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Mournstone-Fiscere Alliance

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Name of the Treaty: Mournstone-Fiscere Alliance


Type of Treaty: [Full Alliance]


[Nation / Freebuild] [Name: House of Mournstone ]

[Nation / Freebuild] [Name: Clan Fiscere  ]


Date of Signing: 6th of the Grand Harvest, 1682





Sixth of the Grand Harvest, 1682



On the night of the Sixth of the Grand Harvest, 1682, the clans of Mournstone and Fiscere are found seated around the table in the clan hall of Mournstone. Over a grand meal, they discuss

the terms of what would become the Mournstone-Fiscere Alliance.


  1. Unrestricted Trade

    1. Trade between the two clans will be free, meaning neither shall place taxation on the other’s goods.

  2. Non-Aggression

    1. The two clans have agreed to maintain non-aggression stances, vowing to remain neutral or allied with each other in hostile and diplomatic situations.

  3. Defensive Pact

    1. The two clans have agreed to uphold full defense attitudes, vowing to come to the other’s aid if one is attacked.

  4. Marital Relations

    1. The two clans have agreed to solidify this alliance further than the pen, with a marriage between a member of each clan; Carina Viktoria Fiscere and Albrecht Mournstone.



Chieftain and Patriarch of House Mournstone, Purser of Nordengrad,


Matriarch of House Mournstone, Alderwoman of Nordengrad,


Chieftain of Clan Fiscere, Admiral of the Nordengrad Navy,







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Uther would plain a feast for his new family, and friends!

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Gaius Mournstone scrawled out his name at the base of the document, a pleased grin forming on his future. The Vyrannian raised a bottle of Mournstone Mead™ and boomed out in praise; "To the future of House Mournstone and House Fiscere!" 

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"Ye still cannae help each other in Clan feuds without a marriage alliance" Thoromir would comment, before being told of the arranged marriage

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2 minutes ago, Narthok said:

"Ye still cannae help each other in Clan feuds without a marriage alliance" Thoromir would comment, before being told of the arranged marriage

Sigrid frowns, shaking her head. "Did you read the fourth point, Thoromir? They will be wed soon!"

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"Interesting." he plasters on a smile before going about his day. The robed man most likely shoving off to go bother his cousin about getting married, as everyone else is doing it.

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Carina Fiscere squints, reading the fineprint of the pact with keen interest. She merely watches as each respective member signs the alliance, her demeanour placid.

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Albrecht Mournstone blows Carina a kiss from across the table. "How about a smile for Albrecht eh sugar plum?" 

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