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[✗] [Ascended Additon] The Blessings of Aeriel


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Oh, how She wept when that Thing came tumbling out of the Void. Oceans of Her sacred tears still roil in the craters of that hellish desert. From these tears were born the new ways. Where once fire had burned in the hearts of every righteous Ascended, now ethereal waters ebbed and flowed within hardened souls of crystal splendour. Every Ascended now a unique jewel whose light could be wielded against the endless legions of corrupt darkness. And yet their light was not enough. A new lens was needed to draw together the myriad glittering rays of the diamond. These souls that had become gems were destined for a greater light.


To behold the light of the Soul Shard is to behold the glow of one’s own soul. That light is the light of personal truth. The light of an inner flame that can never be extinguished. It is this true beauty found in the soul that an Ascended can use to awaken further blessings of the Archaengul, listening to Her guidance by coming to understand their crystalline soul.




All Ascended gain a single point to be spent on one blessing of their choice. This point is gained immediately upon becoming Ascended. Whilst the new Ascended need not specify which blessing they mean to choose in their first app, they should notify the Story Team at a later date to have their choice noted on their original application.


Contemplation of one’s crystalline soul is the key to harmony with the will of Aeriel. The ideals of Her everlasting song can be found in the many faces of a Soul Shard, revealed in the light of a soul bidden to be perfectly still amidst the chaos of descendant life. By meditating on their Soul Shard beneath a moonlit sky, whose light reveals the mysteries of their being, an Ascended can peer into their innermost nature and come to a new understanding of their eternal mission. This ritual meditation can require multiple attempts before the Ascended is capable of lowering themselves into a deep enough trance to accept the wisdom of Aeriel, hearing Her song for a brief, deafening moment before they are brought back to reality, their shard now glistening a little more brightly with invigorated astra. Whilst this glow has no practical effect, it is this radiance and energy within one’s astra that demonstrates the granted blessings.



  1. Ascended who have meditated upon their Soul Shard give up a magic slot to gain another two points, which may be spent on further blessings.
  2. Certain blessings have requirements as to when they can be taken, requiring particular combinations of prerequisite blessings to already be chosen. Similarly, certain ratios of chosen blessings will grant Devotion buffs, should an Ascended choose three or six blessings in the same aspect.
  3. Ascended may repeat this ritual to give up further magic slots to gain further points, gaining two points with each magic slot used, or they may choose to give up as many slots as they wish at any point they perform the ritual. At maximum, the Ascended will have a total of seven points worth of blessings; one from having first become an Ascended, and a further six from utilizing three slots of magic.
  4. The ritual may only be performed by Ascended who have reached Tier Three. Only suitably mature crystal souls are able to be used in the focusing of lunar light, having now developed properly and formed complex structures of crystallized soul essence.


Ascended who have tapped into this deeper power will find that their Soul Shard glows more brightly as a result of new energy within their astra. The more slots that an Ascended dedicates to their Ascended skills, the brighter the glow of their Tearstone Shard will be. This light is never blinding; at most, it is simply pretty to look at.



Important Foreword

In addition to "The Blessings of Aeriel" we would also like to propose the following changes be made to all Ascended:



Lunar Trance:

Cost 0 Astra

The Ascended enters a battle trance, making themselves still and steady as they focus on their Tearstone Shard, and slowly call Astra to them from the Soulstream, allowing them to recharge their pool.




The Ascended regenerates 5 Astra per emote after they emote going into the trance.


The Ascended must remain standing still, and their concentration must remain unbroken.


Whilst in this Trance the Ascended cannot cast, or Highlight. They may only charge astra.


If the Ascended moves, is moved, or loses concentration for some other reason then the trance ends.

Once/if your Astra pool charges to max, the trance ends.This can only be used once per encounter.




With these new changes and additions, we will also be making Ascended take up two slots of magic as opposed to one, with the blessings making it possible to have all 5 slots of magic taken up by Ascended.


Lastly, a slight adjustment to the Astra pool; after using the magic for a little while now it's become very evident that 60 is too low in longer drawn out battles. Other casters are more suitably equipped to handle longer encounters, being able to cast a reasonable number of spells. With these adjustments, we hope to equalize the difference that had been showing between Ascended and other characters.


Tier 1:

(Begins after creation, ends at 2-week mark)

An agent’s Tearstone Shard is newly formed and can store 5(10) gallons of Astra at a time. Charges 5 Astra per Emote.


