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World In Flames (OOC) (The Reboot!)


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World In Flames


The Reboot!




12 years ago, the War to End all Wars officially concluded with the Treaty of Versailles. However its name was far from misleading. Its end only brought about more bloodshed than ever before. The great empires of Europe had been exhausted and depleted from the fighting, drained of much of their strength; Their public weary of war. Coupled with the extreme economic downturn of the 1920s, the world was plunged into chaos.


In China, the disintegration had long preceded the conclusion of the Great War. Following the death of Yuan Shikai in 1916, the country was torn apart by competing warlords and political movements. In the north the Fengtian Clique makes massive gains, against both what remains of the central government, as well as Communist guerrillas based in Taiyuan. In the south, the government loses ever more influence as the warlords of Guangxi, Fujian, and Jiangsu tighten their grip on the more industrial and developed regions of the country.




In The United States, extreme economic hardships brought on by the Great Depression bred radicalism and contempt for the government, this came to a head in October of 1930 when radical communist, syndicalist, and socialist rebels stormed the capital in Washington DC. Though the rebellion had little sustenance, it prompted a chain reaction that rippled through much of the industrial north and rustbelt states. In a matter of months, the rebels had dealt devastating defeats to demoralized and disheartened federal troops. With faith in the federal government eroding rapidly, southern and west coast states systematically broke off from the failing government. Though on the verge of collapse, the rebel onslaught was eventually halted at the Mississippi and a stalemate set in. After roughly 2 years of fighting, a shaky peace sets in across the former United States.




In Europe a new ideology rises across the former central powers. Sweden, after being robbed of honor and territory during the Great War is toppled, a fascist dictatorship taking its place. Italy, Hungary, and Germany are no exceptions either; as all three see a rise in similar regimes. The Balkans too remain ever heated, as Austrian and Hungarian claims to the old empire remain ever prevalent and their bitter rivalry continues. The British isles are engulfed in chaos, similar to that of the United States as Ireland and Scotland declare separation from the Empire amidst extreme hardship. Their rebellions have proved relatively successful, the Irish have liberated all but a few ports, where only the might of the Royal Navy cements British influence. Scottish forces to have pushed past their own boundaries, dealing a series of surprising defeats to the British. On the Italian peninsula, the Rise of Mussolini and his fascist rule is not unopposed, in late 1932 rebels seize control of southern Italy, Sicily, and Sardinia proclaiming a new Kingdom of Sicily.




In The Middle East tensions rise, an Egyptian revolt forces the British out of the Suez and much of the province itself. The Empire in scrambles can do little at present to stop it. In Ottoman Arabia, the decaying Empire’s grip continues to loosen as independence, and Arabian nationalists threaten to boot the Turks from the region entirely.

Major & Interesting nations



British Empire (taken)

German Reich (taken)

Military Russia

France (taken)

Austria (taken)




Kingdom of Sicily



Empire of Japan

Fengtian Clique

People’s Liberation Army

Chinese Nationalist Government

Guangxi Warlords

Fujian Warlords

Jiangsu Warlords


Middle East

Ottoman Empire

Sultanate of Egypt


North America

United States of America

Communist States of America
Confederate States of America (taken)

Pacific States of America

Central American Republic



Discord Name;


Country of choice;


Head of State;


Government type;




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Discord Name; You got it


Country of choice; Empire of Japan


Head of State; Madlad Hirohito


Government type; Constitutional Monarchy (Meiji Constitution)


Suggestions/Feedback/Questions; Actually produce a Military sheet that distributes what each country has boi

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Country of choice; The rightful heir to the U.S, the Confederate States of America


Head of State; Edward Brooke Lee


Government type; Confederacy of independent States



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Discord Name; None o' yer business


Country of choice; British Empire


Head of State; George V


Government type; Parliamentary Monarchy


Suggestions/Feedback/Questions; Keep it alive for longer this time

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Discord Name; you have it foolish noob


Country of choice; Sultanate of Egypt


Head of State; Fuad I


 Government type; Absolute Monarchy

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Discord Name; Voidal_#3110


Country of choice; Hungary


Head of State; Miklós Horthy


Government type; Military Dictatorship


Suggestions/Feedback/Questions; Nae.

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Discord Name; You have it


Country of choice; Norway


Head of State; King Haakon VII


Government type; Constitutional Monarchy


Suggestions/Feedback/Questions; Nope

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Discord Name: You got it


Country of choice: France


Head of State: Napoleon V


Government type:  Absolute monarchy.


Suggestions/Feedback/Questions: None

Edited by Vetren54
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Discord Name: u got it


Country of Choice: Austria


Head of State: Otto von Hapsburg


Government Type: “Imperial” Monarchy


Suggestions: b cool

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Discord Name; Horton#4181


Country of choice; Communist States of America


Head of State; William Z. Foster


Government type; Democratic Centralism


Suggestions/Feedback/Questions; GOD I love communism :3

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