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Senate and People of Velia - Recruiting!

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Senate and People of Velia


[!] Flyers could be found around the trash heaps of Atlas. Those with keen eyes may spot its noteworthy medium — most written familiarly  with ink on papyrus, and some on an unusual engraved wax tablet. Upon examining the document, the reader may find that the gibberish is quite similar to words used by the Church of the Canon in the Human territories. Examination and translation by a clergyman would yield good results, unless a generous Cloud Temple Monk were to do the work instead.






Concerning the Population of Aquium

V. Pompeius Cilo, Consul

L. Fabius Barba, Consul






A Public Crier in the Velian Forum, as engraved on the back of the tablet.




It has been many years since the first expedition set sail to the newly found Eastern Lands, our friends and countrymen under the wise hand of T. Labienus Cursor. We, the duly elected Consuls, report to the Senate and People that the blood and sweat of our delegation has not been in vain— our soldiers have forged light out of the savagery abroad. May the Pomerium of Aquium hold fast against those who would violate our precious res publica! Praise Ilia!


Now open to settlement are unscathed lands, fresh and fertile for all citizens to settle outside our esteemed capital.



We, the Senate and People, offer you a rare exchange in your service to the state for the chance to elevate yourself and family out of the chains of poverty! For no fee, you may be enrolled into the ranks of the Legion and sent to Aquium to serve under T. Labienus Cursor. For fifteen years of dedicated service to the defence of the colony, you shall be afforded LAND and ascension to the THIRD CLASS.



We, the Senate and People, offer you the chance to settle these new lands. In exchange for one years worth of tax, to be paid upfront, you and your family shall be sent to Aquium by the Senate and People. You will be granted lodging and work. Exceptionally gifted masons, smiths, and other craftsmen may apply for further benefit. This offer does not exempt ready men from being called to service in the Legion, especially to defend the colony.



We, the Senate and People, offer you a one-time exchange. For one years worth of tax and your land holdings, you and your family shall be afforded travel and granted the ability to homestead around the Colony of Aquium. This offer does not exempt ready men from being called to service in the Legion, especially to defend the colony.



We, the Senate and People, ask once more for your service. Under T. Labienus Cursor, vanquisher of the Serbii and Raetii, you shall serve for a period of five years and be granted an enlistment bonus of 300 sestercii. At the end of your service you will stay in the colony in an occupation of your choosing.









Salvete! You’ve come upon the recruitment thread for Velia — an upcoming role-play in Lord of the Craft based heavily around the culture and climate of the Roman Republic.


In our lore, Velia is a sprawling city-state on a Western continent yet to be explored by the denizens of Atlas. In search of more trade goods, and a temporary solution to severe overcrowding, the Senate has deemed it necessary to subsidize the travel of willing parties to the Colony of Aquium.


If you’re interested in partaking as a Velian, please fill out a short questionnaire and reply to the thread (No Latin needed ? ). If you’d like to go more in depth with creating a character, feel free to look at our guide, Creating a Velian Character! Non-Velian characters will have to meet with the group through role-play.


Guides (for those who would like them): [Character Guide] [Legion Guide] [reserved]



Minecraft Username:

Discord Tag:

Character Name:

Character Age:

Character Social Class: (Rich | Middle | Poor | Slave)

Character Profession: (A non-combatant profession, like carpentry)



Edited by Senatus_Populusque_Velianus
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Maccus frowned at the thought of outsiders joining up. He didn’t enjoy them. But with new ships landing, it would be good to have the rest come their way. 

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Minecraft Username: TheRedneckSug

Discord Tag: Sug#4795

Character Name: Odysseus Galanis

Character Age: 19

Character Social Class: (Rich | Middle | Poor | Slave) Rich

Character Profession: (A non-combatant profession, like carpentry) Politics and General Mercantile Trade

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10 minutes ago, The Redneck said:


Minecraft Username: TheRedneckSug

Discord Tag: Sug#4795

Character Name: Odysseus Galanis

Character Age: 19

Character Social Class: (Rich | Middle | Poor | Slave) Rich

Character Profession: (A non-combatant profession, like carpentry) Politics and General Mercantile Trade


Thanks for filling out the questionnaire! Rancidhound or Sir_Niccum will contact you promptly on Discord.

