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Clan Grimlee/Clan Arden Alliance

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Name of the Treaty: Grimlee-Arden Alliance


Type of Treaty: [Full Alliance]


[Nation / Freebuild] [Name: Clan Grimlee ] 

[Nation / Freebuild] [Name: Clan Arden  ]


Date of Signing: On the 14th of Edvard’s Day, 1682





Issued and confirmed by Ulric Grimlee and Kjartan Arden

On the 14th of Edvard’s Day, 1682




With the recent events being as they are, a decision has been made. The fierce Clan Grimlee, and the noble Clan Arden, deem it fit to take a step in the right direction, by unifying those of the Grimlee Clan and  of the Ardenin Clan in a marital alliance. Hence, the marriage of Xalid Arden and Rebekka Grimlee has been decided and set in stone. There will be a momentous celebration of their unification, as their coming together is a turning point in the clan relations in our fine city, and will undoubtedly bring Nordengrad towards a more positive, harmonious future. We appreciate the support of you, our countrymen, and would like to congratulate the soon-to-be-wed couple.

  1. Defensive PackThe two clans have agreed to uphold full defense attitudes even in war time, each clan will come to each others aid for help, this also goes for nuetral times, with the non-aggression treaty. They both vow to come to the other’s aid if one is attacked.

  2. Marital Relations: The two clans have agreed to make the alliance further than the writing utensil, with a marriage between a member of each clan; Rebekka Grimlee, and Xalid Arden



Writ En Namen De


Kjartan Arden, Chieftain of the Ardens, Marshal of Nordengrad

Ulric Grimlee, Cheiftan of the Grimlee Clan, First Artisan of Nordengrad


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