usage or affiliation thereof.
  • Renounce the claimant to a throne higher than that of Urguan, the one and true father of All.
  • Halt all aggression against your fellow mountain-kin.  Your war-mongering among your own blood is repulsive and heretical and shall not be tolerated further.
  • Halt all aggression against the fellow races of Atlas.  You aim to disrupt Yemekar's Balance, and for this Dungrimm strike you down Banshee-Queen.
  • Recluse you and your kin to the mountain from which you spew your lies and deceit, serpents under rocks you shall stay.
  • The remains of every dwarf you have slain in the name of Kaz'Ulrah returned to their respective clan holdings for proper burial among their own brothers and sisters.

Failure to comply will be considered a denounciation of the Kingdom of Urguan and her Legion.  Consequences will be had for you and you alone. 


As ordered by Grand Marshal of Urguan,

Belgor Ireheart



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Agnar Ireheart, Marshal of Ord, Clan Father of the Irehearts in Ord would hear of this smirking before looking at King Darek.

"A trueh Ire'eart never backs down frum dwed killers... weh are honorable and will maintain t'at way."

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