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Gorkil Warboars


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The Gorkil


“Big zkah’n gitz wiv der originz goin’ bakk zinze dah dayz ov Gorkil!”




Hailing from the days of Gorkil and his sons, and likely even Krug, the Warboars travelled with Clan Gorkil throughout time.  Their unity to the Clan being a symbolic, almost Spiritualistic connection and process of trust and companionship. Ever since the beginning, Warboars being used as cavalry have been a essential and famous hallmark of Gorkil warfare.  Whilst the Gorkil Berserkers would wield zweihanders, Kriegsmessers or Poleaxes in a fit of bloodlust, swathing and scything apart the enemy with untouchable speed and agility, the Warboars would pierce the rear end of the enemy in wedge formation, driving the riders deep into the collapsed and terrified foe, to then leap off and then lose themselves in a fit of frenzy, now being fully succumbed to rage and actions dictated by years worth of muscle memory.





Growing from 5 to 6 feet, and usually weighing around 500-800lbs, and some even bred to be as tall as a typical Paint Horse, Warboars have thick, dense and explosive muscles and light bones, allowing them to suddenly sprint forward in a burst of speed and charge down almost any foe , far quicker than a normal horse, and faster than even a Lur wolf. Their tusks grow long and sharp like scythes, with two sets growing on both sides in many cases.  Their skulls are thick, allowing them to withstand impact from their charges, and their necks are tall and strong, evolved from their days of digging up roots from the ground.  Finally, the Gorkil Warboars are famous for having mud-red fur, whilst also being thick and wiry, allowing them to withstand the moderate cold, and protect them from the sun.



Mental Characteristics


Typically skittish and temperamental, a Warboar is likely to either charge or flee in an instant upon seeing someone in the wild.  A mechanism commonly used for charging, and subsequently goring, any who would dare approach them .Their brains are hard-wired to be the first to react, and their bodies have evolved to be the quickest animal on the plains.  For a tamed Warboar, the instinct to flee can be dulled and dampened when bred right, and the right training can make almost any Warboar instantly charge upon command, or when trained to recognise certain foe. The pure reaction time of a Warboar, and the speed at which it accelerates on a foe is usually enough to finish someone off out-right, and afterwards, the Warboar is likely to begin eating it’s target’s corpse.  Although a brutal and smelly beast, once an Orc has tamed a Warboar, it will immediately form a strong bond with its owner, and if it is the alpha in it’s farrow, the entire farrow themselves may adopt that Orc as their leader. Similarly to Orcs, Warboars breed from the strongest. The alpha Boar gains most of the mates, whilst the lowest in the chain tend to get bullied, and often cast out from the farrow. A harsh behaviour, but when a single female Boar, a sow, can give birth to as many as 12 Warboars in one pregnancy, and sometimes give birth to yet another dozen in the same year, Warboars find themselves to be their worst enemy, and as such, there’s little point in allowing the runts and weaklings to eat from the food-source when they serve no use and only worsen the gene-pool.




Warboars famously have a voracious appetite, and will feast off of anything edible.  Roots in the ground, and animals they are able to kill are a common part of their diet, although an Orc may feed his farrow with the left-overs of feasts and the un-usable parts of his kills.  Even Humans, Elves and whitewashed Orcs are on the menu.


Warboar Armor



The Gorkil smithmaster, usually the oldest and wisest devout of Azog in the clan, can be commissioned to make Gorkil Warboar Armor for the boars of especially notable individuals, such as the Wargoth. Since the beast is exceptionally large, it can typically be a long endeavour, but the result will be worth it. To prove a boar worthy of its armor, the boar needs to pass a series of tests that measure speed, endurance, and strength, for only the strongest boars can carry the heavy armor.


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ok, but myrzym are better

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