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[✓] [Aengudaemon Lore + Patron] The Tyrant of Greed - Uzhrun

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Art by Nordheimer


The Tyrant of Greed - Uzhrun

Also known as – “Balek’oz”, “The Fallen Dragaar”, “The Inept One”

Symbol: The Slug

Realm: The Weeping Spires




The mantle of Greed was one that was gained, not born into. For it relies on a story about temptation, opportunity and then the downfall of an overzealous Dragaar.


Balek’oz was born into the era of Dragur, where he first broke the lands and birthed those of the dragonkin. Brothers and sisters were created and yet Balek’oz was not granted any special gift or magic that differed from the other dragaar. He instead was made with the intention of cannon fodder, Dragur’s own insight knew of the impending battle with the Betrayer himself. Balek’oz roamed the lands, placing himself at the barricades of Horen’s realm that were ignited in a constant battle between the undeath and their survival. A stalwart defender, where he bathed those in dragonfire that intruded on the outskirts of the brothers. He was a bastion of defence, of protection, yet he grew jealous of the other Dragaar that seemed more powerful. Those that could manipulate the winds, warp time and do more than the bathing of hellfire onto those that opposed his father’s wishes.


The Betrayer himself confronted Dragur on the fields of battle, morphing his very form to the corrupted wyrm that would tear apart his own kindred. Those who were stalwart protected descendants, others were torn asunder by the ebony maw and the plans of the betrayer. Yet, Balek’oz fled, away from the bastions of Horen, away from the forests of Malin, the caves of Urguan and the tattered war camps of Krug. He fled deep to the North, where the influence of the hell-borne Daemon did not touch. 


Yet the binding of Dragur himself was a vision ingrained in the mind of Balek’oz, uneffected by the blight of Iblees, yet he remained horrified by the judgement of that entity of balance. A power so great that blinded all those nearby, where his father and countless siblings were banished completely. Once again, fleeing was the only option, the unscathed dragaar’s cowardice against forces beyond his comprehension. Mediocrity, one would never think that would be the main word used to describe beasts of grandeur, but that was all Balek’oz would fill his own mind with.


Years passed as he sat secluded in the North of Aegis, disconnected from all, from mortals, from his own kin. Until the four descended to take the final blows against the betrayer himself. That of Gavrael, Perpertiael, Jophiael and Malchadiael, whom turned into weapons that the brothers themselves wielded to finally place a true wound in Iblees. Yet, through this transformation created an instance of opportunity. Those mantles that the four had undertaken were now vacant, martyrdom now leaving these an empty void within the realm of the gods. 

Balek’oz himself warped his form and flew towards the realms of the veil, where the Aengul of Success’ realm laid vacant. The opportunistic Dragaar entered the realm and slaughtered those who lay inside, powerless against the beast of grand proportions. Yet when Balek’oz took the mantle of the Realm of Success, he was instead rejected by it. The realm was beautiful, yet it melted and warped itself to a state of permanent entropy. The spires of gold and silver twisting into long stretches of mismatched wasteland, buildings crumbling and souls that lay within vacated from the sudden shift.


Balek’oz was transformed by this, taking the mantle. His scales of silver instead turned into long sagging pieces of flesh, his size grew gargantuan where his limbs were out of proportion with the rest of his body. Small stumps against the rotund mass that expanded, where all he tried to do was take on the mantle of Success, he instead fell for true temptation. A paranoid, gluttonous entity now inhabited the former Aengul’s realm. Unable to truly use the power of the realm, he is left to his own devices.


Where the mediocre dragaar once stood, a failing decrepit entity remained. One that could not even utilise its own realm, the true price of theft and greed.






Art by WorldAnvil


The Weeping Spires



The former realm of “Success” is left in complete disarray after the creation of Uzhrun and the Dragaar’s fall from grace. The realm was that of great spires of gold and silver, representations of architecture and innovation that dwelled in the minds of descendant kind. Yet, when the Dragaar’s own form was twisted, those spires fell into twisted and lifeless husks of their former creations. Buildings and structures of great shrines and temples crumbled to dust, leaving their foundations. Pyramids of gold and silver were ransacked by entities that came after the great “fall”.


Reaping the rewards of the absent Aengul instead brought upon the ruin of this realm. For the hard work and services created by those that followed Perpertiael’s guidance, they were twisted and destroyed to the whims of the invading force. That of the mediocre, the opportunistic and the weak. For this, those damned to no true afterlife are instead brought into this realm to be transformed by the very landscape. This serves as a purgatory realm where many do not lie within, for fear of permanent disfigurement or changes that may come from the influence of The Inept One.  Most of the Aengudaemons steer clear of this stolen realm for obvious reasons, they are unknowing of the true weakness that Uzhrun has. Instead, they believe for him to be a figure of great power and strength for having absorbed the former Aenguls mantle. Yet it is all a facade, this entity is quite weak considering the other aengudaemons, it holds onto its semblance of power through the use of its Patrons and the guise of false power.


