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[Announcement] Fantasy High, our new Roleplaying Genre!


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Attractions of Fantasy High include....

-Magical studies classrooms! No longer shall magic be held in a clique! It’ll be completely useless since people will use guns and the power of friendship instead, but who cares!

-Spas, resorts, casinos, you name it! Perfect for Erotic Roleplay relaxation!

-Vending Machines that sell fully automatic weapons!

-Nations to be replaced with Student Councils and Clubs that have way too much power!

-Cringe! Lots and lots of cringe!

-Edgy anime characters naruto running everywhere!

-12 year olds who mentally behave like 5 year olds!


Join Fantasy High today!




Gender Identity:

How much anime do you watch:

Are you an epic gamer:

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents:

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? )

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Name: dRfATE786

Gender Identity: TRaIn TRuCk

How much anime do you watch: mE LiKE EnGlISH DuB!

Are you an epic gamer: YoU bET!

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents:


I wAS b0rN A frAteRnaL TwYn, 0nE oF uS wAs THe mIstAkE.


What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? )


mE LiKE TraINZ11!!!1

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Name: wukio13 uwu

Gender Identity: Agender!!! hehe

How much anime do you watch: I rly like Fruits basket :333

Are you an epic gamer: NO uwu 

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: I’m a soft egirl can I skip this :33333

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ??

**** u I’ll smack u about with a CHAIR. HEEHEE

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i sell pills outside the bike shelter

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Name: joe

Gender Identity: attack helicopter

How much anime do you watch: every season of jojo

Are you an epic gamer: yes i love fortnite

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents:

yes i love fortnite

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? )

joe mama lmao gottem

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Name: Stawrfewlt

Gender Identity: Star-KWIN!

How much anime do you watch: Attack on titans and sword art online are the BEST! OWO

Are you an epic gamer: I ONLY PLAY MAPLE STORY! RAWR!

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: Hehe, do i really haaave too?! ;3

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ?)
I once accidentally choked on my own tongue.. ;3 ;3 hehe

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Name: Hans

Gender Identity: Glorious National Socialist Communist

How much anime do you watch: All of it

Are you an epic gamer: The EPICST

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: They disowned me

They disowned me

They disowned me

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? ) Like none

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Name: xxCoolGuyxx

Gender Identity: Whiteknight

How much anime do you watch: I only wach hentai

Are you an epic gamer: yes m’lady

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: I love wearing trenchcoats and katanas and fedoras and watching anime and women but if they teject me fucm yhem theyre the fucmi h. Shrbshevcvw *******

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? ) 

why dont women like me?

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Name: Vending Machine Number Six

Gender Identity: A Vending Machine

How much anime do you watch: Only watching Doritos Fall out of me 

Are you an epic gamer: I bring Doritos and Mountain Dew

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: My mom wanted me to have a real job but I just wanted coins 

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? ) I’m waiting for an item to get stuck so I can finally get hit

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4 minutes ago, Liv said:


Name: Vending Machine Number Six

Gender Identity: A Vending Machine

How much anime do you watch: Only watching Doritos Fall out of me 

Are you an epic gamer: I bring Doritos and Mountain Dew

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: My mom wanted me to have a real job but I just wanted coins 

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? ) I’m waiting for an item to get stuck so I can finally get hit

I, xxcoolguyxx, am in love. i yearn for the dew of mountins and the powerchips

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Name: Adolf Stalin

Gender Identity: Aryan

How much anime do you watch: The Japanese are our glorious allies, I consume all of their media

Are you an epic gamer: Of course

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: They do not understand my glorious NazBol ideology

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? ) Yes

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Name: Thog

Gender Identity: Dont Caare

How much anime do you watch: A like a few or or li

Are you an epic gamer: who?

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: okay

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? ) Who i

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Name: YeetMan15k

Gender Identity: Dwarven City

How much anime do you watch: All of it

Are you an epic gamer: No, I’m too epic to be that category

Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: That’s what she said

What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? ) What is maturity?

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