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Erics farewell


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[!] Eric would sit himself atop his bed, humming to himself as he looks out the window.  The night would have been full of laughter like curon nights were always, until he heard a sound hitting the window behind him. He turns himself around and notices a dead messenger pigeon with a note attached to its feet. Eric would open the window and take the note from off the bird's foot and what catches his eye first is the official seal of curon on the letter. To Erics surprise inside the note be an official call to arms. Eric would have been sent on a mission Like always Eric would obey his king and begin gathering his armour and supplies for the trip. The next day Eric would set off on horseback and wouldn't be seen for awhile. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned to months, before one day the sound of hooves could be heard on the path leading into curon. It would be the very horse Eric set off on his mission on. But one thing would be different, atop the horse would not be Eric's body, but instead it would be his corpse, laying lifeless atop the animal.  The armour Eric wore would have about a dozen holes and slashes. The brave knight that served his kingdom for so many years, and who was loyal for so many wars, was dead….


 Usually the nights of curon would usually be filled with noises, laughter coming from the tavern, crickets chirping from the park, the sound of boots hitting the stone paths. But this night was different. The tavern would be silent, the crickets wouldn’t make a noise, the roads would be empty. On Montagne lane stood Eric’s house, a single candle lit on his desk. It too would be silent, the bed where someone once slept, would be empty. On Eric’s desk would be a stack of papers, a journal that was not finished, and never would be. Next to Eric’s journal would be a small leather book, the book would be opened to the first page.


     “Curon is a bear, a bear that has grown, from a cub struggling to stand up, to a brave and respected boar. This bear stands strong, stronger than everything that attempts to bring it down. It thrives in a world full of different cultures, full of different nations and races trying to survive. “


     “I write this in advance for I have no idea when the end is to come. I write this peacefully of my own will. I write this as my little story, for whoever finds this notebook, and for whoever they shall show it to. I came to curon when it was only a tent camp, I watched it grow just like the bear cub. I stood by it with many others and guided it on its path. I fought many battles alongside this bear.  I stood by it until my end. . .”


     “To those I hold dear, I wish for you to not remember how I die or my death itself, I wish for you to remember the times we spent. Times we spent whether it be good or bad. I wish for you to remember me not for what I did in my life, but for who I was and who I became during it. “


[!] The writing next would be written in an unusual style. It seems each letter is tilted to the right. The last sentence would appear to be pressed deep into the notebook’s pages, much darker than the text above.


To the steward that finds this book, please show it to the people I knew. Please show it to them so that it may fill them with a slight bit of happiness. Tell them that  my job is done and that  there will be no goodbyes, because goodbyes mean going away and going away means forgetting. 


[!] Below the text would depict a sketch of a polar bear cub.



(ooc Thank you everyone who helped me with Eric, this was a fun character to play)


PS I know I said boar, look up the term for adult bear



Edited by panda_bear
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Aye, a good run indeed.  Least he went with a beard on his face, Ill see him on the other side sometime.

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(( I hoped that you will let me PK you this time :D ))

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Wilhelm welcomes Eric into the seven skies with a big smile and a well rolled joint. 

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As Lady Ironwood heard of the news, she shed several tears for her now deceased friend. 

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As Ashley Cannell heard the news shed hold back tears not wanting to believe that someone she knew as a baby, the last person of her family even if not by blood was dead, however she knew one day they would meet again.

Edited by Anime_Wolf
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Charles would hear about the news from Margueritte, he’d be shocked that all of his friends are dying. “See you soon my friend, I am greatful for your service, I am greatful for your friendship. Say hello to Wilhelm for me.” He’d mutter under his beath.

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With the help of her cane, Klaudia walked or rather paced back and forth between the halls of the palace. Only the echo of her heels and cane hitting the wooden floors could be heard as she paced before the setting sun shining through the stained glass windows. On and on she went for what seemed like ages before finally she stopped. Looking up to a wall casted in the suns last rays, she scanned the portraits hanging all over its surface. 


“Wilhelm, Evelyn, Edward, Thornn, Thea, Umar, Ajax, Jurin, Harry and so many more” the elder woman would lower her gaze and stand in silence.


”And now Eric” 


Looking back up, she’d look to the very last section of the wall where only 3 or so spots remained open. Moving down to them she’d brush her hand along the empty space. 


“Where has the time gone …... it seems like just yesterday we were all sitting in that camp, some of us strangers and others descendants of a lost nation … but all with a dream of something greater” 


Lowering her gaze she’d step back from the wall. 


“We became a family ….. but now …...that family is so small …... and there are so few of us left ….. from those days of old..... from those days sitting by the campfire and sharing stories and dreams of our youth.” 


Some time would pass as the sun set further and the very last shreds of light would seem to crawl away from the wall, replaced with the shadows of the night. 


“My dear Eric …. I shall miss your stubborn ways and brash tone, your unwavering loyalty and dedication to make our nation as great as is it …. One day I shall join you and the others in the heavens.....one day I shall come and sit with you all by that camp fire again.....one last time.” 



Edited by _CorruptedSoul_
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Victoria D’Cianò would let out a big huff as tears fall down her eyes “Uncle Eric tell my mother I said, Hello” she says as she goes to throw the notice in the fireplace.

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Bingshú skiddadles through the window of the empty house looking for food, his ape hands grabbing a piece of stale bread from the counter ”Sad human goodbye...”  he says having read the journal placed next to the bread ”Bingshú no can disrespect like this” the Hei-zhu says parcouring out of the window he came in, leaving the piece of bread on the table where he found it

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Balam weeps "The young lad never renembered me in my old age. The time will come when i go, and i pray I get to see my old friend." 



Ajax the Third grumbles in anger "such a noble man torn to shreds.... Someone will pay for his death..."

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