The decaying and decrepit wasteland is barren for the most part. Sprawling and jagged crevices of sunken buildings, collapsed hills and warped mountains all encapsulate the entity’s realm. The lifeless husk being devoid of attention except for its centre, where the lair of Uzhrun lies. For kilometers around his resting place, pockets of material wealth and objects of divinity are scattered and stacked haphazardly. Objects of wealth and power which are arranged similiar to that of a junkyard, where artefacts of Xan intermingle with statues of the former Aeldenic Elven empire. All of these things gathered by the true patrons of Uzhrun, “The Devourers”.


In it’s centre is the endless mountain of gold, where the former dragaar rests unbothered and untouched. His form so fat that he’s unable to feasibly move, chained by his own averice. All he truly seeks is praise and respect, yet his patrons do as such through falsities and playing upon the natural aspects of descendant greed.





Patrons - Uzhrun’s Devourers 



Art by hcf-albert-wesker



“Those are the legless vultures, an omen according to the dagger ears. Yet they come when they fall.” - Kaedreni Officer during the Varendozian Crusades


These creatures are damned souls that have been misplaced within the Weeping Spires. Souls with no true directive that have “fallen” out of the Ebriates. When entering the realm, the souls are transformed into slug-like beings with the capabilities of shapeshifting, akin to the dragaar themselves. These creatures range in a variety of sizes, some of them being the size of large fortresses while others are the size of a fingernail. What they exist to do is consume, whether that be physical or societal “gains”. 


These parasitic patrons are believed to be an omen, visible when Grand Empires fall or places of repute are decaying. What they do is wrap their flesh around an object and completely consume it, which connects directly to Uzhrun’s lair. Yet, they also have the ability to shapeshift into any entity in existence, lacking any true power but only being a “veil” of misinformation. This is where the worshippers get promises and different stories relating to the Tyrant of Greed, his patrons spreading constant misinformation and claiming credit for events that never happened.



- If played by an ET, these patrons are easily killable and will NEVER reveal their true purpose. If killed, they will simply dissolve into a puddle of strange fleshy goop.

– These creatures can be used creatively as omens, or direct influencers in the mortal realms. It is up to Story Team decision.



Uzhrun’s presence within the mortal realm is a mixture of praise and hatred. His own actions are unknown to most, with his fall and other information only known by Esthael, Dragur and a few other entities that watched from the sidelines. To those within the mortal realm, Uzhrun is viewed in two different distinct ways.


The first places Uzhrun in a positive light, he is seen as a humanoid figure and patron of merchants. Uzhrun apparently blesses those that donate gold to him, rewarding safe travel for those who travel within caravans between cities. He is seen as a benevolent guide, all because of acts that were falsely misconstrued as his influence. Yet the second places him in his true light, he is referred to occasionally as a figure relating to Naztherak Sin, yet has no true affiliation with such. He is depicted as a demonic figure who is focused solely on avarice and greed, showing a true tale of the “evils” that roam around the ideas of human morality.


He has been referred to in a variety of manners and “aspects”, which include but are not limited to “Temptation, Greed, Avarice, Sex, Sloth, Gluttony, Misfortune”. Specifically, the Velians believe that Uzhrun is one of the gods of Fertility and Agriculture, all because of the lies that are placed to those populations. 


One of the forms of worship to Uzhrun’s “true” intentions is that of the Bathing of Purity. This is a loose ritual where the said worshipper creates a shallow pool of items of high material worth, (normally gold) and submerges themselves amongst them. The idea of showering oneself with precious materials is meant to ward off ideas of Greed for a few days, appeasing Uzhrun and granting exemptions to the mortal form.


Present Day

Uzhrun simply lies within his realm, content at continually filling his realm with relics that are stolen or long forgotten. His quest to avoid concepts of mediocrity drive his very existence, with the realm exaggerating such desires to a point where it is in constant decay itself. 



Purpose (OOC)

This is an Aengudaemon who serves as a story of “Temptation”, one who isn’t seen as some divine creature but a morphed opportunistic creature damned for their selfishness. This allows for a new avenue and rebranding of gods to those who are greedy or materialistic, while also offering the potential use of the patron to be an ET creature.

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Glad to see more entities that are less ALL-MIGHTY is scope. It offers some exquisite potential for future events (if any of the ST decide to pull from it) without the caveat of getting too big too fast. I’m also glad to see the four Aenguls mentioned since I doubt a lot of people recall their identities before becoming weapons. That said, would you say all of Perpertiael’s followers were slaughtered then and there, or do you think there’s room to elaborate on those that got away/weren’t present? Maybe a patron plots to return their master’s mantle by finding Urguan’s Hammer and shattering it? Effectively freeing the Aengul and yada yada yada- that kind of thing.

All in all, I definitely give this lore a +1

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Thank you for submitting your piece! We are currently going through all of the current lore submissions submitted and as there is a backlog it will take a bit longer than normal. Your piece is now under review, a verdict will be given within a month or so.

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.

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