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Status of the 1.13 update


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I don't know how impatient people are, but I wanted to make sure people were in the loop as to why 1.13 is taking so long. Tofuus and I (but mostly Tofuus) have been updating the possibility on getting all the plugins 1.13 ready. This is somewhat daunting of a task, but there's luckily some progress that was made both on our side and that of the bukkit plugins. However, there's also many obstacles. Here's an overview.


TLDR: certain features you've taken for granted will disappear. Worlds will break. Everything will take time and cost money


  • 1.13 Spigot status is still officially in "development" status but is getting more stable. We might try to update on this map, although its just as likely we won't / have a temp map. Either way expect stuff in the current world to break when we officially make the switch. Break badly ?
  • Despite this md5 is a genius and a diligent Spigot release scheme has made most of our off-the-shelf plugins immediately functional in 1.13
  • HawkEye, our block logging plugin, is officially discontinued in 1.13. Because the logging is so closely related to the names of materials this one will very likely no longer work properly. This means we have to switch to the only option left available: CoreProtect. This will cause a lot of feature loss and a very big work effort to get the transition going, and can be considered the major holdup. The alternative is to do away with block logging, but suffice to say the GMs don't trust you guys ?
  • NoCheatPlus is discontinued and likely not functional with the 1.13 protocol. I doubt this will upset anybody
  • ArcheCore works, but we might turn off seasons altogether for 1.13
  • Our version of WorldEdit is mostly okay but important people up in the coding community have recommended against its usage. What we end up doing here is mostly a judgment call, but the choices are stability (less world corruption chance) vs speed (ability to do calculations without upsetting the main game loop). Regardless of which option is chosen we might have to ask people to use large WE operations sparingly or during server valley hours.
  • NPCs have been very difficult to make compatible but Tofuus has been giving it his best efforts and succeeded.
  • Most smaller plugins should work fine except when they do fancy/stupid stuff that calls the Minecraft code directly.
  • Our disguise plugin has gone premium in 1.13 and might not be available. This breaks mob Hunting and the ETs ability to be a minecraft mob.


Obelisk gets to be in a category all of its own:

  • Most Obelisk modules should work out of the box
  • Data conversion is really difficult for Obelisk modules because things are encoded in Base-64 for reasons beyond my comprehension. This makes it even more likely we will just move to a temp map when this 1.13 stuff is done.
  • Our chat plugin named RPEngine is the largest issue as it is utterly chaotic and not maintainable. To prevent future dev suicide urges we will likely use this opportunity to switch it out for an off-the-shelf plugin like VentureChat. However, you can expect a lot of feature loss to occur from this, for example the continuity feature or the mumbled speech through walls.



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5 minutes ago, Sporadic said:

However, you can expect a lot of feature loss to occur from this, for example the continuity feature or the mumbled speech through walls.

Oh god no I won't be able to do massive emotes anymore.

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Understandable for most of that stuff BUT DAMN DUDE NOT THE ******* CHAT PLUGIN

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Very much like that we get a little update in the situations, only thing truly concerning me is the chat plugin issue. I feel like a huge part of LotC is the chat and how we use it, a completely change of that and a loss of features in it won’t do that good, in my opinion. CoreProtect does have some loss of features compared to Hawkeye (from what I see) but I don’t think that’ll be an issue in the long end.

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Some concern here and there about the chat plugin. To wrap that one up VentureChat has almost all of the features of the current chat plugin. There's channels, local chat, ooc chat, party chat, emotes, persona cards, and most everything else.


Some features lost include customizable emote colors, mumbling and continuity (aka auto " this is my message-" buffering). There'd be a much smaller compatability plugin to preserve all other features.


In return we are able to preserve chat logging, which was jeopardized by HawkEye being discontinued. We'll also gain on discord integration and cross-server chat which is the crucial first step in splitting server load and eliminate lag.










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Will the new chat plugin be the one that uses /me to do emotes?

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8 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

Will the new chat plugin be the one that uses /me to do emotes?


Probably but we'll write something to redirect "*message" to the emote channel and "((message" to the correct looc channel.

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