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Community Meeting Notes - December 2019


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Community Meeting Notes

~ December 2019 ~


What is a community meeting?

A community meeting is a gathering of representatives from each staff team’s management and the players, where players may ask us questions directly and receive live answers. These meetings take place in the LotC Discord in a voice channel specifically for community meetings. 


Where can I listen to the meeting’s audio recording?

You can find the recording, taken by WonkVibes, of the community meeting here. It’s a bit cut off at the end, but that’s why we have the frequently-asked questions below!





What are the questions most asked during the meeting and their answers?

Will there ever be a permanent map?

No, as map switches provide new stuff, are a good way to introduce new things such as updates and items, and allow for interesting and fun lore events. Also, no one wants the voidal tears to grief up the world forever.


When are we moving to 1.15?

Developers are currently working on it, and it’s the top priority. 


Will Nexus be reintroduced?

As of right now reintroducing Nexus is way far off into the future, but things such as an economy plugin could be looked into in the future.


When will chunks be fixed?



Will Dragur Library be removed from CT?

The future of the Dragur Library is currently being discussed by the administration team, though if you’d like to input your thoughts on next map’s Cloud Temple, please take a look at the Your View for it. You may find the link here:


What’s up with the wiki team?

Currently, the wiki team is opening up to allow players to join up. They will not be considered staff but will get permissions to help with the wiki. This team will be run by the members of the community team’s wiki focus group. If you’re interested in joining up, applications will open soon. An announcement will be sent out when they are. 



That’s a plugin-in that the developers can work on but like, we’re focused on fixing the server. 


When will soulstones be fixed?



When will we get a warclaim?

Celebrate the holidays! You’ll get a warclaim after the holidays and after we fix the server to be able to withstand a warclaim. 


Crossbows when?

If the dev team ever makes them in a way that isn't absolutely broken.


Will makers of lore get an automatically-accepted TA without making one?



Will there ever be dungeons?

We tried and it didn’t really work in terms of making stuff mechanically relating to dungeons. ET have ideas to make CRP dungeons in the future possibly, you’ll have to wait and see.



Where can I give feedback on community meetings and how they’re run?

Check out the community meeting your view post here, where you can submit feedback and discuss how community meetings should be planned and run or if they should even exist: 


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