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The Treaty of Temesch

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Proclaimed and enacted upon the 15th of Horen’s Calling (Snow’s Maiden), in the year of our Lord, 1729.


A treaty for the relinquishment of the County of Temesch from the Holy Orenian Empire, and a pact of most earnest and brotherly love between the Imperials and the Alderfolk, and terms of military and political cooperation, etcetera.


ARTICLE I: The Holy Orenian Empire agrees to cede the County of Temesch, consisting of the ancestral lands of the Alderfolk once known as Alderyn, as well as any associated claim therein, to the Principality of Gladewynn.


ARTICLE II:The Holy Orenian Empire recognizes the Principality of Gladewynn as an independent protectorate; with the Emperor as their suzerain.


ARTICLE III: The Holy Orenian Empire and the Principality of Gladewynn agree to a full military alliance, for all purposes defensive and offensive, as brothers-in-arms in the eternal struggle. 


ARTICLE IV: The Holy Orenian Empire recognizes the Prince of Gladewynn as sovereign of the Alders.


ARTICLE V: The Principality of Gladewynn recognizes the Holy Orenian Emperor as sovereign of humanity. 


ARTICLE VI: The Principality of Gladewynn, in addition to the aforementioned full military alliance, will permit the Holy Orenian Emperor to recruit voluntary auxiliary regiments from among the Alderfolk in times of necessity. 


ARTICLE VII: The Holy Orenian Empire will be forbidden from quartering Imperial troops in the Principality of Gladewynn, by virtue of its status as an independent state. 


ARTICLE VIII: The Holy Orenian Emperor, Alexander II, does declare the Prince of Gladewynn to be his loyal and trusted friend, and to be loved by him, thus rendering all who would conspire to cause him harm or hindrance liable to incur his royal and Imperial wrath. 


This treaty shall remain in effect throughout the reign of Alexander II, Holy Orenian Emperor, and throughout the reign of his legitimate successors according to the correct systems of primogeniture succession. 


In the case wherein one signatory or nation is found to be in violation of this pact, all articles shall remain in effect, so long as sincere diplomatic efforts are taken by the offending party to rectify the situation. 




His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II, Holy Orenian Emperor, Prince of Helena and Duke of Roden


His Highness, Kairn Ithelanen, Prince of Gladewynn


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Ser Corwin raises a mug of Waldenian lager to the ancestral allies of Alstreim. “Many a lich trembles at this pact.”

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John the Roach nods, a smile upon his visage, “Another victory for the Holy Orenian Empire!”

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“Odd that ‘wolves’ would scrape and kneel to the valah so easily, perhaps they’ve lost their touch.” Avius stated with a definite humour to his voice.

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“They always stated they were not wood elves, only Alder folk. This alliance declaration with the terms doesn’t make any sense.” The Chieftess would comment, reading this over. 

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A notice would be penned to Alexander, bearing the seal of Gladewynn.



Henceforth, with the power vested in me by my brethren and the consensus with the Chieftain of my clan, we do enable this pact with the Holy Orenian Empire. Throughout my life, I have fought alongside many just and devout men who have emerged from your species, whether they be the famed Antonious Horen, Charles Elliot, or brothers in the Black Reiter Company.


I was a confidante of the late Prince Cassius Horen, and together he and I laid our enemies low and brought safety and security to our newly established alliance. The wars between humans mean little to me; but the return of our beloved land which Dinlassel’an razed brings me great joy. Although my time in this world wanes day-by-day and I remain intently focused on my Druidic Teachings and busy myself with the pursuit of enlightenment. Now, I, the “Prince of Gladewynn”, as proclaimed by my subordinates and comrades from amongst my clan do offer my signature to this writing.


The tumultuous relationship with my fellow Elves ends now. I will not serve amongst those who were too feeble and cowed before others rather than protect their brethren. Their steps have done naught but falter, and even when posed with the overture of a potential reunion they squandered their time and wasted an opportunity to reunite our fractured people. The followers of Irrin Sirame, apart from the Aureons, deserve no respect. They rob us of our ideals, and on the daily do nothing to benefit their nation except to beg for handouts from their citizens. Their bureaucracy and their faith has been hard-tempered by the sloth and lust of pining elders who no longer understand what it is to be ‘Elven’. 


