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The Celestial Order: The Arcanists of the Concord


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“Ever blessed shall those be that follow the light. Join me, those Arcanists born from my blessing, to guide others down the path and to rebirth our world in light. “




The Celestial Order, housed and protected under the Mages Guild of Llyria, seeks to act as beacons of the void and spread the light of its creations opposed to allowing corruption and darkness seep into the realm of Arcas by those magi with nefarious or malicious intent. The vast majority of the Orders time is spent identifying and addressing voidal anomalies either discovered by themselves, the Mages Guild, or any faction that would desire their assistance in this regard. The Order will also time take to identify prominent groups of Dark Magi casting the void in an abhorrent light and dismantle them if necessary. The Celestial Edict serves as the pillars of a Celestial Arcanist’s life; Honor, militance, scholarship, loyalty, balance, the void and the light, seven principles which define the path that each Arcanist follows. Through these, each Arcanist stands apart from other mages, more righteous and devoted to the void and its proper usage.


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The Edict of Honor

The Arcanist wields the arcane with honor and righteousness.

To repudiate the amorality of the void and its boons.

They shall protect the innocent and aid the needy.

Holding true to all their oaths and vows.

To uphold their morality in service of creating a better world.

To display a high level of respect to both allies and fellow magi.


The Edict of Militance

The Arcanist must begrudge the use of voidal violence.

Yet wield it confidently when their ferocity is just.

To deny the powermonger and the upstart.

To protect the descendants from improper and malicious use of the void

Risking their lives in devotion to their honored arcane probity.

To lend aid to our allies in there time of need against unholy corruption.


The Edict of Scholarship

The Arcanist will go beyond militance and devote themselves to scholarship.

Expanding knowledge upon the void and other pursuits.

To serve as learned authorities upon various expertise.


The Edict of Loyalty

The Arcanist gives their life to their Order and its cause.

Serving the Arcane Mage  dutifully and rightfully.

Never shall they harm their brothers and sisters of the Celestial Order.

To safeguard the knowledge held within the Order against the greedy.

To avoid associations that seek to harm the Order,

And to protect its name against those who do it injustice.


The Edict of Balance

The Arcanist is bestowed with a noble duty.

For the noble understand the plague of the tipping scale.

That the pendulum swings in either direction,

And what is dark may be illuminated

For the order preserves this balance.


The Edict of the Void

The Arcanist shall become a master of voidal practice.

To preach its every value and encourage its use within the Order.

Indoctrinate others into the path of connection with the arcane.

And decry the use of darker arts and their repugnant power.

For we are of the void, enlightened by its endless offerings.


The Edict of Celestial Light

The Arcanist shall hold the light of the void in the highest regard.

Those Celestials born from this blessed light as sacred,

And seek to be a beacon of light in the Arcane Mage’s image.

To be a bastion for the realm and assist in illuminating the dark.





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“Our cause is in favor of the descendents. Too long have our realms been conquered by an abyssal tide with realm after realm falling to corruption. If small groups of individuals form together with the purpose of stemming this tide and educating those magi of the void on proper use of magic perhaps this land of wonder may be spared.” States the Arcane Mage



( BrandNewKitten Here. I am back & working on a complete compendium for Arcanism & Celestialism with a focus on giving both magic users and non-magic users a clear idea on how they should be RPed. Magic is fun & doesn’t have to cause issues & I believe more concise text will help us avoid & call out powergamers. Cheers to Princeton for his patience. Send a bird his way if you wish to participate in this adventuring order! )

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