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[Your View] ARCAS - Sense of Completeness


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ARCAS - Sense of Completeness


I’ve overheard some concern expressed around how complete or full the map feels, players expressing that they feel like Arcas was either rushed, or that aspects of the map were neglected. As such, I would like to attempt to tackle these issues by sprucing up parts of the map that are barren, landscarred, or incomplete. To help this process along, we are interested in what areas of the map you feel need the most improvement.


- Are there any specific world builds that come to mind as being aesthetically displeasing or unfinished?


- Are there any specific natural areas of the map that come to mind as being very bland, borderline landscarred, or lacking in completeness?


- When it comes to a map feeling finished or immersive, do you prefer to see a lot of “life” in the sense of lush nature and unique terrain, do you prefer to see a lot of “history” in the sense of ruins and signs of past civilizations, or do you prefer to see both heavily intertwined?


If you have any other feedback to provide on this topic it would be appreciated. Thanks!

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On a serious note. I’d like to see maps more like Axios. As where ever you’d go, which direction you’d take, you’d eventually come across some sort of a fun, even if it was just a little place on the map. Perhaps like a broken caravan in the middle of somewhere, or something along the lines of that.

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I’d like to say that I really loved the ruins and historical landmarks in Atlas. Coming across them immediately made me feel immersed, and I hope to find more of those in our maps. 

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  1. I hate how regioned the map is. It’s annoying.
  2. It’s very empty, made worse by the number of completely uninhabited mega builds are around (Fenn, the three dozen human towns, etc)
  3. The giant trees are cool but the lack of normal minecraft scale things makes the world a bit awkward. 
  4. You get penalised for leaving your little square of activity. Ensures dead places don’t get RP as no one moves around.
Edited by BipolarMk2
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I do think that the map is rather nice, however there are some areas that do lack. One area that I have known to be rather unpleasant is the forest that is closer to cloud temple.



It is a rather messy area and even has issues with the terrain as I have seen friends become stuck there many times. Other areas that I feel could receive some touching up are the caves inside the mountains.



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The issue I have with maps is that you create a map and shove it to us and say “pick a spot and you’re on your own.”

Often times there are not areas of the map that suit various nations and charters and we are left to build it up ourselves with no staff support. I strongly believe that if you want people to like the map and use it, they need to be able to build it up to suit their events. But that requires too much effort and grinding for people who have real life to worry about. 

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- Are there any specific world builds that come to mind as being aesthetically displeasing or unfinished?


- Are there any specific natural areas of the map that come to mind as being very bland, borderline landscarred, or lacking in completeness?





EDIT: Seriously though – please make a proper ******* desert instead of a half-grass half-sand thin strip of land. This map is unironically so **** and is just full of trees and grass. So interesting /s. Also – please don't just start churning out fixes for shitty map design; actually work with the ST to ensure that these areas can be used/have potential to be used in future/existing stories that they are developing. 

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1.) The most notable for me was North/West of Sutica, where there laid ruins that seemed sloppily made. There has also been a cave there for some time that seems to not have any use..(?)
2. Builds are bad. I believe more time could be spent focusing on how to better structure the environment and its many ecosystems.
3.) Lush nature and history? Sign me up. Use the land and what it offers to your advantage with the ruins and so forth.

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In my opinion, I’d like to see both the “Life” and “History” in the maps, though the map is good it does not feel too... immersive. And it feels like there are just the cities, the charters, the “world event” stuff. Then the freebuild in the wildlands. Seeing a more lush landscape and unique ruins may bring up some creative events for people. maybe someone will be driven to find out who was here before them. and what there hidden treasures lie beneath the ancient ruins, or a researcher exploring terrains foreign to what lotc has used too new flora and fauna potential. But that’s just me! ^-^  Just wish to say go crazy and add some flavor to the rather bland landscape. one of the places i thought was creative was some of the swamps. that or the dark forest. something that seems unique. But also having ruins for potential events or immersive Irp could help too!

Edited by Iros
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1 minute ago, TrendE said:



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Sometimes I like how everything is regioned out, and how every race has their own biome, but like other players I’d overheard.


They’d kill for a limited biome-type map.

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Rushed map launch with no event site and the inability to get them started until months after is a major incompleteness issue.


Makes the map a pretty stage with no performance

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I personally do enjoy the map, but I do feel like there are many areas that are just... plains. Although plains are lovely, I feel like bringing more types of forests to the map would really make it feel more immersive. As for history- I do like the little ruins spotted around the map, but I feel like there needs to be more here and there, and definitely at places like crossroads. Making these ruin structures bigger would benefit as well- or just adding more historical landmarks to support varieties of Roleplay. I think the map is very immersive considering the edges of the map, but otherwise, I feel like little forests here and there dotting the plains would be nice! 

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3 minutes ago, LaffenOutLoud said:

I’d like to say that I really loved the ruins and historical landmarks in Atlas. Coming across them immediately made me feel immersed, and I hope to find more of those in our maps. 

^ A lot of this

I appreciate how much shorter the run distances have tended to be on this map compared to Atlas, but the freebuild’s been a bit of a letdown. Being so removed from the rest of the world is painful for the Neanderthals that just want to have a cave in the middle of a forest, yaknow? 


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The real problem with this map is that they made it far too large to be able to find any RP in, and rather than shorten the map because they had a ridiculous amount of empty space, decided to just put in massive expanses of nothing but hills, mountains, and trees, with no point to them because they hold nothing special inside of them. Frankly, this map is far beyond redemption in that way. All that can be done is make a usable map next time around, where people aren’t asking ‘where the RP is’ 24/7 because of its size.

Edited by TanisTheMute
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