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[Character Sheet] Pervinca Applebrook


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((partial inspiration: https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Pervinca_Took ))

Pervinca Applebrook


Age: 34

Race: Halfling

Height: 2’7’’

Weight: Around 70 pounds.

Hair Color: Reddish-Blonde

Eye Color: Dark blue

Origins: Her mother was an unknown barmaid of the Drunken Duck Tavern, and her father was Agobard Applebrook, a son of Merridolph Applebrook himself. She lived in Dunshire during her childhood, playing with the Applefoot children and learning how to play the flute. However, Agobard died of consumption before Pervinca was old enough to fend for herself, forcing Pervinca and her half-brother, Pelegren, to leave Dunshire in search of care, seeing as none of the other halfling families would adopt them. They wandered across Arcas in search of work, family, food, etc, splitting up in the process.


After some travel, Pervinca would stumble across the trade city of Sutica, where she would work as a barmaid in order to earn her sustenance. She encountered the Foxburr halfling family there, who took her under their wing and taught her how to be proper even inside a biggun settlement. Having finished her childhood and found a family in Sutica, Pervinca would remain in Sutica as the descendents moved on to Arcas.


In Arcas, however, the Foxburr family began to have issues. The parents of the family were growing old, and none of the Foxburr children were getting married due to the lack of halflings in Sutica. Eventually, they were unable to provide for Pervinca anymore, and she had to leave once more in search of a livelihood.


Personality + Traits: A wee li’l Applebrook used to hard times, Pervinca is willing to do almost anything if it will save herself and kin from pain, for such actions are how she squeezed by in biggun lands when she was younger. She acts first, and thinks later, not spending more than a moment pondering any major decision. She is somewhat uneducated, as the Foxburrs and Applebrooks were not good at homeschooling, and thus her speech is cruder than most other halflings. Her writing is also crude and lopsided, and she has trouble reading books without pictures in them.


Her few skills include bartending, basic farming knowledge, and sewing. Most of the clothing she wears she created on her own, a fairly impressive feat considering the lack of materials she had access to. While her farming skills may be rusty, she’s more than capable of producing food to feed herself given enough farmland. Her bartending, while decent, is nothing out of the ordinary and only let her barely squeak by on her own. She can create basic low-quality drinks as a part of her bartender gig, but fails miserably at any attempt to create something fancy.



I’m going to try and rebuild the ol’ Applebrook family as it was before the Applefoots took over everything, seeing as the Applefoots are more than capable of staying relevant on their own right now.


Now that micbox and I are both playing Applebrooks again, hopefully we’ll be able to revive the family.

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Ernie considers how often cows have been used as barmaids in numerous Halfling taverns, and wonders with some concern at the ‘unknown’ parentage of Miss Pervinca Applebrook

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Where’s the part that she finds abandoned baby Anne in that cabbage patch and claims to have given birth to her?

Edited by Apollonous
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