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[✓] [Plant Lore] Psilocybin Schnibea


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Psilocybin Schnibea




The Schnibea mushroom, known to the Goblins of Clan Shrogo as the “Mad Cap” mushroom, is a form of highly hallucinogenic mushroom native to the distant island the Shrogos came from, and have since entered the ecosystem as an invasive species of mushroom in all the lands that they have gone to, chief among them being Atlas. Bourne across the oceans by the great migration of the Shrogos, the mushroom has been used for a great many purposes by the clan and can be utilised by others for much of the same purposes.

 General Facts

The mushroom thrives in moist caves where dead things may be stored, and can thrive in places like dark pantries or larders if a sampling was brought near them. If the conditions are ideal, and it has the space, the Schnibea mushroom can grow to be the size of a small tree over many years, however, a naturally grown mushroom will never reach this size as it competes with itself in nature for nutrients. If the mushroom is brought into the light of the sun, it will wither away, however, artificial light and firelight do it no harm. The mushroom, when kept in a dark environment, even independent of the ground, can last for long periods of time and retain its potency.




The Schnibea mushroom comes in two varieties, a brown and a red variety, both of which compete with each other in nature. It is unknown whether these are 2 different species or the same type of mushroom, however, they both have the same effect. The stalk of the Schnibea mushroom is consistently a bonish white, and can be as hard as wood at room temperature.



The effects of the mushroom are induced only by eating it and/or smoking it, but cannot be induced by any other means. They include hallucinations that can be either positive or negative, a relative physical strengthening or weakening of the body, (typically induced by muting or enhancing the mind’s response to pain and thus enabling users to perform greater feats of strength at the risk of harming themselves as well as causing them to be completely disabled as they writhe on the floor in pain) depending upon the mind’s response to the hallucination, and, after prolonged use, decreased resistance to the sun as it causes the melanin of the user to decrease progressively, as well as mild insomnia.

 When under the influence of the hallucination and the body begins to produce adrenaline, the user will grow irrationally furious and enter into a frenzied state. 

Seemingly at random (optionally roll a d12, if it’s a 1, this occurs) or if the hallucination presented is ‘failed,’ as in the consumer experiences negative emotions (anger, fear, greed, etc) during the hallucination, the user will fall to the ground and violently convulse for anywhere between an hour and a few minutes. (1-4 emotes) The psychedelic nature of the mushroom causes it to be highly addictive. 

An overdose of the mushroom can potentially cause the user to become irrationally insane as their hallucination lasts for months or even years, and can potentially, in high enough quantities, cause total brain cell death.

All of the potency of the mushroom is contained within its cap, with the stalk being effectively useless for anything other than rooting it to the ground.

Additionally, Shamans can use this as a substitute to Cactus Green to attune their minds to the spiritual plane and enter the spirit realm.

Red Lines

  • Hallucinogens are subject to interpretation but are not malleable to whatever the person taking or the person giving want the outcome to be. The hallucination changes based on the drugged person’s actions and state of mind. The person administering the drug must come up with a completely random but somewhat pertinent experience; the person taking the drug can move and do whatever they wish in this experience so long as it follows established rules of the vision.
  • If used in a negative context, the player who the drug is applied to is the one who decides whether to roll or not. Otherwise, a consensus on its effect must be reached. A good guide is generally; If sedated, it will cause them to be knocked out. If angered or enraged, they will enter a frenzy. If upright or otherwise normal, they will simply experience altered reality.
  • Hallucinogens used for religious practices do not actually allow you to commune with your deity/deific entity unless you possess a holy magic with that ability (farseer, lutauman, witch doctor, druid, etc) and rather simply make you believe so
  • The drug’s harmful effects over extended periods of time cannot be ignored or cured
  • The nature of the vision can be changed by the person in control of a religious/ET event, however, not in an offensive/hostile setting, where a consensus must be reached.
  • The drug itself must be ingested, and cannot be taken in any other form.
  • The drug itself can be lethal without continual use or overdose if the ingestor consents to its lethality. Otherwise, it is lethal if taken a rate of  5 samples per 100lbs of weight per hour. Insanity is induced by 4 samples per 100lbs of weight per hour.
  • The frenzied effect cannot be used in combat without rolling.
  • The frenzied effect does not increase muscle mass/density, rather triggering an immense release of adrenaline (see: people panicking and lifting cars)
  • The drug cannot be extracted or refined from the mushroom itself.
  • The drug cannot be ‘slipped into a drink’ or cooked into an item unless kept in its raw form, which is a large cap, and will thus be readily apparent.


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36 minutes ago, Ougi said:



Edited by Prosper
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19 hours ago, Dragonslayerelf said:

If the mushroom is brought into the light of the sun, it will wither away, however, artificial light and firelight do it no harm.

That’s not how sunlight works. Why add in this arbitrary clause? If it dies beneath the sun then why wouldn’t it die beneath man-made fire that’s constantly producing smoke and Carbon Monoxide?


19 hours ago, Dragonslayerelf said:

Additionally, Shamans can use this as a substitute to Cactus Green to attune their minds to the spiritual plane and enter the spirit realm.


Eh. Not a big fan of this just being a footnote. Makes the thing come off as just a reskin of cactus green but unique to my clan.

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1 hour ago, Novastral said:

That’s not how sunlight works. Why add in this arbitrary clause? If it dies beneath the sun then why wouldn’t it die beneath man-made fire that’s constantly producing smoke and Carbon Monoxide?


Eh. Not a big fan of this just being a footnote. Makes the thing come off as just a reskin of cactus green but unique to my clan.

  1. UV rays cause it to wither away (or just Aztran’s influence via the sun.)
  2. It’s not a ‘reskin of cactus green but unique to my clan’ kinda thing. It’s not even meant to be unique to my clan; I want other cultures using this lore. However, as it would currently be implemented, it serves an influential point in the culture of the Shrogos. We don’t even have shamans, but we do have Mushobs, which are spiritual leaders that basically just get everyone high on this crap and interpret their drug trips after, usually something along the lines of “Luara blezzez lat!” or “Luara peepz lat needz moa’ worshippin’! Go sacrifice someskah!” However, more than that, it’s also used as a method of receiving ‘visions’ that often fuel occasions and events that I do with the clan.
    TL;DR It’s not that, but if any shrogos or anyone who uses the drug becomes a shaman, it’s a nice feature to have.
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22 hours ago, Dragonslayerelf said:

The psychedelic nature of the mushroom causes it to be highly addictive.


Psychedelic substances aren’t, generally, highly addictive. Perhaps it would be better to simply discuss its generic addictive nature and withdrawl symptoms?


Aside from that, +1

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1 hour ago, Lukariatias said:


Psychedelic substances aren’t, generally, highly addictive. Perhaps it would be better to simply discuss its generic addictive nature and withdrawl symptoms?


Aside from that, +1

Fixed. IRL I know almost nothing about drugs aside from the fact that they’re addictive, so I’ve edited it! Thank you for the feedback.

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Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).

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This lore is pending, you will be contacted regarding the issues raised by the lore team so you may fix it and given a timeframe for how long you have to do it. Once you have edited your piece, send me a forum PM and your piece will be reviewed to ensure the changes have been made.

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon.

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