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From Ruination [FRP]


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A quiet year. It seems that those people of Naros who fought now take a deep breath, and collect themselves. To the east, the people of Aros remain quieter than their eastern brethren. Lightning and thunder still shake the skies to the far south-west, but the world seems to take a moment to rest.



The Kingdom of Five


And so the kingdom expands into the fertile lands of central Aros. Perhaps not as lucious as their homeland, these wide open fields offer great potential for crop growth nonetheless.


The Commonwealth of Ruhn


A long trip to some, short trip to others. Either way, the Ruhnnites venture into lands unknown, and land upon the shores of a hitherto unknown nation. The Xian Kingdom welcomes them with grace, for it appears that the scholar that recommended them sent a message ahead of them. (Discord)


As for the mountains, they seem strange. That is the word that continually comes back to Ruhn. The explorers find nothing within them, and return unharmed, but with an oppressive feeling that something is simply not quite right! They cannot point it out, and they find not a single boulder that sticks out (metaphorically) in the mountain range, yet they cannot shake that feeling.


The Kingdom of Bulgar


The people of the True Chapel seem most cautious of their expansionist neighbors, and let little be known of them. However, it cannot be hidden that they worship the God of Magic, but little else is gleaned by the envoys, as the Chapel remains reticent, and their High Librarian does little to help. Instead, he cautions them, should they be rashly seeking to aggressively expand their holdings. In his own words, “There are things that even I do not know about the Chapel and its secrets.”


The Galaharian League


The Passanese are a people broken up by towns, villages and cities. They have no central government and simply meet up once every few years to discuss communal problems. Beyond that, they govern themselves and keep to their own lands. Most of which are swampy and unpleasant, as if most of the landbridge, beaten on both sides by saltwater seas and high winds. Nonetheless, they exist, and they survive, but they clearly do not thrive. The only city with much of interest may be the southernmost one, in which an elite guard of Passanese reside, the guardians against the Darkness. They, above all others, are held in high respect among the Passan.


The Empire of Bourdeleaux


The settlement is indeed created, though it is plagued by raiders and bandits, a surprising amount, and most are well-equipped. Nevertheless, it takes shape within the crook between two mountain rivers of clear, icy water that regularly flood in the spring, giving the soil around them a richness and fertility unknown in the rest of the area.


As for the scouts, sent into the Carrow lands to find out what they may, few return. Indeed, so few that much of the picture is lost to the generals and the Emperor. They are unanimous about one thing, however. When their teams and their brothers fell, it was almost always at night, and the howl of wolves accompanies their deaths. But none of the survivors ever saw that which killed their brethren. It seems that none of the survivors suffered any wounds either, and one claims to have gone quite a way with a wounded brother, before they lost each other in the dark. The howls followed the wounded one. In the end, however, little is found beyond the citadel of Carrow, and regular patrols by the enemy.


The Kingdom of Numeria


With the major trade routes out of the Southern Narosi TZ occupied by its enemies, Numeria finds itself only capable of trading with the Republic of Danwent, and the Carrow Lords, as the Sehmon and Ischyros but cut off trade, and access to further regions.


In addition, the first Sehmon raids begin to occur around their borders. Villages and burned and pillaged, with their people slaughtered or carted away to be enslaved. Yet, the town of Arris does rise and grow stronger, but the lands around it often have a pall of smoke hanging above them. (-2000 gold this turn)


For now though, the Sehmon army has done little but shift its position around in Ischyrosi lands.


The Fortress Libraries


Following the river Tulla to the south, the Libraries arrive in Sehmon lands. People that they have no doubt learned of and been acquainted with in their stay in Ischyros, for they currently have a strong military presence within its borders. They receive a cold shoulder from the people there, who seem suspicious of outsiders of all sorts, and find little in terms of welcome, or cooperative people of knowledge.


Ischyros does accept a trade deal, however.

It seems as if Bog Silk, when spun in a very peculiar fashion, can be twined into strands of incredible strength, or soft yet highly resilient clothing of unmatched quality. While truly wonderful, it is hard to make, and limited in supply. Nonetheless, a great discovery! (Bog Silk acquired. T4 archer equipment [bowstrings])



The Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick


Reports from within the heartlands of the Realm of Darkyria, brought by scouts… (discord)


The Republic of Danwent


The king of Sehmon does not come, but sends his son in his stead. Bornn III of Sehmon, a young man with a merciless streak, if rumor is to be trusted. (Discord)


The toll stations to ellicitate much grumbling from the traveling peoples of Danwent, but the law is the law, and they do tend to follow it. (+1500 gold per turn)


The Duchy of Ulyadir


A large expedition, sent on an extremely perilous journey. Many preemptively die on the climb to the top of the glaciers, but those who make it to the top venture deep into the land beyond. They are gone for quite a few weeks. Then the weeks become months. The months become half a year. By the end of the year, not a single man has return from the expedition, and made his way back down the perilous glaciers. Yet even as they do not return, nothing else ventures into the Duchy from beyond the glaciers. For now.



The Kingdom of Hilmedhi






And so the fields of Golûn open themselves to Suryan expansion. A little more temperate down in the south, away from the Boiling Sea, it nonetheless offers lush, open terrain with few dangers apart from the thrill of exploration.


The mountain itself proves to be a towering testament to natures might, and the explorers struggle to explore the top. Yet, in their climb, they do discover something new. Some sort of altar, created upon a jutting platform of rock that looks out both into the rising and setting sun. Within it is a chunk of red marble, that is touched by the sun at every point of the day, and glows and throbs with energy. While the altar is small, it seems to throb with naturally occuring power. (Point of power for the Bright One)


The research on red marble, however, goes rather poorly.


The lancers are unopposed in their crossing. No ships sail out from the shanty-town within the gulf, though a few do sit heavily in the water, their sails torn and their hulls damaged. Half-sinking, they creak and groan like old men waiting for the end. As they alight upon the shores, they find an town empty of life, yet littered with corpses. It seems as if most of the Red Suns have been killed, their bodies strewn around, slashed and stabbed, bloated and rotting. Many have already been turned into naught more than skeletons. There is no trace of an attacker, neither in the bodies nor in the ships within the bay. But one lancer does find a red longcoat of thick leather, ripped and torn, laying at the edge of the town. As for the lands around the pirate town, they are mostly unremarkable. While fertile, they are not as lush as the Suryan homeland. To the north, pale mountains rear up, gleaming at night as if from an inner light.


