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[✓] [Magic Invention Lore] Arcane Relays


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Arcane Relays

Communication is key for any project or collaboration, especially when it comes to dealings with the arcane. Many people have sought to find a way to communicate over long distances in order to stay in touch, record findings, and many other reasons. Thus, the arcane relay was designed, built to allow magi to keep in contact with each other across the event the greatest distances. 



Arcane relays act as an advances method of communication, allowing descendant mages to contact each other no matter the distance. In order to communicate with another arcane relay, a sigil must be transcribed upon the focus crystal, more on that later.

When an arcane relay is used, it creates an image not unlike the one shown below, which allows the mage to see the other side and a few of its surroundings. Sound and color can pass through, though not physical matter. In simple terms, one can think of an Arcane Relay like a window to the other side. Flickers and ‘glitches’ in the image are not uncommon and sometimes sound can static as well. But for the most part, arcane relays transmit most things quite clearly.





In order to create an arcane relay, one must build a base for which the focus crystal must sit atop in a secured fashion. Aurum bands must be made to spiral up and around the pillar, and into the focus crystal shaft. Three of these stands must be made in total, the center pillar allowing the relay to connect through the void to its designation, the other two allowing for the mage to see and hear the other side. 

The focus lenses and metal bands must be lined with focus crystal dust. Mana imbued chalk should be used to mark the positions of the bases on the ground as well, allowing the enchantments to flow between each of the pillars with ease. The focus crystal then must be marked with a certain sigil, allowing it to communicate with all the relays that have that same sigil.

It should also be noted that any minor displacement or crack in the focus crystal may cause the relay to explode violently, likely harming the mage if they attempt to use it. That is why precision is of utmost accuracy. 




  • An arcane relay has three pillars; one for connecting through the void, one to store received images and sound, and one to project them for the mage to see and hear.
  • Pillars can take any form or shape, at the extreme taking a flat form perhaps acting as the rim of a reflective surface (such as a mirror or small pool of water), as long as mana infused chalk or some other form of circling connected three focus crystals to each other.
  • An arcane relay must be crafted with incredible precision in role-play, the failure of such causing an arcane explosion that may burn the mage.
  • Creating the relay requires no feat itself, so long as the creator can establish some form of voidal connection



  • The sigils on the relay must match those of any relay a mage wishes to connect to. Think of it like a telephone number, except you’re only able to connect to the telephone with the same number as you.
  • In order to operate an arcane relay one must be a voidal mage or be able to maintain some form of voidal connection.
  • Requires three emotes to connect to the relay and then to connect your relay to the other relay destination. One can emote freely after this until they no longer wish to do so, without having to re-emote connecting the relay.
  • In order to send a message, both the recipient and under must be at an arcane relay at the time of the sent message.
  • Arcane relays cannot be moved around with ease, making it impossible to carry them around with you.
  • Arcane relays cannot be used in combat, or in any scenario where one briefly leaves combat to utilize one.



An example of an Arcane Relay in-game




Bond Sigils & Glamour Focii

Bond Sigils are physical items which can be made by a Tier 3 or higher Voidal Mage acting equivalent to a lesser enchantment. The object must depict an arcane relay sigil on it but may otherwise be freeform in design. it could be placed upon or within the pillar which has the function of connecting through the void. Upon the necessary activation ritual of the enchantment the arcane relay would seek out a connection to another arcane relay with the same sigil. This one must be manned by one capable of connecting to the void, so that they can maintain the stability of the connection. The bond sigil could easily be swapped with another or simply edited to change its connection (if a mage is around to do so.)

A dark elven mage contacts a human noble for some devious scheme, through an arcane relay mirror.


        Glamour Focii are an additional element, which must include arcanium of the desire glamour, and placed upon the projection element of the arcane relay (it could be added to the bond sigil enchantment alternatively). This would form a glamor upon the projection effectively making it an extension of the effects of the arcanium. The projection takes on the form of whatever form of magic the arcanium is made of.


-Fire Evocation: Would form a harmless smoke in muted hues for the projection.

-Water Evocation: Would form a mist with no temperature, vibrant colors forming in a  similar way to a rainbow for the projection.

-Earth Evocation: Would form dust or sand which quickly faded and replaced itself which would shape which would form the projection.

-Air Evocation: Would form an extremely gentle breeze which would form into a colored projection. These hues are entirely up to the air evocation. who created the enchantment. The voice of the projection would be ethereal and dream like, as if cast through air evocation.

-Illusion: Could make projection appear twice as large or twice as small. Upon the creation of mart such arcane relays could be incorporated into grand illusions.

-Conjuration (Life Evocation): Is the same as illusion.

-Translocation: Would cause the air to warp and for the projection to be formed out of every shifting patterns of mana which constantly appear and disappear, making an quite difficult experience to view.

-Voidstalker: Would cause the projection to me made out of shifting shadows upon a surface.

-Artificer, Scion, Watcher and Eminence have no unique interaction beyond the appearance of the sigil itself flavorfully changing when it is activated. In the aesthetic of the arcanium.



-Glamour Foci elements have very little physicality beyond aesthetic heat or dampness, and are incapable of interacting with anything beyond temporarily dispersing and reappearing upon being touched.

-Arcanium must be incorporated into the structure of the relay for its effects to be applied.

-Glamour foci only require arcanium to function, and enchantment is not required. This is no longer true if both items were to be combined into one piece.

-The Bond Sigils must have a player signature of someone with at least T3 in any Voidal Magic, and have a clear indication of who to contact. Should the Glamour Foci be included in the item, such information is still required but of course with the ST signature for arcanium.

-Bond sigils and Glamour Foci can not be used in combat.

-Bond sigils have same emote requirements as arcane relay.

-The mage who is running the connection with another non mage is responsible for them roleplaying it properly.

-Glamour Focii are open-knowledge and do not require teaching to utilize.



OOC Explanation

While the bird communication system often does the trick, it is rather bland and boring, lacking the spice and roleplay flair so many dramatics wish for. Arcane relays, however, add a more unique method of communication than simply writing on a piece of paper and sending it via a bird. With arcane relays, it allows mages to communicate in a way that sets them apart from every other commoner with a quill and trained bird courier. I personally enjoy this kind of roleplay and I feel it would be a shame if we were left with only the bird communication system, which is why I did a rewrite.



Credits for this Lore

Pundimonium – Author


Previous Lore Writers

Pandan and Freema



Original Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/138883-arcane-engineering-arcane-relay/



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but amazing so far!!!

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I like it

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Yeah, I read about this before in the Forbidden section of the Dragur Library, it’s neat! I’ll edit the link I found in the book into here in a minute.


Edit: Found it!



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Thank you for submitting your piece! We are currently going through all of the current lore submissions submitted and as there is a backlog it will take a bit longer than normal. Your piece is now under review, a verdict will be given within a month or so.

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This lore is pending, you will be sent a forum PM in the next 24 hours with a list of issues that need to be fixed.

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.

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