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[✗] [Magic Lore] – Earth Evocation


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Earth has always been an integral part of the world. Stones, rocks and minerals of all kinds are scattered across the natural landscape of the Mortal Plane. These unique stones and minerals have always been curious to the Descendants, yearning for the capacity to manipulate them. When Evocation was beginning to flourish as a magical art, so did some magi turn to the element that forms the crust of the world for their evocative prowess. These Earth Evocationists used the conjured stones from the void for a variety of purposes. It was soon discovered that the meek earth that lay upon the ground was usable in so many more purposes than just mere combat.


Magic Explanation

Earth Evocation is the art of drawing stone based matter from the bleak and boundless void. This is done through a stable connection with the void which the mage then uses their mana to draw upon. Inside the void, the mage mentally forms the image of a stone using the properties that they have studied regarding physical stones. To evoke a specific type of stone, the mage must have studied and understood said stone. As a result, it is imperative that Earth Evocation is learned with the fundamentals of evocation being understood very well. Earth Evo can be learned by anyone who has access to the Void and mana. One principle that Earth Evocation follows, is that once a connection is broken all summoned matter returns to the void. This means that the minerals and rocks conjured, while useful, are only temporary. 

  • Earth Evocation takes up [1] Magic Slot, it is not a Feat. 
  • Earth Evocation requires a stable, focused connection to the void with ample mana to cast. 
  • Earth Evocation is of the subclass Evocation under the class Voidal Magic
  • Earth Evocation can be learned by those who hold a [TA] in the magic.
  • Earth Evocation users must have a valid [MA] to use the magic in game.


Casting Earth Evocation

Casting earth evocation from the void follows a standardized process that most other evocations follow. To start, a mage must connect to the void, presenting a tell such as a twitch or sweat. This connection must then be maintained with focus, as such, disruptions and distractions will interrupt the casting process. The mage must then form the element in their mind and then draw it into the world through the veil with mana. The element can then be manipulated in a way that is described by each spell. Most times, when charging up a spell, a mage calls forth a single pebble and allows it to grow into larger rock, or gradually draws rock from the void and assembles it. 


Learning Earth Evocation

A process that follows in a similar tandem with many other evocative magics. The process for learning Earth Evocation requires a teacher, who will aid the mage in establishing a connection to the void. Once this has been established, the mage must study and recite the properties of various stones and rock. Once a basic understanding of the stones and rocks that the mage wants to conjure is acquired, they may then perform the casting process. Earth Evocation is learned under basic progression times.


Properties of Earth

The name of Earth Evocation is a bit misleading, as a mage is unable to conjure forth pure earth like soil or mud in that sense. Rather, Earth Evocation allows the mage to conjure forward solid stone and rock, as well as minerals and crystals. These minerals and crystals can be used for a variety of purposes, some of these minerals and crystals are even luminescent. This makes Earth Evocation a very widely applicable magic, not limited to simply flinging stones at one’s enemies. 

  • Rock has density, and structure. This density and structure, if hit with a large enough force can crumble apart. We’re talking very forceful blows. Rock can also be crumbled and disassembled by the mage, however it cannot be reformed from these smaller pieces. 
  • Minerals and Crystals can be conjured. These crystals can then glow with the colour of the mage’s aura uniquely, producing a luminescent effect that allows the mage to light up rooms.
  • Evoked Rock cannot support the full weight of a person, and cannot be used to fly around by standing on the evoked rock. Similarly, rock cannot be used to launch people from below. 
  • Evoking refined metals is impossible for mage, since it would simply require too much energy. This includes precious materials like gold, unless it is in an ore form.
  • Evoking certain ores do not carry any supernatural or magical properties that come from it, such as repelling spectral entities and is more visual in this regard. 
  • Rock that has been evoked generally appears as rigid and jagged, though with skill and focus, it can be refined and shaped roughly. Rock evoked for combat is always rigid and jagged though.