The Eadni Civilization


This year, the explorers find little success. There are no ports beyond the Danwent Republic, and they struggle with supplies and repairs. Indeed, while passing by an island in spring, a storm wrecks one of the ships, casting it into jagged rocks and smashing it like kindling. (-1 caravel). There is little to be found on the coast beyond the Danwent, and rough conditions and no ports force the explorers back for the year.


Point of Interest: Sunport - A patch of fertile land within the desert is their first warning that they may be approaching civilization, or what was once civilization. The second is the first bridge, and the guard towers. Two huge watch towers on each side of the river, joined by a bridge arching high above it. All of them in nigh perfect condition, a testament to the architectural prowess of their builders. As they delve further within the ruins, they thicken until they are surrounded on every side by great bridges, and old constructs. Greatest of all, perhaps, is a splendid temple of marble and stone that sits upon the edge of the river. Within it, a great sun rests on a pedestal as large as a house. The sun itself glows from within. Carved from red stone, it is veined by fire and pours forth heat into the room. The ruins are great and sprawling, so much so that one could not hope to see them all in a single expedition.




The seaborn settlers do find the success that the previous explorers failed to find, and safely settle the peninsula.

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Ninth Post


Kingdom of Bulgar


The men under the command of Crown Prince Daerin and Prince Hector meet with the fey within the realm of Darkyria. Thousands of lithborn, inexperienced in true war, rub their tired eyes and set their packs down to rest as they march into the siege camp. Daerin immediately leaves to convien with the Fey king, he was here to solidify the alliance between the two kingdoms, though he did not fully agree with the marriage being the reason why. Imperial Vice Commandant Prince Hector yells to the column of men, his command echoes down the line as each lithborn repeats the call, “Company Commanders Up!” Movement occurs as a few dozen lithborn nobles take mounts and ride up to the Prince. Once they all arrived Hector began to speak to them. “Captains, section your companies behind the fey encampment. Afterward, decide which company will be taking the guard shifts and which company will be the quick reaction force. When you are finished, have the men set up camp. This is going to be a long siege, have your men unpack everything they want, they will be here for a bit. Understood?” Each noble nodded as he replied, “Yes sir!” Daerin began walking through the different camp sections for the elves. He was not familiar and decided to walk into a rather large and magnificent looking tent to discern directions, there he saw a ginger fey noble but Daerin was unable to tell what degree of nobility he was…


With Guwanti being a secured launching point for trade in the east, it quickly developed into being a town. Thousands of merchants flowed into the town as it focused trade from the nerds, d-bois, and 9 tailed fox. This year a new settlement would be established, it was set up in the more northern areas of the Lithborn kingdom. As a joke between many of the nobles, the town is named Equina though it is located within the woods with land unsuitable to raising horses.


Factories continue to be constructed in the kingdom, doubling within the year as families move from the fields to the towns and cities for jobs. An invention of meat between two slices of rye is created called “meat bread”, with the inventor securing a loan to build an establishment called McMeaties. Within the year, he is expected to generate nearly 1,000 gold for the kingdom through his growing business. Soon many towns will have a McMeaties in them. “McMeaties, The Meaties You Can Trust.”


The embassy request from The Fortress Libraries is denied, a message is returned back to them stating, “On perceived grounds of spying by a foreign nation, your nation’s request for an established embassy is denied. All further requests will be denied for an indefinite period of time.”


Before Turn

Population: 6,770,272 (7%)

Cash: 71,000 (+1k from last turn)

GP: 5k Eco + 3k cap + 3k city + 9k town + 19.5k pop + 12k merch + 4k trade + 2.5k The Last Rage + 7k manufactory + 4k Trade Deals + 2k Port - 1k mili = 70k p/t
Military: 2500 light Cav, 500 Light Archers, 1500 M.Inf T2, 500 M.Inf T1
Building: 4 merchants guild, temple, place of worship, manufactories (7), Farmland (28), Market T2, Port

Previous Research: Properties of The Last Rage


After Turn

Population: 7,244,191 (7%)

Cash: 1000

GP: 5k Eco + 3k cap + 3k city + 12k town + 21k pop + 12k merch + 4k trade + 2.5k The Last Rage + 15k manufactory + 4k Trade Deals + 2k Port - 1k mili = 82.5k p/t
Military: 2500 light Cav, 500 Light Archers, 1500 M.Inf T2, 500 M.Inf T1
Building: 4 merchants guild, temple, place of worship, manufactories (15), Farmland (29), Market T2, Port

Previous Research: Properties of The Last Rage


Farmland (5k)

Guwanti becomes a town

Settlement Equina 5k

Factory 8 (60k)

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Galaharian League


The sails are first spotted by the Duchess, who had taken to waiting most days. Waiting for her husband to return. To see his son who has grown so much. The put a reign on the Revarii, and Guilds. She and Sforza had been fully capable. But with no Barbaro ruling in Batista’s Landing, the League was restless. This all changes in an instant. It would seem after his adventurous voyage in the East, Giovinco Babraro was back. Thousands of bells ring merry tunes, and people begin to cheer. Sforza as always throws an immediate party to celebrate. Batista’s Landing is in an uproar. Then the clouds swarm in, and a thunderous rain and lighting storm ensues. Right as the Duke steps foot on League land again.


Scattering the mob, this storm is regardless seen as a good omen. Quickly the Duke let’s his ships be searched. For any contraband, invasive plants/animals, stow aways, or any other of a hundred things on a dock clerks checklist. Here Duke’s had no sway. Arguably no where did they. It was the pen pushers and copper counters who ruled. At long last the Duke and his retinue are allowed to leave the ships. The Bourdlaic Knights accompanying the Duke as his new honor guard are largely given gold and leave to party in the millions strong population in the capital of the League.




The Duke and a small band race to the Palace. There a party, and the nobility, guildsmen, governors, and wives of those returning awaited. They all cheer, and a thousand pigeons are released into the rafters. The Duke with a face set in a smile make a courteous round. He embraces his wife, meets his three year old son, and others. As the party continues, he calls his small council and senators and guildsmen and capital clerks and admirals and generals for a private meeting. Practically three quarters of the room move into a more formal meeting hall.


The Duke walks down the purple carpet, to his throne. Sighing, he sits down for the first time in years on his proper chair. Deadly silent, the council looks at him. He still looked as roguish and healthy as ever. But his eyes, they told another tale. As always, Sforza broke the silence. “Wh-what happened” he stammers, “What did you see?”. Usually a man of quick wit and word, even he was daunted. As usual the two locked eyes. The Duke’s were burning. He simply says one word.







