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[Your View] Next Map's Cloud Temple


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I think having a subtle hint to creation myths or something like a nice nature-swept ruin as a spawn point would be nice.


Not a lot of life around, just a nice plain of ruins, a la stonehenge, with a treeline in the distance.

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Unpopular opinion I KNOW but I would like if fast travel was reintroduced at CT so that it’s more convenient to hop between places when our usual RP hub isn’t very active or when people just want to find somewhere new to hang out. We use our soulstones to travel from point a to b anyways and the limited slots are keeping many players from exploring further than their comfort zone rather than encouraging them to navigate the roads. In my experience most new players settle wherever they first visit rather than looking around at the different locations. Perhaps have ft lead close to nations (i.e nearby forks in the road) rather than directly in front of them.

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  1. Dragur Library should absolutely not be at CT, but I’m not opposed to it being something staff endorsed (but not protected)  OUTSIDE of CT. 
  2. CT doesn’t need to be as large as it was this map. There’s so much unused space that nobody’s probably even been to.
  3.  Keep the resource pits at CT. Please for the love of god don’t move them or make them hard to access. 
  4.  Basically what @Hanrahan said. Should direct people to other cities instead of being a protective RP hub.
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Make CT a small Village/Town on the coast where there are boats. People can either choose to RP their characters coming from the land we are in(Arcas) and make up a story of how they were raised, or they can say they arrived by boat to this foreign land. Instead of spawning in a place that is completely unfriendly towards RP.


  • For the first choice of ‘make up a story of how they were raised’, promote community leaders such as Nation Leaders to write very detailed and organized descriptions of their RP community on the forums and wiki.
  • For the second choice of ‘they can say they arrived by boat to this foreign land’, promote new players writing fleshed out backstories for their characters and using the available lore we have, such as Aeldin.

Both of these choices will aid New Players in becoming part of our RP community and easily integrating them into the community. Many new players are commonly rejected from communities because they don’t fit the culture they attempt to join. Obviously, a magic-loving elf isn’t going to have a good time attempting to join a magic-hating culture such as Norland. It does not make sense to just let New Players attempt to join the community without guiding them through the many different Nations and Culture groups, explaining the do’s and don’ts of each group. There isn’t much need for RP in CT, just being a place to spawn, buy items, and be somewhat RP friendly.



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Dragur does not belong in Cloud Temple and never will. ******* keep it away from there, and I won’t give a **** about anything else. 

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14 hours ago, seannie said:

Would be neat to see a Cloud Temple that isnt on the ground, but actually in the Clouds.

Heloooooooooooo!!! ^^^^^^

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I imagine something like a big “tree of life” where player spawn, inside some kind of cave or grotto with an open ceiling and maybe a beacon of light going up into the sky. And then when you leave this sacred place you come into the actual temple, made to look like something very very ancient from ages past, with magic monk statues all arround, kinda like Sovngarde from Skyrim. Instead of snow like the current one, it’s a green fertile valley between high mountains, waterfalls, lots of trees and life, and a cool landscape. At the end of the valley there is a huge ancient, partially destroyed gate. Once you cross it, you then have officially enter the world of lotc.

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I personally do not like the Dragur Library being at the Cloud Temple. By it being there, it further removes the library from the roleplaying player base, due to the Cloud Temple really not being a hub for much roleplay (Not that the Dragur library was either, but still...). Much of the roleplay is out there in the world, beyond the cloud temple, where I think the Dragur Library should be too like it was back in Axios, where it actually had some life to it by players running it completely themselves. Sure the library would have to be involved with outside threats and encounters along with the rest but that to me is much more enjoyable than the library being cast aside, barely visible, and empty at the cloud temple overseen by rarely present monks.

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cloud temple is cool but it’s pretty low. I think with the name “Cloud Temple” It should be a temple like high up asf. The current one is just a hole in the ground, might aswell be ground temple tbh

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For me personally, CT is the place to meet people you usually would never get to meet, and make relationships with people that could be in a nation you didn’t want to be at war with. I also hate how the library is run at CT, and how the magic books are locked away for no one to ever read unless they gain access from the librarians that almost never play those characters. I was ok with the darker magics being locked away as new players have no need to know about them right away. I almost feel like CT should be an abandoned temple, inhabited by whatever resurrects us, but if it were to have a library make it abandoned, with innocent books about magic/old nations/stories/races buried within for people to find. The lore of LoTC should not be hidden from players unless the library is run like a nation library, and the secrets kept by the community not just 2-3 people. Outside of CT I feel there should be a shop, but make it unsafe, and allow for banditry to occur in the trade area outside of CT. 

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Add in monk NPCs near the spawn in point that, when right-clicked, give lore, story, and newbie information. 


"Welcome to Cloud Temple, Descendant. You were near death when we brought you here. Best be careful in the wilds."


"This is a sanctuary for all those seeking respite from the danger in the wilds. When you are ready for adventure, seek out the pillars on the road. They will tell you where to go."


"They have decided to name this land [BLANK]. We escaped here after Arcas fell to the [BLANK]."



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15 minutes ago, Burnsider said:

Add in monk NPCs near the spawn in point that, when right-clicked, give lore, story, and newbie information. 


"Welcome to Cloud Temple, Descendant. You were near death when we brought you here. Best be careful in the wilds."


"This is a sanctuary for all those seeking respite from the danger in the wilds. When you are ready for adventure, seek out the pillars on the road. They will tell you where to go."


"They have decided to name this land [BLANK]. We escaped here after Arcas fell to the [BLANK]."



I really like this idea a lot!

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Perhaps the new Cloud Temple should just be a place for players to do the following:Get resurrected after an rp death. Basic rp and lore info help and tutorial.Not  to be used as a legit rp hub, as that’s what towns and cities are for.Way-station to bigger racial cities/rp hubs for small mina fee or players can simple walk if they wish. Very basic resource area for players to use. Allow you to trade basic materials for minas. Use minas to purchase much harder to obtain materials and decor items.


Edited by Scorpio_Sage
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On 12/14/2019 at 7:24 AM, Rave_Cave_marb said:

Copy and paste Athera’s CT onto next map please.

Current CT is not bad but I don’t like it that much either. Atlas CT worked quite well in my opinion but generally I think Cloud Temples should be downsized. They should not be RP hubs nor tutorial zones. The shops and resource pits are a good thing but the temple itself usually does not serve a lot of purpose other than a global spawn. The CT area itself this map is also way too large. Excluding the building, the forest surrounding it is very big and takes up a lot of space which could be used by players (not to mention the CT ring, which contains some of the best plots of land on the map).


Make the next CT smaller, keep the current practical features it has (npc’s, shops, res pits, mine) but downsize the building itself and the surrounding terrain. Also move the library away from CT again.


I also think that if there was actual monk rp, there should be farms added, too, because i know when i started, i needed food but i didnt have any (until i voted, but that was only a 16 stack). Small, npc’s, shops, pits, mine, farms, and monk rp imo

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In my opinion I think the Temple farms aren’t something that should be, as it already dampens the food industry within the server if you can just endlessly walk around CT for food instead of Rping with towns and cities for it. The constant potato flood is already a strong supplement, so I would just have the bread given by voting and the potatoes be the only ‘free’ source.

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