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[Lore] Supplemental Naztherak and Inferis Amendment


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As masters and rulers of the Inferis, none know their foul hearts and beings as well as the Naztherak themselves.  The weavings and chaotic essence of the Infernal Soul is their expertise, and with enough time in their studies a Prince is able to learn how to warp an entire soul into an Infernal one through a dark ritual known as Naz’kuthun. It is simple in practice; a sacred bath is prepared, large enough to contain the entirety of the victim’s body, and then filled with the collected blood and gore of any variety of beasts, monsters, and animalia. The creatures’ lifeblood poured into the bath will alter the resulting Inferis’ appearance accordingly: traits will be inherited in twisted and vile ways, wretched reflections seen within the newborn creature’s form. Once this is accomplished, the Naztherak must submerge the subject within the concoction and then simply add an entire souls’ worth of their Maleus from their Cistern to the bath. It is unclear exactly how painful the transformation is, but the agonizing screams that have been noted as a result speak loud enough for themselves. Once warped, the Inferis is rather drained and an easy target to be bound to a Prince’s Court.

My mention was in reference to Naz’kuthun, hoped nobody would be anal about it. Admittedly, it says Maleus instead of Malflame, so that is entirely my bad. All the same, I doubt the High Hells isn’t flooded in Malflame itself. It burns and warps the soul blueprint, sure, but then burning the charred soul should be no different than trying to burn ashes, no? Or maybe more along the lines of burning toast. After you burn it, you can only burn it more .

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13 minutes ago, Dunstan said:

inferi are effected by malflame but inferi are not effected by there own malflame.


neither are written anywhere and i’ve been told by at least one inferi player that they were told that inferis weren’t effected so probably should’ve been

is it in the new rewrite?

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4 minutes ago, Dunstan said:

That is very much a weaker attack than standing at range and burning a crowd of poorly dressed druids alive.
You see, theres this thing called risk factor. When you enter melee range you are subjected to the risk of getting stabbed. This is something that can not happen while standing ten meters away from a chest high wall, and contrary to popular belief. Some mages to have the brain wrinkles to use cover, and chest high walls do exist. Along with the ability to crouch.


Yeah I suppose that makes some reasonable amount of sense in addition to your comment on being immune to your own malflame as inferis.  I’ll get around to adding that caveat in and fixing the old references since that seems to be the big point of contention.  

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1 minute ago, Dardonas said:

Yeah I suppose that makes some reasonable amount of sense in addition to your caveat on being immune to your own malflame.  I’ll get around to adding that caveat in and fixing the old references.

Thank you


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all of this is very cool Kanye/dardonas, but will u make these colors more vibrant,,,


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5 hours ago, Auriel_ said:

all of this is very cool Kanye/dardonas, but will u make these colors more vibrant,,,



It’s in black and white, wdym make it more vibrant?

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13 hours ago, Dardonas said:


It’s in black and white, wdym make it more vibrant?


idk bro I wanted some other colors,,,

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Sorry, but the ST believe this can easily be abused by players as with many lore pieces on this GOTTDAMN server. Im afraid we will have to deny your lore.

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Denied by the writer’s request.

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