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A Brave New World


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Colony Name:

New Krakow

Nation of Origin: Poland

- Lithuania

Religion (Catholic, Protestant, or Othordox):


Colony History:

A group of like minded Poles were sick and tired of what was happening to their beloved nation. Great word had come to their ears about a "New World," lands that were fruitful with profit and exploration. Let the Poles rise up and conquer the new world. 

Starting Location: (fill in a square & PM to either mod)

Initial 200 AP investments:

Stone walls - 40

Barracks - 45

 Farms - 40

Market - 60

2 Colonies - 8

3 Militia - 3

1 Pikeman - 4

Unique Military Unit: Winged Hussars

Discord: You Got it

Suggestions: Add events that randomly happen. 

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