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[✗] [CA Race Lore] - Kharajyr


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47 minutes ago, Dardonas said:

so they are infertile too because of the curses, yeah?


a pointless debuff tbh, its not really necessary


so if you cut off their tail, can it regrow by itself?  Can you have a golemancy prosthetic tail?  An animati prosthetic?  Or is this permanent.


specify this


I get where you’re coming from but this is gonna turn into some uwu ****


The first part is fine, but I’ll advise you make a culture section for the latter half of this, it really doesn’t fit as a mental descriptor.


I’ll be straight chief, this is really only here for flavor for what it looks like.  Mechanically, nobody enforces darkness in RP.


yeah, you’re gonna not only have to get the LT to vote yes on this, but also somehow we’ll have to sit down with the dev team and they hate doing anything or being spoken to

I’ll try to address all of this but please let me know if I miss anything:

As for infertility, part of the thought process is that it is why the kha can only have children with each-other. So while they can have children within the race, they cannot mate with the descendants while the mali’ are able to mate with humans etc.

The water is not needed- but thought it would make sense considering the real life counterparts as the tiger is more well known for swimming ability while if you soaked a cheetah and made it run, it wouldn’t be able to do so nearly as fast as it could dry.

The tail could not be regrown, though prosthetics could be a thought to it. The whole reason being is that human feet are flat and elongated with our straight legs to balance. Kha standing on their rear paws are like if you had a cat on their rear legs, there is just not enough surface space to maintain being upright and as such the tail helps as a counter balance to the bent leg that has them forwards. So without the tail they would not have this added counterweight and they would likely spend more time on all four legs rather than two.

For the cheetrah bit, it’s so that the kharajyr counter part could not run up to, say 40 mph to get away from a crp etc. meanwhile the descendants or whom-ever would have no chance at catching them.

The kitten part is how it’s always been rped, however setting more distinct guidelines for development in this form. With regards to the uwu-ing, most of the time the parents rp the kitten at this stage and the person to rp the child would take over once they’re walking and talking, as one would do with any other race. The only difference here is their age.

There was a culture portion however that was redacted from the document due to points made earlier in the thread. There will be a separate post to contain all of that and more.


I personally have had people enforcing that, but thought it would help to have a window for some diverse rp that may provide some assistance.

Of course our re-write team could correct me on the hearing part, but it is more that if they happen to be in range and hear it, they should be able to, rather than the rpers saying that because you weren’t directed to hear in the emote you shouldn’t be able to, if that makes sense... like for example: Person A, “I like fries” and you hear them talking to person B in the chat, you should be able to hear that, not having A tell you that you can’t because it was said to B..... Please let me know if I need to re-word that as I get the feeling I just added more confusion.

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For those following this thread, the alcohol related redline has been removed.

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Hey uh quick question did you mean that their strength cannot surpass an Orc? Because Olog is p fuckin strong

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3 hours ago, Slothtastic said:

Hey uh quick question did you mean that their strength cannot surpass an Orc? Because Olog is p fuckin strong

Was there a typo on that? I'll have to take a look once I am on my pc again. Essentially the intent is not to outpower an orc ot olog, though a tigrasi comes closest of the other races to them.

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On 11/1/2019 at 6:22 AM, EnderMaiashiro said:

I suppose so, however the issue comes that they stand on two bent legs on pseudo-small paws. On all 4s they would be fine however on 2 they would have minimal balance or traction so even walking could prove to be a feat. Meanwhile people have straighter legs with more surface area on their feet, allowing them to maintain balance and traction at the same time as walking, climbing, ect.

I understand the logistics of it, but they still walk upright, unlike other creatures that need tails for balance, like dinosaurs. I really think making it that easy to cripple a kha for life just by docking their tail makes it way too easy for villain characters to destroy the race as a whole and individuals.

Along with that, I noted the “like big toes on humans” thing because once we lose those, we have to learn to move our center of balance from the balls of our feet, to the sides and back. Kha without tails would have to move their balance from their toes to their paw-pads. But definitely sprinting and claiming would be, as I said before nearly impossible without aid.

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On 11/1/2019 at 2:03 AM, EnderMaiashiro said:

- Wealth is not desirable by the Kharajyr, especially their priests. Kharajyr have no purpose in holding material wealth other than for cosmetic appearance, and it is frowned upon by the Kharajyr to hoard massive amounts of riches for little purpose other than to gloat.

 genuinely don't think this is necessary, shouldn’t be a redline. I’d leave these kind of things up to players and how they wish to RP their kha. As i, personally, play one which highly likes riches and anything shiny.

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10 minutes ago, BrainHurty said:

genuinely don't think this is necessary, shouldn’t be a redline. I’d leave these kind of things up to players and how they wish to RP their kha. As i, personally, play one which highly likes riches and anything shiny.

100% Agreed we’ll work on removing this type of stuff and are working towards making the race more enjoyable and less restrictive.

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Thank you for submitting your piece! We are currently going through all of the current lore submissions submitted and as there is a backlog it will take a bit longer than normal. Your piece is now under review, a verdict will be given within a month or so.

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This lore is pending, you will be sent a forum PM in the next 24 hours with a list of issues that need to be fixed.

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