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Politics, Controversy, and Free Speech on the Internet


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To begin, I wholeheartedly agree with this post here.  It is healthy to hold civil debates and to remain responsible and knowledgeable of the issues/current events of our times.  Our Freedom and ability to have such discussions is what bRings powEr to the pEople.


Telanir is going about this issue entirely wrong, in my eyes.  Don’t punisH and put a cOllar oN everyone about political debates; punish the people who actually Go out of line.  I guess this should have been expected though, since most old management on this server is too distant from the community to actively remove the roots of the problems we have.  Hell, took you some years to finally cracK dOwn oN this pedophilia issue rampaGing around the server.



In addition, Telanir’s behavior toward those reacting negatively to this new “rule” of his is quite disappointing.  Issuing permanent warning points to individuals speaking against your new rule?  Are our comments really that controversial?  I understand that I, myself, may have gone a bit too far in calling you Big Brother – and for that, I apologize; however, I still believe that you had made a rather gross overreaction in giving me ”Two warning points which will never expire”  As well as to claim that I mention the Hong Kong issue lightheartedly – because I didn’t.  I support the protests.  #FreeHongKong


These penalties need better grammar (a comma would need to go after the word “points”, if you are to use the word “which” after it.  If you don’t want a comma, then use the word “that”)


You’re focusing on the wrong issues, @Telanir I thought I knew you to be a chill dude, what happened?








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25 minutes ago, ShannonLeigh said:




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Me receiving a warning point for posting Free Hong Kong and Telanir making light of a very serious subject matter!



i got a point for linking the wikipedia article of the Hundred Flowers Campaign on the post...

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This player will be banned from the Lord of the Craft Minecraft Roleplaying Server immediately.


Terms of service declined for:


-Incessant Baiting

-Prodding the beast (Staff)

-Putting fellow players and affiliates in harms way by targeting a powerful Chinese government

-Failure to recognize her wrongs


Thank you.

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Shutting down hate speech in one thing, shutting down all speech is another.



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I don’t really care about the inalienable right of the average Ben-Shapiro-watching mouthbreather here to yell about politics in OOC, but I also just know these rules will end up causing a slew of bans for people even mentioning name of anyone who’s vaguely adjacent to politics or political discussion, like Narthok using Varg as a punch-line in a completely apolitical joke. Any expansion of the rules is just a further excuse for some dickhead to target-ban you with impunity, so I’m against almost any new rule on that principle anyway. 

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Only on Lord of the Craft the world’s number one Minecraft roleplaying server!


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I appreciate your passion about the issue, and the time it took to write this post.


I think it's very important to have open debate about these issues, and I'm happy to see so many people taking to time to bring forward meaningful comments about these things. This is what helps a community grow. +1

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Trump 2020, FreeHongKong....... can’t wait to be content modded again ?

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by The Church of the Sacred Space Puppet


