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[✗] [Reformatting][Rewrite] Necromancy, Fourth Generation.


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Tiers are replaced with terms of magical progression:

Novice, T1

Apprentice, T2

Adept,  T3

Expert, T4

Master. T5

Cemetery 1 by KoTnoneKoT.deviantart.com on @deviantART

Fourth Generation Necromancy; The Silenced Awakened



Among the Dark Arts, perhaps the one most reformed is that of Necromancy. From leeching off the dark powers of Iblees, to the utilization of obelisks, and finally to the opening up of a hollow within one's own soul, the magic has constantly strived to adapt to circumstances. The newest discovery is of a way to have the body physically react to life-force pairing upon the being, thereby keeping oneself comparatively non-soul separated making the practice safe in its learning. Necromancy in this fashion has come to a new state to which abilities have altered to make up for the changes that have occurred. Necromancy still is the art of manipulation lifeforce into serving the will of a necromancer in manners unique to themselves including the likes of resurrection tainting and ritualistic rites.



Necromancer’s Rebirth

Stillness spread throughout the grounds, a ebony fog creeping through with silent whispers of the native wildlife still and silent the place being over harrowed ground, torn and mounds of dirt overlap each other in a spiral towards the center of the land where two stand. The arch-necromancer and apprentice.


“Death, a stepping stone one tries to overcome, though never to risk one's own life, this is where you differ- though you too will come close to it.” the necromancer states as a blackened mist would begin to develop over his fingers, coiling around them like a serpent.


“For one to overcome this, you have to perish and hope your will is strong to awaken a darkness in you to keep living.” The mist would begin to join like a union to his skin staining the hand black before the necromancer places it upon the apprentices chest, the mist would dance from his hand to the newcomers body and entwine over the chest, the veins and arteries bulge out of the skin with a unmistakable hue of black surging through them.


The arch-necromancer pulls his hand away as the trailing mist continues to latch onto the apprentices body before eventually breaking, the necromancer steps back. “I have taken a piece of you, and now will teach you how to get that piece of you back.”


Necromancy is one of the forbidden forms of magic one can learn coming from the beginning to the present it has always been around through the manipulation of life and death, weaving through the principle of man. Though as previous necromancy permits a new nature of necromancy has been founded and arisen to take hold of the future generations. The practice of necromancy would no longer require the opening of an entity inside one’s body, though through the practice of learning how to weave your fingers through manipulating life-force.


The creation of a new-necromancer through this passage of learning requires most the editability of the apprentices mind and body into understanding the fundamental principle of necromancy and the way the magic is used to manipulate the life-force all around them to twist into their own desires.




Necromancy Mechanics

These is the fundamental knowledge one requires before practicing necromancy, without having an understanding of the mechanics of necromancy one will lack understanding and or roleplay on how to utilize the magic successfully and correctly.




Necromancer Physiology


Necromancer Physiology

The touch of shadow afflicted many within Kethesh, markings of a deal with death.



An individualpracticing necromancy won’t have any abnormalities in the body shape or form upon studying necromancy or therefore after, only when a necromancer exceeds the current amount of life-force coursing through the body or relies on it for survival is when a metamorphosis effect happens upon the necromancer’s body.

When a necromancer begins to expunge their own pool of life-force a degrading effect would begin to occur within their body, muscles would begin to thin down and bones becoming brittle as you utilize your own pool of life-force for a power unnatural to oneself. This would continue till ones dying breath as they practice the magic however will not kill the necromancer just physically weaken them like other magic kin.


The metamorphosis effects on a necromancer who exceeds the current life-force then the being can handle, a physical change will occur upon the necromancers body. This change usually would begin to appear to the closest area on the body where the necromancer casts, the change would appear on your skin looking like a black stain creeping up to your body. This black stain will continue to creep up through the necromancers body as they continue to exceed the life-force capacity and will only start to dissipate once the necromancer has rid themselves of any and all excess life-force.


Dark demon fantasy witch 5k, 720x1280 wallpaper



The black stain would act as a separate layer of ashy flesh bound to the necromancer feeling nothing more than brittle stone with the density of flesh. If remaining upon the necromancer for an extended period of time without expunging the excess life-force one could have a change in the body and mind, a degrading effect of stiff ligaments and fine-motor skills physically and a mental gluttony for life-force, if continued to be left unchecked the necromancer would find that their own body would begin to fully face a metamorphosis change of skin decay to the point they leave themselves to become undeath lookalikes.


A necromancer who has reached the point of becoming undeath themselves wouldn’t be considered a creation of necromancy but a change caused by it, after physical changes would occur of decaying flesh and mental instability for a gluttony of life-force removing any connections they have to utilize magical arts in any capacity besides the drain ability in the magic. The necromancer would become more-or-less a ghoul, a beast soul hunting to satisfy their gluttony which can only be stopped by death or starving the necromancer out of life-force for them to turn back into the person they once were.



  • The degradation of the body is similar to voidal degradation from practicing magic.

  • If a necromancer exceeds the base 100 life-force, they will form that life-force upon their skin which appears like a black stain.

  • The black stain will completely cover the users body at 200 life-force capacity, this is also the limit of life-force one can hold.

  • The black stain has no defensive capabilities and is only a visual effect.

  • The rabid necromancer / ghoul isn’t something that can be forced upon an individual, only to be done through the player’s RP choice.

  • The rabid necromancer / ghoul has no added strength amplifications able to be reverted through a necromancer reverse drain.







Imagem de love, art, and couple


:Magic Explanation:

Life-force is an energy that resides within all natural and living beings. To be defined would be survival, without life-force the earth, flowers, trees, critters, beasts and descendants would perish. Life-force controls and interacts throughout every cell of any living being, working to assist bodily functions such as organs and the immune system to strength of oneself. Though naturally life-force would build as the host begins to age, filling the body as the being grows, eventually the living thing will die, though the life-force would remain inside of them which will seep into the earth, ready to begin another cycle.


Necromancers have the ability to disrupt this natural balance of life-force through grasping how to manipulate it, controlling the energy to push or pull it and redirect it to wherever they desire. The unnatural art can assist in creating new-life and help destroy existing life. Though without life-force a necromancer wouldn’t be able to utilize the abilities handed to them making a sacrifice to themselves or those that contain it around them to practice their art.




Life-Force Capacity


Life-Force Capacity

Dragon Age: Inquisitor, by mattdemino



:Magic Explanation:

The art of necromancy requires a lot of time in training, practice and careful knowledge of your abilities and limits. To be able to cast a spell of Necromancy, you need to be able to draw upon two pools of energy. The first pool is a being’s lifeforce, which powers up the internal functions of the body. This pool is the direct fuel of your magic. The second is your energy, which keeps your physical and mental limits lasting.


Each Descendant has the same amount of lifeforce inside them. Necromancers however possess the ability to drain Life Force and store up to twice the normal amount. This Lifeforce becomes the fuel of their spells and the amount wasted depends on the spell. The amount of energy varies from one Necromancer to another, especially during the early stages of practicing the art, when their body is still strong. However, Life-force and energy work in tandem to fuel the organs and systems of a Descendant’s body. As such, regardless of how much energy a person has individually, only a part of that is used to fuel spells which is directly related to the amount of Life-force you have and as such, it is the same for every practitioner of the art. 


The amount of life-force a descendant has equals a hundred Points which can be exerted to the full capacity of 200 points. Additionally, each Necromancer will have a energy pool of a fifty points only increasing by ten points by each tier to a maximum of a hundred Points. When a spell is cast, you also waste energy points equal to half the lifeforce points wasted for the spell. When your Energy points drop below twenty, the power of your spells drops, you will feel great fatigue in your thoughts and movements and there is a chance that your spells will stop functioning. In the event your energy drops to zero, you will no longer be able to focus enough to cast any spell, you can barely move and your speak will compose of short phrases between ragged breaths.



  • A halfling has the same life-force as an orc, don’t question it.

  • All descendents have a base of 100 life-force.

  • A necromancer can only hold the capacity of 200 life-force. Anymore will become stagnant and release from the necromancers body similar to a black mist.

  • All descendents learning necromancy start with a base of 50 energy, going up by 10 points each tier.

  • For the amount of life-force used, you use half that amount of energy.

  • If a necromancer hits 0 energy they’re unable to cast spells.





Passive Abilities

Passive abilities are an uncategorized skill set and a basis for necromancy. It is recommended to teach whenever possible the set of skills are a set staple in necromancy.



Life Drain (Novice / Passive):


Life Drain (Novice / Passive):





Life drain is the first spell picked up by a necromancer, though basic it holds the basis control of life-force in its purest form, draining an individual to replenish your own pool of life-force capacity. With this spell a necromancer is able to extract the life-force out of any organic matter and transfer it into themselves, being descendants, beasts and flora. Some magical creatures are immune to this spell however due to the complexity of their form and unnatural flow of life-force that they hold.


A necromancer doesn’t necessarily have to drain life-force to utilize some spells within necromancy, as it’ll slowly replenish itself over-time to a maximum of a hundred percent, though it’ll certainly help balance the necromancers control of life-force and utilize spells more efficiently. Through life drain living descendents offers the most percentage return of life-force, followed by beasts to finally flora. Dead organic matter would offer half the percentage of life-force return up until the following elven week where the organic matter wouldn’t be harvestable for any amount of life-force.


Draining Descendents:

Using life drain on descendents is the most effective way to replenish your life-force capacity to a hundred percent or to exceed that amount, draining an individual will be a one to one return rate of life-force replenishment, this would mean you aren't required to drain an individual to death, rather than until the necromancer is satisfied with the percentage of life-force they’ve acquired.


Draining Beasts:

The life-force of a beast would vary depending on the size of the creature, breaking into five sections to correctly allocate the return of life-force. Draining breasts although less effective than a descendent gives the opportunity to hide necrotic powers from public eye, disguising the corpse if killed as a sickness.


Tiny Beasts - Fifteen Percent Life-force return.

  • Examples: Squirrel, Bird, Rabbit, Rat.


Small Beasts - Thirty Percent Life-force return.

  • Examples: Dog, Cat, Goat, Hyena.


Medium Beasts - Forty-Five Percent Life-force return.

  • Examples: Sheep, Boar, Wolf, Pony.


Large Beasts - Sixty Percent Life-force return.

  • Examples: Horse, Buffalo, Bear, Elephant.


Massive Beasts - A hundred Plus Percent Life-force return.

  • These are ET creatures and based on the exact size will determine how much life-force return you will receive, if you require information ask an LT member.

  • Examples:

    • Dragons: Five thousand Life-force.

    • Wyvern: One thousand Life-force.

    • Basilisk: One thousand Life-force.

    • Sky Whale: One thousand Life-force.

    • Lurker: One thousand Life-force.


Draining Flora:

The life-force of Flora is significantly less when it comes to the other groups, however will be a prominent feature to a necromancer, with giving opportunity to not take a life or damage the livelihoods of those of beasts and descendents. Draining flora like beasts would depend on the size in the return rate of life-force, though having an added bonus a necromancer is able to drain multiple medium and below plantlife at a given time. This would be separated into Four different groups. Necromancers who consume plantlife around them will find that they disrupt the flow of life in the area making it baron to grow life until mended by alchemists or druids with blighthealing.


Small - One percent life-force return.

  • Example: Flower, Wheat, Mushroom.


Medium - Ten Percent life-force return.

  • Example: Bush, Small Tree, Cactus.


Large - Twenty Percent life-force return.

  • Example: Tree, Giant Mushroom, Druid Altered large plants.


Massive - A hundred Plus Percent Life-force return.

  • These are LORE Plants and based on the exact size will determine how much life-force return you will receive, if you require information ask an LT member.

  • Examples:

    • Cerridwen’s Charm: One thousand Life-force.

    • Jokers Scum: One hundred Life-force.

    • Starlit Monacrie: One hundred Life-force.

    • Miners Helmet: One hundred Life-force.

    • Spirit Magnolis: One hundred Life-force.


