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Korvic, we’re all here behind you. As much as I personally have probably been a pain to you cause I’m a dumbass, I couldn’t be more grateful for how much you’ve put into the server. 


Keep being an angel, We love you?

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Wow they should give you admin perms already

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7 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

If we’re going back to having a profession system, a good way to make it not grindy is by imposing limits on how much can be produced per day by a member of said profession. Just like how the Energy system of late Axios Nexus removed the grind-ness of crafting professions by making things instantaneous yet limited in quantity, a similar system could be used in a future profession system to have professions be worthwhile without having them get grinded a ton.


Miners could only mine a certain amount of ores in the mining world before ores won’t drop when broken, Lumberjacks can only chop a certain number of trees before wood stops dropping, etc.


If people are spending too much time gathering/crafting materials and are complaining about it, the production limit could be lowered (with the quantity of goods required for crafting modified to keep the economy in a similar situation). If people spend too little time gathering/crafting materials and want to spend more, the limit can be raised.


This allows there to be resource scarcity without grinding. In Nexus, if a material was vital to PvP or production, it would be grinded a crud load no matter how difficult or time consuming it was to produce until supply was the same as demand. If production were artificially limited, grinding those materials would be impossible, supply would not meet demand, prices would be high, labor costs would be equally high, and the Developers could tweak things as needed to avoid massive amounts of high-end gear/materials making cheaper equipment/materials obsolete, materials being held in surplus instead of being sold, etc.


Obviously some materials should be able to be produced infinitely. Basic foods/building materials (and maybe even basic PvP gear) should be craftable by everyone so nobody starves and building isn’t ridiculously expensive. If something provides an edge in PvP or economic activity, it should be affected by the profession production limits so that not everyone can constantly use the best armor, the best tools, etc.


This also would create a pretty decent economy, since it ties production to a finite labor supply that doesn’t suddenly double as everyone grinds a ton to support a war. Since both new and old players would start out with the same production limits (maybe production limits could increase somewhat as the player uses the profession more, thus letting people who like the profession and use it a lot get more enjoyment from it?), new players would be relevant in the economy and wouldn’t be overshadowed by veteran grinders.


Let’s model this type of economy:

((Sorry for using Labor Theory of Value, but since production in Minecraft (and especially LOTC) is mainly limited by labor instead of capital, it’s the most useful for describing things. Capital costs in LOTC are very small, even with a profession system))

Assume the following conditions:

-Everybody who has a profession and actively uses it until they hit production cap produced 1 Labor Unit of materials.

-Let’s say there are three different types of equipment, equipment A, B, and C.

-Equipment A is the most expensive but most effective. (Think of Enchanted Steel items/Enchanted Iron armor in Nexus)

-Equipment B is less effective/expensive than Equipment A, but more effective/expensive than equipment C. (Think of Steel items/Iron armor in Nexus)

-Equipment C is the cheapest but least effective equipment. (Think of plain ol’ Iron tools and Chain armor in Nexus)

-It costs 2 Labor Units for someone to constantly PvP, mine, farm, etc. using Equipment A, 1 Labor Unit for Equipment B, and .5 Labor Units for Equipment B.

If everybody in a settlement of 100 people both produce and consume materials, the following distributions are possible:

-50 (If tools aren’t free, less than 50) people consume Equipment A, there are not enough resources for the others to consume equipment not absolutely necessary for them to produce 1 Labor Unit.

-All 100 people consume Equipment B, there is no surplus or shortage of materials.

-All 100 people consume Equipment C. There is a surplus of 50 Labor Units of materials that can be exported.

The different types of equipment should be balanced so that Equipment C is the most cost effective (highest performance when compared to its cost), Equipment B is best in the long term (provides the most performance with what you’re capable of producing), and Equipment A is the best in the short term (provides the most performance when you have a surplus of resources to burn)


Obviously, not everyone in a community will use the same equipment. Those who own market stalls and hire others for a profit will probably have enough for Equipment A, those who don’t make such investments but have good jobs, are self employed, etc. could comfortably use Equipment B, those who are unemployed or otherwise impoverished will use Equipment C or nothing at all.


Thus, I think that imposing production limits to stop grinding would still make for an interesting economy concerning the distribution of what is produced and strategies surrounding it. When there are few threats and people don’t mind feeling poor, C-level PvP gear could be used to save up a surplus of materials when it’s needed. During prolonged wars of attrition, B-level PvP gear is the most effective for what a group of people can sustain indefinitely. In short bursts of fighting that will be determined by only a few battles, A-level PvP gear is the best that can be put on the battlefield during those few battles.


Similar concepts could apply to tools (although A-level tools would probably be the most cost effective, since otherwise they wouldn’t be used), food, maybe even building materials, items useful in RP (simple flavor items for everyday use vs extravagant items to impress your friends), and more.


All of this is theoretically achievable whilst making grinding physically impossible without the abuse of loopholes.