Spells and Abilities

Like all magics, Earth Evocation has a defined list of the do's and don’ts. These come in the form of spells. These different spells can be applied in combat for a variety of purposes, as such they are used for a variety of different purposes, ranging from utility to defence to offence. Spells of Earth Evocation are varied and diverse, meaning any mage can take up the art many reasons.


Evoke Earth [Non-Combat]
The most basic spell of Earth Evocation. This encompasses pretty much all possible uses of Earth Evocation under a utility clause. This spell may only be used outside of combat. This spell can evoke a small number of pebbles which can be telekinetically controlled by the mage at their will, using them in utility or crystals which can glow with the mage’s aura. These crystals can light up a house or hallway if needed. Minerals and ambiguous ores can also be evoked, so as long as they follow the guidelines in the properties section. Sand can also be evoked and used for any purposes, such as dousing a fire. Rocks and pebbles evoked in this spell can also be smoothed out.




  • This spell takes two emotes to cast. 
  • This spell can be used for a variety of purposes. Some examples are outlined below.
    • Pebbles
    • Glowing Crystals (aura colour)
    • Minerals
    • Ores 
    • Sand 
  • These materials can be used for a variety of utility purposes.
  • All mages can summon any type of rock.
  • The mage can move this matter around at fair speeds, and telekinetically so as they will. 

Red Lines:

  • This spell cannot evoke material for usage in combat.
  • This spell cannot evoke anything not defined in the Properties section. 


Pebbles [Combat]
The Pebbles spell allows the mage in question to call forward small pebbles, about the size of a golf ball. These pebbles can be summoned in an upwards of eight at once and launched with relatively powerful and fast forces. These pebbles can be launched at enemies or used to cause a simple annoyance at the mage’s discretion in a variety of different circumstances. Pebbles can daze and confuse enemies if aimed properly, and inflict light damage. Quick, easy to cast, and a staple of the Earth Evocationist’s kit, Pebbles are useful and lightweight. Pebbles crumble when they impact on a target, unable to be reused by the earth evocationist.




  • This spell takes two emotes to cast (1-4). Three emotes if summoning 5-8 pebbles. 
  • Pebbles can be used as minor projectiles. These minor projectiles are shot forward with the speed of an arrow. Dodging them is hard, but not impossible if people notice the mage casting.
  • Pebbles can be countered by using a physical object to deflect them, as they will promptly harmlessly bounce off a sword or even armour. Though they may cause minor denting. 
  • Travels as far as the line of sight.
  • Pebbles can be the size of a golf ball.
  • Pebbles launched at the head of an enemy may daze or confuse the enemy temporarily.
  • Upon impact, pebbles crumble and cannot be reused. 

Red Lines:

  • Pebbles cannot completely knock people out.
  • Pebbles launched in multiplicity will deal painful damage, possibly immobilizing a target momentarily, but it will not pierce the skin.
  • Pebbles cannot be evoked behind the mage.


Rocks [Combat]
Rocks are larger than pebbles and pack a greater punch then the small forms. These rocks can be summoned as rocks which take on the size of a basketball at most. Rocks can be summoned at the very most in a pair of two. Rocks can be launched for greater damage, though with less speed and force than say a pebble. Rocks provide concussive damage which can knock enemies back and provide dents in armour. If launched at the head, potentially may knock a target out completely. At moments of impact, rocks crumble apart, unable to be used again.




  • This spell takes two emotes to cast. Three if summoning two. 
  • Rocks are approximately the size of a basketball. They take on a rough and jagged surface, unrefined.
  • Rocks will provide concussive damage against an enemy, upon hitting at the head, it may knock the target out, or if it hits the body it will knock them back 2-3 meters. The rock then crumbles and cannot be used again.
  • Two rocks launched against one enemy will deal double the damage.
  • Rocks can be launched at the speed of a paper airplane, and controlled telekinetically as the mage sees fit in the air in front of them. 
  • Dodging a rock is easier than a pebble, and simply requires moving out of the way.
  • Rocks can be blocked and deflected with durable shields and surfaces being able to counter these rocks, causing them to be deflected and crumbled at the expense a minor dent. 
  • Travels as far as the line of sight.
  • Against unprotected targets, rock may potentially break bones if launched in successions of two. 