Touch Drain:


A necromancer is required to build up necrotic energies towards the end of any ligament upon their body and risk grappling another creature, the necrotic energy once placed on a target will latch out and or into the being. As the touch connects the target will be faced with an unknown realization of what’s happening to them facing a myriad of debilitating effects upon them,these effects wouldn’t happen instantly and would intensify for however long the connection lasts. While the physical touch is placed upon the individual physical pain and change would occur, the muscles within the body would begin to lock into place, the skin stretching appearing in a dehydrated state and the area the necromancer is holding you from burning in such a pain your body feels like it is in a burning inferno. The individual’s body if a direct contact on skin would mutilate around the area the necromancer is positioned, the skin starting to boil and burn. Whereas through clothing or armor the effects would be less-so leaving black marks upon the body leaving a dead-zone type area. The touch drain by context would begin to drain the individual gaining a percentage of life-force for each moment the necromancer is connected, only therefore after the connection ends will the drain of life-force and the debilitating effects fade from the individual.   


As the spell is connected the necromancer wouldn’t need to focus much on the individual or themselves, the spell being more about the physical will rather than mental concentration to keep the drain going. If the spell is broken however by removing the physical touch or the necromancer becomes too unfocused, the spell if near completion would hold the remaining life-force of the individual into account if the drain is re-established requiring only half the time to fully complete rather than the full duration.



The touch drain would require three emotes minimum to weave into effect and if successfully connected on an individual, draining twenty life-force upon each follow up emote. Eight emotes to completely drain a descended of life, from start to end.


Debilitating effects include:

  • Numbness.

  • Hallucinations.

  • Vertigo.

  • Struggle to breath.

  • Fear.

  • Loss of vision.

  • Crippling of limbs.


Tether Drain:


A necromancer is required to build up necrotic energies towards the end of any ligament upon their body and manipulate those energies forwards to attach themselves from a distance to a target of your choosing in a short distance. If the tether connects to an individual they’ll instantly feel a pull of energy directed towards the necromancer, beginning to sew the drain in effect. The individual would begin to feel weakened and achieve the debilitating effects of vertigo, muscles locking up and skin stretching to a dehydrated state beginning to intensify for the duration. The pain the individual would feel would be one of agony as the very life-force is pulled from them, pain would echo across the body of the individual in random areas whilst the connection remains firm, leaving black marks upon the body leaving a dead-zone type area. The tether drain by context would begin to drain the individual gaining a percentage of life-force for each moment the necromancer is connected, only therefore after the connection ends will the drain of life-force and the debilitating effects fade from the individual.   


As the spell is connected the necromancer would be required to focus much on the individual bound and themselves, the spell being about the full scope of mental and physical will despite giving the opportunity for both to move freely during the duration. If the spell is broken however by disrupting the tether or the necromancer becomes too unfocused, the spell if near completion would hold the remaining life-force of the individual into account if the drain is re-established requiring only half the time to fully complete rather than the full duration.



The drain itself would be weaker than its predecessor touch-drain, it offers the advantage to be used at range, the range to initially cast and connect to an individual would be four meters/blocks and the range required before the tether breaks would be ten meters/blocks.


The tether drain would require three emotes minimum to weave into effect and if successfully connected on an individual, draining fifteen life-force upon each follow up emote. Ten emotes to completely drain a descended of life, from start to end.


Deadzone description:

  • The dead-zone areas would be filled with leftover necrotic energy which will slowly seep out of the individuals body over the course of a few hours, which the body will react to heal over the area like it would with a naturally occurring bruise. In the meantime the area will not be able to function correctly, leaving a tightness around the area preventing fluid movements.



  • Will restore a necromancers life-force or exceed capacity up-to 200 percent.

  • Requires no energy.

  • Touch drain can only be done via, touch and will always induce debilitating effects.

  • If an individual would drain plant-life they’ll prevent new life to grow within its place. Until mended by alchemists / druids.

  • Tether drain can be done via, tether starting at a 4 block distance to a maximum of 10 blocks before the tether breaks.


Reverse Drain (Expert / Passive):


Reverse Drain (Expert / Passive):


"It's a cruel world where magic thrives. Doctors are little more than glorified murderers... Trading the life of one for another... We all have our regrets. This one is mine."



A spell that assists the necromancer to entwine life-force and rework the drain ability from taking life-force into the opposite of giving it to others. Reverse Drain has the potential to reverse touch or tether the life drain ability into usage for a necromancer to assist their fellow necromancers, reanimations or non-necrotic kind in a plethora of ways from removing fatigue loss, calming other undeath and giving life-force. This ability is done through the exact same process the way a necromancer connects with either touch or tether drain, just instead of taking life-force, they give it.


A necromancer may utilize reverse drain in order to save a life when they have no life-force within them, giving an impression of a necromancer by exceeding their current life-pool with the black stain, recuperating mortal life from fatigue to quickly gather their strength, transferring life-force to reanimations or feral necromancers magically to calm them and feed them of hunger and nourishing another necromancer to renew their energy and life-force fuelling another.




Able to pass life-force on rather than consume it a necromancer can decide to tether themselves to a mortal being, assisting them with degrading effects they might have such as fatigue, this will boost the individuals energy allowing them to stand back up and continue their way, this renewal ability would remove any sluggishness or weakness from exhaustion. Nourishing doesn’t provide healing to wounds or give mana to an individual to assist in magic, just removing a component of tiredness.


Once the touch or tether has been successfully bound upon a individual the user would begin to feel the effects immediately, every emote therefore after will restore the user with life-force in the same manner as it is taken while exerting energy into the individual. The necromancer can choose to send a lower amount of life-force towards the individual if need be for less energy return into the individual and fatigue loss. Additionally if the individual goes over their cap of life-force capacity they’ll produce the black stain that would overcome a necromancer explained in Necromancers Physiology.



It’ll take after connection, two emotes from touch and three emotes from tether to fully restore an individual's energy and fatigue loss to full capacity. Doing Fifty percent each emote by touch and thirty five by tether.




Providing the necromancer to ease reanimations not necessarily theirs or feral necromancers explained in Necromancer Physiology, soothing allows a necromancer to transfer life-force to these individuals through a reverse drain of touch or tether to dispel debilitating effects upon them such as eternal hunger for life-force in both as it’ll temporarily feed these creatures for a short time. In turn soothing would calm these individuals down to a passive state allowing a necromancer to move towards or pass them unharmed producing a clarity of mind respite from their initial intentions.


Once the touch or tether has been successfully bound upon a individual the user would begin to feel the effects immediately, every emote therefore after will restore the user with life-force in the same manner it is taken while exerting calamity and feeding into the individual.



It’ll take after connection, two emotes from touch and three emotes from tether to fully put the individual a calamity state and feeding to full capacity. Doing Fifty percent calamity and feeding each emote by touch and thirty five by tether.



  • Can flow life-force into a target individual either soothing or nourishing.

  • Requires no energy.

  • Same distance as tether drain, up-to 4 blocks to initiate and 10 blocks before the tether breaks.



Fleshsmithing (Apprentice / Passive):


Fleshsmithing (Apprentice / Passive):



(Game Screenshot - Agony)



Deconstruction and reconstruction, fleshsmithing is the act of sculpting through flesh like dough and bone like clay to mold a plethora of tools to a necromancer with the creation of abominations. Fixing dead organic matter with a flow of life-force one can begin to rework flesh, muscle, sinew and tissue into a metaphor mixture of dough so that the biomass is ready to be push and pulled into shape. Biomass in this state of uselessness can still be accessible for a necromancer to use in various other skills with reanimation and affliction, as it acts more like a grouped pile of unused organic matter beaming with the necromancers life-force inside.


Biomass is the after creation of this process, several piles would be built up this way; flesh, muscle, bones, sinew, plant-matter and other organic substances would have their own pile to serve a different function in the utilization of repairing and modifications. The biomass would contain life-force to work into different forms, shapes and various abominations to the necromancers imagination. Fleshsmithing takes a longer time than other necromancer abilities due to the understanding level of anatomy one would have to conceive to create stable and threatening monsters and furthermore the necromancer would require an understanding of the anatomy of what the creature is that they’re creating.


Fleshsmithing has multiple applications in the utilization of reanimation, first it is essential to learn for the creation of the chrysalis; a component to successfully raise a corpse. While inside the chrysalis an experienced necromancer can alter several points of the corpse inside with the addition of biomass, the biomass additions can bring on changes by altering its figure such as longating arms, addition of claws, bone appendages used for knives, ext. Though if the corpse is not within the chrysalis the components become more rudimentary, adding crude designs to the corpse without full control of the abomination.


The major weakness towards biomass in general would be the evercold, freezing temperatures would begin to coat biomass with icicles and solidify its movement ability causing any biomass pile or Abomination to become sluggish, naturally the biomass would have a heating component towards itself to prevent natural occurring frost, although caught in a blizzard or rapid freezing temperatures the mass would freeze up and become useless until thawed.


Repairing and Modification:

Using correct biomass a necromancer is able to repair broken undead, in cases of minor wounds to severe damage like missing limbs, destroyed torsos. These factor into the skill of the fleshsmith and the biomass utilized in its initial creation, if the missing limb for example is returned it’ll take significantly a lot less time and effort of the necromancer to mold the biomass in order to produce a new limb. The issue would also be the skill of the necromancer, if they did not initially create the abomination then they wouldn’t possibly know how to repair it if of unique design.


With repairing an undead, depending on the damage at hand requires a percentage of life-force to be consumed, the amount of life-force required to make repairs would be ten for minor upto twenty for severe. If the creation of a new modification, including limbs is required take note of the modification cost.


Modifications on a corpse as specified is a lot easier if done within the reanimation chrysalis, which utilizes the necrotic energy to give the corpse fine-motor skills of the abominations given, whereas while outside the chrysalis the undead would only be able to have gross motor skills for any abominations given to them. This is due to the function of the chrysalis acting as a metamorphic pod to renew a corpse back to life and the energy flowing through to do such. A limitation to modifications however is that the original blueprint of the body, making the addition of extra limbs not a possibility except for non-playable corpses.


A cost is contributed to the modification of undead, depending on what is being modified and given to the individual is dependent on the abundance of life-force one has collected, minor modification such as sharpened teeth and claws would be ten percent life-force consumed, where major modifications including the addition of limbs up-to twenty percent life-force consumption.


Abominations undead:

Creating your own unique abomination undead is a tedious process, the necromancer must divulge a lot of their time in its creation. A necromancer must be familiar with the anatomy of its design following a law that it cannot be overbearing and or oversized for what it is. If the design is of a common creature it’ll take significantly a lot less than one of a fully unique design, offering almost limitless combinations and possibilities.



Creating tiny sized creatures would take ten percent life-force consumption.


Creating small sized creatures would take twenty percent life-force consumption.


Creating medium sized creatures would take thirty percent life-force consumption.


Creating large sized creatures would take forty percent life-force consumption.


Creating massive sized creatures would take place over an IRL week, requiring at least four necromancers and fifty percent life-force consumption each day for each necromancer.


Fleshsmithing is based on the mastery of the necromancer, detailed below.



Apprentice: Able to create biomass, no further fleshsmithing.

Adept: Able to do minor repairs, modifications to undead and assist in the creation of abominations undead. Requires Reanimation to animate.
Expert: Able to repair, modify and create abomination undead.



  • Allows the necromancer to build up piles of organic matter to be utilized at a later period of time for a series of spells and utilization.

  • Gives the necromancer the ability to graft flesh and bone to create unique designs of abomination undead giving creativity and variety of the forces.

  • Still requires reanimation to reanimate any abomination.

  • Allows the necromancer to repair and make modifications to reanimations.

  • Player undead are limited to what fleshsmithing modifications are allowed, such as; no third ligaments.

  • Fleshsmithing is a roleplay ability, disallowed in combat due to the time it takes.

  • Fleshsmithing cannot be utilized on the living.



Bonesmithing (Passive / Adept):


Bonesmithing (Passive / Adept):


[ART] Bone Dagger Design : DnD




Bonesmithing whilst apart of fleshsmithing requires an experienced necromancer to understanding the complexities of shaping mortal bones in the art of fashioning weaponry and armor for both offensive and defensive purposes. Like organic matter is used in fleshsmithing the bones would be reworked by life-force making the bones malleable, due to this the necromancer can now shape the bone together and even shape it to a weapon or shield.


