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Fi'halen - The Visaj Silver Revolution [ II ]


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“This evening, the Heial’thilln will convene in this Citadel; our bastion of tradition, and a vote of no-confidence of Sohaer Kiljarys will be put forward and passed. The Blessed Citizenry, whom I represent, has no confidence in his ability to rule. Future communications will go between you and me, ‘Queen’ Layla Atraedes.”

Dimaethor Visaj to the Gladewynn delegation, initiating the last step in the Silver Revolution.








The Visaj Silver Revolution




Dedicated to former Laurir Ardryll Morvael, 

for his unswerving loyalty and service to our people and myself.








From nothing, a new Enclave had begun to take form. With newfound promise, we begun our march and efforts to reclaim the glory, all in thick mist of ambition and vigor. Long stately steps onwards, seeking triumph in all areas, in the Silver State and beyond.


Alyrion Laureh’onn had departed, and appointed an unknown and unanticipated Mali’aheral known as Kiljarys. Few knew much of him, nor were there any extensive records on him or his kin, and the confusion spread like fire in a Druidic grove. Problems surfaced and issues intensified. The Mali’aheral screamed for change; a change deemed necessary for the assurance of our continuance. That change would be the Visaj Silver Revolution.




The Enclave on the brink of Civil War


The challenges our people faced in Fi’halen had persisted. The Silver Enclave and her proud people were still subjects of the Alderfolk and a weakly banded together Wood Elven state. Mixedbreds and impurity was observed, but rarely acted upon. Liberalism had bred freely under the soft hand of Alyrion Laureh’onn, and the new absent Sohaer Kiljarys did not muster enough support to deal with it. Instead, Sohaer Kiljarys turned on the small community of Mages which had sought refuge upon the island.


The collective frustration took expression in a new fragmentation of our people. The Vihai; guards and those more assertive in their loyalty. The Mages; who criticised the Vihai’s usage of violence, claiming to be a targeted minority. The Enclave was soon split in two, and the clashes were many. A civil war stood at the door.

Dimaethor Visaj strode through the cold Enclave in a polished uniform and thick boots to combat the frosty, slippery stone paths. The Citadel towered tall upon the horizon, the Elf peering up through the almost-abandoned Silver District. A group of armour-clad Vihai soldiers had gathered around a bed of embers and flames to escape the biting cold. In the basement of a tower somewhere, a similarly sized assembly of Mages had met, sharing their distaste for the State over cups of tea. It was then the Maheral understood; there was only one way to save his people from destruction again.


The Council was weak; a gathering of arguing politicians fighting for the favour of the Sohaer, rather than that of the people they were to serve. The Citizenry lacked both guidance and structure, supposed to be protected by a vile violent guard. I observed and watched, then acted.

In a dim lit office deep under the Eternal Library, sat the Maheral, a wrinkle deeply rooted in his expression. A shy, armoured Vihai entered carefully, clearing his throat to get Dimaethor’s attention. The blonde Elf sat straight in his seat, waving the guard over. The Vihai abided, removed his helmet, and introduced himself as Alaion Miravaris.


“I will answer your questions shortly, but first listen to your Maheral. Menacing clouds are invading the horizon and the seas are turning stormy around our formerly so illustrious island. These politics, dividing and ruling, threaten to ruin all our progress. It is my duty, essential task as Maheral to change this, for I will not sit and watch any longer. A third alternative, Mister Miravaris, that which rejects the politics of the fractions and embraces true tradition. Will you support me in our Silver Revolution?



The Visaj Silver Revolution


The followers of the new movement grew rapidly, and the influence of both the Sohaer and representatives of the Mages was in steep decline. The Maheralship gained the confidence of the Citizenry, and Dimaethor Visaj wasted no time to prove himself worthy. Without advising the Sohaer or Council, he summoned their ‘overlords’; a delegation spearheaded by the newly crowned Queen from Gladewynn. The Maheral sought nothing but complete sovereignty in the name of his people.


Met with skepticism, even daring to question the legitimacy of the Maheralship in representing the Enclave in these questions, the Gladewynn delegation dismissed Dimaethor Visaj’s demand. Initially, at least. For it was then the Maheral announced his intention publicly for the first time:


“This evening, the Heial’thilln will convene in this Citadel; our bastion of tradition, and a vote of no-confidence of Sohaer Kiljarys will be put forward and passed. The Blessed Citizenry, whom I represent, has no confidence in his ability to rule. Future communications will go between you and me, ‘Queen’ Layla Atraedes.”


The wheels turned and the weak Silver Council crumbled under the pressure of the citizenry. With the vote to remove Sohaer Kiljarys passed, the Maheralship took its traditional, ancient position as the ultimate guide of the people. The Maheral’s first act was to abolish the Silver Council with an accompanying denouncement of all seated upon it. They had voted for their own removal, ironic.


The coalition of purists and traditionalists had won; the Maheralship ascended and the slothful swamp which was the Sohaerate had been drained. So the people had dreamed, now he promised to make true. Weakness dismissed, in both governance and principle, a healthy and wealthy state for the pure was to rise. The authority and power to the Maheralship to do what we had to do. As citizen and scholar unanimously agree; the Visaj Silver Revolution was imperative for the continuance of our people.


maehr’sae hiylun’ehya




Written by,

Sohaer Dimaethor Visaj

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Uppori Visaj picked up yet another book, quickly browsing the contents with great curiosity fueling her. She does not often get to read literature written by the Sohaer, unless it is a missive dealing with political affairs. She became engrossed in the book, Elven minutes soon turned into Elven hours as she flipped through the contents with incredibly speed. Along the way, she took notes as well whenever she could. “Another piece of literature detailing our history, it is wonderful to see more in the Eternal Library.” Uppori shut the book slowly, placing it back on the shelf that it belonged to. After brushing her hands off slowly and packing her notebooks, she could not help but remain intrigued by the history makers around her.

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Sulraell yet again placed his cleaning cloth on a table, having realised there was a second book ”T-the sohaer is o-on a mission..” he paused . ”A m-mission to b-brainwash M-mali’aheral..” he mumbled to himself, continuing to clean the bookshelves

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