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The Rules of the Arcan Eternal Library


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The Eternal Library

As published on the 7th of Malin's Welcome, 1731


The Eternal Library abides by a set of basic rules that any blessed, authorized visitor is expected to follow to a T.


On Permissions

  • To receive knowledge, one must give. No one -- Silver Councillor, Blessed Citizen or favoured visitor -- is exempt from this. To gain access to other floors, read the book detailing access of such.
  • The reception desk is off limits to those unauthorized. Do not hop the counter.
  • Trespassing any floor one is not supposed to be in will be punished. If there is a fault in the documents and a librarian cannot find your name on it for this reason, you may contact the Okarir’maehr.


On Damage

  • Damage of property, books or building, is completely contradictory to the ancient creeds and must be compensated for. If foul play is suspected, a trial will follow.


On Theft

  • Theft or attempted theft of our blessed books will similarly be punished severely.
  • The reproduction of the Eternal Library’s collections will strip the offender of their rights to return to the establishment and will count as theft, unless the case is otherwise reviewed by the diarchy.


On Conduct

  • Be respectful towards your fellow knowledge-seekers and librarians alike.
  • We do not tolerate smudgy fingers on the pages of our books. We give our blessed visitors access to food and drink to enjoy, but care for the books as if they were your children.
  • Do not swear. Keep your mouth clean in the presence of knowledge.
  • Do not run within the Eternal Library.
  • Quieten down. Allow the fellow ‘thill to indulge in knowledge in silence.
  • The use of magic of any kind is disallowed.


Standard Guidelines

  • If any of these are not abided by, a librarian is reserved the right to remove you from the building and/or contact authorities.


Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya



Rinaedith Seregon, Okarir'maehr

Dimaethor Visaj, Sohaer


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A certain elf would be reading the rules of the Eternal Library in a rather quiet and serious manner. As he reached the ‘On Conduct’ section, he perked a brow to the third point, before starting to laugh aloud, though controllably and not loudly. ”Keep your mouth clean in the presence of knowledge.”  he repeated to himself, still not done laughing. The elf then took his leave, still giving a giggle or two as he shook his head to what he had just read.

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