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[✗] [✗] Hand Cannons; Firearms

GDPR 014

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Guns are the most un-tolkienesque thing I’ve ever seen proposed to LotC. I vehemently disregard that idea…
Just imagine halflings with guns or gravens rolling up with war cannons…

But, judging by the lore written here, guns seem solid and I would see it working. It’s just something I do not wish for.

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Honestly this is just gonna get rejected immediately so it makes me sad for you that you put in this much work just for mods to see the title and copy paste that “Denied” template. F




It’d be neat to see advancing tech, just step by step. Maybe you should make it so this tech exists but we have to do some research RP to get our hands on it? Also if the Vaeyl have railways we should get guns. Also hold on if the Vaeyl had railways why did they come at us armed with swords and wearing armor? Wouldn’t they have some more advanced tech since railways are like an 1800s technology? Sorry that last part isn’t part of this I’m just stream of consciousnessing all over you guys.

Edited by MangoArt
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2 hours ago, MangoArt said:

Also hold on if the Vaeyl had railways why did they come at us armed with swords and wearing armor? Wouldn’t they have some more advanced tech since railways are like an 1800s technology?

I think the reasoning is the vaeyl had a need so they focused on transportation that could help them move around a barren cold place. It’s fantasy, so I can’t argue.


2 hours ago, MangoArt said:

It’d be neat to see advancing tech, just step by step. Maybe you should make it so this tech exists but we have to do some research RP to get our hands on it?

The idea is you work from the handgonne (the long stick with a small barrel on it), and from there it’d progress. youd probs get the cannon and matchlock first after the handgonne

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Question! When deciding who can make the weapons. Will anyone be able to learn, or is it going to be exclusive circle jerk for a few people and their friends like most new stuff is?

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8 minutes ago, Jake the Dog said:

Question! When deciding who can make the weapons. Will anyone be able to learn, or is it going to be exclusive circle jerk for a few people and their friends like most new stuff is?


From what I gathered, and how it was being projected ( You see this in the post ), it had a deal on viable RP and progression, which is a fair deal here. Very far from the typical norm of furthering crafts on-server.

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1 hour ago, Jake the Dog said:

Question! When deciding who can make the weapons. Will anyone be able to learn, or is it going to be exclusive circle jerk for a few people and their friends like most new stuff is?

As stated in the lore post I'm looking for four applicants to come forward and help spread as well as implement the firearms. If I see that that doesn't work out, I'll consider options for self teaching.

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time for some dwarven engineering once more

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It’s been long enough – Let’s add firearms.

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8 hours ago, The_Broken_God said:

As stated in the lore post I'm looking for four applicants to come forward and help spread as well as implement the firearms. If I see that that doesn't work out, I'll consider options for self teaching.

Should take one from each descendant race so we all have equal access

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2 hours ago, MangoArt said:

Should take one from each descendant race so we all have equal access

hopefully i get approached by a player from each race then. My discords in the post if anyone wants to hit me up ? 

Edited by The_Broken_God
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An update:

I am now looking for SIX applicants to help with implementation. If you are interested, contact me on my discord (Bokratzia#8909) and I'll give an interview.

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As for the time,  is this 15 minutes IRL or during instances of actual RP? Regardless, I’d suggest that the firearm must be loaded during the RP itself and should be fine for the duration of that particular conflict. Forbid /w emotes for loading.

As for the misfire and what it does, I can’t say in good faith that everyone will have the patience to sit down and reference the guide when disputes arise in Roleplay. I’d say simplify it to simple pass / fail for sake of ease.


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The concept on its own isn’t the issue, but the balancing in RP combat.  Some people may remember Anthos-era crossbow technology being out of hand and powergamed to high heaven, and whilst crossbows are technologically inferior to firearms, they were still considered super overpowered just due to their misuse.  Firearms can fit well thematically, they just need to also fit well mechanically.  If we reach an emote count etc that people are overall happy with then I don’t see any reason not to, though it will have to probably be closely moderated at first.

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