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The Order of The Aheral'Parir


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What is The Order of Aheral’Parir?

The Aheral’Parir is an order of extremely elite, well disciplined elven soldiers devoted to The Empire. With Elven Kingdoms failing, and more coming to The Empire, there is a clear need for such- many elves are subject to hatred, bigotry, and ostracizing. The Aheral’Parir are there, a brotherhood of elves to reinforce and aide one another in joining a new kingdom. The Aheral’Parir also are there, pinnacles of what a warrior could and should be. A highly elite fighting force, strictly disciplined, trained heavily in combat and leadership. The name Aheral’Parir will command respect and authority, to those of The Empire and those that are not. There is a strict order of The Aheral’Parir- they are not their own organization or men, they are men of The Empire and Her Legion, the title or rank of Aheral’Parir will not hold sway anywhere but The Empire.

What does an Aheral’Parir stand for?
The Aheral’Parir is an oath you take for a considerable amount of time- any Aheral’Parir can be arrested for desertion. The Aheral’Parir follow the following codes to heart;
Respect to Authority 
Devotion to The Order and The Empire
Truth and Honesty

Living without excess


An Aheral’Parir in armor. 

The Aheral’Parir recruit exclusively elves, unless a strong case for another is made. The Order does not discriminate against heritage or gender, but The Order is subject to The Laws and ordinances of The Empire, including alienation of abomination, along with The Church’s rules on homosexuality and heresy. There is no age limit, but requires the elf to be twenty years old at least. The person in question must also pass The Five Trials and uphold the code of conduct.

Code of Conduct

The trial must be found Merciful in all they do, Truthful and Honest aswell. They must always address anyone as Sir. They will also take commands and orders from any figure of authority, their will being their word. No questions asked. The trial must also be Empathetic in what they do, and must be understanding and helpful to their fellow brothers and sisters. The Trial is expected to consistently spar and duel their fellow brothers and sisters, along with taking any offer up to do so. Should the trial be found disgracing any of these codes, they will be ejected from The Order.

The Five Trials

The Five Trials are a set of accomplishments and feats a person must conquer to become an Aheral’Parir. These go in order of;
The Trial of The Flames and The Flood
The Trial of The Mountains
The Trial of The Dreams
The Trial of The Grasses
The Trial of The Beast

During these trials, to signify what trials they have succeeded, they may title themselves with “Of The First”, or “Of The Second”, and so on.

The Trial of The Flames and The Flood  is the first of The Five Trials. This trial involves the use of common fears of dying to desensitize the person. The premier being fire, used to terrify and possibly burn the subject. The subject will walk through a bed of coal and ashes as to understand the code of bravery and dedication. The subject will also be submitted to simulated drowning and similar tests within water, again in attempt to desensitize fear. This is considered the shortest trial.

The Trial of The Mountain is the second of The Five Trials. The Trial of the mountain focuses more on the subject’s mental state, and degrading the person. The subject will be submitted to public humiliation, beratement, and mistreatment. The person will also be the victim of rumors and lies, and will suffer from such in effort to teach them honesty as the correct way to approach things. The subject will have their personal fears pried on aswell, further teaching the subject to overcome them.


The Trial of The Dreams is the third of The Five Trials. This trial is attempting to instill feeling and some ideals upon the subject. The Subject is taught life without excess and sacrifice in this trial thoroughly. The subject must give up their most prized belonging, and during the entirety of the trial will not be allowed to spend money or take money, and will refuse charity. The subject will also not be allowed to stay at their own home or sleep in a bed aswell. However, the subject and their personal belongings will be inspected. Whatever is deemed to high of excess or waste will be given away under supervision. This trial is the longest of them all.


The Trial of The Grasses is the fourth of The Five Trials. This trial has the user subjected to a survival situation, and is considered to be the most brutal trial. The trial takes the course over three months. To start, the subject will be deprived of food and water for the first month, only given a small supplement deemed worthy to survive. The subject has an arm tied around their back in a special knot- should it be found untied or retied, the subject will be sent through the trial oncemore. The subject is sent to survive through the elements, a different place each month. They will have to find food, water, and shelter in their weakened and impaired state. The first month will be in a forest. The second month in the desert. The third month in the tundra and frozen mountains. The subject will also have up to three partners with them that also have yet to complete The Trial of The Grasses. To add to it all, the subject is heavily drugged during the affair to further impair mental and physical functions.


The Trial of The Beast is the fifth and final trial of The Five Trials. This trial has the user finally face combat in it’s realest form. The trial will fight each and every member within The Order and win. After doing so, the trial will be fighting a savage beast- most often a wolf or direwolf. The subject will fight and kill the beast, only given a small weapon to work with- and will not be helped at all during the entire affair. If the trial should succeed, they will bury the wolf where it was killed, and pray all day and night on giving it safe passage to beyond, that the subject is a beast and a killer- and will repent for what has been done.


A subject who has failed The Trial of The Grasses

Upon passing The Five Trials, the person will be given an oath to recite. Upon completion, they will receive the rank of Aheral’Parir, as recognition for what they have done. The oath is heavily a secret, and is only kept between the trial and the leader. Aheral’Parir take orders from those of The Legion, and will respect bureaucratic figures and their authority at all times. Within the ranks, there is only the trial ranks, Aheral’Parir, and The Ordermaster. Any Aheral’Parir that abandon the order without a formal resignation will be hunted and killed.


How To Apply

To apply, seek Illythia Arator. She will induct and initiate the person, and the trials will begin.



Edited by SquakHawk
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Upon reading the last word of the parchment, Zastro lets out a deep sigh, the vapor of his breath freezing on the cold air. “Tolerance is acceptable, but this cultural melting-pot is preposterous – a complete disregard for your own people... Do you Mali know what the Humans are capable of? The hundreds of years of slavery, subjugation, genocide, and evangelization the Empire has wrought not just on the Mali’fenn, but our cousins? No generation henceforth is likely to learn of their culture, their language and their people under the dictatorial monarchy of the Imperials; they who always reach their hands into the coffers of their vassals and their swords into the backs of neighboring provinces. This suits no purpose but for you traitors to keep your own hides uncut and tanned. You say your bumbling Order of The Aheral'Parir will live without excess? Imperialism itself does not stand for living without excess, and under the Empire’s rule you will be the tool they use seek out excess... Before you are thrown away. It is not necessarily the Elven Kingdoms and Princedoms that are failing – it’s the fact that none of the subraces seek out their kin before bending knee and selling their blood to Man and his Canonist “God”. The absolute hysterical irony in this missive is how your Order joins the very nation that despises it’s kind, and subjects it to hatred, bigotry, ostracizing, murder and racism. Your women are Chikr, your beliefs Caele, your magicians Iler. You are Aelor’elor. I would give each of your people a nugget of gold, but I imagine the meaning is lost to you ignorant fools.”

3 hours ago, SquakHawk said:

With Elven Kingdoms failing, and more coming to The Empire, there is a clear need for such- many elves are subject to hatred, bigotry, and ostracizing.

3 hours ago, SquakHawk said:

What does an Aheral’Parir stand for?
Living without excess

Edited by Zastro
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Daleka smiles from his jail “now we can populate the club with busty elf maidens...”

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“Yikes” Varan would say looking at the parchment

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“Big Yikes” Hed add in after Varan

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"They know nothing of their own history." Mordred remarks.

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