These tools a necromancer creates, although brittle create a lightweight alternative to regular swords and armor which they usually do not have the strength to carry or use effectively due to necromancy weakening them. Bonesmithed tools effectiveness lies in with how they’re forged, the weapons able to pierce up-to chainmail before breaking and bonesmithed armor having stronger durability than leather and chainmail. Both the weapons and armor do face restrictions however as repeated hits and or large surface area attacks will easily break through the bones easily.


Various tools and weapons can be specifically tailored to the necromancer at hand, it is a given that two handed weaponry would be exceptionally difficult for a necromancer to carry, due to the large size of the creation. Bows however can be utilized like one handed weapons. Bonesmithed armor can be adorned by necromancers freely without the inability of restricting the casting of magic, and such they’re creations.


Bonesmithed tools have a unique method when working in tandem with Affliction have the potential to apply a series of debilitating effects upon the blade, as afflictions cannot be applied to normal weaponry. The debilitating effects upon the blade can range from paranoia to skin related diseases, although these effects will last for a maximum of four emotes, unless treated prior. The weapon will apply the first target with the single debilitating effect upon the blade if successfully wounded and then the affliction will cease to exist upon it. While bonesmithed weapons can be wielded by anyone. Only a necromancer may attune themselves to work with the affliction imbued on the weapon, as the power of the curse becomes inert in the hands of anyone else.


Armor bonesmithed is able to provide applicable protection to a necromancer it isn’t fully impenetrable, it may block a series of strikes from a sword it wouldn’t hold for long. Several attacks would be required to completely shatter the armor leaving the necromancer defenseless. The armor is more resilient to smaller weapons and punctures it wouldn’t survive an onslaught of attacks continued out by them, similar to if a blunt object with a large surface area hits the armor it’ll break in almost a single hit.



  • Bone armor, tools and weapons can all be utilized by necromancers and reanimations due to the light weight, these tools are all brittle when met with resistance being vulnerable to being broken by most weapons large and blunt weapons would shatter the armor and tools if clashed within a single hit.

  • Bonesmithing tools are able to be afflicted with a unique augmentation of applying an affliction to those wounded by the weapon. This would be a single use augment.

  • Afflictions will have a higher potency but only last for a duration of four emotes.

  • Afflictions on bonesmithed tools cannot be utilized by non-necromancers.



Cauterizing (Passive / Expert)


Cauterizing (Passive / Expert)






Cauterizing is a deed given to necromancers that allow them to successfully extirpation the living body of an individual. The methods of cauterization can be met on any organic flesh with willing consent for pseudo healing, the method of cauterizing isn’t like other healing methods usually met at a last ditch spell due to the amount of pain and suffering the victim receiving would face. Like Fleshsmithing the same methodology is required to practice on living tissue, crude in design the individual would be left with many scars and deformations on the location being mended to seal skin, mend muscle and close wounds in awful scars of ruptured mass lest they be healed by divine rite and or alchemy.


A twisted agony happens throughout the process of cauterization the individual feeling like their flesh being warped into different places, weaving of needles into the skin, glass shards pinned into muscle, hot iron rods to fix bone into place, although metaphorical actions the pain as if it is happening would occur in the victim. The pain being acute and lingering, a feeling the individual would feel throughout their body in every motion or movement, the final product being unpolished leaving skin crudely sewn shut, wounds packed with thick globs of flesh and bones violently cracked back into place. It cannot cure ailments and serves mostly to stop people bleeding out leaving a hideous reminder that this is a last resort to utilize on others or yourself.


Cauterization is a spell utilized by necromancers to assist in their fleshsmithing capabilities on the living, unlike the dead where they can sew modifications and repairs with ease living tissue is much too complicated to work with to add usable modifications. This leaves necromancers to do a far from perfect job to assist in repairing the bodies of the living in much regard, except for sealing wounds, mend broken and reenforce broken bones and even reattach limbs, though only within the same day (IRL), unless the limb is preserved/petrified; other body parts to not have a time limit.


With cauterizing being an extension of fleshsmithing it requires a necromancer to treat the flesh and bone with life-force until it becomes a little more malleable, due to it being living flesh this can never be perfect and therefore creates a greater agony in the individual practiced on. This takes a lot of time and cannot be done without consent on the individual as the blueprint of the soul would prevent this from occurring otherwise, once given, consent cannot be revoked until the scenario is over leaving the necromancer free rein on what they wish to perform.



  • Able to be utilized on the living, similar to fleshsmithing the act of mending flesh would be more crude and rudimentary due to the target not being dead.

  • Mended wounds and surrounding area of the body will be afflicted with horrific scars and bodily deformations.

  • Can reattach limbs within the same day they’re removed, unless preserved.

  • This is agonizing to the recipient.





Reanimation is a tool used in a necromancers arsenal to raise the dead from their eternal slumber and command them to do your bidding. Reanimation however is not an easy feat one can acquire taking both work and patience to perform successfully, it can be blissfully simple or very elaborate complex, at the behalf of the necromancer.




Petrification (Reanimation / Apprentice):


Petrification (Reanimation / Apprentice):


solidsender:  ||| Graphic Remake - Part 3 (original here) |||  Let the kings of winter have their cold crypt under the earth, Catelyn thought. The Tullys drew their strength from the river, and it was to the river they returned when their lives had run their course.




A necromancer to first perform the spell must find a suitable host, generally one that has died within the last human year (One IRL Week), before mass decomposure. If a body however has damaged organs of no repair any substitute transplate from the lining race will do the same. When a necromancer has successfully found a suitable host they can begin threading their life-force through the host, this life-force would seek out the internal organs of the being and latch onto them like tendrils; meaning a good understanding of their anatomy is required. Once all major internal organs are connected through the life-force threads formed by the necromancer they’re able to be petrified, those who have succumbed to this no longer face disadvantages of their deceased body to decay however not function either. The life-force inside the host body would make sure this doesn’t happen, the tethers keeping the body frozen with little effort of the necromancer. The life-force will eventually run out from within the body and have to be renewed through the same process each human year.



Petrification is a spell a necromancer can utilize on any creature they can drain, the price for such a spell would depend on the individual it is utilized on. With life-force a certain requirement is needed for each suitable host to correctly petrify, this would be one fourth (1/4th) the amount of life-force the host body could contain requiring a renewal each human year. It is technically possible for a necromancer to only petrify certain body parts and keep them in secure and sealed locations with less of a life-force cost, it would be only utilized to store body parts for future renditions of creations or cauterization's.



  • Preserves the body or organic piece up-to a week before requiring renewal.



Reanimation (Reanimation / Apprentice):


Reanimation (Reanimation / Apprentice):


latest (944×1000)




Reanimating the dead to return back to the land of the living is a complex process requiring several stages a necromancer must perform to successfully reanimate a corpse back to life. These stages a necromancer must undergo must be carefully articulated and planned out for a necromancer which needs the requirement of several things. A petrified corpse, having all major organs intact and in a state of a frozen decay. Biomass, presented with either piles of flesh, muscle, bone and other forms of organic matter can be used.  With these requirements met a necromancer is able to begin to start the chrysalis process, this would be utilizing flesh-smithing into creating a cocoon or egg based structure around the petrified corpse. The chrysalis is a structure that’ll incubate the body inside through the attachments of life-force tethers to the inside shell and feasting on the matter surrounding it. After a period of time has passed, the corpse will break free from the chrysalis awoken as an undeath.


The chrysalis is created through fleshsmithing of biomass enough to cover the designed body inside, acting like a cocoon. The biomass required should be carefully smithed around the body giving a two inch gap between the chrysalis and the body, this assists the necromancer and the body inside to break-free when ready easier rather than constricted and tied. While the gap is also easier for a necromancer and the body to break-free it is essential to the life-force tether that the necromancer connects the body to the inner-shell of the chrysalis, making it so the tether is able to jump between certain spots of the interior to get the most cost effective life-force to sustain the body. The shell itself of the chrysalis would be hoist a thick wall of biomass requiring to be at least six inches thick to sustain its structure around the body, though from the inside it can be easily broken out-of from the exterior it’ll be somewhat difficult to break within requiring several powerful blows to break through all layers of biomass to the body inside. The chrysalis functioning as an incubation pod for the deceased would require assistance of the necromancer once formed, the petrified body inside will have to be connected to the inner shell, by taking the tether inside the corpse already created and splitting it into multiple locations around the shell. This process is done through the aid of fleshsmithing to carefully move within the pod without damaging it’s walls, once successfully performed the necromancer wouldn’t require anything else for the process of reanimation. Reanimation will eventually commence as the chrysalis would be slowly drained of its life-force from the body inside, the tethers latching onto the shell and sustaining the corpse with continuous life.


The process of reanimation would at this point begin, the corpse major internal organs would begin to function once again over the course of incubation, slowly restarting the body to its former self. The corpse however, soul-less requiring something to replace it the life-force of the necromancer would attach itself to the creature and be this sustenance for survival, removing any attachments or memories the corpse would’ve had in its former life. After a period of several months (Three IRL days), the corpse would successfully restart it’s major organs and start the process of breaking free from entrapment of the shell, doing so is a relatively easy task from the inside. The corpse now awoken would remain around it’s area of incubation only wandering around a small distance away until reunited with the necromancer who awoke them, though through this process it is able for a necromancer to raise unlimited undeath as the life-force bond would go to connect the two only one chrysalis is allowed active at any given time. The functionality of the same chrysalis can be utilized by several small beasts and groups of tiny beasts at a given time.


With the utility that a necromancer is able to reanimate an unlimited supply of corpses at their disposal to roam areas around them, they are limited to how many they’re able to directly control. Necromancer reanimations can be controlled by influence given by the necromancer, to perform these influences a necromancer must expend some of their life-force to directly channel it inside the undeaths core giving them the commandment to action. If a necromancer is controlling multiple reanimations through influence they’re able to influence them all at once with the same life-force spent.  A necromancer doesn’t necessarily need to be fully concentrating upon giving influence towards a reanimation they’ll be bound to them until disconnection, this gives opportunity for the necromancer to perform other spells from necromancy while commanding the reanimation.


Limitations and Weaknesses of Reanimations:

The reanimation would be set to a hostile nature to all those that possess life-force within them, although can be easily swayed not to attack by a necromancer bound to them to prevent this from happening. Reanimations left to wander will seek out any living beast around them to attack in a hostile nature, commanded by an undead or not. The cause for this is a hunger ever-growing inside the undeath that requires them to feast in a renew of life-force to sustain themselves, without it they’ll inevitably perish after a period of time. This is why you’ll see reanimations stay bound to stagnation based ground, feeding off the biomass it produces.


The limitations to a reanimation without the possession of free-will would be limited to what it can do, more-so if given complex orders. The reanimation commandments follow simplicity, such as - attack, follow, assist, pin-down, defend with a given specification on whom are all relative simple commands whereas a complex example would be giving an reanimation a commandment to clear a collapsed tunnel in which they might find themselves unable to do alone with the frailty of their bodies, or being told to deliver a message without any idea of the location or path to successfully deliver unless that the necromancer provides.

If a necromancer decides to disconnect their influence from a reanimation or it is forcefully removed, they must wait a short period of time before connecting to another. This time period is based on the current scenario such as waiting, until they’re given the ability to refocus on another undeath (Six Emotes) or if the scenario is over.


Weaknesses of reanimations, with the restarting of functionality of the body the undeath would be susceptible to any wound attacking major organs, specifically the brain and heart. Requiring these to successfully move without a sluggish behaviour or animate their living body, targeting these organs would incapacitate the reanimation leaving it to return back into the ground as a corpse, similar if decapitation of the passage from heart to brain is disconnected the reanimation would fall. Targeting limbs and other organs of the body however will not have the same effect, although slowing the corpse down- it won’t successfully incapacitate it.


Reanimation limit:

A necromancer may successfully influence based on experience and development through reanimation a selection of undeath at their disposal, though only able to command a certain limitation, these limitations are separated into several groups which a necromancer must obey by. The necromancer may choose within the subcategories of reanimations they choose to raise, if they decide to influence high in their subcategory such as two humanoids they’ll be unable to influence the other reanimations below them;


Apprentice: Two tiny beasts, one small animal.