Tier 2:

(Begins at the 2-week mark, ends at 1 month)

An agent’s Tearstone Shard can store 10 (10)gallons of Astra at a time. Charges 5 Astra per Emote.


Tier 3:

(Begins at 1-month mark, ends at 3 months)

An agent’s Tearstone Shard can store 15(20) gallons of Astra at a time. Charges 5 Astra per Emote.


Tier 4:

(Begins at 3-month mark, ends at 5 months)

An agent’s Tearstone Shard can store 30(50) gallons of Astra at a time. Charges 10 Astra per Emote.


Tier 5:

(Mastered the magic at 5 months)

An agent’s Tearstone Shard can store 60(100) gallons of Astra at a time. Charges 15 Astra per Emote.


Keep these changes in mind when reading the “Blessings of Aeriel”, as these additions are an integral part of their functions.

To reiterate, you will only ever have 7 such of these blessings, and are further rewarded for Devotion in one specific one. You cannot get all of these.



The Hymn of Aeriel


The Hymn of Aeriel brings with it a need for song, making their practitioners popular amongst the taverns of the land. The more Blessings an Ascended invests in this Aspect the greater their musical sense increases. They may find themselves humming tunes, tapping their foot to a song within their head, and allows them to more easily learn and sing music.


Invoke the Downpour:

By praying to their Archaengul, the Ascended calls out to their guardian, protector and guide. Her endless Song answers their call, bringing with it Astra from the seas of the Soulstream. An Ascended can use their Soul Shard as an anchor through which Aeriel can gift this downpour of Astra to nearby Ascended, refilling their reserves.



The Ascended must be able to sing, hum, or carry a tune in some fashion.


The Ascended has a radius of 3 blocks, and for as long as the singer remains still and continues to sing, up to 3 Ascended in the given area will recharge 5 Astra per emote of the singer.


The singer can change their targets as they see fit. It is important that one declare their targets when emoting, including any changes to their current targets.


Once different targets are chosen, or once the targeted Ascended leave the abilities radius, they cannot come under the effects of the ability for the rest of the encounter.


The singer must remain singing and remain still, if they move or stop singing the effect ends.This ability can be used once per encounter.This does not count as the singers Lunar Trance for the encounter.



Crystalline Renewal:

It is Aeriel’s Song that guides the souls of the dead to rest. Her siren voice calls home the lost to finally lay themselves down in Her city and peacefully drift into oblivion. Through harmonizing oneself with her Song, an Ascended can strengthen their connection to the great oceans of Astra that flow over the surface of the Soulstream, allowing them to draw more Astra into their Soul Shard per emote spent in their Lunar Trance.



The Ascended must be able to sing, hum, etc.


Whilst this ability requires that the Ascended be able to sing, a regular Lunar Trance does not, and may be used without any form of singing.


The redlines of a regular Lunar Trance still apply, restricting the movement and actions of the Ascended.


The Ascended can regain a total of 10 Astra per emote while in a Lunar Trance under the effects of Crystalline Renewal.



Divine Song:

Continued practice of the Lunar Trance allows an Ascended to further control their Astra channelling powers, allowing them to overcharge their Soul Shard with a temporary, bonus astra pool.



When the Ascended enters their Lunar Trance, they are able to generate Astra above their normal limit. With this ability, the Ascended can overcharge their Astra Pool, able to charge 30 Astra over their normal limit.


This can only be done through Lunar Trance, your Astra pool cannot be overcharged through any other means.An Ascended may only overcharge their Soul Shard once per encounter.


They must charge Astra as normal, and must adhere to their normal charging limit. (i.e. 5 per emote, or 10 per if the singer has Crystalline Renewal.)


This extra pool of Astra will not persist beyond the current encounter.



War March:

(Requires Divine Song) The Ascended attunes themselves to the ancient drums of war, causing the Song that echoes within their soul to change. The Ascended may now Highlight up to 2 targets when casting their Highlight spell, and the number of available Highlight slots the Ascended has is now raised to 4.



The “Highlight Slots” the Ascended possesses increases from 2 to 4.


The normal restrictions to Highlighting still apply



Healing Spring:

(Requires Invoke the Downpour, and Divine Song)

The Ascended sings a gentle tune whilst standing within a body of water, blessing those waters with a rejuvenating presence.



