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Varendoz Adventurer's Guild [Enroll Now]


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The Varendozian Adventurer’s Guild


The Varendozian Guild Headquarters,

County of Auvergne, Ardes, 1647


The Adventurer’s Guild was originally established in the encompassing wilderness of Varendoz, Aeldin. The Guild’s master, Renhalt started out as a coin for hire attempting to make a living off of the fruitful, and often daunting life of a beastmaster. A few years into his trade Renhalt came into the employ of Gawain d’Auvergne, an upstart Auvergnian noble from the crownlands. Renhalt and the few retainers in his employ were hired to slay a swamp drowner in the bog outside of Auvergne, but after seeing Renhalt’s efficient work Gawain decided to hire the beastmaster on a permanent basis. A few years down the line, with the wide scale corruption and infighting in Aeldin the two decided to depart to the newly established lands of Atlas, where they took up residence under Duke Ratibor Carrion in the Duchy of Adria.


Two years into their stay in Atlas, Renhalt branched out from House d’Auvergne and started to map out the outlying wilderness of Adria, cataloging a plethora of flora and fauna new to the world. With the wide scale urbanization of the Duchy the forests began to shrink, stirring up many unruly creatures. More and more attacks began to plague the realm. Beasts such as gryphons, wraiths, liches and drakes had been seen in the mountains surrounding the area. With the increase in fatalities due to these creatures, Renhalt founded the Adventurer’s Guild inside the County of Auvergne, hoping to quell the onslaught of incidents.


Mission Statement

While the Guild’s main focus is to rid the world of unnatural threats, it does also attempt to preserve and maintain the current status-quo; only when a creature steps outside of its boundaries does the Guild see it necessary to involve itself.




Guild Ranking Hierarchy

Guild Master

Incumbent: Renhalt Varen

The Guild Master is tasked with the general overseeing and management of the Guild.


Guild Vice-Master

Incumbent: Gawain d’Auvergne

The substitute Guild Master, capable of acting in the same authority as the Guild Master. Assumes total control of the Guild in the absence of its primary chief executive.


Guild Clerks

Men and Women of the Guild tasked with the overall organizing and dispatching of Adventurers to their appropriate Bounties and Requests. They are paid on an annual salary and cannot register to become Adventurers due to the potential of scheming and liability issues.



The Adventurer’s Corp

The ones tasked with carrying out the Guild’s primary reason of existence - the Adventurers. Responsible for delving into unknown wilderness, or scouring the depths of a long forgotten ruin. They are the front-line against the unnatural, paid contractors that protect the Realms of the Descendants.


Carbarum-class Adventurer:

The apex of their field, the Carbarum Adventurer is one who’s mettle has been tried and tested countless times. Unmatched by others in their field as distinguished monster hunters, they are tasked with contracts of extreme danger, but significant pay.


Arcaurum-class Adventurer:

Veterans of the Guild, Arcaurum Adventurers serve as figureheads for those of lesser rank, acting as captains on the field.


Aurum-class Adventurer:

The middle category, the Aurum-class is filled with standard issue Adventurers that have made monster hunting their primary way of life.


Ferrum-class Adventurer:

The regulars of the Guild, the Ferrum-class is the enlisted corp. These men have picked up the basic tenets of what it means to be an Adventurer but are not full-fledged members.


Copper-class Adventurer:

The introductory level of the Guild, these are the aspirants. New contacts and unindoctrinated members fall here.


As it stands at this moment, Adventurers may only claim Bounties relevant to their class in order to best minimize damage, however, Adventurers may Party up with high-classed comrades. Guild Identification is required to be shown in order to process their Bounty through.


In order for an Adventurer to be promoted within the hierarchy, they must have completed a certain amount of Bounties to what their class demands as well as having to complete a designated Bounty of their target class. And finally, they must fall in line to be analyzed by the Guild’s Own personnel.


Code of Conduct

While the Guild does not enforce these, every fledgling Adventurer should take these conducts to heart, to ensure a better working environment for everyone involved.


  • One shall not assault another member during a contract.

  • One shall not steal from another member during a contract.

  • One shall not fabricate falsehoods about achievements.


The Guild holds no issue with members having hostile relations with one another. It does request that Adventurers prioritize upon their contracts rather than one another.


The Varendozian Abnormalities Registry

The Guild’s documentation of creatures, monsters, and other hostile or abnormal beings found so far upon Atlas. These anomalous creatures are categorized into sections based upon their threat level; each section more dangerous than the other, with Carbarum ranking at the most extreme.



Copper-class abnormalities:


Feral Goblins (Cave Goblins)










Ferrum-class abnormalities:














Aurum-class abnormalities:
















Arcaurum-class abnormalities:









Carbarum-class Abnormalities:



Creatures have yet to be discovered that are properly suited for this Class.


With new discoveries being made everyday, the Guild is aware that their documentation will always remain incomplete. It therefore requests that anyone who has information upon new creatures, are to bring said information to any Guild official, to which they will be rewarded on a monetary basis based upon the significance of their discovery.



