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[✗] Submission for Ker Wolf


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Name of the creature:

Ker Wolf

(Optional) Link to a picture of the creature + name of the artist:



Is this creature tamable and if so, how:


The Ritual


Ker wolves are proud creatures. They are protective of their young and will often attack any who come near them unless part of the litter or pack. Ker wolves are normally non-aggressive to others. The ritual to prove yourself concists of three parts; Dominance, courage, and kindness.



Ker wolves have their own heirarchy. To show dominance towards a ker wolf shows you can protect the young as they would you. This is usually seen by not looking away when the mother stares you down.



Ker wolves are large creatures. Strength and speed are an asset to the wolves. They often try to scare would be tamers away by being intimidating. If angered, they will bite. Standing, unflinching under their scrutiny tends to win the trust of the wolf over.



Offering the mother wolf a meal is the fastest way to getting hurt. It is an insult to her. However, bringing food for the pup, shows compasion. Should the mother wolf let you pass, presenting meat to the pup will ensure it will accept you as its littermate.


The Ritual Breakdown

The stages of getting a wolf is always Distrust, Intimidation, Acceptance or Injury. Ker wolves will injure any who attempt to continue the ritual after they have deemed the person unworthy.


First two to three emotes should concist of them showing distrust.

The following emotes would be intimidation, trying to scare off the potential companion.

If they are acceptable, the wolf would allow them to approach the pup.

If they are denied, the following emotes would be either of injury or taking the pup away.





- A ker wolf does not aim to kill, if the player is persistant, take the pup away and end the roleplay.

- Druid magic will not sway the beast in this sense, keep the roleplay fair (Most mother wolves are companion animals, wild ones should be played by an ET)

- Do not make it unfair to others even if you dont like them.

- Don't metagame the ritual. If you never did it, or were taught, you don't know it.

- Don't metagame how to succeed in the ritual. Its meant to test the character.


Can you use this in combat:



Habitats - Check all that apply:



Summary of the creature:


The first ker wolf pup was tamed many centuries ago by a young male dark elf. His clan had watched as he showed his worthiness to the pack, becoming one of the wolves himself. As he drew near the den mother, he kept his head high and his body low. Refusing to back down as she lashed and snarled, he crept forward.


Once the den mother had deemed him worthy, he was the first to create an everlasting bond with his ker wolf. The two began a new ritual together, one that was passed down within the clan only for many years. However, the secret was slowly lost only to be given to a dark elf and subsequently a young girl, who became a druid.


These large wolves are great companion animals and mounts for the dark elven clans. While they did not attack decendants or other humanoid creatures, they have been useful in hunts. However to aquire the beast, a ritual with the mother had to be done. One that proved you were worthy of the wolf.



Characteristics of the creature:



Ker wolves are as tall as an average horse. Ranging on average between four and a half feet to five and a half. However, there has been legend of them once reaching seven feet at the shoulder, however, none reach this height anymore. This allows them to be rideable by most descendents. These creatures come usually in browns, reds, black, dark greys, or in patches of lighter tones of the colors. There are rare instances where these wolves are tan or golden in color. Their eyes are usually red, brown, black, or blue.


The blessed wolf, or Laura’s protected, is the only white furred ker wolf. This wolf is often the alpha of the pack and bonds only with a young child. The wolves seem imposing, even threatening to those around them, often showing teeth and looking imposing. Their bodies are sturdy enough to handle the same damage a horse can.



Ker wolves are non-aggressive towards descendants. They will not attack without reason to. If a ker wolf is threatened, they tend to run away. If they are cornered, they will defend themselves or their packmates. However, should a den mother see her pups are in danger, she will attack to kill. Like any wolf, they are pack animals. Should you be lucky enough to pass the den mother’s ritual, a pup would bond with you, making a lifelong friend and companion.



Due to the nature of the ker wolves, only six wolf pups will be born to any one pack every 4 to 6 ooc months. These pups must then bond with their companion before the second month of their birth has passed.



In order to bond with a ker wolf, you must find a pack and an alpha. The den mother will be guarded by the pack. Once one is able to get near the den mother, they must pass her stifling glare in order to bond with a pup. Ker wolves will only fully bond when they are pups. A full grown ker wolf will not bond fully with its companion and may leave at any time. When the owner of a fully bonded ker wolf passes, it will lose its will to eat. Unless intervened, the ker wolf will pass away.


Ker wolves live a very long life. Many believe this is because of the blessing they have received from the ancestors. However, there comes a time when all things must pass. A ker wolf can live to a maximum of two hundred years (four ooc years). Very few live to be this age, most die from disease or other issues.



(Optional) Origins of the creature:


Legend says Luara and Kor once touched the land many centuries ago. Luara found a wounded wolf in the woods, having been damaged by a hunter’s bow. She took pity upon the creature and healed it. Kor, watching from the shadows blessed the creature to grow big and strong, to guard her children. The wolf, blessed by both had grown into a large size, soon becoming the size of a horse.


As the creature grew, so did its intelligence. It found others like it and formed a pack. An old clan of dark elves stumbled upon the pack and at first were afraid. However, at the sight of the moon in the Alpha’s form, they began to worship the creatures. A bond was created and the two lived symbiotically together.






Ker wolves will not fight in any combat except against another companion animal. They will push or pull enemies away from their companion, but they will never attack. A ker wolf of such size often will put itself between its littermate and its enemy, often becoming the victim to the blade. A ker wolf who falls in combat is a perma-killed, you may have it flee combat to avoid this, but it must not be in a powergaming way.



Ker wolves have the same senses as their smaller canine counterparts. Their sense of smell no better than a common wolf, same with hearing and sight. When tracking, a ker wolf can detect a scent up to eight ooc hours later. However, strong scents such as certain herbs, can cause the wolf to become confused and unable to continue it’s tracking.



Ker wolves are wild animals. Being blessed by the ancestral gods, they cannot be controlled by druidism or any other magic. They can be feared or forced to stand down. However, should a deceased ker wolf be resurrected, its form decays quickly making them only usable for one resurrection by necromancers. Any and all attempts to control another player’s ker wolf must be given out of character permission.



Red Lines


Ker wolves, like dogs, cannot be sentient. They show fierce loyalty and devotion, but do not respond to commands like a person does. Subtle hand signals, words, or movements must be used to tell the ker wolf what to do.


Only druids may be able to commune with ker wolves on a more knowledgeable level. This means a bonded druid may not need any signals to get a ker wolf to move with them.


Ker wolves cannot be used to get into MCly inaccessible areas. If it is locked or you can’t get through, the wolf is of no use. This includes, breaking doors, jumping fences, or digging under fences.


Ker wolves cannot enter an area that does not have at least a 2x2 entrance. They are to be treated like an MC horse. If your horse don’t fit, neither does the wolf.


Only approved players may breed ker wolves. This means, there will be only a handful of people who can give out ker wolves.


Ker wolf owners are required to be registered with the lore holders to keep track of who has the wolves. Should you be found breaking any rules with ker wolves, the lore holders reserve the right to make your ker wolf die or run away.




Uncommon - A person can only find one of these IRP from someone else who has approval to have one.

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This lore has been denied as per this thread: click me. 2 weeks were given to reformat and correct the submission to match the current criteria, which were not done.


If you believe this is a mistake (as this was a big sweep, yours may have been overlooked), please contact me over the forums here: click me.

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