The Ascended increases their radius from “Invoke the Downpour” to 5 blocks, and uses that radius for this song as well.


While standing in a body of water, and singing this tune, the singer blesses the water to temporarily grant it rejuvenating effects like those of an Astral Sanctuary.


Ascended soaking their injuries in the water will find that their wounds heal 10 times faster than normal (minus their normal negative 5, so x5 the rate of other descendants) for as long as they remain soaking and the singer remains singing.


Additionally, if the singer sings this song while in an Astral Sanctuary, the healing rate of Ascended in their radius increases by an additional x10.


Once the singer stops, the healing will continue for one last emote, and then slowly fade away.


This song only works out of combat, as it requires almost complete focus and concentration.


The healing of the water works the same as in an Astral Sanctuary, but the Ascended must be soaking the wounded area only. If the wounded portion is not in the water it will not heal.




Shattering Tune:

(Requires War March, Invoke the Downpour, and Crystalline Renewal)

A beautiful melody can all too quickly become a harrowing dirge. By spending Astra, the Ascended sings a terrifyingly brutal song that echoes through the souls of Highlighted individuals, causing them immense pain and a terrible feeling of loss.



The Ascended must be able to sing, hum, etc.The song can only be heard by Highlighted people.


You must spend 10 Astra per Highlighted person affected.The song does not and cannot affect other Ascended.


Being subjected to three emotes of the song is likely to cause enough stress to produce a headache in the affected.


Being subjected to five emotes of the song is enough to leave the affected temporarily deaf, their mind continuously ringing with the song that has been imposed upon them. This effect is entirely supernatural in nature; one’s hearing will return within three months (three IRL days) of being deafened.


If the singer somehow manages to continue singing for 10 emotes the Highlighted individuals will pass out from the non-stop attack on their mind, and the singer will become extremely exhausted, and often lose their voice for the rest of the encounter. Rendering any of their other songs useless until they recover.






Enlightened Tune:

Through intense vocal training, the Ascended has learned to catalyze their Highlight spell using their voice alone, allowing them to cast Highlight without summoning their Soul Shard.



The Ascended can Highlight someone within 3 blocks of them that they can see by simply humming a quick tune. This requires only a single emote.


Whilst a person is Highlighted by this ability they count as taking 2 Highlight slots, until the Highlight is dropped from them.



Gift of Giving:

When you have six Blessings in this aspect, then you gain the unique ability to give astra to other Ascended through your songs. The Ascended may begin to sing; whilst singing the Ascended may choose to give 5 Astra per emote to other Ascended within 20 blocks, up to the number of free Highlight slots the Ascended has.



You choose an amount equal to your free Highlight slots (Between 1-4)


You don’t Highlight them, you can just only choose them equal to your free slots.


This Astra is gifted from your own Astra pool and must be subtracted as such.


You can only do this for as long as you have Astra in your Astra Pool.





Moonlight Brilliance


This path brings with it a further grasp and understanding of the Tears of Aeriel given to the Ascended by their Matron. Offering strength from afar and giving her children the strength to carry on. Ascended that take this path sometimes gain a more religious pursuit towards Aeriel, the more Blessings invested the more they may find themselves praying to the Archaengul. Those of this Aspect also, more than other Ascended, try to strictly stick to the Covenants.   


Eyes of the Celestial:

The Moon dispenses Her love upon all wanderers of the night, illuminating even the most terrible abysses with Her kindness and affection. Through meditating on their connection to the dim, lunar desert that hangs high above, the Ascended learns to conjure moonlight in their eyes, allowing them to see better in normal and magical darkness. You also gain the uncanny ability to see the faint shimmering glow of aura around magical items/enchantments.



Sudden bright lights can blind you for a period of time, like they would any nocturnal creature that you shined a light at.


Your eyes adjust to changes in light, so you're not going to be blinded in the daytime cause your eyes are in night vision mode, it's a steady change that allows you to see clearly in the dark by the end of it.


The glow of enchantments is nothing put a faint sparkle, simply letting you know that it is magical. (Think Detect Magic in D&D)


Astral Reservoir:

Astra flows as easily through your veins as it does through your Soul Shard. Your very aura is infused with streaks of Astra, as it now forces its way into a deeper recess of your soul. With such affinity for Astra the Ascended is now capable of more efficiently and intuitively casting spells, reducing the cost of all Ascended spells by 5 Astra.