Adept: Three tiny beasts, two small animals, one humanoid.

Expert: Four tiny beasts, three small animals, one large animal, two humanoids.

Master: Five tiny beasts, four small animals, two large animals, two humanoids.



Master necromancers also have the possibility to successfully create a chrysalis pod for a massive beast, though require four necromancers. These master necromancers must do a period of emotes Eight emotes each) to sustain the pod for a human year, (Seven IRL days), to successfully incubate.


The Chrysalis pod would consume fifty life-force to initially create, storing the life-force the undeath will consume before release.


To maintain command of an undeath would consume no life-force, except if given complex orders, such as during combat, consuming Ten life-force for a single order.



  • Requires biomass (fleshsmithing) and a petrified corpse (Petrification).

  • Takes 3 days to reanimate.

  • The chrysalis pod can be broken.

  • Necromancer bound won’t be harmed by their creations.

  • Takes time to connect to the minds of the dead for a necromancer after parting from another.

  • Can perform other spells during commanding of undead.

  • Have to feed undeath every week else the’ll perish, this can be passively done on stagnated ground.

  • Undeath will easily die once more if a major organ is struct or severed from each other.



Feign Death (Reanimation / Adept):


Feign Death (Reanimation / Adept):


l´ombre des jours ?




Given a necromancer time they’re able to reverse the appearance of a living individual in a short period of time, giving the presence of absolute death. To do this a necromancer must perform this spell by eroding their own life-force and expunge it out of their bodies, doing such will cause the life-force from a necromancer to be non-visible to the naked eye preventing others to decipher that this is a spell or not. Upon eroding the individuals life-force the necromancer’s body would begin to appear in every way a corpse either that has died in that singular instant or degraded over the course of months once a period of time has passed, upon doing such a necromancer would feel no aliments of physical and or mental pain even if fatally struck the body would be under the impersonation of death and abide by its rules until the channeling of the spell has stopped. Once the necromancer removes themselves from this spell effect, any injuries suffered during it will take upon themselves as if a living body has just suffered them, creating an instance of true death if need be. While under the effects of this spell the individual will not have full control of their body, most of what they can do is whisper, mumble, try to roll their bodies over or try to slowly crawl; if they’re not moving the necromancer would appear in an absolute dead state.

Once the channeling is broken the corpse appearance the necromancer gave themselves would slowly return back to normal after a short amount of time depending on the death state they procured.


While a necromancer can do this ability to themselves they also have the ability to perform it on others, this requires a necromancer to be constantly in physical touch of the individual or created from a tether.



The necromancer would begin by working the spell into effect taking three emotes to successfully cast on themselves or others, doing a tether on another individual requires an extra emote the tether can only be within three meters/blocks. This ability would cause the necromancer to lose five life-force points if performed upon themselves and if caused on another individual doubled to ten life-force points on each emote after successfully casting the spell.



  • Essentially cripples the necromancer or individual only able to move or gesture lightly.

  • Removes pain receptors within the necromancer or individual until the channel is broken.

  • Individual looks completely dead and can be chosen to appear in a recent dead state or decayed.

  • Tether can only be made within three meters of the necromancer.



Dark Branding (Reanimation / Expert):


Dark Branding (Reanimation / Expert):


Nemanja Stankovic,гвинт,The Witcher,Ведьмак, Witcher, ,фэндомы,Скьялль




Petrification is the product of turning a corpse into a preserved state, dark branding would turn the living into doing the same. Affecting the body of a living individual a necromancer may brand an insignia upon their body which’ll slowly begin to spread upon the individual, slowly coursing the necromancers life-force through their body to attach themselves to the internal organ structure of the living body by following the blood flow. While internally this cannot be seen unless opening up the individual to view from the inside you can still witness the branding continuously spread similar to the black stain in Necromancers Physiology across their body, stiffening their joints.


The creation of this spell requires a necromancer to have a physical touch upon the individual and begin to thread the necromancers life-force between their fingers to slowly brand the individual with the dark insignia, connecting your life-force with the individual allowing it to spread across them. During this process the individual would feel a burning sensation growing from the mark placed upon them to the point it grows to agony. The spell itself not effectively killing the individual right away but taking time into doing so while the mark spreads across their body slowly petrifying it.  


Dark Branding would take the shape initially of the necromancers desire, able to disguise it as something else without revealing it’s true intention until it starts spreading across the individuals body. Preventing the petrification process and removing the dark mark wouldn’t be a simple task however, as it’ll follow the blood flow in the body, hemorrhaging the body would be the most effective way to prevent the mark spreading though costly to the individual's body, some alchemy potions could assist in this fashion by cleansing blood effectively removing life-force from within it to return the body back to normal, a magical presence could also perform the same actions. The brand itself will cease to exist after a period of time if the tethers of the necromancers life-force haven’t bound towards the individual, this can be represented by the stain on the body, only growing where the tethers have reached. This means that if the stain has only grown upon the arm, the tethers haven’t successfully latched themselves to any major organ.



The process to initially create the dark brand would take the necromancer a period of four emotes to successfully brand an individual and if the necromancer wishes for a continuous spread by their accord, one emote after the initial four. The process to fully petrify the individuals body would take several months (Three IRL Days), this is decreased for any extra emote on the individual by how much the body is covered. Every five additional emotes twelve hours IRL will be reduced.



  • Marks an individual with a branding that’ll slowly make the individual dying and becoming petrified if not removed.

  • Causes pain each moment the brand is upon the individual. Noting its location.

  • It spreads based on how far the branding has infested the individuals body.



Vivification (Affliction / Expert):


Vivification (Affliction / Expert):






The body and mind of a corpse is different in many ways, although the body is easy to reanimate and bring back to life the mind is somewhere different and in doing so takes skill and timing of a necromancer to successfully perform. In bringing the mind of a corpse back into itself the necromancer has one requirement, if the soul has not passed on into another body. This would be commonly known as the revival period usually performed by the hands of temple monks, however any corpse would have the same effect.


Upon a necromancer finding a recent or old corpse they’re able to attempt to commune with it by filling the corpse with life-force once again, this has to be done on the deceased skull otherwise the effectiveness of the spell wouldn’t work. If the soul of the deceased hasn’t fully passed on at this point the life-force would begin to tether into the soul-stream and drag the bodies recipient soul back towards it. Doing so will be an agonizing experienced for the deceased and once successfully pulled back into their former body would that continue, forcefully pinned to the body they use to inhabit. Only once a necromancer has fully released the grasp upon the deceased body would the soul finally be able to return back to the soul-stream, unremembering of the fact they just got pulled forth from it.


While the necromancer has successfully bound the deceased back to its former body are they able to finally interact with it, the necromancer is able to ask the deceased questions while they remain holding the life-force grip upon the body. Although the deceased would only be able to reply with yes or no answers, the agony holding them in place would prevent them from further reply compelling them to tell the truth so they may leave and be released from the necromancers grasp.


The soul of the deceased wouldn’t be able to gather new information to carry upon their next life as the memories of the encounter would be removed upon revival, though if the soul doesn’t revive it may keep the information gathered if pulled by the necromancer another time. This would promote either a distaste or affection towards the necromancer for answers, every pull from the soul-stream this way would furtherment lesser pain on each continuous action giving a much more comprehensive reply.



This act for a necromancer would only be able to maintain for a period of time depending on their life-force capacity, taking twenty life-force consumption to initially pull the deceased back after three emotes to their body and ten life-force points to continuously hold the deceased to ask questions requiring the necromancers full attention every other emote after.



  • A recently dead, before the scenario is over can be returned and spoken to causing agony. If a grasp on the body is made.

  • An individual will have no memory once resurrected of the scenario.

  • If the body is found of a dead individual the necromancer may call them from the afterlife to ask them questions. Based on yes or no.

  • After a period of time if the same individual is called upon that is already dead, the pain will lesson and therefore the bond of telling the truth.






The creation of afflictions for a necromancer come within various forms of a necromancer to laying a foundation down and spreading corruption, procuring disease like spells within people or objects and manipulating stagnant ground around oneself for full control of the area.




Afflictions  (Affliction / Apprentice - Master):



Afflictions  (Affliction / Apprentice - Master):




In order for afflictions to work a necromancer must begin to stir life-force within their own emotions and thoughts to correctly mold the life-force they contain into picturing the affliction into their own creation, limited at one’s desire it’ll depend on the necromancer themselves to put it into tuition. This process is done through the corruption of life-force within a necromancers body and able to produce it out of them to afflict an individual nearby them.


Any affliction not listed and or interpreted to do in the specific affliction spell can still be made with a submission to the LT in the form of a Magical Artifact Application and if accepted be put upon the list below following criteria. This wouldn’t unless specified count towards a MArt application limit.


Sins of the Mind - Apprentice:


Sins of the Mind - Apprentice:


This affliction would bring out the contained sins of the target; Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, Sloth and Pride. The sin would depend upon the individual as it will be who the individual sees the sin they’re most inclined with and the affliction would amplify that to show more prominently upon the individual’s character, be it with their characteristics and or seen in speech it’ll ultimately show itself. If the user would resist their own sin, it’ll continuously build up inside of them until finally bursting out in full view. The sin chosen will be done by the individual under the afflictions influence.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, surging it forward in a direction of a small cloud of black mist towards a target, if successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to get the user to succumb to their sinful desire.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially seen the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its influence, the affliction would act slow in the individual and only if they show traits of their sins would it be more difficult of the individual to stop their actions, making it more difficult to prevent resistance.



This affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption and able to travel at range for up-to six meters/blocks, the affliction would last up-to several human months (Three IRL days) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Dull of the Senses: - Apprentice:


Dull of the Senses: - Apprentice:


This affliction would dull the senses down upon an individual by a flat amount of eighty percent, the senses affect could be; Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch and Pain. The sense deprived would depend on the necromancer when creating the affliction, the necromancer may decide to choose multiple senses in creating this affliction or singular depending on life-force cost. The sense that is chosen would slowly begin to dull by ten percent each emote if afflicted, the individual wouldn’t be able to resist as their senses dull to an abysmal low, their own sanity might be affected if not use to the conditions depending on the sensation chosen.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, surging it forward in a direction of a small cloud of black mist towards a target, if successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to dull the senses of the bound target, unable to escape.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially seen the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



This affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, with an additional ten life-force consumed for an extra sense dulled and able to travel at range for up-to six meters/blocks, the affliction would last up-to several human months (Three IRL days) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



The Act of Balance - Apprentice:


The Act of Balance - Apprentice:


The Affiliation of balance would imprint the user with a sensation of Vertigo, making the individual off-balance and unwary of their surroundings for the act of time the affliction is within effect. The level of intensity for the balancing act would depend solely on the necromancer able to procure the level of which it is sent out. The individual hit with this affliction wouldn’t be able to gather their footing correctly and forced to stumble around as if the world around them has begun spinning to an uncontrollable level. The base intensity for Vertigo would be Fifty Percent, giving off-key balance to any individual afflicted by this spell and seeing the world shift around them.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, surging it forward in a direction of a small cloud of black mist towards a target, if successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with Verito, preventing them to regain balance.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially seen the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



This affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, with an additional five life-force consumed to add greater intensity by ten percent each time done this way and able to travel at range for up-to six meters/blocks, the affliction would last up-to several human months (Three IRL days) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.





Heightened of Emotions - Adept:


Heightened of Emotions - Adept:


The necromancer for this affliction has a choice to target a specific emotion upon an individual or allow all their emotions to be heightened, allowing whatever emotion present to empower over themselves causing a dramatic scene unfold that they cannot control. If a necromancer decides to choose a specific emotion however the individual afflicted would only be able to feel that emotion throughout their whole being unless disrupted by something equally as empowering. The emotion empowerment a necromancer decides would cause a specific emotion up-to Sixty Percent heightened whereas causing all the emotions within the individual to unfold within themselves would only be Forty Percent heightened.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, surging it forward in a direction of a small cloud of black mist towards a target, if successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with these heightened emotions, unable to correctly cope with what’s happening around them functionally.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially seen the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



This affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, and able to travel at range for up-to six meters/blocks, the affliction would last up-to several human months (Three IRL days) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, or another excessive emotion the necromancer didn’t heighten overpowers the current, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.