As Duke Barbaro returns, so does order to the League. He had left behind orders and vague ideas. Sforza had excelled, and gone beyond that. But it was no substitute for the true Ruler. And Barbaro had seen and heard things from the east he remains silent on. But it can be gleaned from rumors heard off merchants. War in the east, death everywhere. And greedy Emperors. Order is restored to the Realm, as new orders trickle out.


*The first was The Duke yet again setting sail. This time for a much closer land. He travels to the Passanese city to the south. Curious as to why swamp people had produced such a renown unit and name. He also for more practical reasons sought out trade, and offers the Bank of Galahar’s services. The League’s military also begins a complete overhaul. Her cities and forts garrisons are growing into dedicated units, not loose mercenary bands.




**Work also begins into expanding the creative armory of the League. Bows were not exactly preferred in naval warfare. Instead a dedicated unit will be formed, the “Leagues-Men”. They will operate new weapons soon to be produced, Crossbows. Alongside this the League recognizes it’s need for appropriate landing craft. They begin to look into small raft like ships. They must be able to be deployed from Cogs, or war ships. The ships will serve to get infantry from their ships onto a hostile coast or coastal city.


It is announced Ormanno Sforza and his Bourdlaic wife have had twins this year. One male, the other female. They are named Ori, and Ora. Ora was found to have the qualities of any true Galahar humagi. But Ori from the start was pronounced of the Bourdlaic genealogy.


Financial Actions

Income; 76k


Researching Crossbows -10k

Research into better amphibious landing vessels -11k

Recruiting 2 units of Leagues-Men -13k [T3]

Recruiting 1 Medium Horse, 2 Light Horse. 3 Medium Infantry, 4 Light Infantry, 2 Medium Archers. -27k [T1]

Constructing 2 galleys (5k), 6 Cogs, (9k) 


Mod Actions


Duke embarks to Passanese city for talks, and trade.* -1k


**Research into better amphibious landing vessels -11k




Edited by GrimBeard
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Kingdom of Five



Nation Roleplay:

Build, Build. Build. Don’t really have drive to write this one, depressive fit?

Population: 6,578,065 Fivians

Gold Expenditure: 64,900 Gold - 5,000 Upkeep  = 59,900 Gold + 7,100 Gold = 67k Gold

(15,000 Gold) 3 more farms are built to sustain growth.


(8,000 Gold) 2 Caravels are built.


(37,500 Gold) 5 Manufactories are constructed in the Kingdom.


(6,000 Gold) 1,500 T2 Light Infantry are recruited and sent off to the frontier lands.


(500 Gold is saved.)


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The Royal Era of Aemer, A.E 409 (Year 1509)




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Available Imperial Denarii (Gold): 37,000


Proceeding on with the arms race against its Sehmonian Adversary, Numerian plunges fully into the matters of Heavy Infantry, having learned a lesson from its opponents upon the field of battle. Throughout Numeria, hundreds of newly enlisted soldiers undergo a new doctrine of infantry combat, and don heavier equipment. [5 (2500) units of Heavy Infantry Recruited | 20000/20000]


The Margravate of Arris receives continued Royal Investments into its region - though the area resembles more of a oversized military base, the increasing presence of soldiery in the region attracts those wishing to do business, causing an influx in civilian presence. As a result, the core of the region, Arris, is formally inducted into the ranks of Numerian Cities, becoming a core territory to the Kingdom. [Arris is Upgraded from Town to City | 15000/15000]


A policy of scorched earth takes place upon the borderlands of the Ischyroi and Numeria - hamlets that have already been plundered by the Sehmonians are now repurposed for military use, outposts and scouting bases being established to keep an eye out for enemy incursions. Consequently, the army is dispatched to the borderlands, dividing itself into sectors to patrol and defend, merging back into one should a sizable force approaches. The Numerians avoid returning the favour, instead remaining steady and await any enemy raiding party. [Military Movement]


For those unfortunate ones to have been affected by the matters of raiding and pillaging, fleeing refugees are offered Royal Subsidies for their endeavours. Those who accept are safely inducted into other regions in Arris, away from the scenes of combat, in Council sponsored settlements and farmsteads. [2000g into rehabilitating raided citizenry]



Leader: Aemyr V of House Namyr

Capital: Royal City of Lyria [Merchant Guild, Shrine, x1 Manufactory, Temple]

Cities: Nyria [Merchant Guild]

Tyria [Merchant Guild, Temple]

Tyniria [Merchant Guild]


Towns: Arris





Fortress: Helmden


Current Projects:

Researching Osmalt (Rare Mineral)

Developing Mountain Highway near Mineria


Population: 5,700,461 Total

500,000~ in Lyria

300,000~ in Tyria

200,000~ in Nyria

3,500,000~ in rural regions




5 (2500) units of Heavy Infantry (Dismounted Knights) [Next Turn]


8 (4000) units of Medium Infantry (Numerian Serjeants)

4 (2000) units in T3 Steel Equipment


6 (3000) units of Light Infantry (Numerian Swordsmen/Spearmen)


4 (2000) units of Light Archers (Woodland Guards)


2 (1000) unit of Light Cavalry (Numerian Rangers)


2 (1000) units of Medium Cavalry (Numerian Squires)


Total Infantry Count: 13,000 - 22 units



10 Adepts, 1 Magi






Base Income: 3000g

Economic Points: 5000g

Town: 6000g

Population: 16,500g

Trade: 1000g (Republic of Danwent)

Merchants Guilds: 12000g (Lyria, Tyria, Nyria, Tyniria)

Manufactorie(s): 1000g (Lyria)

Sehmonian Raids: -2000

Treasury: 500



Infantry: 4000

Fortress: 2000


Total: 37,000

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The Fortress Libraries













Points and Basic Stats:

Population: 1,737,754 Humans

Cities: The Bastion, Fort Vane

Buildings: Merchant Guild, Temple, Shrine, School, Trading Company, Manufactory x 2, Farmland x 5 (+2%), Bog Silk Market

Economy: 6

Education: 7

Size: 2

Military: 2

Mysticism: 4

Trade Partners: Blackmarrow, Knauledge, Ulyadar, Bulgar, Ischyros



500 Librarian Knights (50 men per unit)

1000 Medium Infantry

1000 Light Infantry

3 Adepts



Saved: 4000

Base: 3000

Econ Points: 6000

Pop: 4500

Trade: 5000

Merchant Guild: 3000

Manufactories: 2000

Bog Silk: 3000



Total Funds: 30,500



  • The southern expedition continue onward, this time west to make contact with the rulers of Danwent.
  • A fresh expedition of two librarian knight units is sent to fully survey the mountain chain south and south-west of the Bastion, or as much as can be surveyed and scouted for the meagre sum alotted in the yearly budget. [500].
  • Blackmarrow Enclave [10,000]
  • Tykirfell Enclave [10,000]
  • Chapel of Knauledge Enclave [10,000]

^mechanically paying for the previously established enclaves due to new national idea.