This cannot make a spell cost less than 5 Astra.


Spells that cost 10 Astra now cost 5, ones that cost 15 now cost 10 and etc.


This does not decrease Blessing abilities, only the basic Ascended Spell List (Astral Mirror, Armor, etc…)



Stemming the Tide:

The Ascended’s continued study of the soul allows them to further fortify their own against the corrupting effects of magic, particularly honing their focus on their hampering effects of Voidal Poisoning. By giving up the journey to mastery in their Voidal magics, limiting themselves to practicing them at tier 3, an Ascended can negate the effects of Voidal Poisoning.



The Ascended may choose to continue progressing in their Voidal magics past Tier 3. Should they do this, they will lose the benefits of this blessing and be forced to roleplay Voidal Poisoning once again.


Voidal Poisoning must be RP’d if the magic goes above Tier 3. To do otherwise is considered powergaming and can be grounds for the removal of both blessings, and Ascended magic as a whole.



Snap Freeze:

(Requires Astral Reservoir)

By focusing on the nature of astral ice, an Ascended can learn to catalyze their Crystallization spell in a new way. The Ascended may expend 15 astra to immediately freeze one limb that they are currently in contact with. This spell does not require that the Ascended have the target highlighted, they need only be in direct contact with them.



The Ascended must charge astra into their shard as normal to be able to use this form of Crystallization.


The Ascended does not have to be in contact with flesh to use this ability. It will work through armour, clothing, etc.


The astral ice formed by this ability does not slow the movement of the target. Rather, it binds one limb, preventing it from moving entirely.


The victim must spend an emote fighting against the ice to break free of it, at which point, it breaks and begins to dissipate over the course of another emote.


Ethereal Form:

(Requires Astral Reservoir, Unveiled Sight)

The soul is an immaterial thing, a mote of unknowable essence that exists without any need for a physical body. Ascended who have delved deep into the study of the otherworldly can learn to temporarily give up presence within the physical world, mimicking the incorporeality of the soul. By tapping into their crystallized soul, an Ascended can temporarily turn Ethereal, allowing them to interact with spectral entities and preventing them from receiving physical harm.



Requires activation, can be used after only one emote prep. So, Prep Emote>Ethereal Form.


Costs 30 Astra to activate, and one emote to prep. Once prepped, Ethereal Form remains prepped until used, at which point the Ascended spends the 30 Astra. Ethereal Form will not remain prepped indefinitely; once the Ascended leaves battle readiness, the preparation will be undone.


Things that can affect ghosts, and specters do not affect you when you go Ethereal, they still pass through, even spells can be avoided.


While in combat it lasts for a single emote, ending at the end of that one emote.


Can only work if the Ascended is standing still.


Outside of combat you can go ethereal as long as you remain staying in place, and while ethereal you can touch and more easily communicate with


Ghosts, you can shake their hand, give them a hug, maybe a pat on the back.


Even if you’re standing still you cannot go through things. No standing in front of a door and sticking a hand through it or anything.


When outside of combat the moment you throw a strike, a strike passes through you, or you move, the ethereal form immediately drops.  


Everything on your person also becomes ethereal.


You cannot use this ability to stick an ethereal weapon through someone, if any part of your body or equipment is inside of someone or something then it will be violently shunted out.



Flood of Astra:

(Requires Ethereal Form)

Due to the Ascended’s advanced relationship with astra, the body of the Ascended becomes another reservoir in which they can store astra, further increasing the amount of Astra they can hold and use for their spellcasting.



The Ascended’s Astra pool increases by 30.


Despite being stored in the body, this blessing changes nothing about the mechanics of the magic.




Divine Smite:

If you possess three abilities from the Moonlight Radiance Aspect, then you gain the unique ability to channel Astra through your body at a faster rate. Whenever you land a blow, or cast a spell (including voidal spells and such) you can spend 10 Astra to cause the wounds caused from the effect to count as Radiant Wounds.



You must spend 10 Astra to activate the ability, if you don't have it you can't do it.




Astral Conduit:

If you possess six abilities from this branch Astra begins to flow through your body at such a capacity that you no longer need to summon a Tearstone Shard to charge Astra into it, allowing you to prep your spells in advanced, and more fluidly summon your Tearstone Shard.



You must do a tell, to signify charging Astra even if your Tearstone Shard has not been summoned. This tell must include some form of aura, that is distinct from mana/Voidal aura, that is tied to your Astra colour rather than your aura colour.