Act of Speech - Adept:


Act of Speech - Adept:


This affliction upon an individual bound by it would cause them to have a series of speech impediment effects brought upon them, including although not limited too; Mute, Sluggish Speech, Pains when speaking and saying what first comes to their mind. Although a necromancer who designs this affliction may put more impediments than one, it’ll take significantly more time into procuring such and a greater amount of life-force required.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, surging it forward in a direction of a small cloud of black mist towards a target, if successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with these a muting, slurred speech or other speech impediment effect.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially seen the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, with an additional ten life-force to add further speech impediments and able to travel at range for up-to six meters/blocks, the affliction would last up-to several human months (Three IRL days) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, the individual slowly mouthing their words over a period of time and attempting speaking them, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Stiffness of Joins - Adept:


Stiffness of Joins - Adept:


The affliction taking hold of the users joints and muscles, moving to restrict an individual’s movements or actions with tightening muscle joints to constrict them around the bone, though this wouldn’t prevent an individual from moving it’ll act as if a stigma into doing-so as if the individual afflicts would move it’ll cause an agonizing pain similar to muscle cramps. Although a necromancer has no control over the intensity of this affliction, it’s base would always cause the same amount of pain in any individual.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a stiffness in their joints beginning to turn into pain if they continue to move much like muscle cramps.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL Hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Numbing of the body - Adept:


Numbing of the body - Adept:


The affliction focusing on the body of the individual, forcing it to become numb with a series of intensity, this action would completely remove the sense of pain and touch inside of an individual. The necromancer is able to utilize this afflictions intensity to either completely numb the body of an individual or selected parts across their body. The numbness would make the individual unaware of what’s occurring on their bodies if touched, wounded or otherwise ripped-up until the affliction is removed.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user by numbing areas of the body selected by the necromancer.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL Hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Changing Environmental Patterns- Adept:


Changing Environmental Patterns- Adept:


The affliction of changing environmental patterns would constitute as heat and freezing density upon ones body, feeling either-or a soldering heat or freezing bodies. It can also be utilized in the form of light-control an individual can take, such as if their eyesight would flare up upon seeing bright light-sources or mediocre ones. A necromancer may differentiate between the series of patterns if they don’t counteract each-other such as heat and cold directly.

After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a series of glaring lights to the temperature they feel within them.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, and an additional ten life-force is adding in another effect, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven day (One IRL day) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.





Retaining information - Expert:


Retaining information - Expert:


The affliction of memory retention would affect the individual’s memory with any new information they might receive with the choice of the necromancer to be instant loss of what was said or over the course of the duration of the affliction. Any sort of information wouldn’t be able to be retained while under the effect of this affliction, ceasing any memory development and or how the affliction was brought upon you.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with memory retardation unable to grasp or hold upon new information.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven day (One IRL day) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.





Paralysis of the body - Expert:


Paralysis of the body - Expert:


This affliction would cause mild to severe paralysis within the body of an individual, although not enough to stop organ functions. The necromancer is able to determine the intensity of paralysis with the amount of life-force consumed into procuring the spell. Mild paralysis would constitute similar to muscle cramps however freezing the movement of certain ligaments.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with paralysis the intensity of which determined by the necromancer.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption for mild paralysis to forty life-force consumption for full paralysis, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



The Great Sin- Expert:


The Great Sin- Expert:


This affliction works by adversely targeting a particular sin within the body of an individual, much like sins of the mind it’ll cook within the individual before fully baked much quicker. The sins would include;  Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, Sloth and Pride. Each additional sin that the necromancer would apply from the first would consume a greater cost of life-force.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with one or multiple deadly sins that they must face and control.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption for one sin with an additional cost of ten life-force consumption for full any additional sin, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL Hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.





The cause of strife - Expert:


The cause of strife - Expert:


This affliction working with the trust and or paranoia within oneself, causing discomfort and trusting ability of the individual upon anyone around them. The necromancer may decide to place one of these afflictions for a reduced cost of life-force consumption, this affliction would go to target the trusting capabilities of the users mind and in turn paranoia of those who they meet. This would cause great anxiety within the individual afflicted and get them to stray from large groups of people.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with one or multiple deadly sins that they must face and control.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption for the full effect and only Ten life-force consumption for one of the afflictions (Paranoia or Trusting ability) for full any additional sin, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to several human months (Three IRL days) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



The Delusions of Grandeur - Expert:


The Delusions of Grandeur - Expert:


This affliction would work with a false belief that one possess superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth. The particular affliction would inflict the individual with all these qualities, causing those afflicted to face no remorse in their actions making them believe whatever they do is within their best interest forgoing friendships and love if needed be.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with these delusions of grandeur


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a several human months (Three IRL Days) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.





Bodily Harm - Expert:


Bodily Harm - Expert:


The affliction working on a basis of bodily rejection causing the individual’s body to react in such a way that it causes natural ways to relieve itself from nosebleeds, blisters, swelling and bruising particular areas of the body. While it is mostly physical some mental harm can occur also such as headaches which all is involving the body trying to self-cleanse itself from the particular affliction causing strife within the individual’s body.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a series of bodily harm, causing a series of debilitating effects upon the individual with the cost of life-force.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, with an additional cost of ten life-force consumption is more than one bodily harm is applied, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL Hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.





The illusion of the world - Expert:


The illusion of the world - Expert:


This affliction would begin to cause visions within the individual’s mind of hallucinations. These hallucinations cannot be controlled by the necromancer but the one it is conceived upon with no particular meaning effort of what they see, the affliction itself only being able to this cause into being. The hallucinations an individual would see will attempt to pull it towards a more dark nature being the corrupted life-force inside twisting to create such the hallucination itself being up-to the mind of the afflicted.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a series of bodily harm, causing a series of debilitating effects upon the individual with the cost of life-force.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven day (One IRL Day) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Laughter is medicine - Expert:


Laughter is medicine - Expert:


The affliction would cause a pileup of laughter within an individual’s core before bursting out to an uncontrollable limit, preventing the user to stop their ghastly laugh from occuring once broken out. The individual during this time wouldn’t be able to speak or have any form of verbal communication as they’re just full of laughter to do such, which can leave a shortness of breath and potentially incapacitate the individual. A necromancer performing this spell wouldn’t be able to control the intensity or length the spell would occur for, once placed upon the individual unless ceased will continue.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a series of bubbling laughter before becoming uncontrollable.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL Hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Muscle movement - Expert:


Muscle movement - Expert:


This affliction would begin to cause spasms within the afflicted ligaments which prevents coordinated movement to an extreme limit, cramping and moving muscles to spasm around, flinging arms, legs and the body in random directions around themselves. The necromancer wouldn’t be able to edit the intensity of this affliction being up-to the individual on how they react and cope with the sudden spasms.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, surging it forward in a direction of a small cloud of black mist towards a target, if successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a surge of bodily friction moving to spasms and cramps of the muscles within the ligaments.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



This affliction takes four emotes to initially create, twenty life-force consumption and able to travel at range for up-to six meters/blocks, the affliction would last up-to an elven hour (One IRL Hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Breath Removed - Master:


Breath Removed - Master:


This affliction would cause the individual to face asphyxiation the state in a process of being deprived of oxygen, causing an individual to be light-headed or face unconsciousness depending on the two levels of intensity utilized. The necromancer may begin to intertwine their fingers with deciding which to choose, although the affliction itself won’t kill an individual, always leaving enough air-flow to sustain the individuals body, if caused enough will cause unconsciousness.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a series of asphyxiation debilitating effects which would cause unconsciousness.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, forty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL Hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, performing CPR, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Hypothermic Reaction - Master:


Hypothermic Reaction - Master:


This affliction would cause hypothermia within the individual, a process that causes the body to lose heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature. This would make the individual’s body begin to almost freeze up like a frozen body creating ice crystal like formations on the users body. The necromancer wouldn’t be able to control the intensity of this affliction.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a series of small body spasms to an enlarging rate of body heat being lost from the individual.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, forty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, a strong heat source, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Skin discontainment- Master:


Skin discontainment- Master:


This affliction would target the individual’s skin, causing it to rot and decay over a course of the afflictions duration, the decaying area would produce green puss while in effect and generally an odor that can be smelt from the afflictions creation. The affliction would spread from where the necromancer made contact on the users body afflicted by the curse.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a series of bodily harm, causing a series of skin decaying effects upon the individual.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, Forty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL Hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Hemorrhaging - Master:


Hemorrhaging - Master:


This affliction would cause the individual to face blood related hemorrhaging issues, although only if they have a cause to bleed out from as the Orifices on the body wouldn’t procure blood. Meaning unless the individual already has a pre-existing cut, future cut or nose-bleed while under the effect of this affliction nothing would happen.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a series of blood related hemorrhaging, though only useful if the individual is already at cost of bleeding.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, forty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL Hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Agony Sight - Master:


Agony Sight - Master:


This affliction works upon hallucinations and the individuals fear causing that whatever the afflicted sees would be painful agony to what they witness, unable to concentrate or move in most case scenarios without a strong pull elsewhere. The affliction working on a basis that the worst thing that has ever happened or what you never want to happen has, in front and around you.


After the necromancer has successfully brewed the spell within their hands they’re able to send it forth, through touch upon the individual's body. If successful the target would succumb of the effect. The individual would initially feel a slight tug in their stomach and gather a minor headache as the affliction begins to interweave into the users body, being the result of the necromancers life-force disturbing the flow of energy inside the individual’s body and beginning to instantly afflict the user with a series of hallucinations, causing them rapidly to turn into the individuals fear.


The target under the influence of this affliction if not initially aware the necromancer procuring the spell wouldn’t be aware of its initial distinction or what is causing the affliction to happen and unable to resist the coming affects caused to them.



The affliction takes four emotes to initially create, forty life-force consumption, requiring a touch on the individual to successfully place the spell upon the individual, the affliction would last up-to a an elven hour (One IRL Hour) if not remedied by a serious concussion leading the individual unconscious, alchemy and magic that affects the internal malfunctions to the head will cause the necrotic remaining life-force to leave the body, breaking the spell.



Roleplay Example of Terror:




  • Would bind themselves to an individual initially creating the affliction, if removed in any fashion the affliction won’t return until reapplied.

  • Special properties can be utilized depending on the affliction to remove it.

  • Causes a stomachache and headache if successfully afflicted.



Augmentation (Affliction / Expert):


Augmentation (Affliction / Expert):


ArtStation - Dark Conjuror, J. R. Coffron//You defeat the plans of an evil necromancer whose lair is guarded by a beholder.




Augmentation would be the terminology used by a necromancer into altering physical inanimate objects, organical food and bodies of water with properties associated with necromancy. This process could alter all those mentioned above with serene tranquility of darkness changing the very structure of what they touch to pass upon afflictions by physical presence, consumption and touch.


For a necromancer to achieve augmentations they’re required to utilize the life-force within or around the necromancer and puncturing stagnated holes throughout molding the life-force into something more dark and corrupted. Once molded the necromancer would be able to bind the life-force or spread it across an object, this can reflect the three types of afflictions from before, presence, consumption and touch. The augmented types can be associated with the affliction spells listed above, although several necrotic spells also can be bound towards objects. These will be determined on how they are worked within the object and if it’s possible therefore after.


Augmentations applied to objects, food and liquids have substantial potency of duration upon those afflicted by the augment bound. If the affliction is held the duration of the spell will continue until they release, if consumed the affliction would last it’s normal amount, if upon liquid, until the liquid has been removed off the users body. In tangent some augmentations may only interact with the environment such as binding am augmented stagnation root causing the land to turn into biomass around the augmented object, until destroyed or moved to another location will the land revert.


Augmentations based on liquids can only be affected by a necromancer by two meters, anymore the necromancer requires assistance to augment larger areas and or redo the augment once the original space has been taken up.



Augmentations that can be bound to objects, food, liquids run as follows;

  • Afflictions:

The affliction curses are able to be bound to objects, following the redlines unless specified otherwise.