Red Lines: 

  • Armour acts as a small shield, though not completely. Rock will still move the armoured target backwards as dictated, but it will lessen the blunt damage to the skin. 
  • Dodging rock is possible if notice is given. 


Spikes [Combat]
Spikes are penetrable rocks which are shaped into the form of a spike. They can be launched off with reasonable speed, at say the speed of an arrow due to their aerodynamic curvature. Spikes can typically pierce flesh, as well as cause dents in armour. Spikes can only be called one at a time due to their powerful form, and easily applicable attacking structure. Spikes are practical for stunning and harming a foe, potentially inflicting large amounts of bleeding. Spikes however cannot impale enemies. At the moment of impact, spikes crumble apart, unable to be reused by the Earth Evocationist.




  • This spell takes three emotes to cast.
  • Sharpened spikes must be emoted as being refined, these refined spikes can either be formed in the void or in the real world, with crumbling rock revealing the form of the sharpened spike. 
  • Spikes can pierce skin about 1-3 inches thick, this can cause the skin to gash and release a lot of blood. This is not the case however if the target is wearing armour, instead it will dent the armour.
  • Spike can be countered by having a shield or surface to hide behind, avoiding the impact. 
  • Dodging spike is possible. Spike is launched at the speed of an arrow though, so someone must pay close attention to where the mage is looking, as this will be the direction of the spike. 
  • Spike travels as far as the line of sight.
  • Upon the impact of spike, after dealing the damage, the rock will crumble apart back into the void, unable to be reused.  
  • You may only summon one spike at once. 

Red Lines:

  • Spike may pierce the skin 1-3 inches, causing the spike to reach the bone momentarily if hit on the arm. If this is the case, nerves may be struck severely, however this cannot inflict permanent nerve damage.
  • Spike cannot be used to sever limbs in any capacity.


Sandblast [Combat]
Sandblasts provide an Earth Evocationist with an advanced method of temporarily blinding an opponent or causing a headache for them. By summoning a swirling mass of sand just above their hands, they can then launch this sand at an enemy’s eyes if they are unprotected and cause irritation and blindness. Granted this effect is temporary, because the sand will return to the void, but it is powerful in the right hands. Sandblasts pack enough punch to blind one enemy at a time. 




  • This spell takes three emotes to cast.
  • Sandblast creates a pool of sand in the casters hand which floats around and then flies at a target like a projectile. 
  • The sand travels at the speed of a paper airplane and can be avoided by moving out of the way quickly given enough range (5 meters). 
  • Sandblast travels at the line of sight and within this range. 
  • Sandblast will cause an enemy to be blinded for 3-5 emotes, depending on whether or not they can wash their eyes out quick enough. Upon impact, the sand disappears back into the void, however this does not remove the irritation. 

Red Lines

  • Cannot permanently blind people. The irritation is generally psychologically, so washing one’s eyes out would shatter this effect immediately. 
  • Sandblast can only be cast on one person at once, within the line of sight. 


Barrier [Combat]
Barriers called on by Earth Evocationists are powerful shields which can defend against damage. Rooting an Evocationist immobile, shields meld with the ground causing a stationary point of defence for the Evocationist which they can stand behind. Any projectiles such as arrows hitting the Barrier will weaken it gradually, but will protect the mage from certain harm. Once the barrier is weakened enough, it crumbles apart, unable to be reused by the mage. 