0 saved.

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Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

Population: ~ 6,217,464

Allies: N/A

Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Passans



The throne room was filled with the gossip and chat of the nobility and aristocrats. The Emperor’s summons were clear and they were heard. He had returned from his venture into the twin river valley and was prepared to issue a declaration to the peoples of Bourdeleaux. Some murmur rumors of the Emperor’s personal visit to the lands of the Carrow Lords. Other mention an impenetrable stronghold made purely out of black stone. Very few knew what the Emperor was to say. However, it was clear he was not pleased. He lay solemnly in his pristine throne, forged by his ancestors through the wealth and riches of Bourdeleaux’s conquered. His mood resonated with the entirety of the court, as few dared to speak boisterously. There was no pleasantry to be had, rather his brows furrowed and creased ran across his aging skin.


As the last of courtiers entered the throne room, soldiers of the Phoenix Guard slammed shut the imposing, ceiling-high iron wrought doors, effectively sealing within all those inside. A few glances shot rearward to the sound of closing doors, while the others held their attention upon the Emperor. He met their gazes, scanning those present within his Great Hall. “My loyal subjects.” he cried aloud, echoing throughout the chamber, simultaneously rising from his throne.”We find ourselves on the cusp of war once more. It pains me to calls the sons and brothers and fathers of Bourdeleaux to arms once more – however, this is a just conflict, by all standards.” He declared, stepping off the dais and onto the floor of the assembly.


The height he displayed was not fully captured as he rested upon his throne. Standing, though aged, he was certainly a well built figure ahead of the common man. As he paced down the length of the silk drawn aisle, he turned his head from either side, looking each man in the eye. Soldiers of his Phoenix Guard stood imposing in their black and gold armor, lining the approach to the Imperial throne. It was not them who budged, but rather the burghers and wealthy who anxious of his next move. Some craned their necks past the winged sallets of the Guard, desperately trying to catch a glimpse. Others who tried to get too much of a view were restrained by the ever vigilant Guard.


An eerie silence followed, broken only by the sound of flames lapping in their torches and the flapping of the Bourdelaic standards, which were strung high across the chamber’s ceilings and brick walls. “Those fools who style themselves the Carrow Lords have transgressed upon Bourdelaic pride and honor. They title themselves the true heirs to my ancestor Moravec, who ruled over Selroc in the days of old. We will not stand for falsifications. We will show them we are truly the ones to uphold the mantle in this dark world.”


“They liken us to cheats, lowlives, and barbarians. In doing so they spit upon everything we have constructed and achieved. They believe they are of high worth and noble birth, yet dare cower in their walls and spew insults upon us.They claim themselves to be the sons of House Tarkan… an ancient vassal of Symon, disillusioned by the deeds of their forefathers. Their arrogance shall serve as their undoing. My subjects, and soldiers of the Black Army, you will be my heralds in this awakening. The Sun will rise upon new horizons, even if it kills me doing so. No doubt, will I be avenged by my sons who I have taught to my utmost capacity to love Bourdeleaux. For none other than the Bourdelaise truly understand the concept of the greater good and sacrifice for God and Country.”


“The Great Sun smiles on us. For I have heard his word myself. We are a part of a greater plan that lay in store. We will obey. Fight with me and you shall be absolved of all sin the eyes of God and be granted a key to warm embrace of the Great Sun. We will prevail. Sol Invictus!” The Emperor cried at last, his face flushed red, and spittle sprayed outwards from his mouth, standing at the epicenter of the Imperial court. A brief lull followed, accompanied by varying shouts:


                       “SOL INVICTUS!”

                                                                                            “GLORY TO THE GREAT SUN.”

                                    “LONG LIVE BOURDELEAUX!”

                                                                                                                                                                         “THEY WILL KNEEL!”

                                                                   “BY GOD’S WILL!”


What followed were several patriotic and zealous cries of triumph and praise. While some applauded, others cheered. Soldiers of the Phoenix Guard clamored the butts of their polearms against the throne room floor in unison. Other knights and influentials drew their swords and thrust them into the air. As the sword was drawn, blood would be spilled.


Bourdeleaux had rolled its dice. The stakes were high.






Income: 52,000g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 18k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 9k)

Upkeep: 5,000g (Army), 5,000g (Veterancy) = 9,000g.

Available: 45,000g


[8,500g] 8,500 gold is sent to the Galaharian League for the first loan payment, as per arrangement.

[2,000g] Training Phoenix Guard Unit to Elite

[4,000g] Upgrading 1 Unit of Light Infantry to T4

[10,000g] Recruiting 2 Units of T3 Crossbowmen.

[20,000g] Recruiting 4 Units of T4 Light Infantry


[500G] A last personal offering is made before the Great Sun. At the Church of the Holy Disciples of the Brazier and Moravec the Saviour in Souvois, the Emperor and his most trusted companions kneel before the brazier of the eternal flame. There, they seek guidance and the aid of God in their coming endeavor, carried out in his name.


[Non-expenditure] Envoys are sent to the Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick and the Galaharian League, informing them of Bourdeleaux’s intentions.


[Non-expenditure] Bourdelaic raiders are unleashed, ordered to start pillaging the countryside of the Carrow Lords and raid their unprotected villages. Whatever intel they can gather is to be relayed to the main force, whose advance they screen. The Bourdelaic host marches towards the Carrow Lords. An official declaration of war is sent in tandem with their advance.


1,000 to treasury.