  • Touch lifedrain:

The only life-drain spell allowed to be augmented is by touch only and associated only with the held/touch augmentation. This augment wouldn’t require a necromancer to renew as it feeds off life-force to sustain it. The augment will take twice as long to drain individuals unless specified in the augment to be extended. The augment will release any excess life-force consumed preventing use of a battery.

  • Dark Branding:

Associated only to be with the held/touch augmentation. While the user is holding the object, they’ll follow the redlines of dark branding, until they release the object. Dark branding can only affect one individual and once the augment has been released the augment will require to be renewed.

  • Vivification:

If given OOC consent, a necromancer may bind a deceased to the skull of the associated being. This would trap them until the object/skull is destroyed.

  • Feign Death:

Only to be bound by the held/touch augment. While the user is holding the augment it will only reflect the appearance of a being dead, not carrying over no pain or restrictive movements.


All augmentations have a set limit of time until they’re required to be refilled or renewed, once the augmentation has been activated by, presence, consumption and or touch would the augment active. The duration of the augmentation would only last for one elven hour unless specified otherwise (consumption). The exception to this would be Vivification, dark branding and touch lifedrain lasting until the augmentation is destroyed or released.



The fourth augment apart from presence, consumption or touch can only applied to bone-smithed weapons, this augmentation would be single use and only activate after a wound is made apparent upon an individual's body by the weapon lasting a duration at maximum four emotes.


Augmentations require an LT signature before use, the augment will have to be roleplayed over the constructive emotes of molding the life-force and the emotes of the associated necromantic spell used before successfully binding. Using their base life-force consumption system.



  • Application via wounds is only done through bonesmithed armor/tools/weaponry.

  • Augmentations are required to follow the consensus of necromancy spells if the necromantic spell is deemed too powerful, eg: Feign Death the augment will take a lesser version.

  • Augments have no hardening factor able to be broken easily or difficult depending on the material the augment is bound on.

  • Require LT signature.



Stagnation (Affliction / Adept):


Stagnation (Affliction / Adept):


Image result




The consumption of life-force and deconstruction of matter is what Stagnation causes to the environmental planes around it, digging into the ground and rooting within to spread around organic matter to deconstruct it and form it into various piles of biomass ready for a necromancer to utilize with a series of their necrotic spells or to assist feeding reanimations that walk among it. The stagnant ground would offer protection and assistance to those who practice necromancy and prevent those who do-not with dismay.


Stagnation would be created through the mistreatment of life-force from a necromancer messing with organic matter to imbue their life-force to grasp upon the life within and bringing it to a standstill, clotting all natural flow within its veins and structure becoming stagnant. This process would then create a void within the matter and begin to deconstruct itself without the assistance of the necromancer therefore after. The organic matter becoming stagnant and slowly deconstructing itself, if place within an area of large amounts of organic mass the process would jump towards the other bodies, like the first deconstructing itself into mounds of biomass, the mass unable to retain its shape and collapses into a fleshy mess full of plant matter, fleshy matter and non-organic matter. The stagnation build-up would not last forever eventually halting the growth of stagnant land after spreading in a ten meter radius, this is due to the original mass holding the first deconstructive void within itself unable to spread any longer, named the stagnant root. To increase the field of stagnant ground a necromancer may disrupt the flow of more organic matter and create another stagnant root so its spread can connect up-to others, creating a constructive ecosystem of biomass.


While the stagnant ground would only reach up-to a certain radius the depth of the infestation would continue, spreading the roots deeper into the soils around it and bringing up the harvestation of organic mass to the surface to fully deconstruct. During this process it’ll be like boils appearing upon the surface, filling up with this organic matter which can burst at any moment to release its contents upon the surface. This would keep the stagnant ground alive and continuously deconstruct within its designated radius gripping hold of organic matter, and procuring it to the surface wherever it can find it. The surrounding landscape and climate within and around the stagnant ground can change to fit a more darkened appearance of blackened fog with pustules of red fumes spurting around, containimating waters to a more grotesque hue fitting the overall theme if the stagnant area has grown large enough to cover a large mass of ground. Surrounding environments around the stagnant area would also face similar discolouration although not necessarily at the point of decomposure.


The atmosphere and ground-work around stagnant ground would almost have a repulsive stench that if not grown accustomed to it might discourage focus and fall whim to the stagnant ground. The ground itself would attempt to grab ahold of anyone that steps upon it, though easily countered by moving to break the fleshy containments attempting to deconstruct organic matter. This groundwork that the stagnation performs would become perfect tools for a necromancer in utilization of fleshsmithing, reanimation pods and keeping reanimations sustained with life-force consumption it also aids the necromancer in accessing pools of life-force within the ground for a selective work of necrotic spells.


The major weakness towards biomass in general would be the evercold, freezing temperatures would begin to coat biomass with icicles and solidify its movement ability causing any biomass pile to become frosted, naturally the biomass would have a heating component towards itself to prevent natural occurring frost, although caught in a blizzard or rapid freezing temperatures the mass would freeze up and become useless until thawed. This weakness becomes extremely apparent within stagnated land as not only does it cause the stagnation to halt it also ruptures the deconstructive void inside so that when thawed the stagnation wouldn’t continue effectively rupturing the flow of corrupting life-force. Other weaknesses would include with the assistance of cleansing corrupted life-force for example Farseers or Druids. A necromancer may even put an intervention upon the stagnated growth epicenter and rupture the major root with the control of their life-force effectively channeling it to the corners of the stagnant’s ground radius and disrupting the void left originally to cease.


The collection of biomass would be left behind for manual or magical cleanup of those who disrupt the area of a necromancer as easily as removing the fleshy piles of biomass buildup and uprooting any veins leading underground. Although not an easy task it is still able to be done without the worry of falling victim to the grasp of the ground beneath oneself.



Stagnation would require a necromancer one hundred life-force consumption to correctly place a stagnated root down to spread to nearby areas designated being at maximum ten meters in radius. The groundwork itself would leave life-force stagnated within the necromancer effectively preventing them from placing another stagnated root for up-to four elven days (4 days IRL). The stagnation growth would reach the maximum cycle of ten meters in radius from the epicenter in four elven days (4 IRL days). The emote requirement for the utilization of the spell would be six concurrent emotes.



  • Can only be done once every four days. Stagnation and Biomass binding have a connected cooldown period.

  • The maximum size of stagnated ground from a single stagnated root is a 10 meter radius.

  • The stagnated ground will reach its full radius in 4 days after its conception.

  • Biomass can just be picked up and moved, swept away.

  • If you stand still on the stagnated ground the biomass will attempt to latch onto you and pull you down.

  • The stagnated root is the first initial hallow created.



Biomass Burst (Affliction / Expert):


Biomass Burst (Affliction / Expert):


a light bulb, gummy bears and worms




The connection between a necromancer and biomass becomes apparent with this ability giving access for a necromancer to imbue life-force into the biomass directly around them and target a specific spot upon the biomass landscape a short distance away as long as the landscape is connected. The targeted area will be infused with building life-force continuously being fueled until bursting, the burst would occur briefly after targeted surrounding the area with a biomass puss and shrapnel depending on the pile triggered.


The necromancer who performs this ability must have direct contact between biomass to infuse their life-force within, be in hand or upon the ground. Once biomass has been found and begun the infusion of life-force it would begin to spark a different hue almost glowing while pulsating to increasing its own mass as being filled with life-force to inflate its size. The biomass would eventually reach a critical stage that when hit the mass of flesh, bone, muscle, plant matter or other organic matter that built it up will come ready to burst either by trigger from the necromancer or a sudden impact that’ll burst the biomass similar to a landmine.


Biomass that is activated and ready to burst can substantially disorientated, debilitate and would a target in proximity of the explosion, depending on the biomass pile built up can increase the effectivity of these explosions, such as bone shrapnel can pierce flesh, chunks of organic matter can knock individuals back and if liquid is involved evaporated from the friction that initially caused the explosion potentially creating a steam to hemoglobin fog for a short time.


The radius of the burst would depend on the amount of biomass present and how much time the necromancer would be willing to expend their own life-force. This would increase the mass of biomass affected and therefore create a bigger or small burst depending on the necromancers intentions. If left unattended for a period of time the activated biomass would burst like it does naturally over a stagnated field.



Requirements for a necromancer to create a biomass explosion would be the expenditure of twenty life-force consumption to create a 1x1 meter burst, affecting a 2x2 area, an additional twenty life-force is required to increase the radius to 2x2 meter burst affecting a 4x4 area, and would double each time for another increase. The amount of biomass required would be the targeted area, one meter(block), requires a full block of biomass to successfully cast the 1x1 meter burst, ext. The required amount of time to successfully utilize the ability would be three emotes to activate the biomass and a fourth emote to send it out, the range a necromancer can perform this ability is within a players(caster) emoting distance for the relation of meters(block).



  • Can only be utilized on biomass.

  • A biomass joint network is required for full range effectiveness.

  • Can be thrown.

  • Can be left for a short-time. Landmine.

  • Will burst similar to a balloon popping.



Biomass Binding (Affliction / Master):


Biomass Binding (Affliction / Master):


Hot Concept Art by Jay Li




Similar to biomass burst, this ability works with the same function of building up. A necromancer is required to have a connection to biomass around them to interject life-force within and make it activatable for a necromancer to utilize, what is different from this ability from the previous burst is that it rather sticks to an object beginning to pull them down towards the ground and passively draining life-force in the process.


The necromancer who performs this ability must have direct contact between biomass to infuse their life-force within, be in hand or upon the ground. Once biomass has been found and begun the infusion of life-force it would begin to spark a different hue almost glowing while pulsating to increasing its own mass as being filled with life-force to inflate its size. The increase of size wouldn’t be as large to cause a burst within the biomass, although allow the necromancer to finally weave a secondary condition by ripping a void within the middle of the mass similar to stagnation in creating roots. This process would fully activate the biomass to bind towards a target and passively drain life-force from an individual twice as slow as if a necromancer was doing it.


Once the biomass has been successfully activated and imbued with the binding feature, the necromancer is able to channel either at the ground or within the necromancers hand and launch the biomass towards the target, speed would carry the same velocity as an arrow. If the target has successfully be latched upon, the force would knock the individual to the ground and the biomass would begin to bind itself like a constricting wrap towards the target inflicting all the debilitating effects a touch drain ability has. The projectile of the biomass would only be initially one meter/block in radius, only spreading and growing its size once landed.


The weaknesses of this ability would follow all stagnation weaknesses while also being able to be ripped and teared off the individual, the matter bound would have the durability of a thick rubber wrapped upon the body preventing the use of hands to remove it. The attempter trying to remove the biomass from the individual would find it increasingly more difficult as the mass would attempt to spread and bind upon the nearest organic matter, making it increasingly more difficult to remove if not at first.



If left unattended, the biomass would continue to seep out life-force, becoming a new stagnated root and following the same rules as stagnation in regards to spreading. The ability only able to be utilized once every four elven days(Four IRL days) tying onto the stagnation cooldown, not separated. This ability would utilize one hundred life-force consumption. The spell would take six concurrent emotes to successfully utilize and only able to be done with a 4x4 radius of biomass around the necromancer. This necrotic ability can only travel up-to a players(caster) emoting distance for the relation of meters/blocks before it arks down to land upon the ground. If no target is hit the activated biomass would return back to normal following all stagnation rules.



  • Can only be done once every four days. Stagnation and Biomass binding have a connected cooldown period.

  • Can only be done on biomass.

  • Will shoot at the speed of an arrow once released.

  • Binding to a target and pulling them down, as the binding would drain the user of life-force.

  • Once released the biomass will act like a stagnation root.





Sacraments are rituals designed around a groups of necromancers to successfully perform. The rituals would be an advancement of necromancy with giving power of a necromancer to condemn a being living or dead to be in eternal servitude of those that raised it, the creation of dark structures which assist in necromantic control and having a sense of hierarchy within the necromancer coven if chosen to form.


Sacraments being ritualistic spells, they must be taught although only master necromancers would be able to perform them with assistance of those beneath who have access to reverse-tether drain. For a sacrament to be learned a previous necromancer must give up the knowledge towards the underlings or partners, this would be a careful process as incorrect details could lead to disastrous effects to anyone practicing.