Your familiarity with Astra and your Tearstone Shard allows you to summon your Tearstone Shard whilst also spending the emote to take some other magical action. For example, you could both summon your Shard and charge it in the same emote, or summon it and cast Highlight (which requires that no Astra be charged) in the same emote.


You still need to summon a Tearstone Shard to cast spells, but you can charge it in advance.


You have to remain focused and concentrated while charging Astra, if you are forced to move, are moved, or are significantly shaken; then the Astra will stop to charge until you recompose yourself.






Celestial Prowess


Ascended have known battle for a long time, those of the Celestial Prowess aspect embodies a fighting lifestyle. The more blessings invested here often make Ascended more active, hungry for battle glory and have a greater need to bring the opposition of Aeriel to justice.


Aeriel’s Raignments:

Ascended of old enjoyed the benefits of divine blood flowing through their veins, divine light in their muscles, divine steel in their bones. With time, a modern Ascended can learn to mimic this divine physique. Now blessed with celestial fortitude, the Ascended’s body can shroud itself in Astral Ice instinctually, protecting it from a single blow either magical or physical.



This prevents any damage from the attack being thrown at the Ascended, and can be activated in an instant, costing 40 Astra.


The ice will cause a minor kickback effect on any weapon, as if it bounced off steel.


The ice will break once struck, without any exceptions.



Arm of the Soul Maiden:

The Ascended’s body has been further transformed by the powers of their crystallized soul. The strength of one arm is increased by a half, thanks to an infusion of Aeriel’s power now flowing through the Ascended’s blood.



Easy quick math. If you pick your right arm, and you could once lift 10 pounds with ease, now you can lift 15 no problem.


This strength increase, can increase as your own body strengthens, it will always be 0.5 times stronger than what it would be without the blessing.



Keen Movement:

What was once rigid like ice now flows and surges like water; the Ascended’s body becomes incredibly swift, allowing them to perform feats of astonishing acrobatics and dexterity. A feint might become a precise blow with but a flick of the wrist.



Basically allows you to have more control over your body, giving you the ability to move more quickly.


This isn't supernatural movement, more akin to a trained acrobatic gymnast.


This does not grant supernatural speed or reflexes.




(Requires Arm of the Soul Maiden and Keen Movement)

A true parallel to the divine lineage of the Ascended, granting further protection from magical harm as the Ascended continues their journey into the realms of aengulic influence.



When a Spell hits an Ascended they lower the power of that spell by 1 tier. So getting hit with a T5 Fireball, lowers the damage to that a T4 one.


This does not shelter the mind from mind-affecting spells, however it does protect against other forms of tiered spell damage such as Voidal Arts, Kani, Runesmithing, etc.


Aengulic Strength:

(Requires Ascendency replaces Arm of the Soul Maiden)

By spending Astra, an Ascended can temporarily invigorate their already ascendant flesh, pushing their body passed the limits imposed upon mortals. Spending Astra in this way allows an Ascended to briefly infuse their muscles with divine power, increasing their power and vigor.



An Ascended with this blessing is so steeped in Astra that they instinctively cause tiny amounts of crystallized Astra to form around their body at critical moments. These crystals can increase the bodies’ ability to grapple, and can even prevent the body from being knocked over, as the legs bind themselves to the earth.


This instinctual forming of crystals requires that the Ascended spend 5 Astra. No charging is required for this to be spent, and the Astra may be spent in the same emote the crystals are formed.


When taken, the Ascended loses the effects of ‘Arm of the Soul Maiden’, since the Ascended has now learned how to regulate the divine metamorphosis that they experience. The strength of all muscles in their body is now increased by 0.25, pushing them slightly beyond normal mortal limits for their race. This is not typical ‘orc level strength’.


An Ascended may choose to spend 15 Astra to temporarily invigorate their body, increasing their strength to orc-like levels. The infusion lasts for 2 emotes. Since the Astra being channeled moves directly from the soul to the body, the Ascended need not have their Tearstone Shard summoned to perform this ability. The Ascended may spend a further 15 Astra at anytime the infusion is still active to add another 2 emotes to its duration.


Ascended with this blessing still require physical exercise to maintain their bodies, but find it easier to maintain peak condition for their race.


Astra spent to increase the duration of the infusion may only be spent in increments of 15 Astra.