Adventurers should only be hunting down creatures and beasts that are of their own class. Those within the low ranks are advised to attach themselves to a group of higher ranked Adventurers in order to acquire more experience in the matters of monster hunting.

The Guild does not take responsibility for Adventurers injured or killed during their contracts.





To enroll, one must seek out the Guild Headquarters located within the County of Auvergne, or at the guild offices located within the city of Belvitz.


They must then schedule an appointment with an appointed official of the Guild, who will then proceed to assess their qualities and integrity as potential adventurers. Given that the assessment proved to be successful, the applicant is granted Varendozian Adventurer status, now official a Guild-Member.


Depending on past experience, be it that it is thoroughly detailed with ample evidence, an applicant may even have the chance to skip one or two ranks of the Guild upon joining.


Upon completing the enrolling interviews and evaluation, the newly made Adventurer shall be given their registry form and a badge made of the materials based off of their rank.


To get into contact with someone who can process an Application Interview, fill out the following letter and send it off to the County of Auvergne, to which you will be responded to as quickly as possible.

Application for Interview










To withdraw membership from the Guild, one must locate the nearest official and issue a notification of resignation. To which point, it will be processed through to the Guildmaster, who then officializes the resignation, the retired Adventurer’s registry is archived and their badges retaken.


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Petyr sells all his property and farfolk slaves in preparation for the adventure to come.

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Rolien glance over the notice instantly moving as he'd look to sign up in a hurry. His life of hunting and capturing beast after beast could be useful here... same as with his companion that was a Demigryph... and all of his Bokolo's too may be on the ranch...


Name: Rolien Vulnear 

Race: Highlander (Half-dwed)

Age: thirties or fifties maybe... hard saying. 


Discord#: DarkElfs#1259

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Ellenore imagines how much Mina she could make crafting armor and weapons for this new guild.

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Ostrobor nods then smiles the suns smile.

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smiles and thinks about the future adventures that awaits him and the rest of the guild!


Name: Theo Tiberan

Race: Highlander

Age: 12


Discord#: giambro#0268

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27 minutes ago, DarkElfs said:

Rolien glance over the notice instantly moving as he'd look to sign up in a hurry. His life of hunting and capturing beast after beast could be useful here... same as with his companion that was a Demigryph... and all of his Bokolo's too may be on the ranch...


Name: Rolien Vulnear 

Race: Highlander (Half-dwed)

Age: thirties or fifties maybe... hard saying. 


Discord#: DarkElfs#1259


2 minutes ago, giambroof said:

smiles and thinks about the future adventures that awaits him and the rest of the guild!


Name: Theo Tiberan

Race: Highlander

Age: 12


Discord#: giambro#0268


Renhalt catches Gawain musing over the recent Applications – picking one up for himself, he’d nod in approval. He gathered both of the letters, dropping them off to the young Bastien, asking him to pen a response. 


To Theo, @giambroof


Due to your age, we cannot employ you as an Adventurer. We can however bring you under our fold and teach you the ways prior to your coming of age. Come to the Guild Office within the City of Belvitz to meet with one of our personnel, they’ll know of your situation and will sort you out.


Renhalt Varen


To Rolien, @DarkElfs


You have been approved for Interview, please come to the Firstlight Tavern within the Capital of the Duchy of Adria, Belvitz. A Guild official will meet you on its second floor to discuss your enrollment. 


Renhalt Varen



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Application for Interview

Leon would shift his gaze over the notice, reading over it carefully. Thinking that this would be a convenient method of earning some coin, as well as his many years spent living in the wild could prove useful in hunting creatures 

Name: Leon WhiteMane

Race: Human

Age: 29


Discord#: Salazar_Endercon#6695

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5 minutes ago, Salazar_Endercon said:

Application for Interview

Leon would shift his gaze over the notice, reading over it carefully. Thinking that this would be a convenient method of earning some coin, as well as his many years spent living in the wild could prove useful in hunting creatures 

Name: Leon WhiteMane

Race: Human

Age: 29


Discord#: Salazar_Endercon#6695

Gawain mulls over the most recent applicant.

”Your application has been APPROVED. We will send word with a time for the interview.”

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Devran approached the notice, lightly reading over it. A small smile crossed his face as he considered the possibilities. He hurridly gathered some paper and ink he sent in an application.



Name: Devran Iyliar

Race: Human

Age: 20


Discord#: Zeigler#0994

Edited by Hoster102
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“Someone find my goblin-killing swords.”


Name: Maly’thill

Race: Elf

Age: Some number greater than 150 but less than 1000, I lost count somewhere around 400?


Discord# BaratheonBBQ#3922


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Name: Blogus The Black

Race: Orc

Age: 182


Discord#: 99% Neanderthal#6439


Blogus reads over the notice, “Mi pwetty booored, myght az well” He says as he licks his lips and sends in is application

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A young farfolk came across the flier, stopping immediately to read it. He rubbed his chin in thought and snatched the paper from its resting place, saying, “Looks interesting. I wonder what it’ll be like...”



Name: Quincy

Race: Farfolk

Age: 17


Discord#: funnay981#8612

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      How do we get there? How did you get here, by the way?' [Will asked].
      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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