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The Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick




Nation Stats




King Eonir the Great Stag


High Priestess Dycha


Prince Aeleandor the Warden








Base: 7,000


Towns/Cities: 6,000


Population: 9,500


Trade: 4,000


Trade Caravels: 6,000


Manufactories: 3,000


Merchant Guilds: 6,000


Port: 2,000


Army Upkeep: -8,300


Naval Upkeep: -2,000


Total: 33,200




Start: 37,800

End:  11,300


Trade Partners


Galaharian League

Empire of Bordeleaux

Kingdom of Hilmedhi

Kingdom of Bulgar


Cities, settlements and Fortresses


Talsyn (Capital), Population of City and Surrounding Area: 1,550,000


Anmyr (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 797,000


The Midnight Anvil (Fortress) Garrison: 1000 Medium Infantry, 500 Light Archers


Modryn (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 540,000


Tal Silvoc (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 500,000




Place of Worship


Farms x2

Merchant Guilds x2

Manufactory x3


National Idea


Guardians of the Forest: For Centuries the Fey peoples had watched over the Forest with careful vigil, many never ending their watch and opting to continue service in the Army of the Fey rather than retire to find a craft outside of Military pursuits. 20% Cost reduction on Veteran and Elite Cost, 10% reduction on upkeep costs for Veteran and Elites.




5,000 Greenthroat Riders


8,000 Medium Infantry


2,500 Light Infantry


3,250 Light Archers


250 Veteran Light Archers


4 Trade Caravels


Detailed Military List






The Reinforcements from the Kingdom of Bulgar had finally arrived at the warcamp, many of the Fey had grown restless and wished to finally take the City to secure their foothold in the Darkyrian realm. Among the leaders of the Army grave news was given as it was discovered by the scouts that the Darykrians were amassing a great army by their capital and had not been sitting idle while the siege goes on. However with the City been under siege for four years now their internal supplies had to be running low. This was the year they could take the City.


In coordination with the Bulgar Princes, the Great Stag, Eonir the King of all Fey would begin planning the assaults for the year to attempt to make their breakthrough into the City. The Army had grown tremendously and now was better supplied with new equipment, along with added allies it was hoped that this would be the key to victory this year. With that funds would be set aside to ensure the construction of ample siege equipment for both sides to make use of. The King was determined to see that this be the year that this infernal city would break to his will, so that the Darkyrian Capital could be moved on next.


In the homeland the expansion of the territory had been undertaken, a great migration Westward to further establish a new town on the outer fringes of the Kingdoms territory had been undertaken. Believing there was naught in the West was the folly of the Fey of Yore, it had allowed the Darkyrian menace to establish itself as a threat to the very forests. These new settlements would be a priority in ensuring the Fey were the only ones truly populating the Greenthroat. To this effort more natural growth along with the migration would be seen to with the expansion of the farmlands in the Eastward Principalities of the Fey.


Military Maneuvers


Assaults against the besieged City begin once more in earnest, Mangonels throwing stones at the walls, gates and overhead.




16,000 is spent on Trade Caravels


10,000 is spent on two farms.


500 is spent maintaining the trade route with Galahar

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D U C H Y   O F U L Y A D AR

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(no rp, on holiday and had to rush out a post.)






Big Star: Capitol(Ulya), Small star :City(Yakur), Small circle(South east): City of Tykirfell, Small circle (North): Settlement of Rypapa, Circle East: Settlement of Odeilia

POPULATION: 3288917+5%= 3,453,363

ARMY: 1 unit Medium Archers,1 unit Heavy Infantry





























-The Church at the Blood Forge is completed after an intense period of hard work and sacrifice, transforming the measly shrine at the Holy site into a proper place of worship for the Blood God.(-6.5k, 18k/18k)


-An expedition into the Glacier lands takes place. This expedition, differs from the rest as it is heavily armed. 1000 trained men embark on a passage through the icey wastelands to fight the lost tribe, focusing on the northern one for now. 1000 men enter the glaciers with the task of finding the lost tribe, exterminating them, and returning. This expedition is well extremely well furnished and equipped, with plenty food, and other materials expected to be needed for such an adventure,(10k into the expedition.)


-3 more farms are added near the capitol to sustain increasing populations.(-15k)





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Commonwealth of Ruhn


Two scholars from the School of Natural Philosophy return gleefully, laden with translations and three large chests of gold. They speak the praises of the generous Queen of Xian, and the wonders of that strange, heathen land--of a tiered city, oppressed castes of subjects, and buildings older than anything standing in Ruhn. Their words encourage both curiosity and scorn, and both are suspended from the School until they can empty themselves of borderline heathenous gushing. Examining the translations are far more pressing to the scholars, but despite their learned natures they are perplexed by both the translated tablets. The two slabs are known by the names ‘The Tablet of Emekhun,’ and ‘The Tablet of Zakhet.’


The writings of ‘Emekhun’ list strange and unusual mathematics that the scholars could barely comprehend. It was a treatise on physics and engineering practically revolutionary to any Ruhnnite architect, and the scholars begin furiously analyzing its contents for publishing. 


The writings of ‘Zakhet’ were somewhat disappointing, however. They seemed to vaguely denote the operation of a vast series of levers and lifts used to transport ships up a steep waterfall, known in the text as the ‘Levers of the Divine.’ The pious scholars did not see the levers themselves as ‘divine’ in any meaningful way, but they were certainly an engineering marvel. They would have to research further, once the site of the Levers were themselves secured.


Within both translations are meandering verses of how the Loba Empire came to be. Arriving on the shores of Aros approximately 3000 years before the current day after having left a location barely referenced as ‘the south.’ Though they claimed to have settled in a ‘lush jungle,’ all the Ruhnnites saw of the Loba’s former land were endless, searing sands and decayed stonework. Some scholars stomp away muttering angrily after reading about the heathenish sun-god ‘Life-Giver,’ and the other scholars choose to skip such sections in the future.


A good thing the Loba were dead, for sure, as Ruhn could never have been independent had that empire survived. Other unusual theories bustle their way between scholars in the School, and hypotheses ricochet off others--could it be that the Ruhnnites themselves were decedents of the Loba Empire? The Commonwealth was in their ancient borders (albeit as a borderland) and there was no written history of Ruhn a few decades prior to the Vulture Wars... 


A grand mystery, for sure! One that the scholars were excited to pursue!









National Idea: Colonial Bureaucracy: New towns require only 400,000 population.

The Tablet of Emekhun: All construction is 5% cheaper.

The Tablet of Zakhet: Gives a few insights into a certain advanced set of levers.