Sacrament of Creation:


Sacrament of Creation:


Overgrown Tomb



The Sacrament of Creation would give access to necromancers to create dark structures, these structures would give unique abilities towards necromancers within range and reanimations although only able to be performed on biomass ground that covers the landscape around it, this is so the structure stays successfully fueled to perform the task required.


The creation of structures through necromancy would be similar to affliction augmentations, though due to directly being attached to a source of life-force require no renewal period, associating themselves as permanent structures. The structure itself requires to be made of certain metallic materials so that it’s durability doesn’t waver through the decades it’ll stand. The structures effects would be able to assist in further sacraments.


The structures durability would be increased by the materials used in it’s creation and the necromantic energy coursing through it to mass levels of almost indestructibility, removing its source of fuel would falter this and make the structure as durable as the material its made from.


Structures designed unless specified would have to go through the channels of LT by submitting a MArt for unique effects, boons, weaknesses, ext.



  • Any structure is considered indestructible if surrounded by biomass to assist fuelling. Once the biomass has been removed (Stagnated ground). The structure will be as durable as the exterior components.

  • Must inform LT of the direct placement of the structures for moderation purposes.

  • The structures cannot be moved, if they are notify LT.


Soul Nexus:


Soul Nexus:


The nexus would do a task of storing the the physical capacity of souls, the nexus doesn’t do anything itself besides this function as the only way it can be utilized to obtain souls is through the Sacrament of Ascendancy for the storage of the lich soul. The soul nexus is required to be built out of any material for the exterior although for the interior bowl it requires the use of bonesmithing to correctly be a catalyst for the soul to float within. The structure can store multiple souls within it as the nexus isn’t bound to limitation of capacity, it does require to fill a 4x4 meter/block radius.  The nexus is a stationary structure unable to be moved once built until all souls within the capacity are removed. If the structure is destroyed or disconnected all souls currently housed will return back to the lich for a second life, if the lich doesn’t bind to another nexus however if they’re to die on this second life they’ll be permanently lost in the soul-stream. Only an individual that knows the Sacrament of Ascendancy can remove bound souls within the soul nexus.



The soul nexus is a structure that requires at least three necromancers to successfully create, one being a master necromancer. Utilizing four-hundred life-force consumption.



  • Utilized only for the Sacrament of Ascension to store lich souls.



Pillar of Resilience:


Pillar of Resilience:


This pillar once erected and connected will send a radial effect on all those bound to the biomass ground it resides to a maximum of fifty meters/blocks will give a stronger resilience to golden weaponry, frost or magic that would cause it grand harm to reanimations and biomass. This would assist in preventing freezing over within the winter regions without a strong occurance of magic or alchemy, having no pain brought to them by golden weaponry, treating it as a regular weapon and stronger resilience to magic damaging effects. The Pillar of Resilience once destroyed or having no fuel would remove any and all resilience effects.



The Pillar of Resilience is a structure that requires at least six necromancers to successfully create, one being a master necromancer. Utilizing eight-hundred life-force consumption.



  • Will affect a radius around giving reanimations extra resilience to the elements.




Sacrament of Ascendancy:


Sacrament of Ascendancy:





The reanimation process of a creature to retail the soul would be one of the most complicated sacraments a necromancer could perform, the material components required for such a task would require intricate workings and life-force constantly fueling the chrysalis the individual would reside within so that the soul can be correctly pulled back into the body and transferred into the soul nexus, a limitation of a single elven week (One week IRL) is the limit a soul can be brought back this way and successfully transferred.


The ritual to begin the process would start off similar to reanimation forming a chrysalis pod around the petrified body by the base of the soul nexus, once the pod has been successfully created it is required to be connected towards the nexus itself similar to how a leaf is attached to a branch. The necromancer would have to grasp the petrified tethers of the body and connect it towards the nexus binding the two together. Directly after this process both the deceased and the soul nexus would be connected requiring now the life-force of the necromancers, not being an easy task multiple necromancer can assist if they’ve learnt how to reverse drain assisting the necromancer performing the ritual by funneling their life-force into them.


The soul nexus connected to the body would assist the ritualist by forming a path with the connected tethers from the individual’s bound soul. The necromancer would begin to form a tether drain and reverse drain upon the deceased and begin to twist the tethers collectively in order to wrap around the soul, creating more if seamed fit and slowly trudging it through the pathway towards the nexus. The surge of life-force passing in and out the necromancer for a push and pull effect of the soul would collectively leave the necromancer drained of all life-force, this is where the two assistants are required to continuously funnel their life-force within the ritualist to complete the Ascendancy.


Once the soul has successfully transferred into the soul nexus the deceased will be able to awaken as a lich, unlike other reanimations due to the process of a necromancer funneling large amounts of life-force the being would awake suddenly. The chrysalis pod would be opened for the newly reborn to arise and step forward upon the the plain of living once more.  


A necromancer who wishes to remove a soul from the soul-well can do so under the same requirements it is done to perform it. With the assistance of two other necromancers who know reverse drain a necromancer may remove a singular or multiple souls in a given go to release back into the reanimation lich form, effectively giving them a singular life unless rebound to another soul nexus. The process would be the same requirement of gripping onto the soul through reverse drain and life drain tethers and slowly pulling the soul(s) out of the nexus. For a lich to rebind themselves to a nexus the same process of removal is required to be performed in the opposite.



The Sacrament of Ascendancy would require Four Hundred life-force consumption to successfully complete. Performing the sacrament or assisting with it will place all necromancers upon an elven week (One week IRL) cooldown before successfully performing the Sacrament again. This cooldown is shared for removal and rebinding.


The Lich:


The Lich:


The construct of a lich after creation would remove the premise of the energy component found in necromancy, although assisting regular mage-lich beings this wouldn’t hinder them to fall whim to exhaustion or weakness. The cause for this is due to the nature of the lich preventing a state of extreme physical or mental tiredness, energy wouldn’t be akin to mana as the lich would still hold their mana pool which wouldn’t increase or decrease for lichdom status. The lich is an advanced reanimation created to bypass mortal constraints of mortality and ascend to immortality, the lich would hold no more baring to the mortal setting as the senses of a mortal body for physical touch and pain wouldn’t coexist within a liches body. The lich would still manage to feel the mental cohesion of their actions and deeds at first creation, still able to feel the emotional baring of when they lived. This emotional bond after time will subside within the lich dulling down to a miniscule level removing empathy and remorse capabilities of a lich. The being is akin to the person they once used to be, retaining all the knowledge and power they previously had and able to learn and create new knowledge for themselves or others.


The lich wouldn’t be a construct without flaws, it following several physical constraints of the mortal plain being an undeath skeleton. Several methods can be done to disguise the fact that a lich-type is lurking around through the application of petrification of corpses and applicating the skin towards the lich body creating a believable disguise that the undeath is living from short distance, on closer inspection imperfections could be seen even if the most skilled necromancer applied it which’ll allow mortals of the land to see through these disguises. The disguise would only correctly last until the petrification date is up, being a human year (One IRL Week), until requiring a new one. These disguises of applying petrified organs towards a lich would take a considerable amount of time and the usage of fleshsmithing to correctly work upon the lich to be set at a believable standard. Although applied the smell coming off the petrified organs upon the skeleton body would smell like death, therefore prone to insects crawling over through the scent of decaying flesh.


The physical body of a lich being an undeath skeleton wouldn’t fall restricted to the previous reanimations of carrying major organs therefore the liches core would be the skull itself binding the connection of soul to body and therefore the conduit to be bound or destroyed to release it’s grasp upon the body chosen. The skeletal frame not having passive amplifiers to increase the skeletal structure. For this to occur a lich would require to expend part of the life-force keeping them situated in the skeleton to temporarily amplify their bone structure to wear iron armor or stronger or wield weapons heavier than a basic iron blade.


Life-force although only utilized with wearing tougher armor then that designed for them through bonesmithing or weapons and tools stronger than iron. If magic would be cast while life-force is being consumed by a lichtype the lich would suffer even more losing a greater loss of life-force. While a lich doesn’t feel the assertion of energy if they’re low on life-force the connection between soul and body will weaken causing similar effects of sluggish movement upon the lich.


A passive touch-drain ability would be given to necromancers once they’ve unlocked lichdom, the innate ability given to them which they cannot control at first unless taught how or the process of hard work. Once a lich is low on life-force the innate ability will awaken and those touched by the lich through bare skeletal hand or through as much as leather would begin to drain the individual until release, during this process the lich can discover how to correctly activate and utilize the ability if not trained previously. The touch drain ability can be used by a lich while utilizing life-force to wear armor/hold weapons.


The body of the lich would also be resilient to certain properties of nature’s elements through the cause of natural or unnatural causes. The elements would consist of fire, water and air. A lich cannot succumb to the flames of a fire, causing their bones to scorch. Water requiring no aid to breathe therefore a lich is unable to drown and the same would apply to a room with no air. The creation of concussive or forceful attacks by these elements can still cause damage to a lich such as earth’s boulders, water frost and fire’s concussive properties. A special property is given to an item that will give a lich the perception of extreme agony, golden tools and weaponry is affiliate this effect on any reanimation as steel is to mortal flesh.


If a lich is destroyed from their skull being destroyed the soul binding the body would release and therefore force it to find another, choosing the closest available skeleton body towards the soul nexus.



A lich who utilizes iron armor or stronger would suffer ten life-force consumption on each large movement and attack hit upon the armor. The utilization of a sword or tool stronger than iron unless given a reason why would also suffer ten life-force consumption. If a mage channels a spell while under the influence of either, each corresponding emote will consume ten to twenty life-force consumption.




  • Sacrament will allow a player to make a CA to become a lich.


  • This Sacrament can only work if the player has recently passed/died in a close proximity, (100 meters) from a soul nexus. This is due to the soul leaving the body shortly after death, without a soul it cannot be brought back to perform the ritual. Vivification cannot bring the soul back to perform the ritual. It will be lost and the player PK’d.


  • The necromancer performing the ritual and all those assisting will be put on a week cooldown period before another lich can be created. The cooldown is shared across removing and rebinding liches.

  • Multiple necromancers can remove the liches soul from the soul nexus, this will return the soul to the lich giving them a single life, until rebound.

  • The touch drain ability can be used by a lich while utilizing life-force to wear armor/hold weapons.

  • Liches require no aid to drink or eat, as they’re undead.

  • Liches have an innate ability to touch-drain.

  • Liches can only wear bonesmithed armor and utilize iron tools/weaponry.

  • Liches can boost their physical power momentarily with the expenditure of life-force to equip armor or weapons they normally wouldn’t be able too.

  • Liches do not feel pain, the pain receptors within the lichdom body prevent this occurrence. An exception to this is golden weaponry.

  • Liches can be applied with petrified organs that are non-functional in a death-like state through fleshsmithing to give them a disguise.

  • The petrified corpse disguise smells like dead flesh.

  • Liches no longer have the necromancy energy component.

  • Liches still have the same mana-pool as they did in their previous life.

  • Liches reform once the skull has been destroyed, if other body parts are destroyed / decapitated it would only restrict the lich from utilizing magic eg: Ligaments. The lich cannot self-kill themselves.

  • Liches will reform to the closest available skeletal body at the soul nexus.

  • Liches can learn necromancy.




  • Can be taught by any necromancer with a teaching application if they have knowledge how.

  • If a necromancer does learn how to utilize sacraments it is required to inform the Story Team – Magic Moderators for documentation.

  • Require multiple necromancers to successfully perform.



Tier Progression

Necromancy is a two slot magic, split into three sections. The sections do not actually impede the magic at all but only separated for clarity and or preference of a user to study only reanimation and not affliction and vise-versa. Necromancy as a whole has expanded enough to give option of the player to utilize the magic how they wish following the guidelines and below will be a list of spell tiers and development of a necromancer to what they can learn and practice. It also lists the life-force cost of the spells which can be easier to find then looking through the spell list collaborated above.




Life Drain = 0 Life-force. // Spell Tier: Novice.

Reverse Drain = X Life-force. // Spell Tier: Expert.

