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Knights of the Crimson Blade [RECRUITING]

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Many years ago the Knights of the Crimson Blade were formed under the name the Order of New Dawn to spread and enforce the views of the Valkyrian religion in Asulon under the orders of Kimarai Nastrada, an outcast Dwarf who claimed to be able to hear the voice of the goddess Nyaja. During the time they were led by Kimarai they had formed an alliance with the Twilight Army and fought alongside them in the battle for Salvus after being promised the land in return for helping to remove a corrupt noble from the throne, this promise was not honored though and after a short while Oren laid claim to the land. Due to Oren’s claim on Salvus Kimarai declared that Oren was an enemy to the goddess he claimed to hear and began to start ordering his followers to infiltrate and sabotage Oren in any way possible from framing nobles to starting riots. Before long Kimarai had made a bad name for himself and was hunted by the dwarven legion who eventually captured him and imprisoned him in a cage that hung from a tall tower over the ground below with a single hole in the middle. Kimarai managed to escape this prison barely by jumping down the hole and landing on a small ledge which saved him from certain death, he was taken to safety by Mason who was an Elf he had adopted off the streets of Oren and raised as if he was one of his own dwarf sons. Once in a safe location Kimarai declared that his sons would take over New Dawn and rule it as he once had. Now under the control of Mason, Drakon and Kaskaro, New Dawn took on a different goal which was to build a paradise where all races could live in peace as long as they agreed to follow the Valkyrian religion, this paradise would come to be known as Valkyru. Drakon and Kaskaro realised that funding this paradise was not going to be easy and decided lead the Order like a mafia where they began brewing illegal alcohols, selling narcotics, robbing people and offering ‘protective services’. This didn’t really last long and eventually Mason was sent off to find his real family and take leadership of New Dawn with him. He eventually came across Damien and Siyyl Sezarius who claimed to be the children of an Elf called Nyaja, Mason knew he had heard this name before and realised that these must have been his family and told them of New Dawn, they decided to continue it along side him and eventually found themselves allied with a group called the Vindicators of Solace. Siyyl took it upon herself to join this group of mercenaries and very quickly rose through the ranks until eventually she found herself commanding a large squadron within the group which she used to betray them and claim their land and belongings while leaving nobody alive who did not agree to join New Dawn. Many years passed where New Dawn acted as protectors of the realm and actually formed an alliance with Oren, this is how they came to meet Sirius Fletcher who they recruited and eventually promoted to the rank of Commander of the Order. The 4 of them plus their followers made their way to Fenn where they set up a secret base just outside the walls of the Princedom, they disguised the base as an inn but had a secret tunnel system below that gave them access to Fenn without needing to use the main gates, they had planned to expand the tunnels to spread across the whole world so that they could transport important supplies without being attacked by bandits and also sneak up on criminals without being noticed. This however did not come to be. However they did form an alliance with Fenn and Siyyl found herself as a noble of the Princedom and took the Great Prince Tundrak as her love interest. Not much happened during this time and New Dawn just spent their time building up an armoury and funds while also keeping criminals out of Fenn, eventually though Sirius Fletcher broke the alliance between New Dawn and Fenn and started a war between them. The war ended with Fenn being the victor and only Mason and Siyyl survived. Siyyl chose to remain with Fenn while Mason went off and reformed New Dawn under a new name, the Knights of the Crimson Blade, their purpose was to uphold peace in the world by helping to stop riots, remove corrupt nobles quickly and quietly, track down criminals who were in lands that were not under the authority of the kingdom they committed crimes in and to help fight in wars where the righteous side were outnumbered or lacked properly trained soldiers. The last time they were seen was during the rebellion in Fenn against the current ruling family after Siyyl called upon them for help in order to stop them from losing to the rebels.



1: Respect all races no matter your race’s allegiance

2: Respect all religions unless they actively put the public at risk

3: Do not kill anyone unless there is no alternative way to bring them to justice

4: Do not question orders from your superiors

5: If a fellow knight is committing crimes you are in your rights to bring them to justice

6: Do not act on personal grudges

7: Use all methods at your disposal to route out corruption and track down criminals



Knight Commander – Kimarai Silvervein


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