  • This spell takes two emotes to cast. 
  • Barrier provides the mage with a fixed zone of protection, creating a one block thick wall of 5x5 meters in front of the mage.
  • Barrier can be sustained for 10 emotes, each hit against the wall subtracting one emote from this total. Once it cannot be sustained, it returns to the void and crumbles. 
  • Barrier fixes to the ground, causing it to be immobile. Once set, the mage cannot move the barrier around or manipulate it. 
  • The mage must remain behind the barrier or with their eyes on the barrier at all times. 
  • Barrier only extends in one linear direction in front of the mage, it does not create a dome around the mage. It is akin to a large wall of stone. 
  • Barrier can defend a few other people as well, provided they hug closely to the mage. 
  • Barrier can be countered by attacking it numerous times, or distracting the mage so that it crumbles out of existence.

Red Lines:

  • Barriers do not last forever.
  • Some hits against barriers like Arcanist Beams that provide major, extreme damage will reduce the emote count by 3 per emote channeled. If the impact is unreasonably sustainable, then it will crumble the barrier instantly. 


Boulder [Combat]
Boulders are one of the most taxing feats that an Earth Evocationist can tug upon. Boulders are large summoned objects of rock with can be launched at slow speeds. These boulders are tough and large, dealing major amounts of damage and potentially killing a target, crushing them underneath the force. At the moment of impact, the boulder will crumble apart, unable to be reused by the mage, however the concussive force will be there. Those unfortunate enough to be hit by these boulders, usually as large as a sphere with a diameter of two meters, may face death. 




  • This spell takes four emotes to cast. 
  • Boulder constructs a large creation of rock approximately taking on the diameter of two meters in front of the mage. This spherical mass can then be hurled at a target at the mage’s discretion. 
  • Boulder cannot be launched at fast speeds. At the very most it can be launched at the speed of a paper airplane.
  • Boulder takes a long time to build-up, as such it produces the form of a growing rock into a large boulder. Once it has been built, it can be dodged if someone stands at a range of at least 5m from the mage from the first casting emote. 
  • Boulder is lethal to those who lack protection. It will kill and crush enemies who find themselves unarmoured and taking the full force of the boulder. 
  • Upon impact, a boulder will crush a target and then crumble. If the target is wearing armour and protection, they suffer damages in the form of possible broken bones, and do not suffer death as unarmoured enemies would. 
  • Only one boulder can be summoned at once.
  • Boulder can only be “dropped” on people so as long as they are within 4m of the mage. 

Red Lines:

  • Boulders crush and kill unarmoured targets, but cannot kill armoured ones. 
  • Boulders are easily dodged and noticeable, once launched too, boulders cannot change trajectory instantly.


Sandstorm [Combat]
A relatively newer ability in Earth Evocation. Expert users are able to call forth sandstorms, by evoking a large amount of sand around them. They can then send this sand into a flurrying storm around them, causing those within a 3x3m zone in front of the mage to be blinded and buffeted by the sand. Sandstorm can stun enemies inside very effectively, leaving openings for an Earth Evocationist’s allies if needed. 




  • This spell takes 3 emotes to cast. 
  • This spell summons a flurrying of sand around a zone of 3x3 meters in front of a mage, in this 3x3 meter zone those caught inside will be blinded for the duration of the spell. 
  • Sandstorm can be maintained for 4 emotes. 
  • Sandstorm does not cause much damage other than blinding and irritating the eyes of those caught inside, as well as causing those inside to be disoriented and dazed. 
  • Sandstorm can be countered with armour and eye protection, or shields (spheres).

Red Lines:

  • Cannot instantly blind people, people are only blinded for the duration of the spell as well. 
  • Sandstorms do not last forever, see mechanics. 


Armond [Combat]
A relatively advanced technique of Earth Evocation involves summoning igneous or metamorphic rock and then forming that into a sword, spear, or shield which can be equipped much like a standard weapon. Due to the shaping required, Armond is usable by expert Earth Evocationists. Armond weapons are fairly durable, however, due to voidal poisoning, the blunt hit from these objects is relatively weaker.




