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I’m truly sorry to all of you who have to stop posting your shitty nazi fan art, truly I just don’t know how any of you will overcome this hurdle. 


Edit 1: If you are truly offended by the prospect of keeping people safe from harassment then just **** off and find a new place to roleplay your nazi fantasy, go out, meet some friends, get a life. This is a kids game, it’s not the end of the world that you’re going to have to watch your words a bit more around minors, you should already be doing that as functioning adults.

Edited by Scourgeoforder
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“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”


I can see this whole thing going very terribly.

But good on you for making your monthly post before you inevitably do nothing and disappear.

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just wanna chime in that McCarthyism is an unfair double-bind delima intentionally set up to always punish an accused. It is created by making it a crime to plead innocence, such as during the Red Scare where if you were accused by congress of being a communist and you denied that accusation, you were arrested for contempt.


Just you know. Facts and the like.

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Good. Now prove to us that this isn’t drivel to silence the masses while the heat dies down.. As it has been previously, many times before this. 


I’ll hold a verdict to see what comes of this in the future, though I would personally deem LoTC’s issues stem further than just perverted roleplay and an issue with age restriction.

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9 hours ago, rotund_man said:

u have no clue how insane this sounds

i am insane


i like that profile picture by the way

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29 minutes ago, Abyssus said:

i am insane


i like that profile picture by the way





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My Opinions & Interpretations:


Interpretation 1:



“We are going to define LotC as a place of safety for people of all origins, races, creeds, ages, gender, sexual orientation, mental health, and any others. It doesn’t matter what someone thinks, this server should be a place of safety for all.” 


Basically, LotC is a place where people shouldn’t be attacked, I think what the staff is trying to say is that it will no longer stand by language used in an offensive manner towards someone, not saying it will ban people outright for banter.


So @TrendE hopefully in this idea the staff team would only attack you for this if you were to use it to flame somebody you don’t like, which is fair I guess



Opinion 1:



I believe one of LotC’s biggest weaknesses is evidence, we point and shout fingers and what-not and supply logs which can with ease be manipulated. I believe that what people should try to find methods of solidifying evidence, taking video clips, showing clear displays of what is going on as well as defining context (e.g. this player has caused me great harm in the past, in this video I scroll through the different harassment logs where they called me xyz things based on my gender and religion <attached a video clip which shows through a discord of such stuff) I find this would probably be a much better method of handling things than a discord screenshot of x person calling you xyz.


Through solidifying the evidence the staff team will be able to co-operate with the playerbase much better than before, and arguments over what is and isn’t real can be easily decided. Because of these reasons I would heavily suggest @Telanir would push the staff-team to create some form of guide to properly supplying reports, talking hopefully about the points I have raised.



Opinion 2:



I am quite happy at Telanir’s response to this, however I do wish for him to follow up fully on the issues at hand and prove to the community that these problems are being sorted, I don’t mean like a daily ban-update on which pedo has been taken out, however a post stating that xyz person has been banned under xyz reasons may allow transparency in the community. It is better to show that action has been taken out against pedophiles rather than just keeping it low-brow.


I am quite happy that they have set up emails specifically aimed to counter issues on a sexual nature and is a step forwards in the community. And it is a step in the right direction for once..




  1. I don’t think its going to be a nazi empire on content moderation
  2. I like Telanir’s post however I want to see action
  3. LotC is still surviving I hope so as long as they start doing better from now on then it might be okidoki






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The best the server can realistically do is denounce the actions, offer genuine support to those with potential to go through this sort of thing and actually keep the folks banned for their misconduct toward the vulnerable youth. This other stuff just seems tagged on to dilute the discussion because it’s giving the server a really REALLY bad look, as it should.

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"Hi there, because we got caught refuseing to ban sexual predators and sweepin evidence under the carpet, we're now going to remedy that by using our own malicious incompetence as an excuse to ban some more dirty PVP trolls for cursing. The true villains of LOTC."



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None of this should have happened in the first place.

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I believe I understand now. I’ve been afraid, almost religiously, of banning someone who was innocent. Why was this a problem? Because it painted every encounter with this sentiment, the lens of scepticism and “proof”. You know, “facts and logic”. We’re playing mineman and it’s time we treated it less like a simulation of justice and national policing and more like an online game. An online game the equivalent of being at a middle- or high-school.

This statement, is a very bold statement indeed. To imply that you should not attempt for the innocent to be given a fair and just appeal to their case is quite frankly disgusting to me. There is a common statement that I still believe in to this day: "it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer". Does this mean that people should not be banned for wrongdoings? No, No it does not, however it does mean, that everyone, EVERYONE should have the chance to show their side of the story. It should never be a one sided ordeal.

 In the first, an innocent player is denied access to LotC services. They find a job, maybe get into a relationship. God knows, maybe they exit the house and make some friends. (I’m kidding). I might be tongue in cheek but the point is, they can’t play a game.

As much as I’d like to say that this is true, I must also remind you Telanir, that most people use this server to escape the harsh reality of the real world. When I was banned, I spiraled into a suicidal depression as I was ripped from my fantasy and placed in the real world. I personally, suffer from autism, and I had used the server to be someone I wanted to be, but never could due to a mental condition that is out of my own control.


I never wished for this to become public, however due to the current situation at hand, I believe it should be. I was banned recently, maybe a few months ago, for “Manipulative behaviour and Harassment”. The problem with this is, I never receive any proof of my wrongdoings, any proof of what I said, what I did. If I were to have been given the evidence of my wrongdoings, I would have gladly accepted my ban, and would have worked to improve myself; To assure I become a better person and learn from my mistakes. However, this proof was never given to me, and when I asked for said proof, I was simply told that I was not able to know who I hurt, or what I said. This was because I may have “Targeted the Victim” and that they wished to remain anonymous. So I was banned, with no way to know what I did wrong, and no way to apologize to those I had hurt. To imply that everyone that has made a mistake on the server was doing it with malicious intent, is frankly disgusting... Again, not saying that they shouldn’t be banned for it, but to not show sympathy to them? That’s quite frankly fucked. I just wished, that my case was handled much differently, I wish I could have at least said my side of the story, but this did not happen. 

TL;DR: I was banned, and felt like I should have at least been able to know my mistake.


A Final note on the matter, I must thank @ibraheemc2000 for helping me get through that suicidal depression and regret that came with my initial ban.


P.S: I did attempt to make contact with Telanir through his email, to talk about my ban in a private manner. However seeing as he hadn’t responded after a week of waiting, I felt it was gair for me to talk about this publicly.

P.P.S: It’s been a few months now and my ban is almost up, Telanir still has not responded in that time.


Edit 11/20/23: Maturing is looking back on your words and seeing how ******* batshit insane you were. Jesus Christ the self pity in this post is palpable.

Edited by Culling Online Precence
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