Fleshsmithing = X Life-force. // Spell Tier: Apprentice - Master.

Bonesmithing = X Life-force. // Spell Tier Adept.

Cauterizing = X Life-force. // Spell Tier: Expert.



Petrification = 1/4 of beings life-force. // Spell Tier: Apprentice.

Reanimation = 50 Life-force. // Spell Tier: Apprentice - Master.

Feign Death = 5-10 Life-force. // Spell Tier: Adept.

Dark Branding = X Life-force. // Spell Tier: Expert.

Vivification = 10-20 Life-force. // Spell Tier: Expert.



Afflictions  = X Life-force. // Spell Tier: Apprentice - Master.

Augmentation = X Life-force. // Spell Tier: Expert.

Stagnation = 100 Life-force. // Spell Tier: Adept.

Biomass Burst = 20 Life-force. // Spell Tier : Expert.

Biomass Binding = 40 Life-force. // Spell Tier: Master.



Sacrament of Creation = X Life-force. // Spell Tier: Master.

Sacrament of Ascendancy = 400 life-force. // Spell Tier: Master.


Necromancy Redlines



General Redlines:



General Redlines:

  • Necromancy takes up two magic slots.
  • Necromancy cannot be self-taught.
  • Necromancy doesn't cause any taint/affliction to the practitioner. Reanimation’s however do.
  • Necromancy does not prevent the learning of other magics unless specified by that magic.
  • Life-force can be found in all living and undead to fuel Necromancy Spells.
  • Necromancers suffer from the same physical deterioration as a practitioner of the void on continuous use/mastery of their craft.
  • Necromancers cannot utilize two handed weapons or heavy armor effectively. 
  • Necromancy uses a mechanic similar to RPG’s following two systems of life-force and energy, a necromancer cannot utilize any spells if one isn’t adequately filled. Read ‘Life-force Capacity’ for more information.
  • Necromancers can only exceed their life-force pool from 100 points to the maximum 200 points. Gaining more life-force becomes stagnant and unusable by the practitioner. 





Specific Spell Redlines:



Specific Spell Redlines:



  • Will restore a necromancers life-force or exceed capacity up-to 200 percent.

  • Requires no energy.

  • Touch drain can only be done via, touch and will always induce debilitating effects.

  • If an individual would drain plant-life they’ll prevent new life to grow within its place. Until mended by alchemists / druids.

  • Tether drain can be done via, tether starting at a 4 block distance to a maximum of 10 blocks before the tether breaks.



  • Can flow life-force into a target individual either soothing or nourishing.

  • Requires no energy.

  • Same distance as tether drain, up-to 4 blocks to initiate and 10 blocks before the tether breaks.



  • Allows the necromancer to build up piles of organic matter to be utilized at a later period of time for a series of spells and utilization.

  • Gives the necromancer the ability to graft flesh and bone to create unique designs of abomination undead giving creativity and variety of the forces.

  • Still requires reanimation to reanimate any abomination.

  • Allows the necromancer to repair and make modifications to reanimations.

  • Player undead are limited to what fleshsmithing modifications are allowed, such as; no third ligaments.

  • Fleshsmithing is a roleplay ability, disallowed in combat due to the time it takes.

  • Fleshsmithing cannot be utilized on the living.



  • Bone armor, tools and weapons can all be utilized by necromancers and reanimations due to the light weight, these tools are all brittle when met with resistance being vulnerable to being broken by most weapons large and blunt weapons would shatter the armor and tools if clashed within a single hit.

  • Bonesmithing tools are able to be afflicted with a unique augmentation of applying an affliction to those wounded by the weapon. This would be a single use augment.

  • Afflictions will have a higher potency but only last for a duration of four emotes.

  • Afflictions on bonesmithed tools cannot be utilized by non-necromancers.



  • Able to be utilized on the living, similar to fleshsmithing the act of mending flesh would be more crude and rudimentary due to the target not being dead.

  • Mended wounds and surrounding area of the body will be afflicted with horrific scars and bodily deformations.

  • Can reattach limbs within the same day they’re removed, unless preserved.

  • This is agonizing to the recipient.



Preserves the body or organic piece up-to a week before requiring renewal.




  • Requires biomass (fleshsmithing) and a petrified corpse (Petrification).

  • Takes 3 days to reanimate.

  • The chrysalis pod can be broken.

  • Necromancer bound won’t be harmed by their creations.

  • Takes time to connect to the minds of the dead for a necromancer after parting from another.

  • Can perform other spells during commanding of undead.

  • Have to feed undeath every week else the’ll perish, this can be passively done on stagnated ground.

  • Undeath will easily die once more if a major organ is struct or severed from each other.


Feign Death:

  • Essentially cripples the necromancer or individual only able to move or gesture lightly.

  • Removes pain receptors within the necromancer or individual until the channel is broken.

  • Individual looks completely dead and can be chosen to appear in a recent dead state or decayed.



  • Marks an individual with a branding that’ll slowly make the individual dying and becoming petrified if not removed.

  • Causes pain each moment the brand is upon the individual. Noting its location.

  • It spreads based on how far the branding has infested the individuals body.



  • A recently dead, before the scenario is over can be returned and spoken to causing agony. If a grasp on the body is made.

  • An individual will have no memory once resurrected of the scenario.

  • If the body is found of a dead individual the necromancer may call them from the afterlife to ask them questions. Based on yes or no.

  • After a period of time if the same individual is called upon that is already dead, the pain will lesson and therefore the bond of telling the truth.



  • Would bind themselves to an individual initially creating the affliction, if removed in any fashion the affliction won’t return until reapplied.

  • Special properties can be utilized depending on the affliction to remove it.

  • Causes a stomachache and headache if successfully afflicted.



  • Application via wounds is only done through bonesmithed armor/tools/weaponry.

  • Augmentations are required to follow the consensus of necromancy spells if the necromantic spell is deemed too powerful, eg: Feign Death the augment will take a lesser version.

  • Augments have no hardening factor able to be broken easily or difficult depending on the material the augment is bound on.

  • Require LT signature.



  • Can only be done once every four days. Stagnation and Biomass binding have a connected cooldown period.

  • The maximum size of stagnated ground from a single stagnated root is a 10 meter radius.

  • The stagnated ground will reach its full radius in 4 days after its conception.

  • Biomass can just be picked up and moved, swept away.

  • If you stand still on the stagnated ground the biomass will attempt to latch onto you and pull you down.

  • The stagnated root is the first initial hallow created.


Biomass Burst:

  • Can only be utilized on biomass.

  • A biomass joint network is required for full range effectiveness.

  • Can be thrown.

  • Can be left for a short-time. Landmine.

  • Will burst similar to a balloon popping.


Biomass Binding:

  • Can only be done once every four days. Stagnation and Biomass binding have a connected cooldown period.

  • Can only be done on biomass.

  • Will shoot at the speed of an arrow once released.

  • Binding to a target and pulling them down, as the binding would drain the user of life-force.

  • Once released the biomass will act like a stagnation root.


Sacrament of Creation:

  • Any structure is considered indestructible if surrounded by biomass to assist fuelling. Once the biomass has been removed (Stagnated ground). The structure will be as durable as the exterior components.

  • Must inform LT of the direct placement of the structures for moderation purposes.

  • The structures cannot be moved, if they are notify LT.


Sacrament of Ascendancy:

  • Can be taught by any necromancer with a teaching application if they have knowledge how.

  • If a necromancer does learn how to utilize sacraments it is required to inform the Story Team – Magic Moderators for documentation.

  • Require multiple necromancers to successfully perform.


The Lich:

  • Sacrament will allow a player to make a CA to become a lich.

  • The necromancer performing the ritual and all those assisting will be put on a week cooldown period before another lich can be created. The cooldown is shared across removing and rebinding liches.

  • Multiple necromancers can remove the liches soul from the soul nexus, this will return the soul to the lich giving them a single life, until rebound.

  • The touch drain ability can be used by a lich while utilizing life-force to wear armor/hold weapons.

  • Liches require no aid to drink or eat, as they’re undead.

  • Liches have an innate ability to touch-drain.

  • Liches can only wear bonesmithed armor and utilize iron tools/weaponry.

  • Liches can boost their physical power momentarily with the expenditure of life-force to equip armor or weapons they normally wouldn’t be able too.

  • Liches do not feel pain, the pain receptors within the lichdom body prevent this occurrence. An exception to this is golden weaponry.

  • Liches can be applied with petrified organs that are non-functional in a death-like state through fleshsmithing to give them a disguise.

  • The petrified corpse disguise smells like dead flesh.

  • Liches no longer have the necromancy energy component.

  • Liches still have the same mana-pool as they did in their previous life.

  • Liches reform once the skull has been destroyed, if other body parts are destroyed / decapitated it would only restrict the lich from utilizing magic eg: Ligaments. The lich cannot self-kill themselves.

  • Liches will reform to the closest available skeletal body at the soul nexus.

  • Liches can learn necromancy.









  • Necromancer cannot gain physical strength through studying necromancy.
  • They cannot use two handed weapons or wear heavy armor effectively.
  • Limited on spell usage from either life-force or energy component.
  • Liches have all the backlash similar to reanimation's and limited to using life-force sustaining them to overexert themselves.












Thank you for:

















for assisting me in this rewrite.


Google Document for easier reading: 



--- Changelog ---

  • Added in Bold formatting for important facts.
  • Added Credits.
  • Added: “The touch drain ability can be used by a lich while utilizing life-force to wear armor/hold weapons.” To liches.
  • Added: “

    Necromancers who consume plantlife around them will find that they disrupt the flow of life in the area making it baron to grow life until mended by alchemists or druids with blighthealing.

    ” to life-drain / Plantlife.
  • Added: Format Guidelines.
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Better formatting than the other one imo

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4 minutes ago, Destroyer_Bravo said:

what happened to the other rewrite lmao


Two different rewrites, both rewrites will be voted on.

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+1 this rewrite of Necromancy!

-Beautifully well written.
-Gives the reader a pleasant read of what will come to the necromancers of LotC.

-Visuals help to show the degrading effects of the magic.

-Definitely worth the submission!

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+1, this was a monster of a rewrite to get through so I am happy it is over. All of my complaints were address in its creation so I have no further issues with the rewrite. 

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1 minute ago, Ajax said:

-1 no darkstalker



I had to remove a series of components when it came to necromancy, such as the darkstalker complaint they’re just walking tanks which can already be seen within Mysticism Paleknights and Bloodmagic Dreadknights. I did tried to compromise with this attempt in giving liches the capabilities to wield blades and armor not correctly suited for them temporarily. 


Apologies if it doesn’t suit your style. 

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darkstalkers would’ve been fine to add as paleknights were shelved and dreadknights removed entirely.


i will give my further feedback later so... i guess reserved. 

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Darkstalkers did come into the game a long time before Paleknights and during a period where there hadn’t been a single Dread knight player for years to the point where they were considering removal.  You should be asking them to change, instead.

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where are my DARKSTALKERS

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3 minutes ago, Luv said:

darkstalkers would’ve been fine to add as paleknights were shelved and dreadknights removed entirely.


i will give my further feedback later so... i guess reserved. 


I wasn’t aware that these creations got shelved / removed, though I believe the compensation I gave which I listed in my previous reply will suffice as a melee attacker. They just won’t be written as darkstalkers.


1 minute ago, Geo said:

Darkstalkers did come into the game a long time before Paleknights and during a period where there hadn’t been a single Dread knight player for years to the point where they were considering removal.  You should be asking them to change, instead.


I understand your point that darkstalkers came first in a basis of lore, though I didn’t feel like they’re required to take up a whole new section or added section beneth the post so I merged them with liches, see above for details. If this causes complaints I will rework the design of the sacrament.

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gib dark stalkers. my pee pee is hurt because of it ;-;

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20 minutes ago, Ajax said:

gib dark stalkers. my pee pee is hurt because of it ;-;

Yeah, Evark his masculinity is on the line, rewrite you 60 pages of lore to add in Darkstalkers, a variant of liches that are made for combat. Oh, wait you fused the two undead skeletal creatures together as they are practically the same, shame on you. -1


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