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Path of the Stonewalker


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Path of the Stonewalker
Genre: Mali’thill History
Author: Caestella Elibar’acal


[!] A nonfiction book that can be found in either the history or the philosophy section of the Eternal Library of Laureh’thilln.


    The Path of the Stonewalker was started by a elfess and her golem. The elfess was betrayed by her loved ones and she sought to find resolution in the solitude of her home, however, she felt that her home was no longer with those she once loved. She then brought her children to the cave of Golems within the home of the Mali’aheral. 
    There, she focused her life on becoming as emotional as the creatures of stone that she so dearly loved were, and golems do not have emotions. The heartbreak of the loss of her lliran and her loved ones betraying her was too much for her to bare so she donned a mask of a golem. The mask of the Stonewalker hides the shame of her pain, emotions, and her wrong doings,  much like that of the Weeping Blades. 
    The Stonewalkers use this title so they do not have to bare their shame to they eyes of the public, for how can one be the most pure if they are on The Path to Purity. One is marked as a Stonewalker by a golem painting glowing runes that symbolize the path and maehr’sae hiylun’ehya on their body.
    Purity redemption is the goal of the Stonewalkers. They strive to achieve purity of the mind by following the mindsets of golems. This is due to the fact that constructs are not emotional creatures. They act rationally and act only upon orders from their Imperas; or in the case of the Stonewalkers, the Diarchy. The Stonewalkers follow this path to learn resilience and discipline, it is an unconventional way for a mali’aheral to continue their Path to Purity on a deeper level. Stonewalkers focus on redeeming their mental homeostasis and clearing their impurity of the mind. The followers of this philosophy are of the utmost dedicated to restoring their purity and ensuring they remain dedicated to the Diarchy for the rest of their lives.

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Sulraell scoffs, removing some empty glasses from a table in The Eternal Library ”This b-bisjh g-gon cray-cray.....” 

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