The crystals formed by this blessing are never enough to protect from any form of damage.



Celestial Aegis:

(Requires Aengulic Strength, and Aerials Raignments)

The divine tears of Aeriel weep for the scars lain upon the bodies of Ascended by the arcane. They rain upon these most devout servants of the Archaengul, soaking them in the loving protection of their mother, who knows too well the pain wrought upon the body by the supernatural. An Ascended may choose to spend Astra equal to three times the tier of an incoming spell to reduce the tier of that incoming spell by two tiers.



The Ascended must be capable of seeing the incoming spell to focus their reserves of Astra on it. Spells without physical presence, like sensory illusion, cannot be protected against.


This does not protect the mind against any magic. Mental magics affect the Ascended as normal. But it does protect from other magics as well as Voidal, Chi, Kani, and Rune Smithing, etc..


For forms of magic that do not quantify power in slots, such as Chi Magic, you must always spend 15 Astra. The reduced damage of the blast will only ever be as weak as a Lesser Strike.


You do not need your Tearstone Shard summoned to use this ability. Just subtract the Astra from your pool.




Celestial Hide:

If you possess three abilities from the Celestial Prowess Aspect, then you are blessed with increased resilience. Your skin become harder to cut, more resistant to harm, your body essentially gaining the strength of hide armor.



This makes your body a little harder to slice and dice, as if you were wearing Hide Armor over your whole body. Blades may get stuck as they slice, leaving smaller wounds, or they may require more force to be forced through the skin.


Keep in mind that it’s still your body, even if it is a little bit harder to slash, and when it does get injured, you’re injured. Your skin may be tougher, but you continue to bleed out at the same rate, the pain you experience is not numbed etc.


This only stops things like slashing damage from smaller weapons or attacks that don't pack that much of a punch. Stabbing maneuvers are easier to inflict than slashes. Also really hard hits with a hammer are gonna break your bones, but your skin is okay at least!


Astral Conduit:

If you possess six abilities from this branch, you gain a “sixth sense” that allows you to act a little faster, especially when in combat. Focusing on an individual allows the Ascended to see small movements, twitches, and so on, that may betray when an opponent is going to act, allowing the Ascended to prepare themselves ahead of time and act accordingly.



This is a slight increase similar to the Keen Movement blessing, raising your reflexes even more.


This isn't Ultra Instinct, but you can begin to predict movements.


The longer a fight goes on, the easier this becomes, as the Ascended becomes more and more familiar with their opponent. In general, the more familiar an Ascended is with the fighting style of their opponent, the more useful this ability will be.


Despite you being able predict movements this is not an ‘auto-dodge” of all of someone’s attacks. If you’re injured for example, you still have an injury, that must be accounted before. Even if you see an attack coming doesn't always mean you can avoid it. You’re not Neo.


This is not supernatural reflexes. Our body still has to be able to keep up with your reflexes.


Outside of combat this sixth sense is very minor, essentially giving you greater heighten reflexes. For example you cannot sense someone in a bush, or coming up behind you, but you can catch a falling glass instinctively, or catch a falling maiden in a bar. ?oR0S8vyuoYKtfe1okZtsGHXOCzj1nAWAgchHTQx_UaWLMc7Qk0LV6_jV_82XdkPtsPeGH4anTLEBI-A9HPK8mwvXnPP3pWl8IZXRngB5pFjRjffyfc6c8ikZUnMeFIE-20gS97rn






Written by: Farryn, Assassinofawsome, Infortunii.

Special Thanks To: The Ascended Community, Lukatarias, and Tahmas.

Formatting: BIG thanks to Infortunii ❤️TAuXNzc79rlJb1UhnplyemWoPzQBi0tQVhby2OACFstknqj4MgO0ZSvCCNnjOQkYvzHUfzrGTSP1Xk0zC7qoJwRMiQ89esE3V3w5IWL7hq9R2VzKq3CNPdBDPg0eQWVpTzNhlZue

[Both Farryn and Assassin will do our best to answer any questions in regard to this lore – ALSO. Spoilers aren’t working so I apologise for the long post.]


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Apologies for the repost everyone, forums were being really stupid. Big thanks to Nectorist for the assist.

Because forums can be stupid Ill also include a link to the doc for people who may need it for an easier reading experience:



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Stepping on toes of celestialism & my crystal aesthetic cuz... **** it? 


