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[✓] Patron Lore - Kalii’mari, Mani Patron of the Aspects

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Mani Squid Prince of Laughter, Festivities, and Companionship


The joyful Prince of Squid is well renowned for his amusement and liveliness, a Mani often held in less regard compared to the others - yet a wondrous creature all the same. His flexibility in form reflects upon his flexibility in persona, a delightful and entertaining Mani capable of exuding a more regal posture when required.


His gifts lay in his desire to bring joy and laughter to others - often being held in high regard when his subjects decide to plan some form of entertaining event. When one seeks blessings of fortunate events and new friendships, they may turn to Kalii’mari and pray to him.


Origin / Backstory:

Upon the shores of the ancients, laughter could often be heard echoing through the caverns and across the waves lining the shallow beaches. It was once well-known that those who basked in the sun and twirled through the shimmering waters were to be good friends to all, and some of the most fortunate. For it was they who worshipped the Prince of Squid - he who was quite opposite to the others that stalked the depths. Taking up month-long festivities at a time in which they would celebrate their companionship's and happiness, the Wood Elven Seeds who worshipped this Mani would often create handmade gifts for one another and to sink to Kalii’mari in hopes for good fortune and new friendships.


Patron Purpose:

As most of the well-known Mani represent the necessities for survival, hunting, and protection, Kalii’mari serves as a reminder to gaze upon the world with a warmer perspective. Quite different to the other, more serious and regal Mani, the Prince of Squid watches over those of his faith with a friendlier demeanour, more hopeful for their good fortune and new companionship's.





Ritual of Worship

For the ritual of the Squid Prince, participants are first encouraged to decorate their flesh with black paint in the forms of elongated swirls reminiscent of tentacles. They may also choose to tie a variety of ribbons to their arms. This ritual must always be completed with pairs, as it is a ritual of friendship and joy. The partner for this ritual may be a friend, a family member, a lover, or even two foes seeking to reconcile.


To begin the ritual, all participants must first wade into the water - twirling about constantly to send their arms, and the ribbons attached, fluttering around them in a form of ribbon-dance. The painted arms resemble the Squid’s tentacles, twirling about its form. As the water reaches their waist, the participants must turn to their partner and link arms to twirl about with one another, joining in the dance.


At the end of the dance, each participant must search along the ocean floor for reeds and grass to weave together into two small bracelets. These bracelets may include any shells or other objects found upon the sand for decoration. Once the bracelets are made, they may present one to their partner for keeping, and the other tossed out to sea to sink to the depths for Kalii’mari.





As explained in the ‘Demi-Gods of the Wilds Clarifications’ post [Linked in the ‘References’ spoiler below], Kalii’mari is able to be summoned in both an Ethereal form, and a Corporeal form. However, some points regarding these abilities & summoning will be clarified in the case of Kalii’mari:


Ethereal Form

  •  In regards to summoning other squid of any size, it would be unheard of for Kalii’mari to use these squid in any form of combat or ill intent - aside from in the case of self-defence.
  • In regards to inducing visions & illusions, it would be unheard of for Kalii’mari to invoke fear, wrath, or any other form of mental/emotional harm or distress onto a person
  • In regards to Ethereal Form Summoning, only large bodies of water may be used to summon the Mani, such as a deep lake connected to the ocean, or the ocean itself. Rivers and ponds cannot be used, nor freshwater lakes


Summoning Prayer Example

“Joyful Kalii’mari, Prince of Squid.

Whose laughter and happiness echoes through the depths,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

Oh Kalii’mari, honourable friend to all, grace us with good fortune.”


Offering Examples

Coral, Seashells, Seaweed, Woven Bracelets, Ribbons


Corporeal Form

  • In regards to encounters, it would be unheard of for Kalii’mari to provide any form of dangerous/harmful encounter.
  • In regards to Druidic Transcendence encounters, it would be unheard of for Kalii’mari to bring any danger/harm to the Druid in question - instead seeking to provide safe passage back to the Mortal Realm


Blessings / Boons

  • In regards to The Call of Nature, it would be unheard of for a squid of any size to fight alongside the party, as Kalii’mari’s kin are not known to be harmful unless in self-defence


Current Location

Despite being the Mani Prince of laughter and companionship's, Kalii’mari remains true to the reclusive nature of the Mani as a whole. Preferring to instead watch over and observe his followers from afar, the Mani will only step forth to interact when he deems guidance is truly necessary to bring someone back onto a more balanced path.

As all Mani are, the Squid Prince resides within the Eternal Forest until he is drawn forth for any worthy reason.


Lore Purpose

As previously stated, in comparison to the other currently existing Mani, Kalii’mari serves as almost an opposite to the more serious Mani residing over protection, survival, hunting, and so forth. Instead, he serves as a provider for more flavorful roleplay - bringing the chance for more entertaining events to occur revolving around festivities / dances, etc.

He also provides a flip side to prayers and worship - providing people with the ability to conduct roleplay prior to an event for good fortune with the planning and conducting of an event, along with providing the chance for character development through reconciling with any foes during the ritual of worship. Overall, his purpose remains mostly cultural, but grants the community a friendlier and more entertaining Mani to interact with.






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kalii’mari calamari

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While I enjoy the piece as a whole and appreciate really diversifying the spectrum of Mani, it does seem peculiar for a Squid of all creatures to be an advocate for merriment. Can they even laugh? That’s something I’d more expect to be linked to the Hyena. I can definitely see both social and intellectual aspects being prominent among cephalopods, however, friendship isn’t really something I tend to associate with them. Were reoccurring interactions with the Wood Elves the sole cause, or is there more to their behavior?

All in all, I think it’s a lovely piece.

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1 hour ago, JuniperSelkie said:

Isn’t this the squid god the halflings used to worship?

no, that’s Arugula 

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2 minutes ago, _Jandy_ said:

no, that’s Arugula 

So we have fried squid, and lettuce as squid gods. I bet they taste delicious

Edited by JuniperSelkie
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i fully support this lore and its wonderful, beyond perfect execution. 

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We all love water owo

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Kalii’mar, Kalii’mar, Kalii’mar!!11!!!!

Om Namah Shivaya

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19 hours ago, ThatGuy_777 said:

it does seem peculiar for a Squid of all creatures to be an advocate for merriment. Can they even laugh? That’s something I’d more expect to be linked to the Hyena. I can definitely see both social and intellectual aspects being prominent among cephalopods, however, friendship isn’t really something I tend to associate with them.

Alpha female hyenas tear the testicles off the males so they can’t breed, so there are reasons any animal/Mani could or couldn’t have these qualities assigned to them. irl no we don’t associate squids with these things, but the lore can be anything we make it, it doesn’t have to relate to irl cultural beliefs- the fact that it’s very different is good.

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