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[Event] Helvo's Map


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Helvo’s Map






Word would get around involving the man known as ‘Helvo’

It’s said that after a failed attack on the city Rosenyr, Helvo got careless and left behind a map leading to some place in Korvassa

Perhaps one would be able to find their missing riches where this map lead..

Maybe it held something magical for those willing to visit?

Haense may be able to find their lost artifact!

It’s unknown what lies there

only that it will be worth the trip..


OOC: This event will take place on the 18th of January and shall start at 2pm EST. It will be held in Korvassa at the cords -696 60 729

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Keara, lying on a beach bench on one of the many beaches of Sutica, would seem to have a twisted face of curiosity, as then the young woman would softly stir her wine glass, filled with red wine, as of then she would had commented to herself. “Hm, seems interesting, I should go, nothing else to do in this city. as she’d finish she would take in a deep sigh, making another nice stir in a calm manner with her wine glass, finally taking a sip.

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Amir would examine the map that they received from the fight against Helvo "This bastard better not come again and attack my tavern…" He would then proceed to leave the map on the counter and head back home to rest

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