  • This spell takes three emotes to cast. Four emotes if summoning igneous rock rather than metamorphic rock.
  • You can only summon one weapon at a time. The weapons that can be summoned are: a sword, a spear, or a shield. These weapons can then be used as the mage sees fit.
  • Summoning weapons and using them as such will produce weaker than average strikes due to the muscle training that is lacking as a result of voidal poisoning.
  • Metamorphic rock (standard rock) is less durable than igneous rock, as such it can sustain 5 hits or be hit five times before shattering and becoming unusable (returning to the void). 
  • Igneous rocks such as obsidian is more durable than metamorphic rock. They can strike for 7 hits or be hit seven times before shattering and becoming unusable (returning to the void). 

Red Lines:

  • Summoning a weapon does not instantly give you the skills of said weapon. Training should be devoted to proper use of the summoned weapon before effectively using it in combat.
  • Striking with a weapon does not bring the same amount of force that an expert swordsman would. This is due to the muscle weakening as per voidal poisoning, as such, Armond can be used for minor to medium level blows, gradually whittling down an opponent as opposed to delivering devastating blows. 


Red Lines

While Earth Evocation is capable of many great things, as per most evocations, it has some universal red lines that must be followed at all times. Should these red lines be broken in any one of the spells above, it would be considered powergaming and is punishable. 

  • Evoked matter must remain within the Line of Sight of the mage at all times, or else it will return to the void.
  • The combat spells Pebbles, Rock, Spike, Barrier, and Boulder only summon standard metamorphic rock. They cannot summon any other type of rock (such as obsidian). However, non-combat spells like Evoke Earth can summon other types like sedimentary or igneous rock, unless otherwise stated in the spell. 
  • Cannot control Earth that exists within the real world.
  • Cannot evoke refined metals or ingots such as gold or diamond, rather instead, the ores that contains them.
  • Cannot evoke super refined shapes, and most earth summoned will be jagged in some form.
  • Crumbled rock, as per most spells upon impact, will be unusable by the mage after wards. 
  • You aren’t immune to the impact of earth on your own body.
  • Cannot instant cast, you must emote fatigue and follow emote timers.


Tier Progression

As all magics do, Earth Evocation follows a tier progression system. This is described as having Tiers 1-5. Each tier provides a new frontier of abilities and possibilities for the mage to seize hold of. As a result, mages learn the above spells based on their tier and skill. Additionally, some tiers increase the power of previous spells slightly. Tiers define your skill and prowess in Earth Evocation, so Tier 5 is considered generally a “master.” Earth Evocation follows standard Tier Progression times.


Tier 1: Novice
Novices are beginning their studies in Earth Evocation. They have just been sought out by a teacher and have begun to learn the quirks of the magic in the earliest stages. Novices are very often seen experimenting and learning about rocks and minerals which Earth Evocation holds dominion over, and so they also have little mana pools to cast with. This makes novices very weak in combat, however. 




  • Evoke Earth
  • Pebbles


  • N/A


  • Novices have a very small amount of mana to cast with. This means that when they cast, they are extremely exhausted by even minor feats of magic. 
  • Novices cannot participate in combat without being extremely vulnerable and weak as per exhaustion with their magic. 
  • Novices are limited to summoning two pebbles at most.


Tier 2: Student
Students have come farther than their novice ability. Students of Earth Evocation are capable of a larger amount of feats. These feats can be performed relatively more easier than a novice. Students also have a slightly larger mana pool.




  • Evoke Earth
  • Pebbles
  • Rocks


  • Students can summon an upwards of 5 pebbles at once. 
  • Students can also perform Evoke Earth with great ease, having no trouble with utilitarian practices in the magic.


  • Students have a larger but still mediocre sized mana pool. This means casting will bring about a lot of strain, but less so than a novice.
  • Students can only evoke a maximum of one rock at once. 


Tier 3: Adept
Adepts in Earth Evocation are considered average mages. These average mages are capable of many a majority of the feats of earth evocation. Performing these feats with medium difficulty, adepts are viable in combat more so than previous tiers. These adepts are focusing their skills in summoning sand, spikes, and more challenging barriers. 




