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[✗] [Reformatting][Rewrite] Necromancy, Fourth Generation.


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Looks like a solid submission. +1

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I’m not too much of a fan of the RPG mana bar type system where you have to watch your energy and lifeforce, all with arbitrary numbers.  People with voidal magic do not roleplay mana properly, and having a system that is too mechanical seems a bit of a turn off, especially given that there will be no teaching restrictions.


Also no dark stalkers

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1 minute ago, Dardonas said:

I’m not too much of a fan of the RPG mana bar type system where you have to watch your energy and lifeforce, all with arbitrary numbers.  People with voidal magic do not roleplay mana properly, and having a system that is too mechanical seems a bit of a turn off, especially given that there will be no teaching restrictions.


I had the mana-type bar system in place so an individual can choose a number of necromancy spells to cast rather than limit it to a set number. This can be changed although I believe the system I have would better fit in role-play components of devising an easier understanding of necromancer limitations. (Look at massive beasts for example). 


I don’t believe the system is too complicated being it is capped and all spells listed have the life-force consumption listed. If this is seen as an issue the LT don’t want to continue with I am able to adapt the lore accordingly


4 minutes ago, Dardonas said:

Also no dark stalkers


My previous replies and looking into the lich section should clarify why I removed darkstalkers and put some perks they had into liches.


6 minutes ago, bigcrazy said:

stop this rewrite space race shite, leave it to geoboy


I am in no way racing Geoboy’s necromancy rewrite. This rewrite started in early November which i’ve been very vocal about in the necromancer rewrite chat and getting feedback for including through the forums. I’ve steadily wrote the rewrite and finally released it.

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Well written necro lore. Pleasing to read and a lot more clear than the old lore. 

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-1 no darkstalkers


Nah but really, you could have put them in. Made them a really intresting and unique creatures. Paleknights are made of stone, and the ones I know roleplay very well. Should they just be removed because theyre "tanks" in your eyes? Ive had some of the most discriptive, creative, and enjoyable rp with darkstalkers and paleknights than most Orcs, and theyre just super strong tanks? Do we remove orcs next? Golems? How far do we go? Anyone wearing a suit of armor? You looked at a creature, not at its characters. If the best reason you can come up to not add them  is "theyre tanks" then you never truly understood their full potential. 

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26 minutes ago, Zombiefide said:

Nah but really, you could have put them in. Made them a really intresting and unique creatures. Paleknights are made of stone, and the ones I know roleplay very well. Should they just be removed because theyre "tanks" in your eyes? Ive had some of the most discriptive, creative, and enjoyable rp with darkstalkers and paleknights than most Orcs, and theyre just super strong tanks? Do we remove orcs next? Golems? How far do we go? Anyone wearing a suit of armor? You looked at a creature, not at its characters. If the best reason you can come up to not add them  is "theyre tanks" then you never truly understood their full potential. 


The way I constructed liches is they can be both a mage combatant and melee combatant. The main reason I did this was to remove the clutter of having two lichtypes which essentially do the same thing just one is a mage and one is a melee. I am not restricting anyone from turning individuals into a lich if they just want to be a melee creature. You can. 


This is what the LT requirement was for liches/darkstalkers.



-Liches/Darkstalkers issues stem on the vague understanding of what they are. As in is it an endgame? A controlled construct? It's quite frankly unclear and how they are need to be adjusted to actually fit a theme of what they are meant to be. As well as their constant need to kill/drain to maintain themselves. There needs to be a better way that is more RP driven. For Liches specifically, phylacteries are the major concern. They need to be moderated, kept in check, and not be able to just toss somewhere and forgotten about. There is the understanding of a pk clause, but in the end, that's what you signed up for when becoming said creature. Then of course, liches need more fluff flavor stuff added to them to make them more interesting. Darkstalkers specifically are grossly OP with their tank like statue as well as able to just learn necromancy fully. Their issues with phylacteries share the same with Liches along with having no balance with these creatures. Its suggested merged with something else or massively fixed to balance it out as well as fixing the weaknesses that are actually rp’d.


Though looking into;


liches need more fluff flavor stuff added to them to make them more interesting. Darkstalkers specifically are grossly OP with their tank like statue as well as able to just learn necromancy fully.



Its suggested merged with something else or massively fixed to balance it out as well as fixing the weaknesses that are actually rp’d.


I took this and instead of constructing a lich/darkstalker variant I moved them together, they can still be this ‘tank’ type creature with bonesmithed armor and iron weapons, or if they want to expend some life-force to equip stronger gear/weapons they can for a period of time. I am not preventing anyone from calling liches that just focus on melee darkstalkers, it is just in lore I decided to focus on making lichdom better as a whole and instead of separating putting them together. 


If this is a major concern to the LT or the community I can make two different variants, though I believe with what I have written should be enough. 



You can find the list of requirements the LT wished here:



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+1 long read and well written, gives a lot of utility over basic combat abilities

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Currently formulating a response to this, but for now I’ll say:



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I liked this a lot. It’s really detailed, and contains a mix of mechanics and actual lore, which is good since its an rp server. I find this to basically encompass everything I knew about necromancy, and a bunch I didn’t. It’s a long read, sure, but it covers everything, and its well organized.

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Please remove the draining plantlife, to be honest. It just leads to people completely ignoring the lifeforce requirements and just saying they had grass for breakfast so they’re all pumped up, despite not having drained anyone in ages. And I know damn well that a good portion of those necromancers and undead claiming they drain plants for their lifeforce supply don’t regularly rp draining plants.

If you want to survive on plantlife, go ahead and RP a cow.

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26 minutes ago, TheElvenMage said:

Please remove the draining plantlife, to be honest. It just leads to people completely ignoring the lifeforce requirements and just saying they had grass for breakfast so they’re all pumped up, despite not having drained anyone in ages. And I know damn well that a good portion of those necromancers and undead claiming they drain plants for their lifeforce supply don’t regularly rp draining plants.

If you want to survive on plantlife, go ahead and RP a cow.


I understand your concern, you did bring up a major point I forgot to address with plantlife to which i’ll include a new redline / reason in lore for it.


The redline would be;


Necromancers who consume plantlife around them will find that they disrupt the flow of life in the area making it baron to grow life until mended by alchemists or druids with blighthealing.


This can create a unique area to role-play and also track down plant based necromancers. Although nothing can be done to prevent it however as they do contain some sort of /life-force/ it will prevent wheat farms used to drain from continuously. 

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