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Jewelry and warpaint, to a Raguk, are as defining of their identity as the shade of their skin and the illusive Naakh-za-Barash. Whilst some warpaint or jewelry is arbitrary and there to boast combative acclaim or the possessors skillful craftsmanship, others hold spiritual or occult qualities.






Red makes lat go fasta’, itz been proved by da tunzantarz mi swear it!”

It is customary for the Raguks to slather red-paint on their Myrzyms or their Battlewagons prior to a skirmish or battle. Superstition states that, in a similar fashion to their Bloodsteel weaponry, if the paint is made with blood and blessed by Gazigash, she will grant them a boon of immense speed.



Da blue gitz iz a danger’us lot.”

In the Raguk culture, blue-paint is reserved for only the most brutal Redskins. It is said that those who are privileged enough to wear blue-paint have the blood of Baderkuk in them, from the days when Braduk and Raguk were joined as one. How much of this is true is up for debate.



Yella’ is da lukky colour ov looterz agh freebootas. . .”


Raguks with an affinity for gold and all things shiny - usually goblins - may paint themselves yellow before a major battle to heighten their chances of finding themselves something of interest on the corpses of enemies.



Da blakka’, da choppia.”

It is not uncommon to see glyphs painted in black along the edge of weaponry or siege equipment; or to see a Myrzym’s tusks coated entirely with black paint. This is because it is believed that black-paint makes weaponry all “da more choppia”, or more effective in combat.



Chrome - colour ov da flatted.”

Aged Raguks who anticipate their death in battle may slather their face with chrome paint beforehand to make it damned clear to Kor that a Raguk is approaching the gates of the Stargush, in death. Similarly, deceased uruks are painted chrome for the same reason. The method to craft this chrome paint, however, is knowledge known only by the Yellers.







Jewelry, in a similar fashion to warpaint, has sentimental and spiritual value to a Raguk if not for vanity. For example, it is not uncommon to see an elf-ear necklace to boast the amount of elves a Raguk has killed, or a piece of bone or a tooth from giant game. Sometimes this jewelry contains gold, silver or platinum; sometimes bloodsteel and other exotic metals like mage-gold; or strange gems and stones to give it a qualitative lustre.


In a somewhat grizzly deviation, it is also not entirely uncommon for Raguks to take fingers, toes, tusks and ears from fallen kin to turn into amulets and charms, believing that the felled ork’s strength will transfer unto them.





Edited by PraiseTheLord
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Gutstringa lathers his shoulders and bits of his chest in blue war paint. His grey eyes gleaming. “Da bluud uv Baderkuk flowz through deez veinz, yub! Hozh mix!”

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