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[Your View] Costs and Raids


cost and raids   

163 members have voted

  1. 1. which suggestion do you prefer

    • llir suggestion
    • llir and nation/charter leaders
    • auriel suggestion
    • no change sugestion

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What is the RP logic for having to pay to raid? Stop suggesting OOC rules that ruin RP potential, I don’t care if you say it’s PVP.. It correlates directly to RP.

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Guys this is merely a suggestion. An idea a thought. It has not passed. 

If the community doesn't want it then that's fine. 


What would be nice suggestions of other options? 


Some feedback on how to improve the systems. 

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2 hours ago, Ajax said:

Let's make rp cost mina


I agree, let’s make forum posts cost mina too. That way we get more votes! It’s all about the votes you see..

9 minutes ago, Pun said:

Guys this is merely a suggestion. An idea a thought. It has not passed. 

If the community doesn't want it then that's fine. 


What would be nice suggestions of other options? 


Some feedback on how to improve the systems. 


My suggestion is to make raids more immersive by adding rewards for RP during them. For example, if they capture a settlement via a raid they should be allowed to set a building or two on fire and cause some minor damage if a dev and moderator is present and willing to do it. Looting should be a thing, capturing anyone inside should be a thing. There needs to be more RP consequences to being raided as to encourage people to defend against them.


Edit: This is my suggestion, I doubt people will support it. Also, what is the problem with raids as they are? There’s a 4 day cooldown and a 20 man cap. Back in the day we had no cap or cooldown so why do we even need them in the first place? Just let people PVP and let the RP’ers RP behind safe walls. If people are being ***** about it just slap them with some heavy warnings, it doesn’t have to be written in the rules when they raid the same settlement constantly with a 40 man rally every day. 

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2 hours ago, Pun said:

This would act as a "financial cooldown", and be in line with the cost of wars, and hopefully have a positive effect.

I don’t think you actually know what the purpose of raiding is

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What’s the point of raiding if there’ll be prices, you can get close to nothing but the enjoyment out of raids since we don’t have Nexus, thus items can’t have any value, they’re obsolete if its not a roleplay item. And normal people just don’t carry relevant RP items with them. If simulating war costs for raids was something actual, I doubt that ANYONE would pay to get a malus. Like, it makes no sense.


Take for example a viking raid, you’re Bjor and you’re bringing 10 men to raid Thor. You give your men the equipment to go raiding, then you go off and LOOT gold and silver, you come back with gold and silver, there’s no “gold and silver” on LotC to loot. Why would you bring ten people to raid a hobotown if they have “nothing”? there’d be more expenses than anything else. Makes absolutely no sense.

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I dont think raids need to be changed at all, I do think it might be interesting however if pricing on heists was changed. Make it less of an absurd amount and easier to make money off of it. That is the over all goal of heists you put in money but you should be able to get more out of it... putting in a **** ton of money for barely any reward is never worth it.

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17 minutes ago, Pun said:

If the community doesn't want it then that's fine. 



Really wished this applied to everything else. 

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All I wanted was an added cost to raiding to slightly raise the barrier of entry so noob groups of raiders who generally provide poor raiding might be dissuaded. Honestly might not be an idea that works, might turn out that it does. But I don’t think anything like raid caps or cooldowns should be altered at all

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We gotta pay a charter’s price to fly just for one day,

There’s the possibility that lockpicks and raid ladders will become more expensive (guessing within the 200-300 range instead of around 100),

And then there’s the possibility that people will have to pay a hefty sum just to get a raid started, and then pay for anyone who wants to take part in it. 

Will we have to pay for each block we place soon, or pay for each step we take in someone’s kingdom? Not meaning to be disrespectful about this, but, it seems like those pushing out these suggestions and updates want to make LOTC become a play-to-win sort of game. 

Edited by TreeSmoothie
Grammar mistakes, whoops
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1 minute ago, Harold said:

You should both stop complaining and being passive aggressive, you asked for community input you got it – fix everything else the community wants first.

I think you misinterpret what my comment is. I’m giving my opinion on a ‘Your View’ stating that the change that I would ideally like to see would be adding only a cost and not altering cooldowns like 2 of the 4 suggests call for because what I would like to see is not an option on the poll. 


5 minutes ago, Harold said:

Why would either of you think this was a good idea, staff and player relations are at an absolute low?

Wasn’t consulted 

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9 minutes ago, Harold said:

Do your ******* job. 


I like you.

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Never really been a fan of big restrictions on raiding. With proper RP, I feel like cool downs are a pain and unneccesary unless it’s become toxic. If it’s good RP let it be. Some the most fun wars were in the Fringe when players could actually fight it out without getting threatened a ban for breaking one of the million rules surrounding conflict.

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5 hours ago, Pun said:

Guys this is merely a suggestion. An idea a thought. It has not passed. 

If the community doesn't want it then that's fine. 


What would be nice suggestions of other options? 


Some feedback on how to improve the systems. 

The only system that needs to be fixed right now is the administration and staff structure. The issue with raids comes from incompetent staff members handling them. Noone has an issue with the system, they have an issue with the people behind them.


You waste your time saying, "let's fix fly, let's fix raids, let's fix wars, let's spawn in and add 100k mines to the economy". How about the staff sit down and fix the rampant abuse and misuse. Or give us a storyline or antag as well. 


Stop trying to fix stuff that isn't a real problem. 

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3 hours ago, IZipZapManI said:

I think you misinterpret what my comment is. I’m giving my opinion on a ‘Your View’ stating that the change that I would ideally like to see would be adding only a cost and not altering cooldowns like 2 of the 4 suggests call for because what I would like to see is not an option on the poll. 


Wasn’t consulted 


Harold said it best. 


Why was this post approved and not my legitimate feedback post. @Pun


Edited by L0rdLawyer
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