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Minecraft Username: LaDemoiselle

Discord Tag: Don’t have one atm

Character Name: Lillenor

Character Age: 18

Character Social Class: (Rich | Middle | Poor | Slave) Slave

Character Profession: (A non-combatant profession, like carpentry) Personal combat and farming

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Minecraft Username: Mud_Crab

Discord Tag: You have it

Character Name: Peter of Stettin

Character Age: 30’s

Character Social Class: Poor

Character Profession: Farmer

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4 hours ago, Almalexi said:

Minecraft Username: LaDemoiselle

Discord Tag: Don’t have one atm

Character Name: Lillenor

Character Age: 18

Character Social Class: (Rich | Middle | Poor | Slave) Slave

Character Profession: (A non-combatant profession, like carpentry) Personal combat and farming


1 hour ago, Bannerlord said:


Minecraft Username: Mud_Crab

Discord Tag: You have it

Character Name: Peter of Stettin

Character Age: 30’s

Character Social Class: Poor

Character Profession: Farmer

Apologies for the delay in forum response! Look forward to seeing you folks in RP. 

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Minecraft Username:


Discord Tag:


Character Name: Numa

Character Age: 16

Character Social Class: Rich

Character Profession: Tailor and Smith

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18 minutes ago, chaotikal said:

Minecraft Username:


Discord Tag:


Character Name: Numa

Character Age: 16

Character Social Class: Rich

Character Profession: Tailor and Smith


Thanks for filling out the questionnaire! Either Rancidhound or Sir_Niccum will contact you on Discord!

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Minecraft Username: JennaTheSiren (soon to be on Jenanana – Main account)

Discord Tag: Jenna#9148

Character Name: Mattisyn Fane

Character Age: 19

Character Social Class: (Rich | Middle | Poor | {(Slave)}

Character Profession: (A non-combatant profession, like carpentry) Auxiliary 

Edited by JustJennaaa
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Minecraft Username: Boruto

Discord Tag: Callisto#6280

Character Name: Avitus

Character Age: ~14

Character Social Class: Poor

Character Profession: Has a penchant for psuedo-preaching, often to muster coin.

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3 hours ago, Boruto said:

Minecraft Username: Boruto

Discord Tag: Callisto#6280

Character Name: Avitus

Character Age: 17

Character Social Class: Poor

Character Profession: Has a penchant for psuedo-preaching, often to muster coin.


6 hours ago, Jennanana said:


Minecraft Username: JennaTheSiren (soon to be on Jenanana – Main account)

Discord Tag: Jenna#9148

Character Name: Mattisyn Fane

Character Age: 19

Character Social Class: (Rich | Middle | Poor | {(Slave)}

Character Profession: (A non-combatant profession, like carpentry) Auxiliary 


Thanks for filling out the questionnaire! Either Rancidhound or Sir_Niccum will be with you over Discord!

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Minecraft Username:

Discord Tag: GhostRoast#0874

Character Name: Manius Claudius Curio

Character Age: 33

Character Social Class: (Rich | Middle | Poor | Slave) Middle

Character Profession: (A non-combatant profession, like carpentry) Vintner/Farmer

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19 hours ago, The Lion said:


Minecraft Username:

Discord Tag: GhostRoast#0874

Character Name: Manius Claudius Curio

Character Age: 33

Character Social Class: (Rich | Middle | Poor | Slave) Middle

Character Profession: (A non-combatant profession, like carpentry) Vintner/Farmer



Thanks for filling out the questionnaire! Either Rancidhound or Sir_Niccum will be with you over Discord!

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This looks pretty cool!


I am interested but I got a few questions, and perhaps I’ll check out some of the gentes and families and join in through there. Is there a discord invite link? I’m Eze#7386. 



Edited by ExplorerEze
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