Base Gold: 9,000 gold,
Towns/Cities: 9000 gold,
Merchants guilds: 6,000 gold,
Population: 10,500 gold,
Trade: 3000 gold, 
Manufacturers: 4000 gold,
Gift from Xian: 3000 gold,
Upkeep: -5,500 gold,
Total: 39,000 Gold (41,500 gold incl. vault),
2500 gold in vault.


-More pioneers, more farms, more growth, you know the drill, Eric. I have no idea what kind of fluff to write here anymore. Why don’t you write me a three-sentence story about a farmer, or something? That’d make my modpost section a little more interesting. (-9500 gold towards two farm stacks)


-Along with Riverruhn’s rapid expansion its walls are completed and its security assured. Merchants slowly trickle in and are afforded space within the central squares to construct their shops, stalls, and all manner of business sundries. (-8,550 gold towards a Merchant Guild in Riverruhn)


-The Commonwealth seeks to control all routes and land bordering the Hungry Sea. A group of enterprising settlers are sent out to both claim the fertile strips of land to the south, and the fascinating ‘Levers of the Divine’ themselves. The new hamlet positioned at the mouth of the Levers themselves and is named ‘Hebelstadt’ in a foreign, barbarous tongue. (-4750 gold towards a settlement)




-Due to clever reforms in colonial operations, the town of Shatterbridge receives a slew of specialists and is immediately slated for expansion! It’s almost as if a fundamental change to the values of the universe were performed by mysterious beings beyond their realm... (-14,250 gold to upgrade Shatterbridge from a town to a city) 


-4200 gold left in the vault.


Population: 3,710,396

Cities & Investments:
Ruhn (Merchant’s Guild, Temple, Military Academy, school)
Bruger (Merchant’s Guild)
Riveruhn (Merchants Guild next turn)
Shatterbridge (town) (city next turn)

Hebelstadt (Settlement) (Next turn)


Defensive Structures:
Fortress Bergen

Other Investments:
14 Farm stacks (16 next turn).
4 Manufacturies


Edited by Catostrophy
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Republic of Danwent – 1509



Now with 100% less RP.


Nation Info:


Republic, ruled by 50 senators (lifetime positions).

Traditionalist League: 4 Senators

Commoner’s League: 17 Senators

Prosperous Path Party: 15 Senators

Stalwart Guard: 10 Senators

Unaffiliated: 4 Senators


People of note:

Aywentos Rumaari (Senator of the Traditionalist League), aged 33

Dionius Liber (Senator of the Commoner’s League), aged 35

Theodos Abemani (Senator of the Prosperous Path Party), aged 33

Thoryus Armon (Senator of the Stalwart Guard), aged 36


Population: 6,280,590 this year. (4,500,000 Starter)

Growth: 3% + 2,25% (farms) + 0,25% Moranese Wheat

18 farmsteads.



Tzaria (900,000 inhabitants) (Capital) – Market, Trade Port, Manufactory, School, Temple, Place of Whorship, Merchant Guild, Trading Company

Essevith (800,000 inhabitants) (Starter) – Merchant Guild

Ruhia (600,000 inhabitants) (Starter) – Merchant Guild



Susvii (500,000 inhabitants)

Wessevith (500,000 inhabitants)

Koryii (500,000 inhabitants)





National Budget:

Treasury: 0 Duwats.

Income: 55,000 Duwats

Base Income: +3,000 Duwats

Economic Points: +4,000 Duwats

Merchant Guilds in Tzaria, Essevith & Ruhia (3): +9,000 Duwats

Trade Partners: (Sehmon Remnants, Kingdom of Numeria, The Eye, Carrow Lords, Eadni) +5,000 Duwats

Trade node of Susvii: +1,000 Duwats

Population Taxation: +18,000 Duwats

Trade Port of Tzaria: +2,000 Duwats (5 trade partners)

Town of Susvii: +3,000 Duwats

Town of Wessevith: +3,000 Duwats

Town of Koryii: +3,000 Duwats

Moranese Wheat: +1,500 Duwats

Manufactory in Tzaria: +1,000 Duwats

Road tolls: +1,500 Duwats


Expenditure: 8,000 Duwats

Armed Forces:  -4,000 Duwats

Total of 14,500 men. Equals -4,000 gold for land maintenance.

14 companies of Bronze Legion (T2 Unique Regular Medium Infantry) at 7,000 men of 7,000 men

12 companies of T1 Regular Light Archers at 6,000 men of 6,000 men

3 companies of T2 Regular Medium Archers at 1,500 men


Naval Forces: -2,000 Duwats

4 galleys at 250 men each



1 Keep in Ruhia (No upkeep)

1 Keep in Essevith (No upkeep)

1 Fortress in Tzaria (-2,000 Duwats)


Available currency: 47,000 Duwats

National Resources:

1 unit of Moranese Wheat for trade (Market in Tzaria) (still available)


Republican Actions:


Another Trading company is built, this time in Ruhia to the West. (-6,300 Duwats)


Eight more stretches of farmland are built to acommodate for Danwent’s yet growing population. (-40,000 Duwats)


The remainder is retained for future needs. (700 Duwats)



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The great south gate of Surya loomed far overhead, and Ravi thought back to his pleasant childhood inside its walls. He’d seen much of the world since then, and even so nothing had yet been able to compare.



With the steam monsoon blowing well away this time of year, the sun blazed down on the mirrored city, and every surface shimmered with Mihir’s reflected glory. Ravi’s horse plodded onto a gently-rising, pristine street, and he fingered the red leather coat in his hands. The Sattva would expect answers, and he had few, and for a moment he resented being ordered again and again to go to the frontier and chase ghosts, but he drove the thought from his mind because the Sattva were closest to Mihir, and who was he to resist Mihir’s will? Nevertheless, he could hardly hope for promotion with nothing but a tattered cloak for his efforts.


The city loomed all around him: a multilayered jungle of stone towers, it consistently sloped uphill toward the north end of the island. On that side of the city was the fortified arsenal, but he couldn’t see it from here, because the highest point lay in front of him: the great temple of Mihir, a labyrinthian complex that served as the city’s seat of government.



Two skinny priests stopped him at the gates, but he held up his summons and walked through. The Sattva wished to see him.




Two hours later, the burly cavalry officer was staring bitterly from an upper balcony. The priests had been accepting enough. But the expedition to Aros was a failure, and everyone knew it. He could only hope that the disappointment wouldn’t rub off on him.


“They’re declining a second mission,” The voice of Kunwar Aswan sounded from beside him. “Damned foolish if you ask me.”


“You mean they’d just rather have someone else lead it.”