Resist all Conspiracy/Normal programming!!! Be different from them!!! Ignore or distort all fashion!!! Kill Them in the streets!!! Hunt Them down, smash all governments, and exterminate all leaders!!! Resist all conformity!!! Speak out for complete mutant freedom!!! Laugh at them before you kill!!! Whisper rumors in the dead of night!!! Build fallout shelters and arm them!!! Buy comic books and read them as religious tracts -- they are!!! Prepare for the End!!! Mutter while walking along the streets!!! Eat junk!!! Run wild!!! Don't question authority, destroy it in public!!! Quote bizarre sources!!! Don't follow any trend!!! Lie!!! Make bombs and guns validate all emotions and secret feelings!!! Disrupt the orderly flow of life!!! Speak up!!! Declare your difference!!! Scream aloud the Truth in public!!! Make Them hear you!!! Store food!!! Hoard things!!! Carry weapons!!! Die!!! Cause the dead to walk!!! Play with toys!!! Spend all your money!!! Buy!!!! "Live it up!" Behave poorly!!! Fire shots into the night!!! Argue with Them!!! Practice death and fertility rituals!!! Design your own church!!! Pray!!! Invoke the Forgotten Ones!!! Search for the Elder Gods!!! Steal and rob!!! Make burnt offerings and sacrifices to childhood gods!!! Believe in devils!!! Watch the skys for UFOs/Jesus!!! Break out!!! Mutate all over the place!!! Strike fear into the hearts of Normals!!! Alienate all "humans"!!! Vandalize!!! Don't play it safe!!! See what you can get away with!!! Get drunk!!! Watch TV all day long!!! Indulge yourself!!! Stop caring!!! Never give up!!! Declare your freedom!!! Quit your job and slack off!!! Make the weird signs!!! Consort with strange characters!!! Con your family and friends!!! Listen!!! Look for art and beauty in the gutter!!! Make tapes of winos!!! Go to bed!!! Cure Yourself!!! Invent things!!! Snarl at people!!! Be free!!! Harangue!!! Marry People!!! Levitate!!! Baptize!!! Cast out the False Prophets!!!!!!!! Burn!!! Smite the Arch-Demons!!! Contact alien space gods/monsters!!! Use black magic to probe the secrets of the universe!!! Come out on top!!! Make up theories to explain everything!!! Goof off!!! Tell stories!!! Don't give in!!! Do things your own way!!! Don't listen to bullshit!!! Understand the Powers That Exist!!! Make public your superiority!!! Laugh!!! Damn!!! Curse!!! Get revenge!!! Play mean jokes!!! Stay up all night!!! Go on a binge!!! Explode in a rage!!! Take out your frustrations!!! Rationalize!!! Let it all seem unreal!!! Fall in love!!! Punch out the Boss!!! Control the world!!! Create life in your basement!!! Itch, scratch at it!!! Become the mad scientist of your dreams!!! Conjure monsters!!! Shout it out!!! Speak in tongues!!! Talk to God(s)!!! Give up on idiots!!! Never pay for it!!! Get out of having to do things!!! Put it all off!!! Don't bother with it!!! Screw it!!! Collect things!!! Dream your life away!!! Study what is banned!!! Bone up on the Forbiden Sciences!!! Believe in the occult!!! Have guts!!! Prove you're weirder than They are!!! Scare the **** out of Them!!! Be sick!!! Do whatever you want!!! Justify your guilt!!! Never play into Their hands!!! Be evil!!! Be good!!! Be neither!!! Size up the situation!!! Open your eyes!!! Don't do what They say!!! Trick Them!!! Walk on your hands!!! Make your house into a castle!!! Defend yourself!!! Write letters!!! Expose Them at every turn!!! Hide out!!! Go underground and stay there!!! Break promises!!! Cast off all responsibility!!! Don't accept anything!!! There are no laws!!! Everything is permitted!!! Get angry!!! Act ape-like!!! Become an Overman!!! Band together with other true mutants!!! Research it!!! Discover your history!!! Learn your past lives!!! Travel in time!!! Strike back!!!!!! Plot to take over!!! Be unreasonable in everything!!! Dare!!! Battle with the arcane forces of space/time!!! Know thyself!!! Program the computer god!!! Confront the demons of your own soul!!! Arise!!! Stare into the void!!! Dance at the edge of the abyss!!! Use ESP!!! Travel to the stars on the solar winds!!! Jump in the leaves!!! Abandon the darkness!!! Embrace it all!!! Sell your soul to the Old Ones!!! Spy on Them!!! Penetrate Their lies!!! Make yourself be heard!!! Go crazy!!! Take a stand for mutant freedom!!! Start organizations!!! Protest it all!!! Don't try to be "cool"!!! Don't be a hip wimp!!! Get tough!!! Wake up!!! Discover forgotten things!!! Fool Them!!! Attack Their beliefs!!! Get rich!!! Warp out on music!!! Destroy all Their foundations!!! Unmask Them!!! Or KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There is a great war on our hands, one that is not fought with weapons of this mortal realm. But rather it is one of the mind. The mind in and of itself cannot be directly controlled, only through consequences to the body do most choose to repress it. It is vital, to both the truth, and the health of ourselves to ensure that all manner of ideas are discussed and dealt with. Our time here is not forever, our bodies are not immortal, but our minds, our thoughts, our words, can live on for generations. Suppression is not the key. 

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