  • Evoke Earth
  • Pebbles
  • Rocks
  • Spikes
  • Sandblast
  • Barrier


  • Adepts perform the spells Pebbles, Rocks, and Evoke Earth with ease. 
  • Adepts can summon up to 8 pebbles at once.
  • Adepts can now also summon two rocks at once. 


  • Adepts possess a medium sized mana pool, making them less exhausted when casting. However they still feel reasonable fatigue when casting, especially more taxing feats like barrier.
  • Barrier is the most taxing spell for Adepts, though possible. 
  • Sandblast may take a few attempts to get right before proper casting, as well as barrier and spikes. 


Tier 4: Experts
Experts of Earth Evocation are formidable mages, capable of great feats with near mastery of all that Earth Evocation has to offer. Experts can call forth the most challenging spells of the Earth Evocationist’s arsenal and use them practically or in combat. Experts now studying larger formations can summon boulders and sandstorms as well.




  • Evoke Earth
  • Pebbles
  • Rocks
  • Spikes
  • Sandblast
  • Barrier
  • Boulder
  • Sandstorm


  • Evoke Earth, Pebbles, Rocks, Spikes, and Sandblast are easy for the Expert mage, casting these spells with lower levels of fatigue and strain.
  • Spikes can be thrown with slightly more force. 


  • Experts have a larger than average sized mana pool, while this eliminates a lot of pedestrian mage “strain” as they may refer, it still leaves them with exhaustion. Even the most widely formidable experts still will sweat or twitch from exhaustion.
  • Sandstorm and Boulder are cast with difficulty, these techniques will need some practice.


Tier 5: Master
Masters of Earth Evocation know all there is know of Earth Evocation. They have mastered advanced techniques of the magic and grown greatly in skill. Newer to them is the art of conjuring igneous and molten rock for usage in their combat arsenal. These techniques are difficult and situationally effective, but devastatingly powerful in the right hands.




  • Evoke Earth
  • Pebbles
  • Rocks
  • Spikes
  • Sandblast
  • Barrier
  • Boulder
  • Sandstorm
  • Armond


  • All spells except for Armond are performed by Master mages with great ease and sophistication. 


  • A very strong and durable mana pool. Able to cast the most taxing spells like Armond, though these spells will in fact still drain the expert mage considerably.
  • Armond require practice and care to use, as both have separate quirks that require special attention when using (weapons need training, etc.).


Purpose (OOC)

As all magics do, Earth Evocation follows a tier progression system. This is described as having Tiers 1-5. Each tier provides a new frontier of abilities and possibilities for the mage to seize hold of. As a result, mages learn the above spells based on their tier and skill. Additionally, some tiers increase the power of previous spells slightly. Tiers define your skill and prowess in Earth Evocation, so Tier 5 is considered


Citations (OOC)

Generally I cite mainly my own knowledge of Evocation and SourDough’s lore for constructing this lore which can be found at this link. Overall, due to the extreme diversity of the magic I’ve tried to add my own ideas while keeping original ideas constructed, such as weapons. 






Written by ZythusRequiem

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Lookin good.


My one gripe is that it’s stated here that sand is difficult to conjure because of the intricate grains. Previous lore had it such that grains were easier to ‘pull’ through the void due to their minuscule nature, thus making it simpler to call it forth in larger quantities. Stone is fairly simple in structure, so if the concept of sand being somehow ‘intricate’ is thrown out this would be otherwise satisfactory.

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14 hours ago, Luxury said:

My one gripe is that it’s stated here that sand is difficult to conjure because of the intricate grains. Previous lore had it such that grains were easier to ‘pull’ through the void due to their minuscule nature, thus making it simpler to call it forth in larger quantities. Stone is fairly simple in structure, so if the concept of sand being somehow ‘intricate’ is thrown out this would be otherwise satisfactory.



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Alright I gave everyone else enough time and no one’s come to say it. So I will. 


You... Rock.

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Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.

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This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours. I apologize in advance for the delay, things are rather hectic at the moment as most people have had finals.

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