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[Complete][Ransom] Helena Cardinal, Male


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A missive is sent to all Imperial factions and the cloud temple noticeboards. It would read the following:


“We’ve captured the Cardinal of Helena. He is a prisoner of war. His ransom is 3,000 mina. Pay his ransom and he will not be trialed for heresy in Morsgrad. If his ransom isn’t paid in one saint’s hour he will be sent to Morsgrad for trial.”


The letters were signed by the Count of Darrowmere


[!] The ransom was paid. [!]

Edited by Ggt
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The Premier of Kaedrin reads the missive, his flickered wig askew slightly. He strains against the writing, his already beady eyes squinting at it. 


“I should think to undertake a Morsgradi trial is as interesting an idiom as I have yet heard. You could say Franz Carrion undertook a Morsgradi trial upon himself...or perhaps John the Third, John the Fourth, and John the Sixth. A terrible thing, the old Morsgradi trial. My dear late wife, even, with her consumption, would have done well to undertake one as a remedy.”


He pauses for a moment as Samuel de Langford fails to laugh at his joke. 


“We mustn’t speak ill of the dead, I agree.”

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The Cardinal rests in his apartment within the Basilica, having being rescued by a mysterious benefactor.

“One would think that the Church was a friend to the people, not the enemy which my captors professed it to be. I shall be sure to write an account of this day, and inform the others of the ordeal!”

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[!] The following letter written using a crayon by a noble child would arrive to the Office of the High Pontiff:


”Me and my men do not fight for the Holy Orenian Empire, and I do not share your decision of excommunicating the Kingdom of Suffonia, but due to the fact that the Church is, at least in theory, an independent institution and that I’m a true believer of God and the Canonist Faith,


I inform you that my men, the courlanders, true warriors of God, have bravely rescued your Cardinal from the Lorrainan County and returned him safely to the City of Helena.


I also ask you not to excommunicate the good men of Lorraine for this. Despite the differences that all of us have possibly had with them, they’re good people and brave knights of God.


God bless the Holy Church of True Faith and may God bless us all!


-Signed: Andrew Tobias Staunton of Courland”



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Bhämmil Frostbeard reads the news, letting a long chuckle as he’d exhale the smoke from his wooden pipeA’, da terrorists striken’ agaen? Et would be sad tu see ‘em all crus’ed down e’?he’d smile as he’d throw the missive into his fireplace.

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