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Listen if you've a direct feedback for the piece in particular leave it. 


This isn't gripe about your opinions on the druids post, this is a rewrite post for feedback. 


If you can't, then don't. If you dislike it, then so be it, but shut up. If you dislike it and wish to leave constructive comments, do so. 


It's been top down reworked and I'm seeking ways to tailor it up. Screaming it should be removed isn't going to work cause well. I'll just rewrite it again if it's denied. 


So either be a productive member of the community or I'm just going to discount your response entirely and move on with my life. I've no time for a jaded vet member screaming "Back in my day" cause his personal opinion isn't being immediately validated. That's not how this works. 


Any further posts like this will be requested to be removed. 


Productive feedback only. I don't care if it's good jobs or you should fix this part cause it's stupid. Otherwise, have a nice night. 


Additionally I've decided to leave the flaw pointed out by Jenny, simply because if you're that liberal with your Sapling and let it get Merced, you deserve what's coming. Simple as that. 


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14 hours ago, Sky said:


I'm just fuckin' around, not even a current druid anymore. 

my bad

13 hours ago, Keefy said:

Listen if you've a direct feedback for the piece in particular leave it. 


This isn't gripe about your opinions on the druids post, this is a rewrite post for feedback. 


If you can't, then don't. If you dislike it, then so be it, but shut up. If you dislike it and wish to leave constructive comments, do so. 


It's been top down reworked and I'm seeking ways to tailor it up. Screaming it should be removed isn't going to work cause well. I'll just rewrite it again if it's denied. 


So either be a productive member of the community or I'm just going to discount your response entirely and move on with my life. I've no time for a jaded vet member screaming "Back in my day" cause his personal opinion isn't being immediately validated. That's not how this works. 


Any further posts like this will be requested to be removed. 


Productive feedback only. I don't care if it's good jobs or you should fix this part cause it's stupid. Otherwise, have a nice night. 


Additionally I've decided to leave the flaw pointed out by Jenny, simply because if you're that liberal with your Sapling and let it get Merced, you deserve what's coming. Simple as that. 


that’s another problem, maybe not just with the druids but with everyone who writes lore for this place, you keep blowing up abrasive feedback as though you’re being yelled at or severely reprimanded, and then you come off as offended. if you want “productive feedback”, read what’s been said and don’t blow someone’s opinion off because they’re a “””jaded vet member”””” who “cant keep up with the times” in a roleplay video game

the point that was put across is that there’s too much supplemental lore going on and that whats already established and open for use is getting bulldozed by these rewrites and excessive focus for useless things. what this lore is, is useless, in a sense that it has no real application for providing cool magic roleplay like all of your other stuff and only exists as a benefit for one person. another thing is that i feel like it really ingrains an anti-PK idea in the group and makes people want to work toward justifying keeping their character away from the threat of permanent death as much as they can since you can only use monks for so long until you start to seem like a scumbag

im sure you have time to debate these points as well if you want to waste your time rewriting a rewrite for something that was rewritten and originally written several years ago

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19 minutes ago, bigcrazy said:



Alright so I’d like to ask that instead of sitting there saying ‘its useless’ or ‘its pointless’

How about you read through the lore and give notes on the actual re-write itself, instead of using a generic term on it as a whole.

Put aside all of this pettiness and actually give criticism on the content of the submission and not the baggage you have with it.


What’s your opinion on the new take on Amber? The generalization of wood strength? How about the new take on Unnatunement and the drawbacks one would go through, ignoring prior iterations that retained the PK clause.


Please give some actual criticism on what is in the re-write, and not your baggage about it as a whole.


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37 minutes ago, bigcrazy said:

my bad

that’s another problem, maybe not just with the druids but with everyone who writes lore for this place, you keep blowing up abrasive feedback as though you’re being yelled at or severely reprimanded, and then you come off as offended. if you want “productive feedback”, read what’s been said and don’t blow someone’s opinion off because they’re a “””jaded vet member”””” who “cant keep up with the times” in a roleplay video game

the point that was put across is that there’s too much supplemental lore going on and that whats already established and open for use is getting bulldozed by these rewrites and excessive focus for useless things. what this lore is, is useless, in a sense that it has no real application for providing cool magic roleplay like all of your other stuff and only exists as a benefit for one person. another thing is that i feel like it really ingrains an anti-PK idea in the group and makes people want to work toward justifying keeping their character away from the threat of permanent death as much as they can since you can only use monks for so long until you start to seem like a scumbag

im sure you have time to debate these points as well if you want to waste your time rewriting a rewrite for something that was rewritten and originally written several years ago

Well it seems you’ve read a completely different reply than what I actually said.

Nor have I blown off your opinion, but this adds nor removes any of the supplemental lore you continue to mention, despite having made supplemental lore yourself at one point for druidism.

More over your pointing your words at the wrong person for the lack of PK risks that are instilled within the risks here. If I could I’d make unattunement even from the husks still a PK, but a previous amendment was asked to be maintained, so it was.

And I do have the time. Just like you have the time to provide inflammatory comments on the posts as well. Funny how I’m allowed to use my free time as I please, huh?

You’re complaints hit the overarching issue of “I don’t like the CA cause I don’t like the idea of immortal non pk system” but you play a elf that does not die of age and you have since Asulon-era at minimum. I won’t pull your personal rp into the target here, but that alone makes your point moot to me, and instead drill in something else.

Pk’s are not enforceable without ooc agreement. Not even a 300 year old human can be made to PK by the LT. Only by admin vote. When that amendment went through and noone spoke up against it, that went down the drain.

So rather than focus on that, or exclaim what only benefit as for a single person, which just drills in a narrow minded viewpoint that I can’t begin to fathom, instead, try and keep a open mind, cause I didn’t close my mind to your own magic during it’s intern despite it’s issues, nor any other. That’s just pure entitlement.

And if you really don’t feel like reading anything I wrote again, I’ll just summarize it for you as “Feedback noted”.

Have a nice day Cam.

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Thank you for submitting your piece, it is now under review. A verdict shall be given in 1 and a half weeks, give or take a day or two.


Thread is being locked to prevent edits to the lore while voting occurs (if you need to make edits, contact me). Also, if you have feedback regarding the lore that you wish to pass to the LT, feel free to toss me a PM.

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This lore is pending, you will be contacted regarding the issues raised by the lore team so you may fix it. You have 2 weeks to make the changes, beginning from when you are contacted. Once you have edited your piece, send me a forum PM and your piece will be reviewed to ensure the changes have been made.

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon.

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Lore has been shelved and moved to the appropriate subforum. If you have questions about why this specific lore has been shelved, please contact an ST Manager or the ST Administrator.

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