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A Burning World ( OOC APP)


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A Burning World


The year of our lord 474




A Burning World


Leo the Thracian appointed Julius Nepos, his nephew and governor of Dalmatia, ruler of the Western Roman Empire in opposition to Glycerius. Julius quickly rode off to Ravenna and depose Glycerius. He now stood at the capital in the purple, ready to make the western half anew or will he fail?

After the death of Leo the Thracian, The Senate of the east elected Leo II as Emperor. His father Zeno was appointed to rule as co-emperor. Before their reign even started, Leo died, possibly after being poisoned by his own mother Ariadne, who became Empress, and Zeno the Emperor. He still faces threats from the north and the east, will he succeed or will he perish?

In Gaul a Roman king inherited his father’s domain and sought to keep the Roman way alive in gaul, Syagrius has enemies on all sides and will need to strengthen his position as a Roman Rump State to a full fledged Kingdom or will he decide to bow to the Emperor again?

Far to the east lays the Sassanid Empire, the Persian Empire of this age. Will it clash again with it’s rival the Eastern Empire, or will it thrive the other way? Will it subdue all the minor nations around it?

And so are there many other countries that are to be played in this scheme, will you make Rome burn, or help it prosper once more as their ally.


Try to research yourself into your nation that you pick. Understand their culture and their religion as there will be events in the Modposts that will reflect this, and it will be up to you how you will handle these situations.



  1. No Meta-gaming nor powergaming, i will strictly moderate this.

  2. No OOC scheming.

  3. You are expected to RP in reason, though any action must come with RP.

  4. This will be run on a regulated Free Form, meaning you are free to do things in reason.





Total population (Be accurate, i will fact check):

Backstory of your Leader/Country (I will do research on it, try to be accurate):


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Nation: Eastern Roman Empire
Religion: Christianity

Total population: 16,000,000
Backstory of your Leader/Country (I will do research on it, try to be accurate): Falling the death of Theodosius I and the split of the empire, the Eastern half continued to thrive while their western neighbor slowly crumbled.  With the death of Leo II at the start of the year his young grandson and son law now hold the fate of the empire in their hands.

Edited by Imperium
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Nation: The Huns

Ruler: Attila II

Total Population: 700000 +

Religion: Tengrism

Backstory: The grandson of Attila, Attila II was told stories of his grandfather’s conquest and empire. Now a fragment of what the great Hunnic Empire used to be, Attila II would set out, now the ruler of the Huns, he would embark on a journey to reunite the tribes and reclaim the land which was rightfully his. 

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Nation: Thuringii

Religion: Germanic Pagan/Christian

Total population: 150,000

Backstory of your Leader/Country: Bisinus, King of the Thuringii, came to power fourteen years ago in the 460th Year of Our Lord, and has ruled the Thuringii with a righteous and just hand.  Although once a vassal of the Huns, the Thuringians have since come into their own and rule an empire of their own stretching from the Danube up to the Elbe.  With a strong position, Bisinus has a chance to change the course of German history if he so chooses...

Edited by FireCrimson
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2 minutes ago, JuliusAakerlund said:

[Champa Kingdoms Intensifies]


I am sorry bud, i only want the area of the map that is posted

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1 hour ago, Imperium said:

Nation: Eastern Roman Empire
Religion: Christianity

Total population: 12,000,000
Backstory of your Leader/Country (I will do research on it, try to be accurate): Falling the death of Theodosius I and the split of the empire, the Eastern half continued to thrive while their western neighbor slowly crumbled.  With the death of Leo II at the start of the year his young grandson and son law now hold the fate of the empire in their hands.


42 minutes ago, Stack Loot said:

Nation: The Huns

Ruler: Attila II

Total Population: 700000 +

Religion: Tengrism

Backstory: The grandson of Attila, Attila II was told stories of his grandfather’s conquest and empire. Now a fragment of what the great Hunnic Empire used to be, Attila II would set out, now the ruler of the Huns, he would embark on a journey to reunite the tribes and reclaim the land which was rightfully his. 


39 minutes ago, FireCrimson said:


Nation: Thuringii

Religion: Christianity (Limited exposure to the Roman Church)

Total population: 150,000

Backstory of your Leader/Country: Bisinus, King of the Thuringii, came to power fourteen years ago in the 460th Year of Our Lord, and has ruled the Thuringii with a righteous and just hand.  Although once a vassal of the Huns, the Thuringians have since come into their own and rule an empire of their own stretching from the Danube up to the Elbe.  With a strong position, Bisinus has a chance to change the course of German history if he so chooses...


Welcome to the fun boys

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Nation: Kingdom of the Visigoths

Religion: Arian Christian

Total population (Be accurate, i will fact check): 300,000

Backstory of your Leader/Country (I will do research on it, try to be accurate?Euric, son  and successor to the great Theodoric the first, has taken the throne. He has proven himself worthy by following his father's footsteps and respecting the Visigothic tradition of military prowess by expanding his rule to the north of his Kingdom through the defeat of Reothamus, expanding as far the the Somme river. In such little time, he has built on his father's work as those who crossed his path have payed dearly. Yet there remains a long and perilous road ahead. Euric has earned his people the right to settle in the new lands for now, but to emperor or God he bows to no one.


Edited by Ragnar the Viking
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Nation: Vandals

Religion: Arianism 

Total population (Be accurate, i will fact check): 100,000

Backstory of your Leader/Country (I will do research on it, try to be accurate) Genseric was the Vandal king from 428-477 and during those 50 years he took a group of trouble making germanic people and turned north africa into their home and a powerful kingdom who wreaked havoc on Western Rome.  

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Nation: Western Roman Empire

Religion: Christianity 

Total Population: You've been pm'd regarding this

Backstory of Leader: Julius Nepos appointed Emperor of the West in early 474 by the Eastern roman emperor Leo I. Julius's reign over the entire west was short lived as he was deposed in august of 475 by General Orestes, who crowned his 15 year old son as Emperor. Julius continued to rule as "Emperor of the West" from Dalmatia until 480 when he was assassinated.

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Nation: Salian Franks

Religion: Frankish/Germanic Paganism

Total population (Be accurate, i will fact check): N/A

Backstory of your Leader/Country (I will do research on it, try to be accurate): Childeric I, son of the founder of the Merovingian dynasty Merovech, has been King of the Salian Franks since 458. Most of his early life entailed cooperating with Roman military to repel raids from the Huns and other raiding tribes and hordes, and then spending 8 years in exile in Thuringia for his debauchary.  

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