Once, I rode against the Dominion of Malin. Once, I rode against foes to the North and to the South in the name of my allies. But now, I ride to protect the Free People from the self-destructive tendencies of a dying people and their way of life that echoes across this realm as a disgrace.


I have my misgivings about Humanity, but my misgivings on Malinor are far greater.




Kairn Igus Ithelanen, “Prince of Gladewynn”, The Bronze Lord


Chieftain Aneir’in Ithelanen, Fist of Morea

Edited by lowkeyminecrafterrorist
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Evar'tir regards the news of Gladewynn with a raised brow overseas, the excruciatingly exhausted carrier falcon having promptly passed out as it reached the vessel. 


"Peculiar, truly."


He hummed, and started to pen a letter of his own. 

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20 hours ago, BenevolentManacles said:

ARTICLE IV: The Holy Orenian Empire recognizes the Prince of Gladewynn as sovereign of the wood elves.

"No self-respecting 'ame would ever genuflect before a serpent." grumbles an unamused wood elf.

Edited by Youngie5500
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“Wha’ t’a ‘eck is Gladewynn? Oi’ve nevah ‘eard o’ tha’ place before!” states Pervinca Driftwood the halfling 

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THE FIST OF MOREA stood upon the cliff-side, fly down. He stared out across his ancestral land; once martyred in the wake of an old enemy fought in the past. The land was now being restored to previously fertile state. His work, and that of others, were as a prayer in the name of the gods. Their gods; who aided each act of labour readily. It was slow work, but the circle of life would be returned to Gladewynn in due time.


“These humans paid us a kindness that the floozy Malinite degenerates could never deliver us. They sit fat and lazy in their tree huts fornicating with barren women and weak men. We chose a more honorable path. The Hunter blessed us with newfound friendships, and the Warrior will grant us the strength to defend them”

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11 hours ago, lowkeyminecrafterrorist said:

A notice would be penned to Alexander, bearing the seal of Gladewynn.



Henceforth, with the power vested in me by my brethren and the consensus with the Chieftain of my clan, we do enable this pact with the Holy Orenian Empire. Throughout my life, I have fought alongside many just and devout men who have emerged from your species, whether they be the famed Antonious Horen, Charles Elliot, or brothers in the Black Reiter Company.


I was a confidante of the late Prince Cassius Horen, and together he and I laid our enemies low and brought safety and security to our newly established alliance. The wars between humans mean little to me; but the return of our beloved land which Dinlassel’an razed brings me great joy. Although my time in this world wanes day-by-day and I remain intently focused on my Druidic Teachings and busy myself with the pursuit of enlightenment. Now, I, the “Prince of Gladewynn”, as proclaimed by my subordinates and comrades from amongst my clan do offer my signature to this writing.


The tumultuous relationship with my fellow Elves ends now. I will not serve amongst those who were too feeble and cowed before others rather than protect their brethren. Their steps have done naught but falter, and even when posed with the overture of a potential reunion they squandered their time and wasted an opportunity to reunite our fractured people. The followers of Irrin Sirame, apart from the Aureons, deserve no respect. They rob us of our ideals, and on the daily do nothing to benefit their nation except to beg for handouts from their citizens. Their bureaucracy and their faith has been hard-tempered by the sloth and lust of pining elders who no longer understand what it is to be ‘Elven’. 


Once, I rode against the Dominion of Malin. Once, I rode against foes to the North and to the South in the name of my allies. But now, I ride to protect the Free People from the self-destructive tendencies of a dying people and their way of life that echoes across this realm as a disgrace.


I have my misgivings about Humanity, but my misgivings on Malinor are far greater.




Kairn Igus Ithelanen, “Prince of Gladewynn”, The Bronze Lord


Chieftain Aneir’in Ithelanen, Fist of Morea

“The followers of Irrin Sirame gave the Alders a home where they had none before, they gave them special cultural privileges as to ensure the continued existence of their people’s ways. You betrayed me Maln, you ripped my heart from my chest, sacred vows and pacts of blood were spilt because I was a true friend of the Alderfolk. Now you insult my people over what? Living a life that isn’t fuelled by absolute conflict? You did this to be contrarian and only that, to once more attempt to put your people on top of mine. I expect a wolfs blade will find its way to me because I decided to critique you and this move. Well you’ve already broken my heart, I’m sure taking my life would be easy for you.” Pens Artanis to Kairn

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