The ideas look pleasing but there comes a point when one asks “what even is ascended magic and what is it meant to be doing?” 


It seems to do a total flip every couple of years. This is an addition but it confused me. I’ll try to write some specifics in a bit. 

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33 minutes ago, BrandNewKitten said:


Hopefully with this current lore Ascended can finally hang their hat, but with having to rewrite and reform our entire basic idea of a group some serious changes needed/have been made. They are now defenders of the people, essentially, but now they have a few ways to be that without all doing the same thing, and without having to give up Astra to learn another magic. This is a way for Ascended to be stronger through dedication to their magic.


I look forward to your comments!

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I really like it, i was actually thinking about writing something to take up all the magic slots in order to obtain benefits similar to the ones given by Celestial Prowess.


Great job guys and i hope this gets reviewed soon.

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Hanz, get meh luger

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7 hours ago, BrandNewKitten said:

Stepping on toes of celestialism & my crystal aesthetic cuz... **** it? 



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2 hours ago, Dunstan said:



Who hurt him? Who would do this? 


My only big issue after my re-read is Astral Conduit. How does one successfully roleplay this feat without invoking the wrath of all who rp with them? 


Also I didn’t see it so it may be a good idea to put a link to the original lore post. 


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rp description

red lines


denied for not following my GLORIOUS formatting, and half these spells don’t even fit the ascended theme and just bounce all over the place, like your ultra instinct spell and anti-magic spell, sad

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This is just like thirty new abilities with no real thematic link for the explicit purpose of making ascended way stronger. 


There’s no universal identity here. It’s all just “Okay Ascended can do ice stuff now, and also pull some anime enhancer moves out, also they can turn into ghosts and touch ghosts, oh also they can do bard things to regenerate all of their mana, making them effectively able to cast infinately, also they can do bard things to buff themselves and other”


Why? This just seems like an excuse to go ‘Our magic is ran by a god so it can do literally anything’!

Edited by LoTC's Next Top Model
used the wrong word oops
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2 hours ago, BrandNewKitten said:


Astral Conduit does nothing but allow you to charge Astra into your Shard before summoning, it still requires EXACTLY the same amount of emotes to do anything, Astral Conduit is a “Bonus Blessing” for taking yourself all the way down that path, which requires giving over all 5 of your Magic Slots to Ascended magic. So I really don’t see where your issues may arise, as for a link to the orignal lore: 

ere you are


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1 hour ago, LoTC's Next Top Model said:

This is just like thirty new abilities with no real thematic link for the explicit purpose of making ascended way stronger. 


There’s no universal identity here. It’s all just “Okay Ascended can do ice stuff now, and also pull some anime enhancer moves out, also they can turn into ghosts and touch ghosts, oh also they can do bard things to regenerate all of their mana, making them effectively able to cast infinately, also they can do bard things to buff themselves and other”


Why? This just seems like an excuse to go ‘Our magic is ran by a god so it can do literally anything’!

Honestly dont even play an ascended anymore but can say the idea of ‘our magic is ran by a God we can do anything' isnt the idea. It's just occurred to me that all you seem to do in every single one of your actions is come in and **** on anything you want, never actually giving good feedback without some shitty braindead comment afterwards.

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1 hour ago, FlamboyantTyrant said:


I thought I followed it pretty decently tbh, mechanics should be listed in redlines above redlines, but if you feel they need to be more pointed out Ill go ahead and reformat them, and hope the fourms dont break our post again.  “Ultra-Instict” is minor better reflexes that is NOT a spell, its to indicate training as that aspect follows. All of these Aspects highlight different things Ascended do, it’s not all suppose to be ICe and Tears of Aeriel, its suppose to let you further yourself as an Ascended and a player. But thank you oh so much for your insight. 

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1 hour ago, Assassinofawsome said:

I thought I followed it pretty decently tbh, mechanics should be listed in redlines above redlines, but if you feel they need to be more pointed out Ill go ahead and reformat them, and hope the fourms dont break our post again.  “Ultra-Instict” is minor better reflexes that is NOT a spell, its to indicate training as that aspect follows. All of these Aspects highlight different things Ascended do, it’s not all suppose to be ICe and Tears of Aeriel, its suppose to let you further yourself as an Ascended and a player. But thank you oh so much for your insight. 


Your mechanics are just further descriptions of how they work. Maybe he wants emote counts, reactionary consequences, specific effects on opposing targets? 

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