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[Vassal Agreement] Pact of Fur and Tusk


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Treaty of Vassalization and Peace


Rexdom of Krugmar




State of Qin




The Honorable Rexdom of Krugmar, and the distinguished State of Qin, do hereby enter into an agreement of peace. Additionally, the State of Qin does hereby agree to become a vassal of the Rexdom of Krugmar. As such, the State of Qin will be granted land, and the freedom to follow their religion and practice their customs within this land. In addition to their own practices, they will be required to follow the codes of honor established by Uruk culture and any laws established by the Rexdom of Krugmar.


The State of Qin agrees to the stipulation that as long as they live within the land granted to them by the Rexdom of Krugmar they only have authority to rule over their constituents within their allocated land. Outside of this allocated land the word of the Rex and his Wargoth Council is law. Should the code of honor or any law be broken within the nation they shall face the same  punishment as any Uruk would.


As vassals of the Rexdom the citizens of the State of Qin shall legally be considered citizens of the Rexdom, however secondary ones. They shall be above those with the snaga status, however under those who have achieved an honorary status. Citizens of the State of Qin shall not be forcibly put to work, just as one would not forcibly put another Uruk to work. The State of Qin shall receive two positions on the Gazgoth council, each position being granted ½ of a vote.


The Rexdom of Krugmar does not seek to hold the State of Qin as a political hostage. As such, should the State of Qin wish to break their vassalization to become their own full-fledged nation they are allowed to do so as long as the land granted to them by the Rexdom is vacated and returned. By signing this treaty the Rexdom of Krugmar and State of Qin agree to aide each other in times of war and to establish trade in times of peace, regardless of vassalization status.  





Rex of Krugmar, Wargoth of Clan Lur, Farseer and Elementalist of the Uzg



Dominus and Keshig of Krugmar



Collossal Slayer, First of the Yù Family, Huangdi of the State of Qin, Zhúdhíng






((OOC Terms))


-The State of Qin becomes a vassal to the Rexdom of Krugmar.

-Members of the State of Qin become full legal citizens of Krugmar and are entitled to the same rights and protections as any Orc of Krugmar. Second Class does not mean slave,

-They are given 2 seats on the council, each getting ½ of a vote.

-They agree to abide by the Code of Honor the Orcs followed.

-They agree to follow the laws set forth by Krugmar.

-They will face the same punishment for any crime in or against the Uzg as any orc would face.

-Krugmar grants the State of Qin the ability to un-vassalize should they wish to become their nation. Should that happen, a peace and trade agreement will be in place between both nations.


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