Kunwar was silent.


“I was thorough, sir. There was nothing left.”


“I’m sure there wasn’t. We haven’t seen pirates in years. But the Sattva can be shortsighted. You would be too if you’d never left the city.”


“With all due respect, sir…”


“I know, it isn’t fair. But they hardly have cause to reassign you. You’ll be fine.”


Ravi frowned, staring at the sparkling sea in the distance. “Never liked sitting and waiting.”


“No, you never did.” Kunwar agreed, leaning on the stone rail. “You deserve a governorship, you really do.” The Maharajas added guiltily, as if he were the one blocking Ravi’s advancement. For another long moment the two men said nothing, then Kunwar spoke again.


“I would say,” he said slowly, “that the city of Chittor has a strong vested interest in locating whatever threat lies in the northern continent. It is a shame that Surya is unable to provide funds at the moment, so perhaps we should step in.”


Ravi understood that he was being offered a favor and dared not look up, embarrassed. “Thank you, sir.”


“It’s good policy, Ravi, nothing more. You’ll have dinner with me before you sail?”


Ravi nodded. Just then the sound of voices came from around the corner, loudest among them a child’s. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his companion visibly stiffen. “I’ll see you tonight, then,” Kunwar replied hurriedly, and stepped inside from the balcony with haste.


The voices rounded the corner, and Ravi saw that the child was a girl no more than three years old, escorted by half a dozen priests. She was happily running between them, looking up to the sun every few moments with a beaming smile. The group passed by him almost without notice, but for a mere second the girl looked at him, and he saw that her dark eyes were flecked with bright orange. Then she was gone, and her guards with her.


“Strange,” thought Ravi, but swiftly put confusion from his mind and stepped back into the temple. He had a reputation to build.






Expenditure (77,000 Gold + 2,000 Saved)


Financed by Kunwar Aswan of Chittor, the 2nd Chittor Lancers embark on a second expedition in Aros, in search of answers in the pirates’ disappearance. Their commander Ravi Singh enthusiastically leads the cavalry east along the coast, to map out the settlements and anything else of interest. [Exploration; 1,000 gold]



Routine agriculture expansion. [1 farm; 5,000 gold]


With every mile that Suryan settlers venture into the isles’ lush wilderness, more riches flow back to the mirrored city. The population outside the walls booms and it is all the government can do to keep the expansion organized. Goods from the capital are produced in ever-greater numbers. [8 factories; 60,000 gold]


Despite the macabre scene discovered in Aros, the gulf is too strategic a position to ignore. Figuring it will prove a useful foothold for later expansion into the largely-unknown continent, the authorities in Seringapatna put together a band of settlers and send them across to refurbish the shanty town. Few are willing to go, but they are reassured when they hear that Seringapatna’s garrison will soon follow. [Settlement; 5,000 gold]



...all except for the 1st Chittori Lancers, who like their two sister regiments are now called upon for a cartography mission. Heading west from Seringapatna, they are to map the Red Coast in advance of inevitable settlers. [Exploring; 1,000 gold]



Suryan explorers of Mount Metar continue to experiment with red marble veins, consulting priests and attempting various cooling techniques to try to mine it safely. [Marble research; 1,000 gold]


News of the mysterious altar on the lone mountain inspires a great deal of interest in the capital. A bit of funding soon arrives for the construction of a small path up the titanic landmark, that visits might be paid to the site more regularly. [Path to the altar; 1,000 gold]


[5,000 gold saved]




Population 7,202,286


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((Posting for Hilmedhi due to internet complications))


Kingdom of Hilmedhi


Life goes on as normal in the peninsula. The dense jungle and river network dominate the landscape. But the crafty people of Hilmedhi dominate the ground below. Even now their mines and tunnels worm deeper into the heart of the planet. Even now their expansive projects continue, and great monuments are erected. Brave Hilmedhi soilders patrol the land, ensuring peace. Great caravans set off for multiple points. The common citizen continue to live their normal lives. The intrigue of the queen is still up in the air. Galaharian ships and merchants are seen more often, with chest of gold and building supplies.


Population: 2,835,000 

Treasury: 30,000

Upkeep: 1,000




Upgrading Town to a City -12k


Another expedition along the western desert -4k


Building 2 Manufactories -12k


Dedicating the construction of the tunnel to Moradin (The God of Creation)







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The news spreads across Naros swiftly. It seems that Sehmon’s defense of Ischyros came at a price. They have, in the spring of 1509, sword themselves as a tributary of the Sehmon Kingdom.


The Kingdom of Bulgar


B U I L D I N G S.


Such a small army for such a vast nation. It becomes apparent that the enforcers of the King’s law are struggling to maintain order. (-10k per turn until army size reaches 15k)


The Galaharian League


The Passanese are a simple people, living relatively simple lives and eeking out a living from their harsh soil. The Defenders, as they are called, appear to be some sort of old order, a relic of the past, that is said to predate the Passanese by a long, long time. Even they do not know their origin, only that their mandate dictates that they must always protect the south from the darkness within the forest.


It is not difficult to shape these small landing craft, and while they have limited range and can not carry many men, these rowboats are fast enough, and have higher sides to protect the men inside. Not greatly different from normal rowboats, they nonetheless offer greater protection, a little more space for more men, and an easy ramp out.


The Kingdom of Five


B U I L D I N G S.


An envoy from the Kingdom of Karel approaches the nearest Fiver city. (discord)


The Kingdom of Numeria


The Sehmon kingdom seems noticeably quiet, and apart from raids -that are markedly less successful this year- they do little to meddle with Numerian affairs. It seems as if they are busy with their own affairs in Ischyros.


Few citizens that were not already numerian find their way into the Kingdom. Indeed, most displaced people come from the Arris hinterlands, and those from Ischyros typically remain in Ischyros. Nonetheless, the displaced are grateful to their King for such measures.


The Fortress Libraries


And so, these far-ranging explorers do make their way to the Republic of Danwent. They are far from home, but they are good at what they do, and self-sufficient enough to survive easily. (Discovery of the Republic)


The mountains seem to be...mountains. There is little of note within this mountain range, though the air-quality does seem quite poor, and many of the explorers develop unpleasant coughs, especially once they reach the eastern slopes.


The Empire of Bourdeleaux


Prayers upon prayers. Yet the Bright One remains silent. Perhaps all that needed to be said has been said, but no words of guidance are uttered to lead the men of Bourdeleaux on this conflict.A test of their worth? The gods attention deviated elsewhere? Who knows.


