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Why is this turning into an arguement about pvp? I don’t think this post was ever meant for these type of comments to pop up.


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3 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

LOTC shouldn’t be a safespace for people who cant handle some toxicity really. Genuine harassment for x y or z is one thing, but someone saying dumb **** like “I think you’re shitty at your job” shouldn’t be demonized or banned for it. if people want to be sensitive snowflakes and cry over every little bitty thing, then they can go for it tbh. toxicity =/= genuine harassment, but that part doesn't matter

telanir ur so incredibly out of touch and disconnected with the server that its like u hardly seem to understand ur own playerbase at this point. things would be so much better for all of us if you were more actively involved with the community outside of doing stuff like this.  I don't doubt that you want to help the server, but its just that u don't know how to give a good response ever. but ig acknowledgement is better than nothing at all.

 ^ i’d elaborate on this part but I’d just be repeating what everyone else has already said

this (my post) was prob a shitty response but idgaf anymore yall get the point 


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Goodbye to poor memes...

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okay I was all for admins taking action but now I’m afraid someone’s going to falsely accuse me of something bad and I’ll get banned because the new stance is to ban first and investigate after


I don’t mind this being a safe place but this is simultaneously reassuring AND concerning

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49 minutes ago, Parker said:

I don’t think calling GM’s racial slurs and shitting on people’s characters for no reason, is a villain character type.


I also don’t think a bad character type is someone who denies PVP before role-play in even the least, because you got upset a GM didn’t wnat to agree to you clicking or hopping over walls of Mau’Madur using horses with poor RP.

I think you're thinking of the wrong person buddy because I literally did not do that lmao

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p.s. none of this **** is going to work if you don’t appoint someone who can actively moderate the server


p.p.s. people who think they’re going to get banned for “memes” have subconsciously realized that their actions hurt other players, and that they are on bad terms with the community, and reminding them of this makes them mad

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For this to work you need the right person, with long term experience on the server, with the right player and staff credentials, and current community backing to boot. That, and they have to be willing to help you.


Not many of them about anymore guys.

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I don’t play here much anymore but I’ve read through the entire post and through all the current posts by other players.

Allot of agenda-andys out here.

Aint no respect between one another, aint no love for one another. Just heartless minemen screeching with iron pickaxe in hand smh

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5 hours ago, Telanir said:

It seems almost like I can’t leave for long before things break down. Something is fundamentally wrong.

Then don’t ******* leave; you’re an admin. Act like one.

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Irony of this direction is that pedos thrive in hugbox communities for being able to easily suppress those that are vulnerable because none wish to speak up for themselves



but guess there's nothing wrong W/ getting rid of people that just scream racial slurs for no reason. I just feel like this is another best intention post that'll devolve into thoughtpolicing once you step away.



(Also thank **** for the email system that'll happen and hopefully be monitored. Reports need to genuinely be less than a week turnaround from being originally reported, to ensure the safety of the people being abused/groomed etc.)


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Ibraheem’s right in his statement, I agree with him completely, Drakehaze is on the right track players just wanna meme and Shittpost whenever they want because it’s damn 2019, ever since I’ve been on lotc from Atlas, naive as I once was came to notice a-lot of tension between player-bases, individuals and the groups that were influenced by them. A lack of strict punishment on the ‘playground’ foundation that is Lord of The Craft and the simple minded hazing that is player conflict ends up tearing the community farther apart than one person ever could in a single day, then again. . I could and more than likely will be wrong, we lost more than 80% of the Developer team over a whole load of donkey hoohah. Long story short of it, do the right thing, not as an individual but for all of us, the memes aren’t going away, the shittposting isn’t going to die down any time soon, nor the witchunts, just do what’s best for the whole of lotc and. . well, damnit, this is where I hide, I dunno what to say now. Someone finish for me. ‘ ^’



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Many of the accused were blacklisted or banned from the server, although most did not in fact belong to pedophilia party.

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10 hours ago, _Jandy_ said:

I’d personally not like to be banned for making a joke about my buddy @Dragonslayerelf being bi in an attempt to pick up liberal chicks on his campus. The current wording is vague enough where that may be possible. Perhaps read over my response which is just a small scroll up and let me know if such an amendment is so wildly unreasonable.

As a bisexual guy who is currently picking up liberal chicks (and liberal dudes sometimes) on campus, I approve of this message n' feel free to make jokes at my expense. Censorship is and always has been idiotic on a mineman roleplay server/forum.


Edit: While I agree with the spirit of the post, there's certain parts of the execution that are shaky. The community guidelines are VERY restrictive when applied globally. If I can't say 'yk what **** jandy he's kind of an *******' (ily @_Jandy_) then it's a bit too much. That being said, pedophilia tends to be a massive problem on this server *cough ski king cough* and I applaud any effort to stamp it out. Additionally, its literally mineman lal, if you get banned just play on hypixel or something. There are other roleplay outlets (rn I'm heavily involved in my school's Tabletop Club, namely the D&D aspects) that you can pursue that can be tailored to the experience YOU want. Instead of being a weird ass pedo just express your erotic fantasies with fellow likeminded OF-AGE adults on other platforms.

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saw @Telanir in a vc with trende when he was banned, does that mean that telanir will get banned for associating with banned players..

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4 hours ago, Abyssus said:



Many of the accused were blacklisted or banned from the server, although most did not in fact belong to pedophilia party.

u have no clue how insane this sounds

first of all equating any real life injustice with being banned from a craftman server is ******* absurd. you are being deprived access to a video game. if you get investigation banned you're 100% doing sketchy **** in the first place. and getting anonymously reported is the best thing that could possibly happen to you


this is an improvement; we’re removing dangerous people from the server while keeping our community from autocannibalizing over pedophile accusations. if “giving people an anonymous line to report harassment” sounds like “mccarthyism” to you then I can only suggest that you go be a sex freak elsewhere

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