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[✗] [Creature Lore] Mirelurk


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ת×צ×ת ת××× × ×¢××ר âªmirelurkâ¬â
(Ignore that out-of-place Wheel :3 )



Seas, Ponds, Lakes, Underground Caves (With Water Access) and Swamps



Mostly feeds upon smaller Water-based Creatures such as Fish and Squids, but known to also resort to Land-based creatures if in need.


Mirelurks can be Both Hostile and Neutral, depending on the situation at hand. If Hungry and without food it won’t be wise to even slightly get near them as they will attack anything in sight that isn’t of much threat to them, but if they are in a “good” mood, or that you encounter the more rare and intelligent kind of Mirelurk, than they will only attack if provoked.

Brief summary of the creature



“The Mirelurk is a Water based creature which mostly lives in groups with other Mirelurk. While some groups of Mirelurks are basically savages and possess the Intelligence of an Animal, some rare groups are actually quite intelligent and this is seen in them constructing more sophisticated constructs and using hand-made weapons, unlike their savage counterparts. They are known Hunters and protective of their Young ones, are known to scare away anyone who tries to get too close of their habitats, but will also attack if hungry or if feeling threatened. They can swim at remarkable speed, see under water and some rare individuals also posses rare traits such as Spitting Acid and leaping large heights.



The Mirelurk is Almost Twice the size of a fully grown Human Male,  Is Covered in Colorful Scales which defers in color from one Mirelurk to another, Has a long Tail and possess Sharp Claws and some even has Horns. It seems there are Males and Females in the Mirelurk’s lines, although it first sight it would be hard to acknowledge which is which. They also posses a regenerative healing factor of some kind, that deals best with small-medium physical damage, poison and low level burns.


Mirelurks usually live in groups in areas with very close proximity to Water bodies (Although there were rumors they can also resign for long periods of time underwater). While some groups merely constructs nests, some rare groups posses higher level of intellect for some unknown reason and thus are known to construct more elaborate constructs such as walls, and huts. Weather Savage or Intellectual it seem’s all groups have a few key “members” such as a queen, guards, scouts and hunters (although in the end of the day, if one dies another can easily replace it except as the queen).




Their origin is a mystery, their first documented sighting was a few hundreds years ago, yet even with all the time that passed between than and now not much information was gathered about them. It is theorized that they came from far away marsh lands due to the drastic changes in weather and world geography believed to be caused by unknown magic sources of kinds. But if there’s one thing Historians can agree about is that at least some of the Mirelurk groups are slowly gaining knowledge and getting smarter.



The Mirelurk are Mainly known to be sensitive and weak to Magic Based Light and Fire

LM Approval Required:

Permission will be needed to use this Creature, weather in an Adventure-like Event such as Exploration of a Swamp, or Underwater Ruins.

If playable, what are redlines?



-Must read and understand what is written on this creature lore.


-Weak to fire and magic based light, cannot travel too far from any body of water.


-They speak to each other in a language that is only known to them, and no one succeeded at translating.


-Their regeneration is not instantaneous, it takes two emotes to heal from an inflicted small-medium wound, poison or fire damage.


-If your group’s queen is killed, you are weakened both physically and mentally, yet will become more feral and “suicidal”.


-Players who decide to look “different” from what a Normal Mirelurk may look like, either by missing a trait (Tail for example) or have a unique trait such as a bag of some kind (indicating a more intelligent Mirelurk) must state why/how these changes came to be.


-Being Enslaved/Captured will eventually result in a neutral death due to you being far from suitable Water body/Your group’s Queen.

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So this is a playable race? Yeah dude this is already denied. It’s waaay too barebones, and is just a blatant rip-off if Mirelurks from Fallout. 

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3 minutes ago, Slothtastic said:

So this is a playable race? Yeah dude this is already denied. It’s waaay too barebones, and is just a blatant rip-off if Mirelurks from Fallout. 


Well not saying it’s much original, just wanted to suggest an Interesting water-based creature to the world.

Just having a shot at creating Content.



(BTW The “Mirelurk” concept isn’t even originally of Fallout, like most creatures in Games/Movies/Books)


Edited by Wernsto
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Playable race = denied. Maybe just make it a regular random creature and give it a new name. 

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35 minutes ago, Tato said:

You put this in the correct format for a lore creature, however in the redlines you make it sound like its player playable. You should clarify it, and having it non-playable (besides et/lt) is the only way it could get accepted.


Oh, well I thought it’s fine to suggest a lore creature that is mostly un-playable excepts in events.

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I believe he is stating redlines for an ET only playable creature. Not creating a new race.

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2 minutes ago, PosidonX7 said:

I believe he is stating redlines for an ET only playable creature. Not creating a new race.



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Also, there’s already a water creature. Axolotyn which are also fish people, just aren’t used.

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Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 19th (give or take a day, pushed back a bit due to vaults launching).

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This Lore has been denied. This creature is lacking a lot of detail, and in addition it is something pulled from Fallout. If you wish to include creatures from other games/books/etc you should modify them better to be more lotc'ified.


Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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