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[EVENT] Trip To The Past


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RP Name: Mhelon Alonn’len

MC Username: Saffryie

Discord: Saffryie#1001

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Northgate

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Paladin Adventure Time!

What Skills Can You Bring?: Fighting support. Moral support, Medical support, Friendship

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    RP Name:: Vailoen Tresery


MC Username: Delmodan


Discord: Vailoen#2666


What Nation Are You Affliated With?: paladins


Why Do You Wish To Come?: My char was there and seen/been involved of the old events. 


What Skills Can You Bring?: Paladin things, smithing, diplomacy, knowledge, and so on. 





    RP Name:: The Owl Druid


MC Username: Delmodan


Discord: Vailoen#2666


What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Druids


Why Do You Wish To Come?: For my druid, where it all began and where she was attuned. 


What Skills Can You Bring?: knowledge, druidism stuff, staff wacking abilities. 

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RP Name: Hareven Lorenthus

MC Username: A_Keefy

Discord: Keefy#0001

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Druids

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Hareven wishes to learn of things past and accompany his fellow druids 

What Skills Can You Bring: Linguistic specialist, knowledgeable of the workings of several magics, good bodyguard, good murderhobo vibes, good at negotiating and getting along with folks

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RP Name: Xavis Ashwood-Uialben

MC Username: MeteorDragon9000

Discord: Meteor Dragon#8579

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Sutica

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Because I need some things to do during these weeks as I’ll probably be bored, and gotta love character development

What Skills Can You Bring?: Brute Strength, LotsOfFire, Herbs/Medical know how

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RP Name: Cerys

MC Username: Deer__

Discord: Deer#0793


What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Northgate

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Exploration

What Skills Can You Bring?: Largely combat

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RP Name: Damien Menrow

MC Username: Kitsunenokage66

Discord: Kitsune#8984

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Druids

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Damien wishes to support his friends that are going as well as the unique experience to go back to a place that was a large turning point in his life, with so many places that he traveled to it would be an amazing character development arc for him. Plus the idea of it is unique and amazing!

What Skills Can You Bring?: Damien is a very skilled hunter with various basic skills, and is also a very skilled swimmer. Providing the party with fresh food or information on various beasts they might encounter, and able to support others emotionally with his positive outlook in dire situations.

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RP Name: Elnirith

MC Username: Thmislkwswhretis

Discord: Snow#7181

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Sutica

Why Do You Wish To Come?: So my character could experience PTSD to it’s fullest.

What Skills Can You Bring?: Kung fu fighting

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RP Name:: Naler

MC Username: Endaaron

Discord: Sad Corgo Boat D8#7289

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Other~ (The Wisteria Conclave/Small Guild)

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To learn about the land and adventure

What Skills Can You Bring?: Great archer, herbal knowledge

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RP Name: Rickard of Carnatia

MC Username: GildedDuke

Discord: Gilded#1905

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Other~

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Adventure; the typical answer. But also to explore and retrace the steps of those who came before. I have a daring ambition to visit the ruins of the Kingdom of Akovia and the County of Siegrad.

What Skills Can You Bring?: Skilled swordsman and proficient sorcerer – Master Arcanist.

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RP Name::Alaric

MC Username: GoldEatingCommie 


What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Haelunor

Why Do You Wish To Come?: For knowledge and experience

What Skills Can You Bring?: Musical skill, Organisation and knowledge on different environments 

Edited by Firephantom37
Not enough information
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RP Name::


MC Username:




What Nation Are You Affliated With?:

The Druidic Order

Why Do You Wish To Come?:

I created my character and joined in Athera. I’d like the opportunity for her to retrace her steps of old paths and explore what became of the continent after the departure of the Descendants, particularly Druidic and Wood Elf landmarks.

What Skills Can You Bring?:

Elven literacy, knowledge of pre-exodus terrain, some Atheran history, healing arts, leg

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RP Name::Cassim Ambrose

MC Username: Commander_Jester

Discord: CrazyMCranium#5378

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Northgate – Paladins

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Initiate wishes to aid Paladins

What Skills Can You Bring?: Some sword and shield experiences, also parental if children are coming along for some reason...

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RP Name:: Bolon 

MC Username: DarkElfs

Discord: DarkElfs#1259

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Mix but mainly Sutica.

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Rare chance to visit a land close to forgotten. Who wouldn’t wish to come and see what may lay under the ruins of such past life of us descendants? 

What Skills Can You Bring?: Uh, druid and a good meat shield. Willing be first scout into dangerous lands when needed or to punch and or shield as needed. Also got the cigs for those in need.

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RP Name:: Erick

MC Username: Archipelego

Discord: Archipelego#7156

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Northgate

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Assist in whatever ventures I may but particularly to be a useful companion to my fellow Paladins.

What Skills Can You Bring?: My skill as a Paladin and a fighter, as well as a deep knowledge of survival when isolated from civilization.

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RP Name: Amaryllis Taliame’onn

MC Username: SorairoDays

Discord: Sora#7125

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Druids

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To explore the aged landscape and to mostly record notes of the encounters experienced upon the travels. As well as to assist fellow members of the Druidic Order that comes along as well.

What Skills Can You Bring?: Basic medical skills (keep stable until help arrives) , a sword, common sense, puns that make Prince Feanor look tamed, and well sanity.

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      why do jammed doors take 1+ hour to un-jam...

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      How do we get there? How did you get here, by the way?' [Will asked].
      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
      'Do you ever,' the older Ranger said with great deliberation, 'manage to ask just one question at a time? Or does it always have to be multiple choice with you?'
      Will looked at him in surprise. 'Do I do that?' he asked. 'Are you sure?'
      Halt said nothing. He raised his hands in a 'See what I mean?' gesture...
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      'Thank you for pointing that out, Lord Selethen,' Halt said with icy formality.

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