And so a brutal war of raiders engulfs the Carrow borderlands, as Bourdelean raiders meet enemy patrols, and the hunters in the night, who howl to the moon. Both sides lose many of their men, and the fights are bloody and swift, but soon the Bourdelean men learn to fear the night, for it is the hunters who control it.


And war it is. (Discord)


The Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick


Roaming wolves. (Discord)


The Duchy of Ulyadar


Visions of Blood. (Discord)


And so the expedition carves its perilous path into the glaciers. A dangerous journey, full of threats, both known and unknown. They disappear for weeks. More than a month passes before the first trickles of information begin to creep back into Ulyadar. Some of the men have returned, only a handful, perhaps fifty in total. Nearly all of them have been wounded in one way or another. But more importantly, not a single one is capable of speaking anything coherent. They seem to have all gone completely mad, though there is no discernible reason. They jitter and stutter and mumble nonsense to themselves in a foreign, unknown tongue, and many kill themselves in the days after their return. A few seem to have resisted the madness a little better, and speak still in Northron. “The pillars, the pillars, the pillars,” is all one says. Another says barely anything at all, and stares with empty eyes, at nothing. Another looks sad, and cries almost constantly, muttering in a tiny voice, “Fey,” when asked what happened.


The Commonwealth of Ruhn


They call him Bob the Heathen, but they should have called him Farmer Bob the Atheist. He believed in nothing but farms, and making more farms every year. His religion was pigs and barley, and he worshipped each one as much as He Who Waits, for what was death when faced with the sublime beauty of a pig?


Settled near the Levers, the settlement is upon an open field next to the canal that stretches a mile or two from the edge of the Hungry Sea to the sheer, giant cliff upon which the levers are built. An imposing vista welcomes the settlers every morning, and a highly defensible location.


Scorching suns. This year, the summer comes with a brutal drought, caused by high temperatures and barely a hint of rain through the entire summer. Crops suffer, and so does Bob the Heathen. (-0.5% growth)


The Republic of Danwent


With re-opened trade, the Sehmon Kingdom offer to purchase Moranese Wheat from the Republic, at a yearly rate of 3000 gold.


Little more happens within the republic this turn, it seems.




A settlement on Aros. Quite an achievement for the reclusive Suryans.


Much like their brothers to the south, the lancers find a quiet piece of land. Some villagers still remain here, fishers and other isolated farmsteads that truly can do nothing to resist the Suryan’s, and seem happy enough to have someone there to protect them, should the Suryans take this land for themselves. Beyond that, the land is quiet, though the crash of thunder and flashes of lightning that plague the western edge of Golûn have grown far coser, flickers on the horizon for these lancers, turning night into day sometimes. (+5000 pop)


Point of Interest - Mahmek &The Mausoleum of Samakha (Aros): The lancers in Aros begin by finding lands reminiscent to their homeland. Lush forests and fields surrounding a rich river delta. Then they find the ruins themselves, first walls, crumbling and overgrown, then what clearly once was a city. Most of it is gone now, taken by time and nature, but some buildings remain. Of those, one in particular. A looming construct that no doubt once towered over the city. Pyramidial, it still holds the remains of ancient carvings, and within, there is much more to see… (discord)


Little progress is made in the research of red marble.


The path is easy enough to make, and access soon opens up to those brave enough to climb the gigantic mountains.


The Kingdom of Hilmedhi


The western desert expedition is eventually forced to halt and turn back due to the brutal, unforgiving nature of the desert, and the storms that shake the inner lands and send swarms of dust out over the sea in choking clouds. It seems as if landborn expeditions are quite simply deadly.


Miners near the tunnel land upon a large vein of gold, a stroke of luck, some say. Moradin smiling upon them! Say others. Yet others see it as recognition for their great feat of engineering. Either way, gold is gold. (+5000G this turn)

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The Auldhauan Hierarchy of Melda





{Economy Point [Economy Points x 1,000G]} – 3,000G

{Capital City [3,000G] – 3,000G

{Towns} - 6,000G

{Trade [#Partners x 1,000G]} – 3,000G

{8 Trading Caravels [Max 16]} – 5,000G [Risme], 5000G [Auldin Tribes]

{2 Inbound Trading Caravels} - 500G [Risme]

{Population [1,500G*(Pop./500,000)]} – 16,500G [5871480 Population]

{Manufactories [1,000G Each]} - 3,000G

{Commercial Buildings [3,000G x #Merchant’s Guilds, 1000G per TradePartners/2 per port]} – 13,000G

{Greenleaf} – 2,000G

Total – 57,000G

Stored Gold:

Total – 48,000G


{Army Upkeep [1,000G x #Soldiers/3,000]} – 2,000G [8,500 Soldiers]

{Navy Upkeep [1,000G x ShipWorth/5,000]} – 7,000G [5 Cog, 8 Caravel - 39,500G]

Total – 9,000G

Start of Year Treasury – 96,000G

Total Investments:

Army – 2,000 T1 R M Cavalry, 500 T1 R M Archers, 3,000 T1 R M Infantry, 1,000 T3 R M Infantry, 2,000 T1 R Light Archers

Navy – 1 Minoleki Cog, 8 Auldhauan Caravels, 4 Auldhauan Cogs

Religion – 3 Noble Adepts

New Auldhau [Level – Capital] –  POI [Shorebridge], Fortress, Walls, Place of Worship, Merchant’s Guild, Port, Temple, School, Manufactories [3], Shrine [IN PROGRESS], Hermitage [IN PROGRESS]

Little Auldhau [Level – City] – POI [Shorebridge], Keep, Merchant’s Guild

Strakzhau [Level – City] – Keep, Merchant’s Guild

Mirvliecht [Level – Town – Converting to City] - Greenleaf

Alsmacht [Level – Settlement]

Grellhau [Level – City] - POI [City of Krell], Merchant’s Guild, Keep




[10,000G] – The Grellhau Canal continues to be worked on. [30,000G Total]


[15,000G] – Mirvleicht’s growth has not gone unnoticed. Steps are taken to create a provincial administration, and to upgrade it to a true city.


[18,000G] – A shrine is built in the capital city of New Auldhau.


[45,000G] – A hermitage is constructed, on the outskirts of the city. A grand building, that few would actually call a ‘hermitage’.


[0G] – The Kingdom of Five is offered a defensive pact.


8,000 Auldhauan Mint saved.

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      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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