I love how I passed Economics class and still did not understand anything you said.

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I love how this guy is barely scraping together getting the server in a functional state and you clowns are sweating over your exact desires for nexus 


code it yourself if you think that **** is remotely easy

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Thankyou for an update mate, this is all we’ve asked for! Good to see some transparency from the staff.. Keep at it, you’re bloody appreciated that’s for sure.

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ur a saint for the work ur doing


that said please don't add a professions system. none of us have the time to sweat day and night just to craft viable pvp gear anymore

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Korvic, you’re a bean and we love and appreciate you a LOT for your work. ❤️

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10 hours ago, Treaty said:

Let’s replace Telanir with Korvic 


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14 hours ago, Korvic said:


I’m not gonna lie, I was avoiding making a post because I didn’t really have much to report on the matter up until this point that wasn’t just vague and possibly misleading. I don’t wanna do that to people.

If you gonna make a profession system. PLEASE INCLUDE JEWELLERY!!!! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU. ❤️

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6 hours ago, Language said:



I love how I passed Economics class and still did not understand anything you said.

Ask @Papa Liam he’d be able to explain it better than I. He’s actually taking a crud load of Economics classes in College whereas I’m just using Wikipedia knowledge and my observations of how Minecraft/the server operates.

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32 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

Ask @Papa Liam he’d be able to explain it better than I. He’s actually taking a crud load of Economics classes in College whereas I’m just using Wikipedia knowledge and my observations of how Minecraft/the server operates.


Actual economist here. What NotEvil said is actually pretty damn accurate. It's supply-side economics set to the extreme, but that's pretty helpful in a contained economy like a Minecraft server. 

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15 hours ago, Boruto said:

I genuinely miss the experience of having to track down the steps of that old master-smith to have him forge me a blade of certain alloys. It was tiresome, sure, but it had positively driven me to interact with the populace, and made the notion of professionialism less arbitrary and free-form than now. Guild members had to branch out back in the day, becaue otherwise their company would be missing in some respect. But on the contrary now, everyone in the guild can be the cook, the smith, and the badass one-eyed scarred fighter who breached and emerged from the bowels of war unscathed, and later named the butcher of what have you. It’s fucked.


nobody bothers with the local blacksmith or baker in these trying times because anyone can be their own master of all trades, and without any practical deterrents at that. Nexus had its flaws, but ngl, it brings back some of my fondest memories in this server. It kept things on a leash.


Nobody bothered with the local blacksmith regardless. Each nation/group picked their couple of grinders who they’d funnel resources into to get them up to Aengulic as fast as possible, and every other player was SOL. Good luck trying to rank up in blacksmithing as a random guy when you needed thousands upon thousands of mina worth of iron, and you had no way of earning all that money since you were too **** to sell your crafts. Meanwhile the state-sponsored blacksmiths got all their resources for free and laughed their way to the bank(before dying of a blood clot from sitting in front of their PC for 3 weeks straight no-lifing the grind). After they let you allocate skill-points it got better, but then people just started using multiple personas to be a jack-of-all-trades, making the whole idea of the plugin fairly pointless.


The local “baker”’s job consisted of handing out food to the poor guys going ((food please)) every 2 minutes. Thrilling RP there. 

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3 hours ago, argonian said:



 It made sense for a smith with hard upbringing to face greater difficulties settling in the craft than another that was entirely funded. It’s supply and demand. Why should the two be met with the same obstacles when one is needed to provide for a nation and the other’s not?

The grinding aside, nexus in concept could’ve paved the road for a lot of RP — and whether or not people like you took that into their advantage is beside the point, it provided the potential, and I’d take that over this broken bandits’ heaven anytime.


I’m not asking for nexus, it’s long gone and I couldn’t care less at this point.

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29 minutes ago, Boruto said:


 It made sense for a smith with hard upbringing to face greater difficulties settling in the craft than another that was entirely funded. It’s supply and demand. Why should the two be met with the same obstacles when one is needed to provide for a nation and the other’s not?

The grinding aside, nexus in concept could’ve paved the road for a lot of RP — and whether or not people like you took that into their advantage is beside the point, it provided the potential, and I’d take that over this broken bandits’ heaven anytime.


I’m not asking for nexus, it’s long gone and I couldn’t care less at this point.

Yeah so instead of having local blacksmiths like you said, instead you just have these few huge grinders who supply/sell to everyone while the majority of players are utterly useless. Fantastic. Messaging darksalvo on Skype to make me and the boys some sets of armour because none of us can do it ourselves is truly the pinnacle of RP. 


And how exactly is this bandits’ heaven? Back in the days of Nexus PVP gear, a couple well armed bandits(or even just shittily armed bandits on horseback) could take out the entire town guard and win fights massively outnumbered. Now the playing field is levelled so that people who don’t spend all day gathering loot still have a chance – but that’s bandits’ heaven somehow???

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